Family First Ch. 10


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"What can I say? Kids these days only care about drinking and sex."

"And rock and roll, right?" Ray asked as he slid out from underneath her and got back on his feet.

She shrugged. "Eh, I could take it or leave it."

He shook his head in exaggerated disgust. "Kids these days..."

Christina watched with interest as Ray popped the cork on the champagne bottle and poured them each a glass.

"Seriously, though," he said. "This is a special occasion. We're not going to make a habit of drinking in this house. Not until you turn twenty-one at least."

"I know, Dad... Jeez," Christina replied, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

Ray smiled. "Aw, there she is. That's the Christina I know and love."

He handed her a glass and took a seat next to her on the bed with his back up against the headboard. She quickly moved to join him, being extra careful not to spill.

"To a perfect night with my perfect daughter," he said, holding the glass out in front of him.

"--and a perfect Dad," Christina added as she clinked her glass against his and took a sip.

This was Christina's first taste of alcohol other than a few sips of beer she'd had at her friend, Meghan's house earlier in the school year. She'd found the taste utterly disgusting, so it came as a pleasant surprise when the fizzy concoction hit her taste buds.

"Mmm! This is good!" she exclaimed, before taking another big gulp.

"Easy! Easy!" Ray said, chuckling a bit as he gently restrained her hand with his own. "Sip it slowly. This stuff will go to your head faster than you might think."

Christina blushed and nodded. "Okay... sorry..." This time she took a much smaller sip.

They sat there, for several long minutes, sipping their drinks in companionable silence until Ray finally said, "Would you like to open your present now?"

"Ooh! Yes! Present time!" Christina replied. The small amount of alcohol she'd consumed was already making her feel lightheaded and silly.

Grinning at her silly behavior, Ray quickly produced the small black package and handed it to his daughter. Setting the champaign aside, Christina went to work, quickly removing the outer wrapping to reveal a small clamshell jewelry case. Her heart beat faster as she slowly opened the box, revealing a single pearl suspended from a simple yet elegant silver chain. Removing it carefully, she held the necklace up to the light.

"Do you like it?" Ray asked, sounding more than a little vulnerable and unsure of himself.

"Oh, Dad... How could you even ask that? It's beautiful."

"I know you've never liked fancy jewelry, but I saw this and thought it would look perfect on you. And before you ask -- No. Your mom didn't help me pick it out."

Christina could see that just from looking at it. This was not the sort of thing her mother would ever have thought to buy for her. She blinked back tears as she stared back at him, once again overwhelmed by how incredibly warm and loved she felt while in her father's presence.

"I love it, Dad, and I love you even more. Will you help me put it on?"

"I'd love to," he said as he scooched behind her and fastened the chain behind her neck. From over her shoulder, Ray watched her reflection in Diane's vanity mirror. "You look beautiful, Pun'kin," he whispered.

His warm breath against her sensitive skin neck made Christina tremble. Turning to face him, Christina fell into his arms. Her lips quickly found his as she lost herself in his warm embrace. She put as much love and affection into that kiss as she could muster, knowing that it would only amount to a small fraction of what she actually felt in her heart.

"Thank you, Dad," she said, sighing as they finally separated. "Not just for the necklace, but for all of this -- For tonight. It was really, really perfect."

"It was perfect for me too, Pun'kin, but don't thank me just yet. The night's still young after all."

"Oh yeah?" she asked, suddenly intrigued. "What else did you have in mind?"

Just thinking about going another round with her dad sent a flood of moisture to Christina's pussy and made her nipples crinkle and swell in anticipation.

"Well... nothing quite yet," Ray said, blushing as his gaze fell to his cock, which hung soft and flaccid against between his legs.

"Aww, Did I wear your little guy out?" she asked as she reached over and wrapped her fingers around his limp penis.

Ray grinned. "He just needs a little down time. Give him a few minutes, and he'll be more than ready to play again."

"Well what should we do while we wait?" Christina asked with the most dramatic pout she could muster.

"Why don't you tell me about the rest of your day? How did your talk with Danny go?"

