Family Search


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"Is that the last you saw of her?" I croaked out since his story was obviously wreaking havoc on my emotions.

"No, it's the strangest thing. So about a year ago she suddenly reappeared. We fucked another half dozen times – just as good as or maybe even better than the first time around – then she disappeared again. I know that I could easily fall in love with that squirrely chick, if I didn't already fall. To be honest while I dated quite a bit before my first go-round with her she kind of spoiled me for other pussy. Never did find out her last name or where she lives."

He got this faraway look in his eye, took another sip, and then said "So how about your love life?"

I gave him a completely fabricated story that he seemed happy with, and at the conclusion of my story he said "Looks like we have another thing in common – we're both unlucky in love."

"I'll say," I replied, clinking his bottle with mine.

Our discussion was animated, fun, revealing, and just what I needed. Thank God I didn't have to kill him – although obviously if I ever had to introduce him to Janice it would be problematic. I also got him to promise to ask his Mom and sisters if we could meet. His middle sister Katie lived a thousand miles away, but both Casandra – who was married with two kids – and Dolores – who finally found a good man and was married too – lived nearby.

Just before we parted I swabbed both of our cheeks and told him that I'd have DNA tests done to confirm our relationship and insisted that if they did confirm what we already knew I had to meet Dolores and Casandra. We both left happy campers.


Of course the DNA tests confirmed that we were brothers. When Will was about two months old Jeremy made arrangements for me to meet Dolores and Casandra at Dolores' house, which was about twenty miles from mine. I was even invited to spend Saturday night there.

I had been a model husband the last two months – in fact when I went with Janice and Will to Dr. Potts' office for a checkup she took me aside and earnestly complimented me on the great job that I was doing and how Janice had improved dramatically – and since I had called Vivian and got her to come visit us to see her only grandkids (not hard to convince her) and stay the weekend, Janice had no problem in encouraging me to go on a "fishing trip," as I called it.

It is really, really lucky that in the extensive research that I had done over the last thirteen years or so that I had accumulated vast knowledge about families meeting in our circumstances, otherwise I would have been completely flummoxed. One of the things that I had read about was called "genetic sexual attraction," a syndrome (for lack of a better word) whereby when related individuals meet for the first time in adulthood they have an intense sexual attraction to each other. I'm not going to go into all of the reasons for it – although it is fairly well explained in the literature – but I know that it's real.

Casandra knocked my socks off! If there ever was a potential case of genetic sexual attraction on my part, she was IT! She wasn't as good looking as Janice, but there was something about her that made my heart pound, my palms sweat, and my cock rise. We exchanged big hugs and I do believe that I successfully hid my boner from her. Her husband and kids were great, and she and her husband were obviously in love. Also, since I looked so much like Jeremy, and she had been raised with Jeremy, the genetic sexual attraction only went one way – I didn't have the same allure to her as she did to me.

Dolores cried when we hugged. Her husband also was well suited to her.

I could also tell that Jeremy had a real facility with kids. Casandra's kids hung all over him despite the fact that one was a pre-teen.

I actually had a wonderful time from Saturday morning until about 7 p. m. on Sunday. Dolores and I had two really personal heart-felt talks, and I simply had fun with everyone else. Casandra gave me an awesome hug – and platonic kiss – when we parted, and Dolores cried on my shoulder for five minutes before I left, and she thanked Jeremy profusely for "finding" me (although it was the other way around). We had plans to meet again in the future.

By the time that I got home a plan was shaping in my mind. I waited six more months to implement it in order to establish an excellent relationship with Jeremy, Casandra and Dolores – and I even got to meet Katie when she came to town once. Katie was the wild child of the family, single and vowing to stay so, and obviously a party girl. But she was nice to me, and I liked her, although – thankfully – I didn't have the same reaction to her as I did to Casandra.

I told Janice nothing about my re-connecting with my birth family.

Will was now nine months old when it came time to execute my plan. I had been playing the perfect husband and father those nine months. I'm sure that Janice thought that I had forgiven what she had done and was going to be happy raising my niece and nephew as my own. In fact, I had fallen out of love with Janice because I had no hope of ever forgiving her or trusting her again. While I loved Macy, that love was something that would have to be sacrificed. While I pretended to love Will, he was still a baby and I didn't have the history with him that I had with Macy so I didn't develop a strong bond with him.

In the nine months that Will was alive I had become a dynamo at work, and was promoted to day supervisor with a 40% increase in salary. I also had separated all of my finances from Janice's so that we would have roughly a 50-50 split, including the house even though I owned it before we got married.

Two days after Will turned nine months I executed my plan.

I had rented a cabin in the deep woods in the mountains, far from any civilization. I drove up there in the middle of the week with Janice, Macy and Will, and made sure that it was stocked full of food and essentials. The cabin had no phone, or even cell phone, service. Unknown to Janice I invited Jeremy up for a long weekend and told him to make sure that his business was completely covered from Saturday morning until Tuesday evening.

