Family First Ch. 11


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"Because this whole thing is my fault!" Christina exclaimed. "If I hadn't been such a nosy, cynical bitch, then maybe you'd have a girlfriend that you could actually tell people about and be proud of -- someone you could kiss in the hallways and hold hands with without looking over your shoulder to make sure no one is watching!"

"I've seen the way you light up whenever I mention her name," she continued, choking back unexpected tears. "You try to hide it because you're sweet, and you want to spare my feelings, but I know you — probably better than anyone else — and I know you still have feelings for her. She would make you so happy, too. There are so many things she could do for you that I'll never be able to, and I feel so awful and selfish for wanting to keep you all to myself."

"I'm just so fucking afraid of losing what we have together. Whenever you're not around, I feel like something's missing in my life — like I'm not whole. You make me happier than I've ever been or could ever imagine being, and it kills me to think that any part of that happiness comes at the expense of your own... I just... I just don't know what to do..."

Before she could say anymore, her sobs completely overwhelmed her, leaving her unable to speak. Danny stared dumbly back at her for a moment, completely shocked by this emotional outburst that, to him, seemed to have come out of nowhere. When the surprise wore off, though, he pulled her into a silent, loving embrace. He held her there for several long minutes, letting the heat of the moment pass as he gently caressed her skin and ran his fingers through her hair.

"I'm sorry, Christina," he finally said. "I didn't know... I mean I did know how you felt about me, but I didn't realize this was tearing you up inside so badly. I'm sorry if I said or did anything that made you think, even for a second, that I regret any part of the life we're making together. Sure, maybe if we hadn't jumped to conclusions about Olivia things might have turned out differently, but I can't imagine any outcome that would make me happier than the way things are right now. You're not a limitation on my life, Christina. You're the best thing that's ever happened to it."

Christina pulled back and looked him in the eyes. "So you really wouldn't want to be with her if you had the opportunity?" she sniffed, her voice still shaky and weak.

He thought about it for a second, then shrugged. "There are lots of things I'd want to do if I 'had the opportunity'" he said, using finger quotes for emphasis. "In fact, I've done quite a few of them this week," he added with the barest hint of a playful smile. "But, no. I wouldn't want to be with Olivia — not if it meant giving up any part of the life we have together. Honestly, the fact that someone like Olivia has finally noticed me is a bit of an ego boost. But that's all it is." He paused for a second before saying, "Tell the truth, if our positions were reversed, and I came to you saying that Olivia Foster had a crush on you, can you honestly say that you wouldn't be at least a little happy about it? Even if you had no intention of ever doing anything about it?"

For the first time since the start of their conversation, a smile began to form on Christina's lips. "It would be hard not to," she admitted. "Girls like that don't come along every day."

"Girls like you don't come along ever — at least not for guys like me. That's why I'm never letting you go, no matter what happens."

It was a cheesy line, but Christina could tell that he really meant it. Leaning forward, she pressed her lips against his, kissing him soft and slow as she reveled in the closeness of his body.

"I love you, Danny," she whispered.

"I love you too, Christina. More than you'll ever know."

They stayed that way for a long time, holding each other in companionable silence. Christina could tell that there was still something Danny wanted to say. She could practically hear the gears turning in his mind, but rather than ask him what he was thinking, she patiently waited for him to figure out exactly what it was he needed to express.

"Can I ask you something?"

Christina nodded. "Anything."

There was another long, thoughtful pause before he finally spoke. "This whole thing... You worrying that I'll be missing out on important life experiences by being with you... I don't know exactly how to ask this, but are you sure it's really me that you're worried about?"

"What do you mean?" Christina asked, her eyes narrowing in confusion.

"Well, it's just that I've never really thought of our relationship in that way. When I look back on the past four years of high school, I spent most of that time either in my basement playing video games or watching anime and sci-fi shows up here with you. I've never regretted it. I'll admit that there were times when I desperately wanted a girlfriend, but now I've got something so much better. It's a little nerve-wracking having to be so secretive all the time, especially when it comes to the things we've done with our parents, but I don't feel any more or less happy because of the fact that what we share has to stay just between us. The way I see it, our relationship has always been that way, whether it had to be or not."

