Family Issues Ch. 02


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"I said you're hot."

"Yeah, I thought you said that," Kevin fidgeted.

"You don't have to look like I've just stepped on your pet hamster. It's just a compliment."

"If you were a girl, dude," Kevin said. "You're a dude, and I'm a dude."

"Captain obvious on deck?"

"It's just that dudes don't tell other dudes that they're hot," Kevin blinked. "Unless they're gay."

"I'm gay," the slim guy said.

"Oh fuck." Kevin had a moment of teeth grinding. "Did I just come out as a homophobe?"

"Just a ..." The little guy brought his index and thumb together.

"Fuck, sorry about that. And come to think about it, my girlfriend is a futa, so that makes me gay too, or at least bisexual."

"Have you ever been attracted to men?"

"Not really," Kevin shrugged. "I like curves."

"So you're not bi, you're a Fub."

"Dude, I know Krav Maga. No name calling."

"A Futa Boy."

"Nice. If people back home knew that I'm a Fub, they would Fub my ass to Kingdom Come!"

"Oh, that kind of place. Now I get the homophobia. I'm Colin," He offered his hand, and Kevin shook it warmly.

"I'm Kevin."

"Diana's new pet?"

"What the fuck, dude?"

"You're not?"

"I'm her new boyfriend."

"I see," Colin had a smirk from ear to ear, and Kevin thought he should give the Krav Maga shtick another spin.

"I'm no one's pet."


With that awkward experience over, he stood above the urinal and released a strong jet. To his surprise, a tall girl entered the little boys' room. He thought she was stoned or confused and would figure out where she was in a minute, but she walked to the urinal next to him and lifted her dress as if it was the most natural thing in the world. She had caramel skin and exotic Middle Eastern features. Her cock reminded him of a donkey he saw once. As she released a fountain, she kept looking at him and his little spear, all the time wearing a condescending smile. His balls shrunk and his jet slowed to a trickle.

These girls, whether on purpose or by indifference were emasculating.

Was he really a pet?

He and Diana spent every night the way she dictated. In bed, they only did what made her happy. She never went down on him or let him take control. The only time he could bust a nut was during prostate massaging courtesy of Big Bird. Diana even had the annoying habit of patting his head and encouraging with calls of 'Good Boy.'

"Fuck, I am a pet", he thought. "All I'm missing is a collar because I'm Diana's little bitch."

"Be a dear," the Middle Eastern girl said in a sultry voice and nodded towards her cock. "Can you hold it for me for a second? I wanna light a cig."

Kevin ran, not bothering to zip his pants. Her laughter followed him all the way to the door.


"So, what do you think?" Diana couldn't help the triumphant smile from ear to ear.

Katherine, a slightly plump black girl with a blonde afro, nodded her head. "Bitch, you've outdone yourself! I'm so envious of you right now that I'm seriously considering killing you. Where the hell did you find him?"

Diana laughed. She wasn't going to answer anyway. Why ruin her victory by revealing that Kevin was forced into their relationship?

"Does he have a brother?"

Diana laughed again, this time masking embarrassment. She suddenly realized that she'd been living with Kevin for the last three weeks and knew practically nothing about him. She didn't know whether he had any siblings, where he came from, or even what he was studying.

"Yeah, he's a looker," from her other side Camille, a voluptuous brunette patted her own boyfriend's head. "I learned long time ago to steer clear of boys who look that good."

Diana gave Camille's boyfriend a short scan. "Explains a lot." She said, and everyone around the table laughed.

"Fuck off," Camille said.

"Just for the record, Ben," Diana leaned and kissed the boyfriend's lips. "I think you're gorgeous. But she was a bitch, and I had to put her down, so I did it through you."

The tall nerdish guy smiled at her. "You're a princess, Diana."

"I know. Why is it so hard for you once, just once, Camille, to be happy for me and to admit that I totally nailed it? Have you ever seen anything so gorgeous in your entire life?"

"He's not my cup of tea."

"You'd sell your left nut for a sip from my purple eyed cup!" Diana snorted a line of white powder from the table in front of her and washed it down with a shot of vodka. "If Kevin asked you to go for a ride, you'd be all over him like a fly on honey."

"Well of course."

"Thank you," Diana's triumphant smile returned. "Was that so hard?"

"I'm just saying that he's not my cup of tea for the long run. Guys who look as good as Kevin are shit in the sack. They think you should be grateful or something and they just lay there frigid. Trust me, been there, bought the fucking T-Shirt. Give me an ugly duckling any day of the week."

