Family Takedown 07

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Dad to the rescue?
10.1k words

Part 7 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/13/2017
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Disclaimer: This story is fictitious and so are the characters. All characters are 18-years-old or older. In real life, all non-consensual sex is immoral and illegal, and not condoned by the author. Not for publication.

This story contains non-consensual incestuous sex. It's a fantasy. Hopefully, people wouldn't really act this way.



It was just past eight in the morning when George Thornton heard his wife's cry from somewhere in the house.

Bolting from bed, he quickly determined her screams were coming from David's room. In only his pajama bottoms, he raced to where the sounds emanated.

By this point, David had decided a submissive strain ran throughout his family.

His dad was an academic, brainy but weak. He suspected he could dominate his father just as easily as he did his older sister...and now his mother, although he was still working on that part of his plan.

The 18-year-old deviant wasn't sure about his twin sister Brit, who took after her brother in looks and temperament, but he'd take it one step at a time. He could worry about her later.

George burst through the bedroom door, unready to handle the vision meeting his eyes. David expected to find out if his suspicions about George's lack of backbone were correct.

"WHAT?!!" George marveled as much as yelled. David's father was stunned into inaction with what he saw.

Not a few feet away, his wife of 20-plus years was tied-down naked - her body draped with only the remnants of her bathrobe. More remarkably, her flexible legs were trussed in the air with her bare feet pointing to the ceiling.

That was just a predicate for the inconceivable picture of their brilliant 19-year-old daughter, also naked, on her knees with her face buried between her mother's legs, eating his unwilling wife's responsive cunt as Kate writhed involuntarily to the varied ministrations of Allison's adroit tongue.

"OH, THANK GOD!" Kate exalted in her relief. "GEORGE...OOHHHH...IT'S DAVID..."

The appearance of her husband raised an expression of hope that filled Kate's relieved eyes, even as her daughter continued to provoke bolts of pleasure throughout her erotically-charged pussy.


"UUGGGH...," George groaned.

No sooner had the words left Kate Thornton's lips than her husband dropped to his knees, gasping for breath from the blow to the stomach from his son, knocking out his air and leaving him searching for his breath.

David had the advantage and he wasn't going to waste it, smacking his dad on the back of the head with his open palm causing George to crumple to the floor on all fours.

Allison caught the commotion out of her peripheral vision but decided it was best to remain servicing her mother's inflamed cunt, with her labia now fully engorged and her fuck hole emitting a generous flow of dewy liquid.

"HUHH...UHH...HOOH...," Kate's breathing deepened.

Allison suspected her mother was getting close to total surrender to her impending climax, and Allison didn't want to be perceived by her troublesome brother as the cause of any failure.

Disappointment overcame Kate's face as George fell, concerned as her husband struggled to get up on hands and knees to catch his breath. Yet, even then, she continued to endure the ongoing torment of her clit by her subservient daughter.

"OHHH...OHHH...SWEETIE...NOOO...," Kate cooed unconvincingly.

Taking advantage of his father's short-term disorientation, David swiftly attached a pair of padded handcuffs to his left and right wrists. He had purchased the cuffs online in the last week for use on Allison, but figured they would work just fine for his present purposes.

"C'mon dad, upsy-daisy," David instructed George, his powerful arms dragging his lightweight father upright to attach the other end of the cuffs to the pull-up bar affixed to his bedroom door as it had been for years.

In this manner, his gasping dad was immobilized - perfectly positioned to witness the downfall and submission of his wife, his daughter, and ultimately himself.

"What the hell are you doing, David?" George immediately demanded an explanation, hanging weak-kneed as he regained his senses. "You can't do this to your mother? What have you done to Allison?"

"Allie, sweetheart, you can't do...," George started to tell his strangely-acting daughter when David cut off his dad's diatribe with a star-inducing slap to the side of the head.


"OHHHHH...ALLIE...UNNHH...NOOO...TOO MUCH!" George's loving wife moaned her growing ecstatic collapse under the diligent tongue-work of her dedicated daughter.

Kate was losing it to Allison's relentless attack on her mother's achingly needy clit, now swollen and hyper-sensitized to each tantalizing touch.

Sensing her mother's oncoming orgasm, Allison aggressively switched to dipping her curled tongue deep into the soaking cavern of Kate's pussy channel, determined to investigate every corner and fold of the heated chamber.

