Family Takes Care of Family


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But as had happened this morning, his cock was pulsing uncontrollably, and her vaginal walls were caressing it. Brian knew he could come just from this. Then, very slowly, Erin couldn't help the gentle sway of her hips in a very slow hula motion. And with that, she was giving him yet another first. The feel of his cock rotating around her inner wall was making him lightheaded. Just when he thought having his penis in her vagina could get no better, she proved that it could.

Had things with his wife been so bad that he had never known, realized, appreciated, experienced all of these seemingly new feelings he was encountering with Erin? Or was Erin just that good? Or both?

She started moving up and down slowly. His hands moved up to hold and fondle her breasts. After a minute or so, she stopped to plant her lips on his, and he used the opportunity to lift her up but without removing his dick from her pussy and turn her over onto her back. His cock still snug inside, he took a few seconds to remove his shirt before fucking her.

He pumped at a moderate pace. It was just such a thrill to feel his dick slide in and out as her pussy embraced it with the warmest, tenderness he could ever know. He pushed her legs back, her knees against her tits, and slowly pushed his rod in.

"Oh, wow! That's deep," she murmured.

He alternated hard, firm thrusts with slow, shallow ones.

"Mmmm, that's good," Erin moaned.

After a few minutes, she got up on hands and knees for a brief spell at doggy-style and some hard fucking. But then she wanted a returned to the loving missionary position and a tender finish. They came together in a warm, loving climax that seemed to wash over both of them as though it was a bubble that engulfed them as one. A great deal of emotion was exchanged as they looked deeply into one another's eyes. Without communicating it, they knew they had crossed another dangerous line.

* * *

The evening was much like the previous couple: evening news, dinner, conversation and more TV. Alex noticed that both Erin and Brian were quiet. He did catch them stealing a couple of glances at each other, but he considered it more his brother ogling over his wife.

Erin received a phone call from the people she had shown the house to today. They wanted to put in an offer, so she excused herself to the spare bedroom they'd made into an office for her to work on that.

Alex watched Brian stare at Erin as she walked away.

"You like what you see, don't you?" Alex noted.

Not realizing he'd been so obvious, Brian said, "Sorry. She's really something."

"That she is," Alex agreed. "Anything happen between you today?"

"No." Then he thought he should add, "No handjobs."

"Sorry," Alex offered, but was really glad.

Brian just shot him a preposterous look.

A while later, Brian went to bed.

Alex popped in on Erin as he headed to their bedroom. She was on the phone, listening. Covering the mouthpiece, she whispered, "Don't wait up. This is going to take a while, but it looks like I've got a sale." She gave him an excited smile.

Returning the smile, Alex nodded. "Wake me when you come to bed." He did try to wait up for her. They hadn't had sex the night before, so he was sure she'd want it tonight. But he couldn't keep his eyes open.

* * *

When Erin finally concluded the sale much later, she headed for her bedroom, thinking about the people she'd sold the house to. Brian's door was closed as she passed. Peeking in on Alex, he was sound asleep. He'd said to awaken him, but she didn't, and she wondered if it had anything to do with having fucked Brian twice today. That had her momentarily examining what she was doing with her brother-in-law, and those thoughts and the busy day she'd had sent her to an instant slumber. Strangely, she dreamt about today's home buyers.

* * *

He sensed it more than knew it. And with that was a fair amount of uncertainty. Still, he had a good idea about how to find out for sure.

* * *

As soon as Erin heard the door open and close, signaling that Alex had left for work, despite her bedtime thoughts, she was out of bed and headed for Brian's room.

He was already awake and eagerly awaiting her appearance. Actually, he was anxiously hoping she would appear. A huge grin formed on his face and he was amused to see her standing in the doorway totally nude. He lifted the covers and she was snuggled beside him in seconds.

Erin molded her frame to his, planted a brief passionate kiss on his lips and asked insistently, "I'm so horny. Can we skip on down to the main event?"