The question caught her by surprise, and it took her brain a second to catch up. Her afternoon and evening had been such a rollercoaster ride of sexual activity that she'd barely given any thought to all the looming pitfalls that came along with falling head over heels for a family member. Suddenly, all of her lingering fears about Danny and Olivia came bubbling back to the surface.

After a long pause, she finally gave a slow nod. "It went okay, I guess..."

"Just okay?"

"No. It was good. Better than good, really," she replied, her expression brightening, if only a little. "You and Mom were right. Clearing the air really helped..."


"But things are still really complicated..."

She hesitated yet again, but Ray stayed quiet, giving her the space she needed to put her thoughts in order. It was one of the many things she loved about him.

"He said all the right things -- that he doesn't regret anything, that he loves me, and that he wouldn't go back and change a thing, even if he could."

"So what's the problem? Do you not believe him?"

"No. I believe him. The real problem is that I can't stop thinking that I'm getting in the way of him having a normal life."

"And what about you?"

Christina wrinkled her nose in confusion. "What about me?"

"What if you're the one who wants a 'normal life' someday?" Ray asked, using air-quotes for emphasis.

"I'm pretty sure that's never going to happen," she replied, her cheeks flushing red as she pictured Danny's smiling face. "I just feel so safe and comfortable and loved when I'm with him. I guess on some level I've always felt that way, but now its like all those feelings have been turned up to eleven. This is going to sound incredibly corny, but I really feel like he completes me -- like he makes me my best self."

"What you and I just did was incredibly hot --" she continued, blushing harder as she looked down at her cum-smeared pussy. "But it's different with Danny. When he fucks me, it's like we're connected -- like we're one thing. I can't imagine ever wanting or needing anyone else."

"I know that feeling all too well," Ray said, smiling dreamily as his mind filled with thoughts of his beautiful wife. "But what makes you so sure that Danny doesn't feel the exact same way?"

"Because I saw the look in his eye when I brought Olivia into the conversation. He denied it, but I could tell that he was still interested in her. The worst part is that I can't even blame him. She's one of the nicest girls I've ever met, and she's insanely gorgeous. They'd be so perfect together if I wasn't standing in his way. I told him that we'd still have each other no matter what happened in the future, but honestly... I'm not sure I could take it. The thought of not having him in my bed -- of not ever feeling him inside of me ever again just hurts too much to bear... I know I'm selfish, but I don't know if I'm ready to feel that kind of pain."

Christina had never been one for maudlin speeches, but once she started talking, she couldn't seem to stop. It struck her just a moment too late that her dad had been right about the champagne. It really had gone straight to her head.

"I'm sorry, Pun'kin," Ray replied, switching into full-on Dad mode as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into a tight embrace. "You're not selfish, and you deserve to be happy just as much as anyone else, more so in my personal opinion," he added with a wry smile. "But have you considered that maybe you're thinking about this whole thing the wrong way? Sure, your relationship is complicated, but whose isn't? A lot of people spend their whole lives looking for the kind of love you and Danny share, and not many of them find it."

"Think about it," he continued. "How many couples are lucky enough to be with someone who's been their best friend for their entire life? You and Danny know each other better than anyone else possibly could. That kind of trust and companionship takes some couples a lifetime to achieve. Plus, look at everything you've already overcome. Just getting together in the first place took a huge leap of faith, and that's ignoring the way you've safely navigated through all the unique complications that come along with being members of our fucked up little clan."

As he spoke, Christina's frown slowly turned into a big, goofy grin. By the time he finished, she looked like she was about to burst into a bout of intense giggling.

"What's so funny?"

"You saying that just reminded me of how nervous Danny was about you and I having sex. We talked it through, though, and I think he's okay with it now. More than okay, actually. I think it kind of turns him on thinking about me fucking other men."

"It sounds like Danny and I have something in common," Ray said. This time it was his cheeks that flushed red as he admitted out loud that he got a kick out of his wife's slutty behavior. Quickly regaining his composure, he said, "It just proves my point, though. That kind of thing would tear most couples apart, but you and Danny have taken it all in stride. As long as you're both willing to fight for each other, I'd say you have a better chance of making it work than most people do, unusual circumstances and all."