"AAAHHHHH...OOHHH MMYYYY...OHH ALLIE, THERE...UUUNNNNHHHHH...LIKE THAT...," Kate stammered her need, no longer able to look at her husband, and lost in her own sexual haze as Allison worked her magic.

Improvising on his demented plan, without warning, David pulled his hard-working sister suddenly away from his mother's soaking wet gash.

With Kate so desperately close to her peak under the lapping tongue of her daughter, it caused a start in the stressed matriarch.

"OHH...WHA...UNN! NOOOOO...," his mother unthinkingly begged for the return of Allison's able tongue.

"You want it don't you, mom? You want Allison to finish you, right?" David cruelly tortured his mother, building her unnatural but fervent need, then pulling away the source of her pleasure just before the moment of release.

"You want Allison to continue, isn't that right?" The disturbed young man cajoled. "You want your daughter to eat your pussy, don't you?"

"OHH, DAVID...PLEASE? JUST LET HER...," Kate cried.

"Just let her what, mom?" David asked tauntingly. "Finish you? Make you cum?"

"OOHHHH! JUST LET ALLISON...AAHHH...EAT ME...PLEASE!" Kate confessed shamefully, hoping that stating her need in the manner suggested by her son might be enough to placate his evil intent.

She quickly found out she was wrong.

"She's doing a good job, isn't she?" David didn't really expect an answer to this question, but he did to his next.

"This isn't the first time, is it mom?"

"WHAT? HUH?" Kate wondered, nervously.

"It's not the first time a woman has eaten your pussy, is it?" David brazenly asked.

'Did he know about June? How could he?' Kate was alarmed by his inquisition.

The distraught woman couldn't understand what inspired the question. Still, missing her daughter's lively tonguing of her hungry little button, she grew hysterical, hoping for its return.

"Ohhh, don't, David," she pleaded, "'s not right."

"It seems like you took to Allison's tongue pretty quickly," he prodded. "Kinda like this wasn't the first time a woman has been between your legs."

George's ears perked up at the insinuation by his son.

The few times he thought about what his wife did when he was on one of his frequent business trips, it occurred to him she may have had an affair or two, but never with a woman. He always assumed it was with a make up for his 'shortcomings.'

It was the reason he never sought the painful truth.

"Who is it, mom...Mrs. Rutherford?" David pressed. "Tell me, and I promise I'll let you cum."

David was really playing with his mother.

He wasn't certain, but thought she had become particularly close with June Rutherford over the last few years; even staying the night at her house on a few occasions under the guise of having too much to drink to drive home.

Like his own dad, Mrs. Rutherford's husband Jim travelled frequently, leaving the attractive redheaded wife and mother on her own with her two teenage daughters.

June was many things his mother wasn't - tall, full-bodied and every bit the beauty queen, with a shapely form and chiseled facial features. Not that his petite mother had anything to be ashamed of, with her sizable tits and the curve of her hips.

Opposites do attract.

Guessing his mother was worked up enough to reveal any secret to get her needed release, David thought this was a good opportunity for 'true confessions.'

"Please David, don't make me," Kate pleaded. "You got me...unnhhh...started, please, finish me!"

"I will, mom, I promise," David responded sympathetically. "All you need to do is tell me if you and one of your girlfriends has been spending time between each other's legs."

David was so callous, so crudely matter-of-fact in his steadfast inquisition of his mother in return for the promise of renewed stimulus for her starved clitoris.

"Ohhh..." Kate finally broke, knowing her son would stand firm in his refusal otherwise. The defeated mother whimpered tears of both shame and need rolling down the side of as she blurted out the truth.

"Yes. June and I...unhhh...have been close...intimate," she admitted, avoiding her son and looking instead at her bound husband for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry, George."

"You mean you've eaten each other's pussies?" David asked brutally.

The Thornton's terrorizing son couldn't be more excited at the image in his head of the two domestic housewives locked in intimate Sapphic embrace.

Lesbian porn was one of his favorite genres. It showed in his wild grin and his iron-bar cock as he continued his excruciatingly personal examination.

"Have you 69'd with her?"

Kate gave in to her guilt and the urgency of her unattended cunt, haltingly admitting to the reciprocal lesbian act with her girlfriend in the detail she knew her son wanted.