"I still don't see your point," Christina said.

"I guess what I'm really asking is whether it isn't you who wants something more. Would you be happier with someone who you could take out on dates or go to school dances with? — someone you could marry and have kids with someday?"

Christina's first reaction was to tell Danny that he was wrong — that, like him, she was perfectly content spending her days with him and him alone. But then she remembered walking into school with him that morning. She'd wanted to hold his hand and kiss him full on the lips so badly. She wanted people to know that she was with the best guy in school.

"I..." she hesitated, realizing yet again that Danny knew her even better than she knew herself. "Maybe I do, but not with someone else. Never with anyone else but you. Sometimes it just seems so unfair that we have to give up so many of the things that everyone else gets to enjoy. I don't want to get married or have kids any time soon, but it is kind of depressing to think that we'll never be able to have those things, even if we decide we want to someday."

"Who says we can't?" Danny asked. Christina expected the question to be followed by another of his sarcastic smiles, but he looked deadly serious.

"Um... society? The law?"

"We're going to college soon, and we have different last names. There's no reason why anyone there would ever guess that we were related. As for the law, there are plenty of states where marriage between first cousins is perfectly legal. I wouldn't be crazy about moving so far away from home, but we could do it if that's what we decided we wanted. Having kids might be a little bit trickier, but I read online that there are genetic tests we could take to find out if it would be safe for us to conceive, and if all else fails, we could always adopt."

"You... you looked all this up?" Christina asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

Danny nodded. "The same night we lost our virginity together. I always knew we would be close friends for our whole lives, but that night was when I knew for sure that whatever future I built for myself would have to have you in it. I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure if you wanted to think that far ahead, and I didn't want to rush anything. I know I can get a little carried away with myself, sometimes." He paused for a moment, wondering if he'd said too much, but the warmth of Christina's smile encouraged him. "Anyways... Yesterday, when you said that we might have to end the sexual part of our relationship one day... I kind of thought that was your way of gently closing the door on any of that — or at least saying it was something you weren't ready to think about yet."

Christina's heart thumped wildly in her chest, and the emotional whiplash made her feel faint. Hearing Danny say that he would be happy being with her forever was one thing, but knowing that he'd actually been planning for a future with her made it all so wonderfully real.

"God, I'm such an idiot," she muttered, even as an irrepressible smile spread across her face. "But you are too."

"Guilty as charged," he replied, finally breaking out into that big goofy grin that Christina loved so much.

"And you'd really do all of that... for me?"

"Well — Not anytime soon, but someday, when we're both ready I would."

Christina thought her heart might burst from happiness. For the first time since this had all started, she finally allowed herself to imagine a lifetime spent with the man she loved more than anyone in the whole world. It wouldn't be easy, but somehow, she knew her dad's advice from the night before was true, love is never easy, even in the best of circumstances.

Knowing that there were no words to accurately express just how happy she was in that particular moment, Christina lunged forward, catching Danny by surprise as she mashed her lips against his. Her kiss was hungry and possessive, leaving him no option other than to kiss her back with equal fierceness. Their tongues dueled several long minutes — invading each other's mouths as their teeth playfully nipped at each other's lips. Slowly but surely, Christina's advances won out, forcing Danny to give ground until he was flat on his back. Christina straddled him, holding him in place with her athletic thighs and smiling triumphantly down at him.

"Got you," she said.

"That's what you think."

She let out a playful shriek as Danny lifted his legs and hooked them over her ankles, trapping her feet beneath him. At the same time, he grabbed her waist and skillfully flipping both of them over until their positions were reversed.

Christina bit her lip and gave her cousin a sexy grin as she felt his half-hard cock begin to poke against her flat tummy. Spreading her legs wider, she scooted higher up on the bed until his rapidly lengthening prick lay against the wet little crease between her legs. They both let out a contented sigh as he rocked his hips forward, her bristly pubic hair ticking the sensitive underside of his shaft as he dragged himself through her slick folds, putting delicious pressure on her clit.