"Thanks," Ben said, and everyone around the table laughed except Diana.

"Care for a bet?" The redheaded futa said.

"What kind of a bet?"

"Ben against Kevin, see who can make you and me bust a nut faster."

"Fuck you, we've already done it three times today," Camille patted Ben's buns. The tall boy gave her a warm smile. "Of course, I'll lose."

"We'll switch mouths," Diana said.


"Ben will do me, and Kevin will do you. The first one who can't hold it loses."

"Are you serious?"

"Are you chickening out, Camille?"

"Fuck no, it's a win-win for me. What are we betting for?"

"If I win, you'll let me in the Wang offices' back room, the one where your company keeps all the stuff from the fashion shows. And I get a free pick of five items."

"Fuck, Diana, last time I did something like that they almost caught me. I can lose my job!"

"If you win you'll get a night with Kevin."

"Done!" Camille said without thinking, making everyone around the table laugh. Ben just smiled, but his smile was forced. "Where is your new toy anyway?"

Kevin chose that moment to jump on the couch that Diana was sitting on. "Yellow everyone," he beamed. "I'm Kevin, the new toy. You I already know. Sarah, right?" He shook Sarah's hand across the table. "You got your second diving star a month ago in our school? You, I don't know," he shook Ben's hand, "You I don't even want to know." He said to Camille and winked to show her it was all in good humor. "What's the score?"

"Isn't he super cute?" Diana pulled him in for a deep, long kiss. "Why are you so flushed?"

"I just had a narrow escape. There's a giant penis after me," Kevin said.


"Seriously, in the bathroom. Huge! I wanted to take a picture, but my smartphone's lens wasn't big enough."


"That dick was so big it had its own dick, and even that dick was bigger than my dick! She was holding it with both hands!"


"Dunno her name. Exotic looking girl. Middle Eastern, very pretty."

"Nadine, AKA Mrs. Horse," Sarah laughed. "Got to be."

"Yeah." Diana didn't smile. "Pretty, you say?"

"Give the kid a break," Camille offered Kevin a shot of vodka.

"Thanks," he downed the shot in one go, pulled out his smartphone and pretended to dial. "Is this the police? I would like to report underage alcohol consumption served by, sorry didn't catch her name. She's got a pretty smile, and she just called me a toy."

"You're not 21 yet?" Camille laughed.

"In two weeks."

"You've started snatching them from the crib, Di."

"You think Camille got a pretty smile?" Diana squinted her eyes.

"Police, while you're here arresting Camille, please take my jealous girlfriend too. Apparently, I cannot look at other girls anymore. Thank you."

Diana pulled him in for another kiss. There was something in her mouth, a pill, and her tongue shoveled it into his mouth. He tried to pull away, but a hand at the back of his neck prevented him from doing so. He allowed her tongue to wrestle his and waited patiently for her air to run out. She was ten times stronger, but she couldn't compete against him when it came to lung capacity.

She pulled back, flustered, and Kevin spat the pill into his palm.

"Aw, don't be a baby! It's a love pill. It'll make our lovemaking much more intense."

"I know what ecstasy is, Diana."


"First, I know it doesn't mix well with Alcohol. And second, I dunno. I haven't decided yet on these sorts of things."

"So, decide already."

"Don't push, girlfriend. I'll send you a memo once I figure out if I want to."

"Awuu, woof, woof!" Sarah catcalled. "Junior has a personality and some balls. I like him."

"So, Kevin," Camille said. "Diana claims you can suck cock better than Monika Lewinsky."

Kevin choked on his shot and sprayed the table. He was glad about the club's darkness because his cheeks were on fire. Camille slapped his back a couple of times.

"I don't like your friends anymore, Diana. We need to find you new ones," he said.

"Awe, don't be like that," Camille said. "We have a bet to settle, Diana and me. She thinks you can blow me dry long before Ben does her. So, we've made a bet."

"Seriously, Diana, where did you find these guys? Socially Awkward and Inappropriate dot com?" He smiled at his girlfriend who didn't smile back. "What? Don't take it in a bad way, Camille, but you got to work on your humor."

"She's not kidding," Diana said.

"Haha, super funny. It's..." He noticed that every eye around the table was on him. The friendly vibe he felt earlier changed into something else. Sarah looked at him and wetted her upper lip. A black girl with a blonde afro he wasn't introduced to, who had her arm around Sarah, gave him a look that made him feel like a juicy steak on a plate.

