Family Secrets - New Orleans Pt. 01


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"I think we should stop for dinner and find a nice motel to stay at for the night," Kelly yawned from behind the wheel as the clock struck 6:30 p.m.

"I think so too," Charlotte said laying her seat back, so she could tease her nephew before dinner.

"Anyone have any suggestions?" Kelly asked as her eyes quickly scanned the restaurants that lined the highway sign as they passed.

"What's Cracker Barrel?" Samuel asked in confusion.

"I don't know," Charlotte said shrugging her shoulders as she played with her tits. Blowing Samuel a kiss as she tugged on her nipples.

"Well, hurry up and find out what it is we're coming up on an exit for one," Kelly said looking into the rear view mirror.

"Oh, it's a southern country restaurant," Samuel said as he read the website.

"That sounds interesting," Wendy said her ears perking at the news.

"Then that's where we are eating," Kelly said nodding causing her strawberry blonde ponytail to bounce against her neck.

"Look there's a motel not far from it too," Charlotte said pointing at the Motel 6 sign down the road from it.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Kelly asked with a knowing smile as she peered at her aunt.

"That if we hurry with dinner, we'll have a few good hours to taste your brother," Charlotte said returning Kelly's smile. "And he does look delicious," she said her smile widening as Samuel's eyes ran down her new youthful twenty-two-year old body. Hoping the pregnancy doesn't wreck her body too much. If it does than she knew a few spells to fix that little problem, and she knew Samuel would be more than happy to help her.

"Are you going to carry her, or do you want...?"

"Sammy!" Wendy shouted interrupting her daughter as she held onto Samuel's shirt as she stood in his lap.

"Seems," Kelly said feeling her cheek twitch that her daughter/mother was usurping her time with her brother. "That you're getting far too much out of acting like a child, mother," she said her voice laced with venom.

"What?! I only have a few years that I can show my...," Wendy said stopping as she felt her cheeks becoming flush with heat. "Then I'll have to hide my feelings for my son from the world, until the day that I turn eighteen again; or when my powers kick in, whichever comes first."

"You hear that Victor," Charlotte whispered as her hands ran over her stomach as she stood beside Kelly, "it seems your wife is in love with her son. You better hurry or Samuel is just going to sweep her off her feet," she giggled.

"You aren't helping," Kelly grumbled.

"Who says I was here to help?" Charlotte teased.

"Alright, alright," Samuel said sighing. He had no clue how he was going to handle their constant need for his attention, his schoolwork, and everything else that might pop up. It already felt like he was being pulled in far to many directions at once, and he was growing tired of it. "Mom, you are going to have to act like a sensible adult," he said looking into his mother's eyes.

"I don't want to," Wendy huffed turning her head to the side. "It's not every day one gets to relive her childhood."

"Well young lady," Kelly said scooping up her mother in her arms, "I am your mother and you will listen to me," she said assertively.

"My, my, whatever is Wendy to do," Charlotte said behind her hand as she tried to keep her laughter contained.

"You're suppose to have my back Charlotte, we are sisters after all," Wendy said her little arm darting out trying to grab hold of Charlotte's shirt.

"Didn't you hear Becky?" Charlotte asked reverting to the name they used when they were out in public. "Wendy Goodall is dead," she said, softly bopping Wendy's little nose.

"I am not," Wendy huffed angrily.

"Okay, okay," Samuel said closing the car door behind him, "lets all just settle down. We still have a long way to go," he said having no wish to be confined into a small area with two angry pregnant women and his mother.

"I will if only I get to sit next to you," Kelly and Charlotte said in unison. The two women looked at each other silently battling in their minds as to whom was going to occupy the seat next to Samuel.

"How about we just get a table instead of a booth then both of you can sit beside me, sounds fair right?" Samuel asked feeling their magic starting to rise.

"Okay!" Their voices were so in sync made Samuel wonder if they hadn't planned all this. Taking Samuel by the arm each protecting his flank as they walked towards the entrance of the restaurant.

"That was so good!" Charlotte said squirming in her seat.

"I know right!" Kelly said nodding along before her belly rumbled in agreement.

"Can we get another serving?" They asked looking at Samuel.

"S-sure," Samuel said unnerved by the hungry looks in their eyes.

"Oh miss!" Charlotte called out as she waved her arm. "Hi, sorry about this, can we," she said pointing to Kelly, "get another plate of the same order we just had?" Handing the waitress hers and Kelly's empty plates.

