Family Practice Pt. 02


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In the meantime, my eyes were rolling up into the back of my head as my mom continued practicing her pussy eating technique. She was trying different things, so just when I'd get into the groove of one licking or sucking pattern she would change it up and throw me off my rhythm. I wanted to be annoyed by this, but whatever new thing she would try out was usually just as good as, or even better than, the last.

"Oh, yeah. That one's good, Mom. Keep doing that..." I lifted my legs and held my knees, slightly changing the angle. That position also had the benefit of making me feel like a true slut, which was a fun feeling to let myself enjoy. "This is so strange," I moaned. "My mom is sucking my pussy. God, I love it!"

I could tell she wanted to say something, but she forced herself to stay focused on my cunt. She was obviously loving this, too. My mom claimed that her sexual thoughts about me only started when she found my vibrator, but I had to wonder if that was really true. Did she have dark thoughts about her own daughter before that? Maybe when she took me shopping for my first bra? Or when she suggested we try sunbathing topless on that Caribbean vacation a couple years back? Was there something behind how she often showed up in my bedroom when I was dressing, or more often undressing? I'd always thought these were just normal family moments, but, looking back on them while my mother's tongue fluttered over my clit, they took on a whole new significance. I was thinking too much. I could worry later. It was time to forget everything and concentrate on the building sensation my mother was coaxing along with unexpected proficiently down between my legs.

"Okay, Mom, yeah. Do that again...oh, good...more of that." I loved how well she took direction. I'd never been able to tell the few boys I was with what I wanted, but with her it was easy. As she licked and sucked my clit, she slipped a finger inside me. This took my breath away. What a remarkable combination. I had to wonder what it would feel like to have someone sucking my pussy while I was getting fucked by a cock. I shook my head. I needed to work on the whole lesbian sex thing before I could start thinking about threesomes.

"You're going to make me cum, Mom." I moaned louder when she added a second finger. "I'm going to cum on your face...right on your mouth. Suck my pussy, Mom. Do it...make me cum!"

My universe went into freefall for a moment that stretched with agonizing anticipation. That briefest of nothings between heartbeats when your orgasm has arrived but the intellectual part of your brain hasn't caught up with the signals coming from the nerve endings in your pussy. That feeling passes almost before I have time to recognize it and time flows in a rush of sound and movement.

My screams are not mine to contain. My limbs are not mine to control. I have no choice but to give myself over to it and revel in the glory. The glory of the first orgasm I've ever received from a woman's mouth. And given to me by my own, loving, sexy mother. It's too fucking much all at once.

My mom is next to me, her body fitted against mine, her lips lightly touching kisses to my neck and shoulder.

"What happened?" I say in something of a daze. I know I didn't pass out, but I also couldn't quite remember her moving up to lie with me.

"What happened is you made mehappier than I've ever been in bed with another person." She kissed me on my lips and we shared the taste of my pussy. "I've never made anyone cum like that in my life. I feel like I could take over the world right now."

"You certainly own my world after that." There was more kissing and caressing. I loved that I could thumb my mom's nipple like I was. "I had no idea sex could be that good. Seriously, Mom, am I crazy or was I just on another planet."

"You made it to Venus and back in record time." Her fingers brushed over my clit and made me jump. "But, I really can't say how good it feels because I've never had my pussy sucked by a you have."

I got the hint. "If I can do this even half as good as you, get ready for a wild ride."

I pushed my mother onto her back as I rolled on top of her. I paused for a minute at her tits as I worked my way down. This was really going to happen. I was going to eat my first pussy. The fear and excitement made it hard to stay focused. My mom was already moaning even before I got all the way down there. I had a sneaking suspicion that this wasn't going to take long at all.

I settled into position, took a calming breath, and looked straight ahead. There it was: my mom's cunt. Right in front of my face. I'd seen it the day before, but this was different. There was no distance, no room for objectivity. As I was trying to take in the visual experience of it all, her scent was already enlivening my senses. It was a warm, almost animal, smell. The natural odor of her excited pussy overwhelmed all of the floral perfumes in the lotions, soaps and deodorants we women rely on to mask what we really are. I breathed my mother in.