When Jeremy showed up – I could see his vehicle moving along the dirt road to the cabin from a vantage point in the cabin – I ushered Janice into the master bedroom, telling her that I had a surprise for her. I had timed things perfectly so that Macy and Will were napping in the loft. I went outside and greeted Jeremy warmly, and as soon as he entered the cabin with his luggage from behind I tasered him.

Janice heard the crackling, yelp, and thud and came running out of the bedroom. "What's going on?" she cried.

"Come help me, Hon," I said with a smile. She came over and together we lifted Jeremy's limp body onto a chair. Janice almost passed out, and covered her mouth with her hand, when she realized who it was.

I had two sets of shackles with long chains. I snapped one set of shackles onto Janice's left wrist and Jeremy's right wrist. Janice tried to pull away, but I was too strong for her. Then I shackled Janice's left ankle to Jeremy's right ankle.

"What are you doing – stop – stop," Janice pleaded to no avail.

"Wait until Jeremy recovers then I will reveal all," I snickered.

Janice did little except moan until I snapped Jeremy out of it. Once I gave him some water and he was fully cognizant his eyes were as big as saucers when he looked at Janice.

I sat them down together on the only couch. The chains between their shackles were about a meter long so there were certain "functions" that they could perform unhindered by the shackles.

"Janice, I don't really know what was in your mind when you met Jeremy and started fucking him, but he really fell for you. He doesn't know that he is the father of your two kids," I started out.

"What the fuck?" Jeremy exclaimed.

Janice gave him a furtive look, and then looked at the floor.

"Anyway, since I have no intention of raising my niece and nephew as my kids, and since I no longer love or trust you Janice in view of your duplicity, and since Jeremy really likes kids and should be happy that he has two of his own, I thought that I'd throw you two lovebirds together for a long weekend, and maybe everyone can come out of this happy – except, probably, for me."

There was a lot of angst, crying, yelling, and questioning for the next twenty minutes or so; enough to wake Macy up. She came down from the loft and came over to me. "Who is this man, Daddy, and why do he and Mommy have chains on?"

"Well, Macy, I'll leave it to them to explain it to you," I said, giving her a kiss and a hug. "But be good for them because I have to leave for three days."

"Do you have to go Daddy?" she asked with a cute crooked frown.

"Sorry, honey, I do," I replied, my heart breaking.

I turned to Janice and Jeremy who were trying to be stoic for Macy's sake and said "I'm leaving now. I've got Jeremy's car keys. I'll be back with Jeremy's car keys and the key to the shackles Tuesday morning. At that time I'll give you a copy of the divorce papers, Janice, and a process server will officially serve you with them once you get back home. My hope is that you two really have a connection and will end up marrying after I divorce Janice so that the kids will be well taken care of. Bye now!"

I gave Macy a quick kiss, ignored the entreaties coming from both Jeremy and Janice, got in my SUV, and took off. I thought that there was a 50-50 chance that it would work out, and that Casandra and Dolores would not disown me; I crossed my fingers.


Surprise, surprise. When I got back Tuesday morning I heard laughter coming from the cabin. Jeremy was playing with Macy while Janice was rocking Will. It seemed that Janice and Jeremy had no problem figuring out how to get along just fine although shackled together. They both looked good – if I had to bet I'd wager that the mattress springs really got a workout.

When everyone turned around to look at me as I came in the door Macy yelled "Uncle Ryan, Uncle Ryan," and ran up and hugged my neck as I lifted her up.

"WOW, that was fast," I thought to myself; obviously Janice and Jeremy had come to terms with reality and imparted their knowledge to Macy.

After I chatted with Macy a while I threw the shackle keys, Jeremy's car keys, and an envelope with a copy of the divorce papers in it, on the table and said "I've moved out of the house Janice. You'll see from the divorce papers that I've split everything 50-50 with you including the house, and that you can live in it until Will turns 18, at which time I'll sell it and we split the proceeds even though technically it is only my house. You're responsible for taxes and utilities though. There will be no child support or alimony. Maybe you can find a good man quickly to move in and help you out."

As I exited the cabin I heard Jeremy yell "Thank you bro," and it wasn't sarcastic; apparently he was happy that I had delivered the girl of his dreams to him.


Things worked out more smoothly than I could have anticipated. Jeremy really did love Janice, I had moved from loving Janice to hating her to no longer giving a shit about her, and Jeremy and Janice established a life together. Janice did not contest the divorce in any way, although she kept trying to talk to me to "Explain what happened." Finally I had to yell at her over the phone and as nastily as I could shout "Don't you get it you cheating slut; I don't give a flying fuck. I just want you out of my life and I'm not going to let you attempt to salve your conscience by giving me some bullshit song and dance. Don't fucking call me again or I'll withdraw the settlement papers for the divorce and see that you get half of what you're getting now."

After that I didn't hear from her again.

My relationship with Casandra stayed good; apparently I was Katie's hero because she thought what I had done was "kick ass;" and Dolores had lots of unresolved guilt from giving me up for adoption so I became very close to her, as close as any of her other children were (in fact closer than Katie).

Jeremy and I maintained a good, though not close, relationship. He, Macy and I did quite a few things together, and he and Janice let Macy spend a dozen or so weekends a year with me. Macy and I had a great time when she visited, and we stayed very close. While I was always kind and friendly toward Will, I intentionally did not develop a bond with him.