"Yes, I ate her pussy...and she ate mine," his despairing mother gave more than he asked, hoping to end her humiliation as soon as possible and return her daughter's attention to her longing cunt.

"We 69'd...and..." she hesitated before adding, "and she uses a strap-on because...ohh please, I'm sorry George...because she knows I sometimes need a big cock."

Her husband's head dropped in knowing recognition of her unmet needs.

"There now, that wasn't so bad," David placated his mother.

"Frankly, I'm jealous. Mrs. Rutherford is pretty. I'd want to eat her pussy too," David remarked, his tone inappropriately magnanimous.

"Maybe we can work on that later," he added as an ominous afterthought. His words were anything but, injecting his own desires for the mid-40's mother of two.

"Now, where were we?" David queried.

"Oh yes, Allison, go over to dad" he instructed. "Undo his drawstring and drop his pants. I want to confirm a suspicion."

"WAIT...UHH...WHAT ABOUT ME?" Kate cried aloud, afraid her son would not fulfill his promise.

Allison was as confused as anyone in the room. She had been reluctantly but diligently eating her mother's heated cunt the best she knew how, distastefully swallowing her mother's juices as they flowed into her mouth and over her chin, only to be redirected towards their captive dad.

Disconsolate, approaching her dear father while stripped completely naked, Allison suddenly very self-conscious about her cleanly-shaved pussy and the size of her tits as they swayed when she walked.

She became especially aware of her fully erect nipples in the warm room, the swollen nubs shamefully apparent after burying her face into her mother's sopping twat.

Avoiding her father's eyes, Allison uncomfortably reached for his waistline and pulled the cord holding up his pajama bottoms. Loosened, they fell in a heap to the ground revealing her father's shriveled little penis, hanging soft under a curly fluff of salt and pepper pubic hair.

"Ohhh! Ummm...daddy!" Allison's hand raced to her mouth hoping to stifle a giggle so as not to embarrass her father over the exposure of his small flaccid tool. "I'm sorry."

As his father watched with a doleful expression, David stood by his mother and gently reached between her thighs to delicately stroke her yearning clitoris, wishing to keep her on the edge and desperate for completion.

"Ohhh...please David," Kate begged, "...let your father finish me."

"Hell, no," David scowled. "What fun would that be?"

"Then...let Allie," the trapped woman asked meekly in shamed acquiesence to her need. "Please?"

His mother's unlikely request would have been unthinkable just thirty minutes ago. Now, her loving daughter's tongue seemed desirable to the panting woman.

David ignored her request, focusing instead on his disgraced father's pitiful plight.

"That's kind of what I figured," David scoffed. "Not packing much of a punch, right dad? Not quite as impressive as your son, huh?"

David gleefully insulted his father, not because he held any disdain for the man, but because his intent was to diminish him before his wife and daughter. He expected that emphasizing how much his own manhood dwarfed his father's inadequate prick was one step in that direction.

Kate's admission that her friend June fucked her with a large strap-on dildo to fulfill her unmet need for a 'real' cock was another. David intended to demonstrate this point to his father, using his own wife's needs against him.

"Mmmnn...unnhh...ohhh, please...finish me...," Kate's mewling notes of lust returned despite her preference for Allison's shameful tonguing.

Her heartless son merely continued to tease her palpitating cunt with his fingers, grazing her throbbing clit and worse, trailing across the entrance to her pussy without pushing in to leavie her badly in need of penetration, just as David intended.

"Isn't that nice, mom?" David noted the sweat on his mother's brow and the way her sloping tits, now covered with their own sheen of perspiration, rose and fell with each breath she inhaled.

"Wouldn't you like a nice hard cock to take you where you need to go?" David taunted wickedly. "Wouldn't you like something big for a change, instead of that little penis of dad's you've had all these years?"

"Noooo...uummmm...," Kate's mind was conflicted and her voice wavering as her son toyed with her hungry pussy.

David words inadvertently drew his mother's attention once again to his own hard cock, eight inches of solid meat pointing straight out from his midsection.

It may have been wishful thinking, but he sensed longing in her eyes when she didn't turn away immediately, instead holding it in her steady gaze.

"You like what you see, don't you? You like my big cock, right? You know it's just what you need. What you want?" David tormented Kate. "All you have to do is ask, mom, and it's yours."