My eyes traveled from the furry bush covering her mound down to her shaved outer labia. Two plump, elongated half-moons of tender flesh. They looked so smooth that they all but insisted that you lick them. My mother's prominent inner pussy lips were currently stealing the show, however. I suspected they were normally visible, but with her as excited as she was, they were swollen and parted like an erotic flower in bloom. Within that captivating cleft there was a wetness. A wetness that my tongue was eager to sample. My gaze continued downward.

Just below her slit were some stray hairs that she had missed while shaving. I don't know why, but seeing that turned me on. This wasn't some Photoshopped porn model on my computer screen, this was a real woman. Further down, my mom's butt cheeks peeked out just a little. I knew within that crevice was her asshole. It was a part of the body that I didn't normally think of in a sexual way, but I had the urge to part her cheeks and take a peek.

"Is everything okay?" Mom asked, sounding a little worried.

"Yeah, I'm just looking, that's all..."

Mom smiled down at me. Her hands moved over her thighs. I could see her fingers trembling. She opened her legs a little wider, then spread her pussy lips for me. The simple gesture took my breath away. Her big, full lips were splayed apart, no longer concealing the hidden parts of my mother's most private area. I could see the tiny domed tip of her pink clit peeking out from its wrinkled sheath. I could see her soft inner flesh, moist and alluring. And I could see her vagina. There it was, just inches away from my mouth. The most holy of holies. My mother's cunt hole.

It gaped open a little, but not garishly so. It practically begged to have something inserted into it. A finger, a tongue, a hard cock. There her wetness was more obvious. Thick sex fluids gathered near the bottom, ready to trickle down toward her ass. I'd always considered women's genitals to be strange and even a little ugly, but my thinking was completely changed in that moment. I'd never seen anything more beautiful or desirable in my life.

I gave in to the inexorable draw my mom's pussy was exerting on me and brought my mouth to her. I kissed her clit lightly, and delighted in her little spasm in reaction. "Go slow, honey," she moaned, still holding herself open for me. I did as she asked, not only for her sake, but also because I wanted to take in every moment of this experience so I could remember it always. I feathered kissed in a circle around her vulva. I could tell by the subtle turn of her hips that my mom wanted me to give her center some attention. I teased her just a little longer, then rewarded her with a long lick up the middle of her crease from just above her hole to just below her clit. She groaned, enjoying the pleasure but knowing there was so much more I was holding back from her.

"Lick me," I thought I heard her whisper. "Lick Mommy's horny pussy." Maybe it was only what I wanted to hear, but I did lick her. Up and down then side to side. When I couldn't resist any longer, I moved down to her opening. I dipped my tongue into her liquid essence. There was a dreamy sense of disjunction as the raw flavor of my mother's cunt suffused my senses. I wasn't sure if I'd ever know the taste of another woman, and never would have guessed my mother would be my first.

I lapped at her hole, slurping up more of her juices and circling my tongue inside of her has far as I could go. Her moans came to me as if from a great distance. I was underwater, far away, in my own world. I was swimming in my mother's cunt. I licked and sucked her hole with a needful urgency. I wasn't thinking about her pleasure, only mine. I gathered enough of her juices in my mouth and swallowed. It flowed thickly down my throat unlike anything I'd ever had before. It was sublime.

That's when an odd thought occurred to me. "Mom, did you have sex last night?"

Her eyes opened slowly as if I'd brought her back from another reality. "Why...why do you ask?"

"I don't know." I poked my tongue into her a few times. "I was just wondering if my dad's cock was in here last night."

She didn't say anything right away, deciding how to answer. "Yes, we had sex."

"Did Daddy fuck you?"

"Mmm, he did."

"And his cock was right here?" I stuck my tongue inside her once more. "Inside your dirty pussy?"

"Your daddy fucked me so good..." She gave up trying holding back.

"Did he pull out?"

Her eyes widened a little. I assumed she realized where I was going with this line of questions. "No."

"So, just last night, Daddy filled your nasty cum hole with a big, gooey load of his sperm?"

"Yes, he did...he came so hard inside me..."