Camille laid back, opened her thighs, and unclasped her belt. Ben moved over to Diana's seat and placed his hand on her crotch. His girlfriend, instead of slapping the cheeky bastard, leaned back on the couch to allow him easier access.

"You're not kidding. You've really made a bet about...? Wait, wait, stop," he said.

"What, sugar? You know, I can't believe I'm saying this, but up close you really are the hottest thing I've ever met." Camille smiled at him and opened a button on her jeans.

"I'll tell you what, I have a better idea of a bet." Kevin stood up. "Diana, you can blow Camille, and she can blow you, and I'm betting anyone who's not cool with that can just blow me." He flipped everyone the bird.

"Aww, come on, Kevin. Be a sport," Camille smiled.

"Hey, he's young and green," Diana forced a smile, "And was raised in Hillbilly Shitsville. So, you all just need to cut him some slack."

Ben smiled at Kevin. "I was just like you, once."

"Sane?" Kevin said.

"That's enough funny shit coming out of your mouth for one day," Diana rose. "You'll have to excuse us for a few minutes. I've got to have a little talk with my boyfriend."

She grabbed her boyfriend by the hand, and Kevin felt like a five-year-old being dragged away for punishment. He didn't mind because at least he was getting away from these people. Diana hauled him downstairs through the back door to a secluded studio that had a sign saying 'management' but looked more like a storage room.

"Are you done embarrassing me in front of my friends?" She said.

"Are you insane?" He saw in her eyes something that he'd never seen there before, and it made him take several steps back. "And I wasn't raised in Hillbilly Shitsville. Where I grew up, we don't call black people niggers, and we don't call Jews kikes. And if anyone doesn't ever show up to church on Sunday, nobody makes a fuss."

"How modern..."

"And we don't do orgies in public, either."

"You go up right now, and you apologize to everyone for being a dick. Then you blow that futa so hard that her balls are going to come out of her slit."

"Are you in..." He saw her raise a fist and stopped in mid-word. "Why are you doing this?"

"What's the fucking big deal? There's not a single person around that table who hasn't sucked cock."

"I mean why are you ruining everything?"

"Ruining what?"

"You were so sweet a few moments ago. When we danced, I felt like I was really your boyfriend and not some cock-sucking accessory pet."

"That's how I make you feel?"

"I feel sick right now, and I want to go home, Diana."

"Okay," she said.


"Yeah, let's go, Kevin."


"Remember you said you wanted to go to sleep over in a friend's house this weekend? You said you had to study for some big test next week? Remember I said yes, that you could go? Remember I said that I'd be devastated but this is your future and your future is important to me?"

"Oh, for fuck's sake, Diana!"

"You're staying home this weekend, and we're going out every night." She growled.

"I can't afford to flunk any courses!"

"Too bad. Maybe you'll pass. You're so smart after all."

"How is it even possible?"


"You said you love me. How come you want me to," Kevin swallowed, "to have sex with another person?"

"It's just a blowjob. It means nothing."

"So if it means nothing, then why do it?"

"It's important." She took his hands. "Don't you get it? I hate that condescending bitch! She works as a personal assistant for one of the hot shots in the Vera Wang offices. She always rubs it in my face."

"So she's a secretary for some guy who thinks it matters if the belt color is sunset peach or just fucking orange. What's there to rub?"

Diana gave him a murderous stare and Kevin remembered she worked behind the counter at a clothes store.

"Diana, I can't. This is too humiliating."

She kissed him deeply. "You can, and you'll do it for me."


Sometimes the hardest thing can be as simple as clicking a 'send' button. Helen stared at the desktop's screen for a very long time. Her hand hovered over the mouse, but she didn't click. She went back to the kitchen, drank a glass of cold water and sat down in front of her desktop again.

The site's name was unimaginative. 'Match.' However, it had good reviews, and it promised it could find a lid for every pot. She read her profile description for the hundredth time. She only wiped it entirely and rewrote it four times.

On the first attempt, she sounded too needy. She didn't want people to think she's desperate. On the second she talked about her injury. Why jinx it? She took several photos of herself then decided that the eyepatch and the scar were deal breakers. She took a profile picture from her non-damaged side. The result reminded her of the beauty she lost. She uploaded it, but it felt like cheating. So, she deleted every photo. She went for the middle ground and uploaded a picture, in which her wild golden hair covered her left side and concealed most of the scar and the eyepatch.