"Thanks Dad..." Christina said as she nuzzled her face against his chest. "You always make me feel better..."

"That's what dads are for," he replied, with a warm smile.

"What should I do about Olivia, though?" she asked.

"I don't think there are any right or wrong answers, Pun'kin. You just have to do whatever you think is right and trust in the strength of your relationship. At the end of the day, it's going to be Danny who has to decide, but if I've learned anything over the last week it's that if you love someone, you have to trust them. When your mom first told me about her interest in incest, I was terrified that it could destroy our relationship, or worse, our whole family. Now I'm naked in bed with my daughter while my wife is next door getting balled by your boyfriend, and our relationship has never been stronger."

"No matter what happens, you and Danny are never going to have a normal relationship. What that relationship actually ends up looking like, though, is entirely up to you. I'm sure as long as you both keep trusting each other and keep loving each other, then things will turn out even better than you ever could have imagined."

It wasn't exactly the answer she'd been hoping for, but her father's words gave her something even more important: hope. It was hard to imagine what her future with Danny would look like, but somehow, his faith in her made a happy ending feel just a little bit more possible than it had before.

"How'd I get so lucky to have you as my dad?" she asked, smiling sweetly up at him.

"I've asked myself the same question about you every day since the moment you came into this world. Besides, I thought we went over this already and decided that I was the lucky one," he said, grinning as he leaned forward and planted a lingering kiss on his lips.

"I guess we're both just lucky, then."

"I guess so..."

Christina leaned further into her father's kiss, and for a long time, they gently explored each other's mouths, the feeling of mutual warmth and closeness providing the perfect antidote to her troubled thoughts. Without breaking contact, she crawled more fully into his lap, sighing as she felt his strong arms pull her into his loving embrace. Their kisses were unhurried at first, but grew steadily more passionate and forceful with each passing moment. Before long, Christina began to feel the soaked walls of her cunt start to pulse and contract in anticipation of another good, hard fucking.

Before she had a chance to push things further, though, Ray broke their kiss and gave her a smile that was tinged with love and intense desire.

"So, what else happened this afternoon?" he asked.

Christina smiled nervously through her rapidly reddening cheeks. Her mind flashed back to all the nasty things she'd done with her cousin and his parents just a few hours earlier and wondered whether her dad was actually prepared to hear just how much of a sexually depraved maniac his daughter had become. At the same time, it struck her that there was no better time than the present to find out.

"Are you sure you want to hear about it? Some of it is kind of..." she hesitated a beat before saying, "-- kind of slutty..."

Ray frowned and said, "You better tell me all about it, then. And don't leave anything out, either. You know that Daddy always can tell when you're lying."

Despite his serious tone of voice, the warm twinkle in his eyes and the playful lilt in his voice made Christina shiver with excitement. His intentions couldn't have been more clear. He wanted to play a game with her, one where she would play the part of his sweet, dumb little slut -- the cute, not-so-innocent little girl that loved her daddy more than anything in the world and would do anything and everything to please him. The fact that she really was his daughter, and she really did want to please him in ways that no respectable daughter ever should only added to the dirty thrill.

Christina looked up at him, and did her best impression of a little girl who was terrified of disappointing her father. "I could never lie to you, Daddy! But... do you promise not to be angry with me?" she asked, her eyes wide with concern.

Ray gave a stern nod and said, "I promise. But only if you tell me everything, and I do mean everything."

Despite doing his best to maintain his composure, Ray couldn't quite rid himself of the trembling excitement in his voice. As he spoke, he placed his hand on Christina's knee, eliciting a quiet mewling sound from his daughter. He didn't stroke or squeeze her, but merely rested his palm on her stocking-clad leg. In response to his touch, Christina shifted her weight, so she was sitting sideways in his lap. In this position, he could support her back with his left arm while giving his right hand more freedom to explore the sensitive flesh of her inner-thigh.

She hesitated a moment, biting her lower lip in concentration before saying, "Well it all started when I went to see Danny after breakfast. It was the strangest thing... when I went inside, Aunt Mary was working in the kitchen, but she was all naked!"