"Sure that shouldn't be a problem," the elderly woman said with a cheery smile, "eating for two I take it?"

"How did you know?" Kelly said in awe.

"Well, good southern food is good for growing babies," the woman said winking at her. "Now you two just wait right there and I'll see if the cooks can't hurry up with your order," she said before leaving their table.

"So Samuel," Charlotte said sipping on her iced tea, "any idea on what we might be facing down there?"

"Hmm, probably just the locals harassing them," Samuel hoped.

"No, if they were then grandpa would have called the police and not you. Something or someone is using magic against them, and it appears they aren't strong enough to face them; or they are evenly matched, and any attack would only destroy each side," Kelly said leaning forward.

"Hmm. Rick and Joan aren't that weak either," Charlotte said chewing on her lower lip.

"Forget about them," Wendy whispered low. "We can't count on them to help us," she said her little fingers grabbing for the green bean on her tray.

"You still mad about that?" Charlotte asked looking over at her sister. Not that she could blame Wendy they did shrug off their own sister's cry for help.

"Of course I am! If they had came when I called then there might have been a chance to reverse the hex Norman put on me, and not have to go through all this," Wendy said darkly peering down her toddler chest.

"What?! Why didn't you tell me this?" Samuel asked low looking in-between his sister and his aunt.

"Sam, it was such a small chance we thought it best not to bring it up," Kelly said resting her hand over his.

"But it was still a chance," Samuel said in a low whisper so none of the other customers could overhear them.

"That's what I said, but does anyone ever listen to me," Wendy said rolling her eyes.

"Well, that was then, this is now Samuel," Charlotte said resting her hand over his right, "sure you should be angry with your aunt and uncle, as myself and your mother are. However, right now we need to put that pass us for the moment. When we figure this all out then we'll deal with them, okay?"

"Alright," Samuel grumbled as he munched on a crinkle cut french fry.

"Now I think we should place wards around the property once we get there," Kelly said looking at her aunt.

"Yes, that would be wise," Charlotte nodded glancing over at Samuel, "although I think we should add Samuel into the mix it would make the wards impenetrable to those that have malice towards our family from stepping onto the property."

"Agreed," Kelly nodded. Watching how her brother watched them intently as they made battle plans to reinforce their cousin's home. "Maybe we could place a Hungarian hex on them should they succeed in breaching our wards?"

"Are you sure Kelly? Those things have a nasty habit of running amuck should the user not know how to channel their powers," Charlotte said worryingly.

"That is true, but we do auntie," Kelly whispered, "I'm not going to allow my grandmother to be in fear any longer than they already are."

"I have to agree with my daughter," Wendy nodded her fine sandy blonde hair floating in the air as she did.

"What's a Hungarian hex?" Samuel asked glancing up in time to see their waitress exited the kitchen with Kelly's and Charlotte's plates in hand.

"Mmm, would you just smell that," Charlotte said practically drooling at the fragrant odor that drifted off of her plate.

"Oh my god! This is fantastic!" Kelly's eyes fluttered as the hot, creamy, cheesy macaroni and cheese melted on her tongue.

"Do give the chef our praise," Charlotte said staring up at the waitress in a dream like state.

"I will! I also got the two of you something extra for the babies," the old woman said smiling down at them as the she pointed to the whole pears sliced in half in the small bowls on their plates.

"Why thank you so much! You're very kind," Charlotte said brushing her hand down the woman's forearm healing the woman's severe case of arthritis she had seen in her hands.

"No need to thank me dear, I'm happy too," she said beaming down at them. "Now you all just enjoy this lovely family meal together," she said as her wrinkled finger brushed along Wendy's left cheek.

"My, these people are so friendly," Kelly said in awe as she took another bite.

"I know, makes me wonder if we should just give up the house and move to some quiet out of the way place," Charlotte said with an amused smirk as she glanced at Samuel.

"No way, summer is hot enough up there as it is," Samuel said. He hadn't expected it to be a sauna outside when they parked, he feared the further they went the hotter it will get. Samuel imagined himself melting the first moments he stepped foot in New Orleans.

"True it is a tad hot," Wendy agreed, "although I can see the splendor of this place too, I bet they don't get as bad of snow storms down here than at home."

"Hey, if I don't have to shove snow any more then I'm all in," Kelly said cutting up her chicken fried steak.