On the third attempt, she focused too much on her career and her phenomenal success as a businesswoman. Some men were intimidated by strong women, and anyway, she ached for a soulmate with whom she could share her softer side. She wiped out that profile too.

Helen surfed over the prospective profiles. She refined the search to people who included her gender among their 'looking for' options. There weren't too many of them, but enough to make the search exciting.

"I only need one, anyway."

One profile especially caught her eye.

His name was Dennis, and he was thirty years old, a year older than she was. She liked the way he took the time to work on his profile instead of writing some generic flesh-market description. She also loved his blonde locks and his slim body. They reminded her too much of Kevin which she told herself was a turn-off. Her self didn't buy into it. It was his resemblance to Kevin that drew her in the first place.

"I bet you're nothing like Kevin," she said to the photo. "You're sensitive and delicate. You'll never call me 'ugly.' You'll see the real me, and I will know the real you. The rest won't matter. You'll look at my scars, and you'll see perfect skin."

"But what if you're a dick and you break my broken heart?"

She lowered her head to her hands and sighed. Her eyes caught the wastepaper basket and the shorts that she hid there. Helen had built her walls so high over the years that she never considered the possibility of a breach. However, Kevin presence in her house did the unthinkable. Maybe she was envious of Diana and the weird thing she had with Kevin. Maybe it was just her body waking up after a long winter sleep in the spring radiance of a beautiful man-boy's presence. She didn't know. Kevin popped the bubble she had so carefully constructed around herself, and it made going on as before impossible.

Masturbating over a pair of someone's shorts; that was a new low for her.

Every journey starts with a single step or just a click of a button.

She verified her profile and sat down to write Dennis a message. She only needed seven drafts to hit the balance between fun, seductive, not too intelligent, not too dumb, not too needy, not too cold, not too enthusiastic, and not too indifferent.

She kissed Dennis' image on the screen twice and clicked the 'send' button. Nothing happened, and she pressed refresh twice, to see if there was a response. Laughing at her silliness she jumped and whirled like a ballerina on one leg. Giddy with her new-found courage.

She took Kevin's shorts from the wastepaper basket before washing them. She then waited for it to dry in the dryer, passing her time by clicking refresh on the matching site. There was already a new message in her inbox. A creep had sent her a dick pic, and a shot of his butt. He added an enticing note. "Do you want me?"


She blocked the creep, went back to the dryer and took Kevin's shorts back to Diana's room. She folded them neatly, placed them at the bottom of the pile, and swore she'd never do anything so degrading again.

When she turned to go, something familiar winked at her from the corner of her eye. At the edge of Diana's double bed, was Kevin's tiny worktable. His ancient laptop sat there alongside his Computer Science textbooks and notebooks. Among them, open, its darkest secrets obscenely exposed, was the box and the letters from the back room.


Kevin knelt on the floor between Camille's legs. Looking up, the brunette gave him a warm smile. She was soft angles all over, in contrast to his beautiful girlfriend. Her mouth was too big, but he liked her smile, which is to say he would if she hadn't told him he had to pleasure her in front of a crowd. He was sure that any minute now the entire club was going to come over for the free show.

To his right, Ben was already deep into head-bobbing. He slurped and made obscene noises as his thin lips travelled the length of Diana's cock. His enthusiasm wasn't faked. He wasn't doing it for the sake of the bet; he was enjoying himself. He licked Diana's balls and vacuumed one into his mouth. Kevin's girlfriend moaned. If he was going to have any chance of winning this contest and saving his CPU-Architecture exam, then he had to start.

"Eye contact", he thought. Diana said to keep eye contact. Okay, stop thinking and do it already. This is just a game. A dream. There is no one here.

Camille's cock was at his eye level. Carefully, he began kissing her balls. The brunette groaned loudly and squeezed on the arm of the sofa. Kevin's lips pressed into her scrotum. Her big, smooth balls moved against his silky lips. He looked up and smiled at her. Camille was surprised at first but then laughed.

Slowly, he kissed up the length of the shaft, inching his soft, full lips just a tiny bit every time. Camille trembled at the tingling sensation Kevin gave her. Eventually, his lips climbed up the uncut head. A drop of crystal seed formed there, and Kevin lapped at it. He pulled back, and a delicate string of pearly drops connected from his chin to her bulging cock.