"Inside the hole I'm licking right now?" I swabbed my tongue all around.

"Can you taste him? Can you taste your father's cum?"

I left the tip of my tongue in her opening as I nodded. If you had asked me what my reaction to tasting my own father's cum would have been earlier that morning, I would have been disgusted by the very fact that something like that was even being asked. But now that I'd had it straight from my mother's pussy, it was incredibly erotic for me to know that something that had come out of my father's cock was in my mouth. I went back looking for more.

After feasting at my mom's most womanly of orifices for a few minutes longer, I moved up to her clit. It was time to give her what she was aching for. I flicked her stiff nub experimentally with my tongue. I enjoyed when she'd done that to me, but it was also a bit maddening. I ran circles around it, pressing my tongue hard into her tiny erection with each revolution. She writhed at this, pushing herself up into my face.

"Oh, Emily,'re licking my clit..." Her voice became quieter as she spoke; she wasn't talking to me. "My baby girl is licking my pussy..."

After just a little more tongue work, I moved to sucking. This got a gasp out of her, which gave me goosebumps. I'd felt the power and control of giving a guy a blowjob, but this was so much more satisfying. I owned my mother in that moment. I owned her with my mouth.

"Oh, yes, that's it..."

Like her with me, I tried a couple different techniques. Sucking the whole area, sucking just her clitty, sucking and licking at the same time. The last one got the most favorable reaction.

"You like this, Mom?"


"You like getting your pussy sucked?"

"Oh God, yes..."

"You like getting your cunt sucked by your own daughter?"

"Ooooh, fuuuuck!" she cried out as I latched onto her clit and started going at her with a passion. "Suck me, Emily. Suck my cunt! Eat your mother's cunt just like that, baby!" Her hands were all over her own body, roughly grabbing her tits, mercilessly squeezing and pulling at them. "Eat your mother's slutty fucking cunt! Aaaaaahhhhh!"

She bucked up into my face, but I was able to keep my mouth on her pussy as her orgasm whipped through her. I only let go at the point that I knew I she would be too sensitive to take any more, and that seemed to be just the right time for Mom, too.

"Ooooh...Oooo...okay..." she panted. Her fingers gently teased her nipples as her tummy flexed with a few residual quakes. "Oh, my, my, my..." She giggled and sighed. "Emily, that was amazing. No one has ever given me an orgasm that good with their mouth. Not even your dad."

I kissed her inner thighs and snuggled my nose in her puff of pubic hair. "I think I might have sprained my tongue," I gently took one of her outer lips between my teeth, not biting down, but just holding it like that until I got a chuckle from her. "But it was worth it."

I tested her clit with a kiss. She flinched, but not much. It was safe, I decided. I began sucking her again. "Oh, no, not again..." she moaned, clearly not the least bit upset that I was back at it. I took it slow and easy and within a minute she was at the precipice yet again. "I'm going to cum, Emily. Oh, fuck, I'm cumming...I'm cumming, baby...oh, yeeees!"

Her body tensed as a less intense but obviously deeper orgasm seized her. We rode this one out together. I listened to the moans coming from her tight-clenched throat this time to gauge when to let up. I held on a second too long and my mom had to push my head away with a barking laugh when the pleasure turned to pain.

"Come up here, sweetheart." She held her arms out to me.

We cuddled, and fondled, and rested together for a long time. A few loving words passed between us, but for the most part we stayed quiet, content to simply be holding one another and enjoying the feeling of sweaty skin to skin closeness. I don't know exactly how long we were like that before I began dozing off. I was in that twilight between wakefulness and sleep when I heard my mother whisper something in my ear.

"Masturbate for me," she said so softly. The words created a tickle at the end of my clit that radiated out to the tips of my fingers. "I want to feel you cum."

I was too comfortable to move. My mother took my hand and put it between my legs. It took me a few seconds, but my fingers slowly began to move. Mom sighed and hugged me to her. I lightly played with my clit. I wasn't purposefully rushing toward a climax like I normally did, but just enjoying the sensations I was giving myself and floating in the warmth of my mother's embrace. She occasionally delivered a soft kiss or a contented sound to remind me that she was still there with me and taking her own pleasure from my pleasure.