"That looks yummy!" Wendy whispered as she leaned forward in her high chair. "Is it?!" she asked as Kelly took a bite.

"Mmmhmm," Kelly nodded. Cutting up a few small pieces for her daughter before placing it onto the tray of her highchair.

"Oh my," Wendy mumbled around her food. "We so have to learn how to make this."

"What have you always told me, don't speak when your mouth is full," Kelly said in a motherly voice. Charlotte chuckled as Wendy stuck her tongue out at her daughter.

"So back to the hex," Samuel said pushing his plate to the side.

"We'll tell you later," Charlotte whispered noticing how they were starting to draw attention -- namely her and Kelly.

"Sammy, I need a change," Wendy said holding out her greasy hands.

"Go, we'll try to finish as fast as we can," Kelly said lovingly squeezing his hand.

"Alright," Samuel sighed grabbing the diaper bag from underneath the table. Wiping down his mother's hands before unbuckling her from the high chair. "My, don't you just have a kissy neck," he said dotting on her as if she was his own child. Technically she was, now that Kelly made it very clear two weeks ago, they were man and wife in all sense of the word just not in the eye of the law. Listening to the "Awes" of the women that partake in the restaurant as Samuel placed big wet kisses on his mother's neck, which ensued a round of giggles from Wendy.

"You may want to use the women's bathroom if you're going to change her," one of the waiters said as he left the table he was working. "The men's one doesn't have a baby changing station in it," he said waving for one of the female staff members to check out the bathroom before Samuel entered.

"It's all clear, I'll stand guard while you take care of this adorable little girl," the twenty-year old woman cooed as she tugged gently on Wendy's pinky finger. Wendy flashed her a big broad smile.

"Well, what do you say to the nice lady and gentleman?" Samuel asked keeping his smirk hidden knowing how his mother hated to act like a one-year old. Stifling his mirth as his mother spat out a very broken thank you. "See that wasn't so hard," he said enjoying his teasing of his mother.

"Papa," Wendy said raking her sharp needle like nails down the side of his left cheek. Giving her son a look as to say, 'don't ever do that again!'

"Well, let's change that poopy butt," Samuel said giving Wendy a little jostle. Giving his own thanks to the two of them before entering the bathroom.

"Your face is getting red," Samuel said as he wiped his mother's privates clean.

"I can't help it," Wendy whispered looking away from her son.

"See, I told you. You like having your son do this," Samuel teased. "I wonder if Kelly knows about our mother's weird fetish," he chuckled.

"I do not," Wendy pouted. Yet no matter how it looked like to other people she did enjoy the feel of her son's hands. Knowing how difficult it was going to be for another seventeen years.

"There," Samuel said tossing out the used diaper, "you're all pretty again," he said straightening out her dress.

"I'm always pretty," Wendy sighed as Samuel held her close as they neared the door.

"All done?" asked the waitress who was guarding the door.

"Yes, thank you, don't know how that would play out if someone came in when I was changing her," Samuel said smiling warmly at the woman.

"Not a problem," the woman said her eyes darting between the two, "it's nice to see a man taking responsibility in their children's life's. Now I hope the two of you have a pleasant evening," she said kindly waving to them before returning to her tasks.

"So full," Kelly groaned as Samuel and Wendy returned.

"But it was so worth it," Charlotte sighed in content as she rubbed her stomach.

"Hey sweetheart," Kelly cooed referring to both Samuel and Wendy, "did Daddy get you all nice and clean?" she asked taking Wendy from Samuel.

"Okay, that just sounds so damn weird," Samuel thought to himself as Wendy nodded to Kelly's question. A devilish smirk rose along his lips as his mother looked up at him. Those small green eyes telling him not to otter the word. Leaning in his lips brushing against her ear, "Who's your Daddy?" Samuel fought himself from not bursting out in laughter at how red his mother's face was becoming.

"Samuel stop teasing the little girl," Charlotte said smirking as she opened the check book taking her card and leaving behind a very generous tip. "It's past her bed time anyway, we should head to the motel and get some much need...," she said lustfully her eyes running down her nephews body.

"Well, we have one to soil and another to sleep on," Kelly said tossing the room key onto the dresser listening as it slid across the polished surface.

"Excellent," Charlotte purred handing Wendy to Kelly.