"I love this, Danny," Christina moaned, all hints of playfulness long gone from her voice. "Promise me we'll never stop — not ever."

"I promise. No matter what..."

Leaning forward, he kissed her, sealing their vow. Their tongues swirled and danced together as they moaned appreciatively into each other's mouths, losing themselves in a bond that was both emotional and physical. Seemingly moving with a mind of its own, Danny's cock found its way to the moist entrance of Christina's sex. A subline feeling of relaxation overcame her as she shifted her hips and accepted him inside.

"Oh, Danny!" she moaned, breaking their kiss as she felt her insides give way, making space for her cousin's big, fat cock. Another desperate squeal escaped from between her clenched teeth as he fully embedded himself within her, his pubic bone pressing firmly against the swollen, sensitive little clit.

She was completely lost in the pleasure of the moment, unable to do anything but lay there, panting and groaning as her cousin filled her up with unimaginable joy. All the while, Danny kept kissing her, first on her open mouth, then moving lower, to her chin, then her neck. He teased her mercilessly, gently licking and nipping at her burning flesh while keeping his cock buried firmly within her. For the time being, at least, he was content to relax and enjoy the feeling of her inner walls massaging his prick. Every slick bump and ridge inside of her seemed to wordlessly beg him to take her — to gorge himself on the pleasures of her tight, young body.

When he couldn't take anymore, he lifted himself up on his elbows and looked down at her. Her cheeks were flushed red; her mouth hung slack, and her eyelids drooped, obviously insensible to anything other than the intense pleasure coursing through her body.

"I'm going to fuck you now," he said.

All Christina could manage was a lazy nod and a soft, sensual groan.

True to his word, Danny lifted his hips, leaving just the bulbous head of his prick inside before sliding slowly back into her, making sure his loving cousin felt every inch of him as he filled her yet again. He repeated the process over and over, dragging his cock in and out of her dripping pussy with agonizingly deliberate strokes.

Having come twice already that afternoon, he was more than content to take his time and enjoy all the myriad pleasures his loving cousin's body could provide. Fucking his aunt was exciting and fun, and there was something sweet and lovingly intimate about being with his mom, but neither of them could compare to Christina. Everything about her — the way she smelled, the taste of her skin, and the feeling of her pussy wrapped around his straining cock — all of it just felt like home. She was exactly where he wanted to be.

Christina, of course, felt the exact same way. Lying supine beneath him, she made sexy gurgling noises every time he slid deep within her. The fine hairs on his chest tickled her swollen nipples, and the way his cock-head massaged her insides felt better than anything she could possibly imagine. She clutched at him, her fingers digging into his sides and holding him close as her smoldering passion began to build toward a familiar precipice.

Too far gone for words, she wrapped her legs around him, resting the bottoms of her feet on his ass and gently, yet insistently, urging him to fuck her faster. Danny, ever obliging, eagerly complied.

"Mmm... Yesss... Thaaaatsssiiiiiit..." she moaned as he thrust into her harder and faster. Every time he hit bottom, he pushed a little farther forward, grinding his pubic bone against her clit and making her groan.

Danny could feel his own release building right alongside Christina's. Resting his elbows on either side of her head, he leaned back down and pressed his lips to hers once again. Christina let out another passionate moan as her tongue came out to meet his. Her body bucked beneath him, her breasts mashing against his chest as he pounded into her with increasing depth and speed.

It was all so unbelievably perfect. Every motion of her body was met with an equal and immediate reaction from Danny, almost as if their bodies were perfectly synchronized. Christina was yet again reminded of how completely whole she felt whenever the two of them made love. She could feel his affection pouring into her with everything he did, and she was sure that he felt the same coming from her.