It had to have been at least twenty minutes before I got close. "Mom..." I said in a raspy hush, "do you want me to cum?"

"Mmm, yes." Her hand moved down and rested over my own. She didn't apply any pressure, but she was just feeling the motion of how I was touching myself. "Cum for Mommy."

It sounded strange and yet perfectly right in my ear. I hadn't called her Mommy since I turned twelve. I was too grown up for that. But in that moment of intimacy, that's what she mommy. She held me in her arms as I masturbated. I'd never felt so free and accepted before. I was able to be myself - my whole self - and not fear being judged. My mother's love was the most genuine thing in my life, and now I knew I would never lose it. There was no place else that I could be as safe or as cherished as I was in my mommy's embrace.

I felt her nipple brush against my cheek. I turned my head and took it into my mouth. My world was instantly complete. I wanted for nothing. I suckled my mother's breast and steadily edged myself closer with small movements of my middle finger on my stiff clit.

"That's it, baby, cum for me. Play with that pretty little cunt. Mommy wants to feel her baby cum."

I sucked harder on my mother's tit and it was difficult not to bite down when the wave finally crested and crashed. I sucked, and rubbed, and wiggled within her adoring grasp.

"There you go," she cooed. "That's my girl." Her voice was so low I barely heard what she was saying. "Doesn't that feel better, now?" She traced her fingernails over my skin, tickling my arm and back. "My pretty, sexy girl..." These were the last words I heard before drifting away to a blissful sleep in bed with my mom.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The remainder of my winter break went by in a blur. A blur of pussy, tits, ass, and orgasms. My mother graciously allowed me to "practice" on her as much as I wanted. In turn, I was more than happy to help her fulfill every lesbian fantasy she'd conceived of over all the years since that fateful missed opportunity.

Along with the torrid, incestuous sex, there was a lot of love and sharing. We talked more than we ever had before. No topic was off limits. Old grudges were hashed over and many of them resolved. Questions were answered, and confessions were proffered. She unburdened herself to me in a way that she wouldn't have if she were "only" my mother. There was a new kind of bond between us, one that we were both testing and learning about as we went.

I understood her as a woman like I couldn't have as a daughter alone. I, likewise, had become so much more than her little girl. I knew what my mom sounded like when she masturbated. I had a clear picture of the expression she would make when a third, then fourth finger was pushed inside her. I'd had her taste on my tongue, and in turn had fed her the elixir of my own orgasm. It would take more time to adjust to all the changes, but we would work through it and come out the other end closer than ever.

I returned to school feeling confident with my new skills. I understood the subtleties of a girl's body to enough of a degree that I didn't fear an encounter, but eagerly sought one. It was only a matter of a couple of weeks before I was able to bring Kaylee into my bed. I found it ironic that though she had played around with a girl long before me, it turned out that I was the more experienced one by the time I'd managed to seduce her. It was strange that I was the aggressor, that I was the one taking the lead, and that I ended up being the dominant one. I was even able to teach Kaylee some new tricks.

There was no way for me to thank my mom for helping me become who I truly am, but when I get home for Spring Break, I'm going to do everything I can to show her my undying appreciation.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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Trevor_JonesTrevor_Jones3 months ago

Hot 🥵 Just so fucking HOT Rachael DMM!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Loved the relationship between mother and daughter. It's not something that's easy to capture in stories like this.

Aoife_from_UlsterAoife_from_Ulsterover 1 year ago

An absolutely wonderful story, I didn’t want it to end. The tide they rode, the twist at breakfast then the kink while Emily had her with the admission of a recently filled pussy was perfection. Bravo Minx, Bravo 5 brightly shining 🌟

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Really enjoyed this story and would certainly like to read about what happens at spring break. Perhaps kaylee could come visit or dad get back early. I've read your other stuff and like your writing. It has the right balance between kink and romance/intimacy

creativeandfuncreativeandfunover 1 year ago

Such a beautiful story. I LOVED reading the next chapter. I can't wait to read more from you.

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