With a chuckle, Brian raised her on top of him, she spread her legs and his cock magically found its way in with no help. They remained motionless for a few moments just enjoying her stretched out on top of him, his cock pulsing, her pussy caressing.

"Mmmm. Feels so nice having you inside me."

"Not half as good as it feels being inside you."

Finally, Erin started to slowly fuck him.

* * *

Moving stealthily, Alex headed from the kitchen down the hallway stopping outside of Brian's room. He'd only pretended to leave by opening and closing the front door. Their verbal exchange and a glance inside confirmed his suspicion. He watched with a glare and a grimace as his wife fucked his brother. Ready to barge in, he halted to watch a moment longer.

The vision of Erin's lithe body sliding along Brian's was actually arousing. Alex wondered if she looked so enticing when they fucked. He knew of her sensuality, but now he was seeing it from a different perspective.

But finally, the reality of the situation kicked in. Alex shook his head to clear those previous thoughts. He slowly moved toward the bed.

* * *

Something caused Erin to turn her head. "Oh, shit!"

"What?" Brian asked thinking it was a comment on their sex.

"Alex," she whispered.

Brian twisted to see around Erin. "Oh shit is right." He quickly scrambled to extricate himself from her as if that would mean something.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised," Alex remarked.

"I'm sorry, bro. I . . . I . . . I don't know what to say."

"Nothing you can say."

"I guess it's time for me to move out."

"Ya think?" Alex shot back.

"No. Nobody goes anywhere," Erin said authoritatively. She didn't bother to cover up. No point in it.

"Seriously?" her husband said.

Brian remained in his bed but pulled the covers over him.

Erin got up and knee-walked to the edge of the bed toward her husband. "Honey, I love you more than anything. This is not about falling out of love with you."

"So, it's just your insatiable need for sex?"

"It is that," Erin agreed. "But I won't lie to you. I do feel something for Brian. I'm not entirely sure what except I do know it's more than I should feel. The two of you are so much alike, you couldn't be any more so if you were twins. Being with him is exactly like being with you, so it's hard not to feel something for him."

"What the hell does that mean?" Alex asked with a frown.

"I'm not sure," Erin admitted with a shrug. "I'm still trying to figure that out."

"Sounds like you want to be with both of us," Alex deduced unhappily. "Do I not satisfy you anymore?"

"You do satisfy me," Erin confirmed. "But I also know that I want more than you can give me. And that's not your fault. I don't know why I am the way I am, why I seem to want a lot of sex. But I do."

"So, you do want him to—I don't know—fill in when I can't give it to you?" Alex was trying hard not to be argumentative.

"I don't know that I should be a part of this," Brian interrupted.

"You're kidding, right?" Alex asked facetiously.

"You are a part of this, Brian," Erin said. "And yes, honey, I want Brian to be a part of this."

"So, what, on nights that you want him you send me out and he comes over?"

"He's already here."

"You want him to continue to live with us?" Alex asked with incredulity.

"Awkward," Brian chimed.

"You're brothers, you share everything," Erin said.

"Not my wife."

"Why not? Who asked who to get his brother off? With no specific method, I might add."

"Now you're trying to hang this on me?"

"No, honey, I'm not. I'm simply reminding you that you were willing to share me." Erin took a deep breath. "So, let's all calm down for a minute. Did you make coffee?"

"What? Yes."

Then let's all have a cup," Erin suggested. "I want to tell you about the people I just sold the house to." She eased off the bed not the least bit bothered about her nudity and, in fact, hoping it would disarm the men.

"What the fuck does that have to do with this?" Alex posed. And then, when Brian got out of bed, also still naked, Alex took a look at him and exclaimed, "Jeez, you're bigger than me!"

"Doesn't mean I know how to use it any better," Brian remarked. He reached for a pair of shorts and slipped them on.

Alex found that remark strangely satisfying.

The two men followed Erin to the kitchen. She got cups and poured them each one, then took a seat at the breakfast table.

Though the situation was serious, Brian found some amusement in the three of them sitting at the table with Erin naked. "Either of you ever heard of polyamory?"

The brothers looked at each other and shook their heads.