I was civil with Janice, but absolutely nothing more, and never was alone with her for even a few seconds. She maintained this pleading look in her eye like she wanted to tell me something – but that's the last thing that I wanted. I was confident that I knew what had happened. She was desperate to get pregnant and panicked by my low sperm count. When she ran into a guy that looked just like me she fucked him until she was pregnant then never saw him again until she wanted a second child, when she did a repeat. Since I was quite sure that's what had happened I didn't want some bullshit teary-eyed explanation; and if that wasn't what happened I didn't care to hear the real story anyway.

I felt sorry for myself for a while, but every time I felt down pride at what I had done buoyed me up. I found and established relationships with my biological family, I gave my brother happiness by hooking him up with the woman of his dreams, I didn't kill or maim Janice yet wasn't a wimpy cuckold, and I made sure that my niece and nephew would be well taken care of. Maybe it was serendipity rather than zemblanity after all!


I eventually actually did get unadulterated serendipity after all, however.

I saw Dr. Potts – Beverly was her first name – at the hospital fairly often because she ate lunch there about twice a week, and when she did I would always sit with her. She really boosted my ego by telling me that she was impressed that I could hang with Janice for nine months and be a great husband despite how I felt about her, and was enthralled by my creativity and compassion when I confided in her the story of how I dumped Janice while giving her a lifeline and making my brother happy.

I thought that Beverly was a rather plain looking woman, although she did seem to have womanly assets, including what I perceived might be a really nice rack. It was hard to tell in the scrubs or medical coats I always saw her in. She is about six years older than I am.

One day, about a year after my divorce was final, Beverly had a very distressed look on her face when I sat next to her in the cafeteria. She didn't have the normal smile on her face when she greeted me.

"What's wrong, Beverly?" I asked – by then we were on a first name basis.

She started quietly sobbing.

"Eat your lunch quickly, then we're going someplace private to talk," I ordered.

She looked at me sheepishly, then with a crooked smile said "OK."

When I got her in private she started crying and buried her head in my chest. What I finally got out of her was that she had had a strained marriage for several years, and now found out that her husband was cheating on her, and she was going to divorce him. I wrote down my lawyer's name and phone number for her and told her "If there is anything that I can do to help, just let me know. I'm not just saying that – I really mean it – anything!"

She thanked me, apologized for getting mascara on my lab coat, and we went our separate ways. Over the next five weeks or so I saw her in the lunch room about twice a week, and we almost always sat together and talked.

On Friday, after we ate she said "Ryan, do you have a few minutes? Can we talk in private?"

"Sure," I said with a smile.

We went to the same private place as last time. She was obviously nervous when she said "I'm officially separated from my husband, I have custody of the kids, and the divorce is moving along quickly since I don't want any alimony or child support from the bastard," the last part said with obvious acrimony. Then her mood lightened and she asked "Remember when you said that you'd do anything to help me?"

"I sure do," I replied, "and I meant it."

She smiled. "I badly need to have a good time. Can you take me out to a movie or dancing this weekend?"

After my initial shock I got a big grin and said "I'd like nothing better. I'll make reservations for dinner at 7:00 Saturday, we can go to a club after that, and we'll have a great time. How does that sound?"

"Wonderful," she said, and then gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "I'll email you directions to my house." Then she said goodbye and left, turning and waving after she got about ten feet away.

I felt something at my nether region. I looked down at my crotch – I had tented my pants.


It turned out that in civilian clothes Beverly had a nice body, including a really nice rack. As I found out on the second date her body – especially her ponderous tits – were even nicer when she wasn't clothed.

I also found something else out on the second date. If Beverly is any example of it, doctors really, really can fuck. She just about ripped my dick off when she rode me cowgirl, and sucked me ready for a second round, doggy that time, faster than anyone else before in my life.

I also developed a great relationship with her kids, who needed a father figure and whose real father was a jerk.

Nine months after Beverly's divorce was final we got married in a simple ceremony, I moved into her house with her and her kids, and I'm one happy, sexually gratified, fella. And, I'm in love. While not as beautiful as Janice, Beverly has it over her in every other way, including intelligence, personality, character, and sense of humor. Sexual creature that I am, however, I am most vividly reminded in spades of Beverly's desirability over Janice every time (which is very often) that I titty fuck Beverly! Janice wasn't equipped for that.

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rlrmiller1951rlrmiller1951about 1 month ago

l just double checked, and NONE of the 48 comments was by anonymous. never seen that before.

rlrmiller1951rlrmiller1951about 1 month ago

Bonus points for originality.

oldpantythiefoldpantythief5 months ago

Just when I thought I've read them all, here comes a story with more twists and turns than a cheap extension cord. It was imaginative how the MC worked things out with his brother and cheating wife. Can't really call him a cuckold for staying with the cheating slut because he did promise the Doctor and besides he did get some good pussy and gave him time to get his ducks in a row.

demanderdemander5 months ago

A little too glib. But good, anyway. D

Just_WordsJust_Words7 months ago

That was strange, but I liked it.

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