Without a word spoken between them, they both knew that they were quickly reaching the point of no return. He could feel Christina's copious moisture flowing out around his cock, flecks of it splattering against his belly and thighs every time he landed heavily within her. Likewise, Christina could feel Danny's cock starting to swell as his thrusts became more shaky and erratic.

"Nnngh! Love... You..." Danny groaned.

"Love... you... too..." Christina replied.

Neither of them was sure who started cumming first, but seemingly all at once, the two of them were engulfed in a wave of sweltering, all-consuming bliss. Danny held himself deep inside of her womb, emptying his balls inside of her as a long, guttural groan seemed to come from somewhere deep within him. At the same time, Christina's pussy clamped down on his spurting cock, holding him deep within her and milking every last drop of his creamy treasure. She could feel his warmth filling up the empty spaces within her, suffusing her whole body with electric energy that seemed to have no outlet.

They rode the waves of pleasure for as long as they could before their joyous union finally came to an end when neither of them had anything left to give. Danny lay on top of her for a long time, feeling her heart beating rapidly against his own.

"That was perfect," Christina finally said. "Exactly what I needed."

"It's always perfect with you," Danny replied as he propped himself up on his elbows and smiled lovingly down at her.

Even after sharing such an intense release, the way Danny looked at her never failed to make her heart flutter and her breath catch in her throat. She wished he could stay with her all night, cuddling and making love with her until they were both completely exhausted, but it was still a school night.

"You have to go, don't you?"

He nodded. "My mom will be pissed if I'm late for dinner."

Christina grinned. "She just wants to make sure she gets a chance to fuck you before me and my mom completely wear you out."

"Heh. Probably," Danny replied, returning her playful grin even as his cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. He hesitated a moment before saying, "She has been a little bit obsessed ever since we started doing it. You should have seen her face last night when your mom and I decided to spend the night alone together. For a second, I thought she was going to slap her!"

"If you think that's bad, wait until John comes back from school. I bet we don't see him or Mom for a week at least."

"Maybe that's for the best," he said. "I never thought I'd say this, but my dick could probably use the rest."

"That's what you think," Christina replied. "Don't forget that you've got not one, but two sexy older sisters coming home this weekend. Even you should be able to see that the math doesn't exactly balance out on that one."

"Pshh — You mean the sisters that spent every waking moment of their lives torturing and making fun of me? We'll see what happens, but I'm not going to assume anything when it comes to Abby and Emily."

Christina merely shrugged. "Things change... obviously. Besides, there's no way either of them will be able to resist once they get a look at this," she said as she reached between them and fondled his slimy cock as it finally slipped free from her well-fucked hole.

"Like I said... We'll see."

He finally stood up on wobbly legs, taking a moment to stare down at the lewd sight of Christina's nudity. Her whole body was pink and swollen from their exertions, but most exciting of all was the sight of his cum pooling at the base of her opening before finally succumbing to the force of gravity and rolling out of her in a thick, gooey stream.

"I love feeling your cum in me," Christina said when she saw where he was staring. "It's weird, but it feels nice knowing that there's still some of you left deep inside of me, even after we're done."

"Good, because I really love putting it there," he replied. The sight of his cousin's lithe body lying there before him, her legs spread wide as his creamy spunk drooled out of her was almost enough to make him wonder whether going another round wouldn't be worth incurring his mom's wrath. It took a great deal of mental effort to finally tear his eyes away.

He quickly located his clothes, but before he could put them on, Christina said, "Wait. Come here. Let me get you cleaned up."

Danny hesitated, but only for the briefest of moments before walking to Christina's bedside and offering her his cum-covered cock. She eagerly got on her hands and knees and started gently lapping at him.

She hummed with delight as their combined fluids filled her nostrils and excited her taste buds. Danny merely closed his eyes and sighed, content to enjoy the warm, loving sensation of his cousin's tongue bathing his cock and balls. When she was nearly done, she took him into her mouth and fluttered her tongue against his sensitive glans a few times for good measure. The sensation was too intense for Danny to handle, and he reluctantly pulled away from her sucking mouth.