"There were three people buying the house I sold last night," Erin went on. "A man and two women. The man and one of the women were married. One of their first questions when I showed the house was what kind of neighborhood was it. They wanted mostly young, open-minded neighbors. When I asked why, they explained that they are in a polyamorous relationship. Even though two of them were married, the three were living intimately together. They love each other and live together in a consensual relationship."

"Like swinging?" Brian asked.

"No. They explained that swinging generally is more about sex. Recreational sex. And swingers may not confine themselves to the same partners, whereas, they were exclusive with each other. Instead of loving one other person they each love one other equally.

"Like polygamy?" This from Alex.

"No. They said polygamy is generally one person, usually a man, having multiple spouses. Polyamory is more general. It certainly can include polygamy but doesn't usually. They said there were even polyamorous relationships in which two couples—two males, two females—live together. Marriage is not a requirement of polyamorous relationships, but sometimes was—as in their situation. It's knowledge and consent that define them, an ideology of openness, goodwill, truthful communication and ethical behavior."

Seeing her husband and brother-in-law listening intently, Erin further explained, "Just so you know, sex is not necessarily a primary focus in polyamorous relationships. They're more interested in building long-term relationships with more than one person on mutually agreeable grounds. Sex is only one aspect of their relationship. They don't believe that sexual and relational exclusivity are necessary for deep, committed, long-term loving relationships."

"So, how did they get involved in this . . . arrangement?" a curious Brian asked.

"The married couple knew before they wed that, statistically, their marriage only had fifty-fifty chance of surviving, so they entered into it open-mindedly. They agreed that if one of them became interested in someone else, they would discuss it before one just arbitrarily left the other. The man reconnected with a woman he dated in college before he met the woman he married. The two women actually knew and liked each other. The wife suspected that her husband was still interested in the former girlfriend. Apparently, their break-up was a silly misunderstanding. So, the wife invited the girlfriend over so they could all get—" Erin held up her hands and did the quotation marks gesture "—reacquainted. Well, apparently, they all had a bit too much to drink, started jokingly fooling around until it became serious and they got into a threesome. The girls played with each other and the husband fucked both of them.

"In the morning when they sobered up and discussed what had happened, they all admitted that they liked what they had done and liked being together. The girls even admitted that neither had done another female before, but they had enjoyed one another. The three got together frequently after that, and not always for sex. The wife found out about polyamory, convinced the others to try it, and now, here they are five years later buying a house together." Erin paused to let the men digest the story.

Finally, Alex spoke. "And that's what you want for us?" He phrased it almost accusingly.

"It is a solution."

"For you," Alex charged.

"It's not just about the sex, honey. You two are exactly alike. Why wouldn't I want you both?"

"You're awfully quiet, Brian," Alex said.

He shrugged. "Right now, I feel like the meat in the sandwich. So far, it's just been between the two of you."

"Sounds to me like you're now part of the equation," Alex noted. "So, what's your take on this? Although, it seems this would be just what you want."

"Well, big brother," Brian responded, "My take is you can stow the hostility. You invited me to stay here, you put your wife up to 'getting me off.' If I have anything to apologize for, it's not resisting." Brian looked Alex directly in the eye. "That aside, you know what your wife wants. It doesn't matter what I want until you decide what you want. If you decide you want this, then it will be up to me to decide if I want to be a part of it."

"Would you want to be a part of it?" Alex asked, settling down.

"If I was certain you really did, then I would be open to discussing it," Brian stated flatly.

Alex nodded. He stood. "I have to go to work." He regarded his wife and brother, then said, "I can't control what the two of you do the rest of the day." He departed without even kissing Erin goodbye.

"Come on, let's go back to bed," she said.


"Just kidding. It was getting a little heavy in here. Thought I'd try to lighten it up. I've got to go meet with the buyers anyway."

"The polyamorous buyers?"

"Yes. Would you like to come along? Ask your own questions?"

"No. There's something else I need to take care of."

* * *

Alex sensed that someone was standing in his office doorway. Looking up, he was surprised to see his brother.