The corners of Ray's lips turned up into a knowing smile as he realized that Christina was more than willing to play along with him. At the same time, his eyes glazed over as his head filled with images of his sister doing her housework in the buff.

"She told me they were having a 'family naked day' and that we would all have fun together if I took my clothes off, too."

Of course, Mary had said nothing of the sort, but Christina thought it made for a better story. She was already getting into her role as daddy's innocent little slut, and if she had to bend the truth a bit in the service of that fantasy, then so be it.

"Did you do it?" Ray asked.

Christina nodded shyly. "You said that I should always obey Aunt Mary when I'm over at her house..."

Ray nodded. "It's always good to follow the rules. Was it just you and your aunt?"

"At first..." Christina said, hesitating and casting her eyes downward in exaggerated embarrassment. "But once my clothes were all off, Uncle Tim came downstairs and he... well... he saw my... privates." When Ray didn't immediately respond, she looked upward and met his wide-eyed gaze. "I know you said that boys aren't supposed to see me naked. You're not angry with me, are you?"

"Of course not, Pun'kin," Ray said with a reassuring smile. "You were just trying to be a good girl and do what your Aunt told you to."

"I do always try to be a good girl..."

"What was it like being naked in front of your aunt and uncle?"

Christina hesitated yet again. "It felt... funny..."

"Funny how?"

She demurred, intentionally avoiding Ray's unwavering gaze. "It's embarrassing, Daddy..."

"Remember your promise, Pun'kin. You said you'd tell me everything." He gave her thigh an encouraging squeeze and started gently rubbing his thumb back and forth over her lightly freckled flesh, enjoying the way she trembled in response to his touch.

"Well Uncle Tim's... thing... was so big and so hard. I knew I shouldn't look at it... but I just couldn't stop. Every time I saw it, my chest would get all achy and the spot between my legs got so hot and wet..."

Christina felt her father shift uncomfortably beneath her, and sure enough, moments later, she felt the unmistakable sensation of his hardness pressing firmly against the cheeks of her ass. He wasn't the only one who was getting turned on. Her pussy was soaked, and she knew it wouldn't be long before her wet thighs started leaking down into his lap.

"Well that's nothing to be embarrassed about," he said. "It's normal to feel excited when you see someone's naked body. I feel the same way when I look at Mommie's body, too."

"Hmmm... I guess that makes sense," she said, nodding slowly. "Mommy is really pretty..." She hesitated another long moment before finally saying, "Is that why your thing is hard right now? Do you think I'm pretty like Mommy?"

Tim coughed and sputtered in surprise, which in turn, made Christina giggle.

"Sorry, Daddy. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"It's okay, sweetie," he said. "It's just that well... yes, it does make me excited to see my little girl's naked body. You're turning into a beautiful young woman."

"Aw, thanks!" she exclaimed as she angled her neck upward and planted a warm kiss on his cheek, after which, her expression turned more serious. "I can still be your little Pun'kin, though... right?"

"You'll always be my little Pun'kin," he said with an authoritative nod.

Christina beamed back at him. "And you'll always be my daddy."

"Good," Ray said, his smile reflecting all of his daughter's love right back at her. "And now that that's settled, why don't you finish telling me what happened with your aunt and uncle."

As they spoke, Ray's hand drifted further and further up his daughter's leg, until his fingertips rested right at the crease between her upper thigh and her pubic bone, just barely grazing the springy thatch of hair that covered her sex. Despite their playful banter, Christina was burning up inside. She wanted more than anything to feel those warm fingers exploring the yawning emptiness between her legs.

"I don't know if I can... I was really bad, Daddy..." she said, squirming against his touch. A slight blush rose to her cheeks as her mind filled once more with images of her aunt, uncle, and cousin fucking every hole in her body.

"Let me be the judge of that," Ray replied as he gave her thigh another firm squeeze. "Now tell me the truth. Did you and Uncle Tim just look at each other... or did you do... more?"

"More..." Christina mumbled, her eyes once again cast down in overwrought embarrassment and shame. "It was just so strange being naked with them, and my tummy was all fluttery every time I looked at Uncle Tim's thing--"