"Ohhh, nooooo...," his mother gasped and nearly fainted at the implications of her son's obscene offer. He was suggesting incest - plain and simple. It was the most deviant of taboos.

Even Allison, profanely experienced with the unwanted but inescapably lust-inducing power of her brother's mighty tool, stood stunned next to her father.

George couldn't hide his contempt watching his son's perverse advance on his wife, but fear kept him silent, along with the first tingling sensation of his own miniscule prick coming to life at the lewd display.

"Ohh, David...please stop. This is so wrong. You shouldn' this to your...uunnnh...mother," Kate whimpered her protest, certain of her need and questioning her resolve to resist accepting the evil offer.

David was implacable. He knew he had her if he pressed forward...he just needed to convince her of the same.

"Fine, I can stop. Just like this," David cautioned, quickly removing his hand from her overheated cunt. "Here, I'll even let your legs down."

True to his word, David undid his mother's drawn legs...a welcome change as the blood was draining from her feet, and leaving her toes numb. The upright position was becoming uncomfortable, even for his flexible mother.

"OHH...NOOOO! OHHHH, PLEASE DAVID...AT LEAST GET ME OFF!" There was real desperation in his mother's voice as she pleaded with her cruel son. "ALLIE MADE ME...UUUHHHH...SO HOT. I JUST NEED TO CUM!"

David was enjoying his power - his nude mother was begging, and his equally nude, frightened sister was confused. Now, his father was cowed, but clearly aroused as his small penis stood stiff with excitement.

"I'm sure dad could do it, right? You know, make you cum?" David condescendingly turned to where his father hung motionless, ridiculing George with what he saw.

"Well, well, it looks like your naughty relationship with Mrs. Rutherford got dad's tiny dick hard," David said with a hint of satisfaction. "Or maybe it's having Allison's naked body so close, and seeing his buxom daughter's hands almost touch him when she took off his pants."

"Why, that pencil-dick is maybe all of five inches," David chided his mother. "I'm sure you've figured out a way to get off on that little thing by now."

George was humiliated by his son's condescension. It was true his slight penis had become steel-hard watching his son torment his wife.

Worse, the way his voluptuous daughter stood so near didn't help, with her round ass and big tits repeatedly drawing his gaze even as he tried to resist looking at her naked body.

"Of course, wouldn't a bigger cock feel good? One like Mrs. Rutherford uses? Wouldn't that do the trick?" David resumed manipulating the pleasure button at the center of his mother's thighs.

Kate's merciless son teased her with images of the wonderfully large, life-like black rubber phallus her secret girlfriend used on her when her need for penetration was at its peak, even as she closed her newly-freed legs in an unconvincing attempt to escape his toying digits.

'I desperately need to cum,' she thought. 'I need penetration...a hard much.'

"Just say the word, mom," David urged, sensing she was at the end of her tether.

Finally, Kate Thornton broke to her need.

"Yes," his forlorn but precipitously-ecstatic mother mumbled under her breath to her immense shame.

Even with her husband present, Kate had to feed her lust.

In fact, her son was right, she had never enjoyed great sex with George, despite the fact she sincerely loved him deeply. He rarely made her cum with his small prick, invoking the need to satisfy herself discreetly afterwards or with the hard-driving strap-on wielded by June.

Her son's thick cock once more appeared in her line of sight. She couldn't stand the thought of unsuccessfully trying to climax on George's insufficient tool any longer. She was so close to orgasm and needed to be truly fucked.

David's mother had shallowly whispered her surrender with remorse as he looked happily at her pleading eyes.

"What?" David sought more submission from his anxious mother...more detail.

"Yes, David, give me," Kate whined with growing desire and frustration. "Give it to your... unnhhh...mother."

"What do you mean, mom? Give you what?" Her gloating son persisted. "You want my cock...your son's cock?"

David was yearning to fuck his mother, but wanted to degrade her too. It was part of the demoralization process necessary to turn her into his compliant sex toy. He wanted her self-esteem to sink - to crater and undermine her pride so it would be easier to control her going forward.

Kate became exasperated with his teasing and withholding what she needed most.

"PLEASE, DAVID, DON'T MAKE ME BEG!" Kate was greatly ashamed of herself and her son, though willing to humiliate herself to fulfill her carnal desires, if necessary.

"But I want you to beg, mom," David twisted the knife, stating his true intent. "Beg me for what you want."