"Got a few minutes?" Brian asked.

Alex seemed to think for a few seconds before saying, "Yeah, come in." He gestured to a chair in front of his desk.

"I wanted to see if we could talk about . . . what happened . . . this morning," Brian began. "I'll say it again, though I'm not sure it will make a difference, but I am really sorry. I didn't come to your house expecting to stay with you, and I certainly didn't plan to do anything with Erin."

"I know," Alex finally said in a much calmer tone than at home. "Like I said this morning, I shouldn't have been surprised. The truth is, I have lived in fear that Erin would eventually cheat on me. As you probably know, she has this voracious sexual appetite, and I knew the day would come when I wouldn't be enough for her. I honestly never expected it to be you. I always thought it would be some other guy she would meet somewhere, have a torrid affair and eventually leave me. I guess to some extent, I'm glad it was you."

"For what it's worth, Alex, I never got any sense that she was unhappy with you, or that she had any notion of leaving you. And I'm absolutely certain she is not having an affair."

Alex merely nodded. "I've been thinking about this polyamory situation all morning. What do you really think about it?"

"It's an interesting concept," Brian had to admit. "But I stand by what I said earlier. It really depends on what you want. If you're not in favor of it, then it doesn't really matter if I want it or not."

"That's not true," Alex countered. "If I consent to it and you don't want to be a part of it, then we're back to where we started. If I knew that you would be a part of it, it would help me decide. I have to admit that polyamory is not as far out there as I thought. I've done some research on it this morning and it does seem to work in many situations. But it's also not for everyone. And as for me, I wouldn't consent to trying it with anyone but you. I don't have any male friends I would be comfortable sharing my wife with. Everything that Erin said about it this morning was accurate. But despite that, it's supposed to be based on consent, openness and equality, in our situation, at least initially, it's all about me sharing my wife. I wouldn't want to do that with a stranger."

Now, it was Brian's turn to nod his understanding. "Are you saying you're leaning toward doing it?"

"As Erin said, it is a solution."

"But do you really feel like you have to consider a solution?" Brian wanted to know. "I mean, this is more of a perceived problem. Would we be having this conversation if I hadn't come to your house to tell you about the divorce? Or if you hadn't asked Erin to . . . do what you asked her to do? Or if it had never gone any further between her and I?"

For the first time, Alex actually smiled. "Those are a lot of ifs, little brother. On the other hand, events might have conspired to bring us to where we are. Maybe everything that has happened has happened to bring us to where we are. They say everything happens for a reason."

"I guess that's another way of looking at it."

"So, you still haven't answered me. Would you become a part of it?" Alex persisted. "We've always been honest with each other, so tell me what you really think."

"When you left this morning, I thought all bets were off. I didn't think there was any way you would go along with a polyamory situation. I was going to go look for an apartment and move out. But then I felt that you and I needed to talk and clear the air. Now, it's sounding like you're leaning toward it, and a part of your decision is whether I'll be a part of it. You want me to be honest? Just the thought of being able to share Erin is almost enough to go along with it. But I need to think of the long-term ramifications, and I think you should, too. And you need to discuss it with Erin. It's not something you should just have to agree to or else."

With a pensive look, Alex nodded, "That's sounds reasonable. Let's talk more tonight."

* * *

But Brian wasn't there when Alex arrived home. "Where's my brother?" he asked his wife.

With a look of concern, Erin replied, "I don't know. He hasn't been here all day. He left this morning and said there was something he had to take care of."

"He showed up at my office this morning wanting to talk," Alex reported.

"Did the two of you get into it?"

"No. We actually had a good talk." Alex gave her the details.

Nodding, Erin asked, "So, what conclusion did you come to?"

Alex went into the kitchen and got them each a beer. They sat together on the sofa.

"This is something you really want?" he asked.

"Not to the exclusion of everything else." Erin took a deep breath and placed a hand on his leg. "I'm sorry that I have this intense need for sex. I really am. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I also didn't like it so much. I know that's a terrible burden on you."