"Well, we'll go take our bath," Kelly said giggling as Wendy shook her head vehemently that she didn't want to miss out. "A toddler doesn't need to see this," she mused as they walked towards the bathroom."

"Samuel don't let your sister do this! I'm your mother, and I have every right to watch," Wendy said over her daughter's shoulder as Kelly approached the bathroom.

"Finally," Charlotte sighed as Samuel's arms encircled her, "I've been waiting for this all day," she whispered as their lips inched closer to his. Her body trembled as the pads of his fingers skimmed down her spine. A primal moan filled her mouth as his hands gripped her ass. Her hands snaked they're way down his sides, roughly tugging the hem of his shirt out of his pants. Attacking his lips once again after she had sent his shirt sailing across the room. Breathing heavily into his ear as Samuel kissed down her neck. His fingers worked quickly down her blouse, biting her lower lip as Samuel eased the fabric off her shoulders and down her arms before it floated down to the floor. "Oh Sammy!" Charlotte said breathlessly holding his head against her chest loving the feel of his lips against her skin. "Yes!" she said her body shuddering underneath the wave of pleasure that emanated from her womb as Samuel sucked on her breasts. She had no idea why her breasts had become so sensitive as of late. They were never that sensitive enough to produce an orgasm from her, and yet there she was feeling her juices running down her canal as Samuel's tongue circled her left areola. Her nails dug into his skin as Samuel tugged on her nipple. "Oh god! Yes Samuel, suck on that tit," Charlotte moaned.

The water sloshed around the tub as Kelly tried to ignore the sounds coming from the other room. Her right hand ran over her breast wondering if her own would become that sensitive. Glancing to the door, her eyes longing for the man that inhabited that part of their motel room. She really didn't need a bath, yet they did agree on limiting the times they had threesomes with one another; and she didn't want to enforce her will on her aunt. Nevertheless, Kelly wanted to feel Samuel touching, tasting, nibbling on her since she didn't have her time with Samuel this morning.

"Kelly?" Wendy said looking up at her daughter as she sat on her lap.

"Hmm?" Kelly uttered lost in thought.

"You and I both know I don't need a bath. So why are we in here?" Wendy asked arching an eyebrow.

"Because...Charlotte wants some time alone," Kelly said hiding her face behind the curtain of her sandy blonde hair.

"Charlotte is being greedy," Wendy said motherly as her small hand reached out, touching the bottom of her daughter's/mother's chin. "Baby, it's going to be a while before we can return back to our normal routine," she said as she lifted Kelly's chin. "So why not go out there and get what you need," Wendy said seeing the need in her daughter's eyes.

"But...," Kelly said feeling second rate to Charlotte's beauty. Biting her lower lip, hanging her head in shame for being jealous of her aunt.

"Baby what's wrong?" Wendy asked using the side of the tub to help her to stand after Kelly moved her off her lap.

"Nothing," Kelly said shaking her head, pulling her knees to her chest. Her hair cascading down her legs as she pressed her head against them. Wrapping her arms around her legs wondering why she was always playing second fiddle to Charlotte.

"Kelly," Wendy said sweetly placing a hand on Kelly's right shoulder, "look at me baby," she said in a motherly voice. She knew Kelly always had self-confidence issues, she had hoped that her daughter would have out grown it. However, the sounds that were coming from the main part of their motel room were only jabbing its finger into her daughter's eye. "You know if you don't tell Samuel how you feel then it will never get better, and you will slowly sink into despair; and that will lead to anger and hatred for him. I don't want that for you, no mother does," Wendy said sweetly running her hand up and down her arm. "I don't want you to suffer, I don't want to see my own daughter growing ill because she won't feed her need. So how about you and I go out there and make them realize that we are as much of a part of this family as they are; and that it can't always be about them, and Charlotte's constant need to lay with my son."

"Mom, do I hear jealousy in your voice?" Kelly asked trying not to smile as she looked at her daughter's reddening cheeks.

"M-maybe," Wendy muttered looking away.

"So what you're saying is that we shouldn't be so quick to let Charlotte be the first to have a taste of Samuel all the time?" Kelly asked resting her cheek against her knee.

"Mmmhmm," Wendy nodded.

"Then should we not get out and interrupt their fun?" Kelly asked a mischievous light flashed in her eyes.

"Yes, we should," Wendy said smiling at her daughter. Walking/falling into her daughter's arms before feeling them encasing her in their loving embrace.