Family Therapy 06

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The therapy makes progress.
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Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 03/19/2024
Created 01/09/2024
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David left the bathroom in a T-shirt and boxer shorts. He had showered and wanted to get dressed in his bedroom. He decided to call Hanna first, otherwise he might miss her. He went into his practice room, sat down at the desk and grabbed his cell phone. Hanna was currently practicing yoga in her room. David asked her that since her daughter had been in his therapy session the day before, he would like to know how the girl was doing.

"Oh, she's absolutely thrilled," Hanna reported to him, "only, she didn't really tell me anything. Anyway, I'm not worried. Julia is in a good mood, she's always near me, and it looks like she's guarding some sweet secret."

She asked, "So how do you think this therapy thing is going?"

"That's why I'm calling," David explained. "I suggested to Julia that you come to my office together for a talk. I already told Julia that I would make an appointment with you. How about Friday afternoon at two o'clock?"

"Dear me, that's already in three days! But yes, Friday suits us both."

"I think it's time you found out from each other what moves you deep down," David explained, "such a conversation can be incredibly liberating."

Hanna became anxious. "And you think I should just tell my daughter to her face that I have feelings for her that a mother really shouldn't have...?"

"Don't worry," David placated her, "about the therapy session with Julia, I just want to tell you that your daughter is plagued by the same feelings."

"Really? You mean her...? I'm so excited!"

She wanted to know a thousand things about the therapy session with Julia, but David politely waved it off, saying she'd find out when her daughter was ready to talk about it. Hanna's voice lowered an octave. "I'd like to see you. Will you come over for coffee?"

"It's not convenient right now," David apologized, "I have a haircut in an hour. But I'd be free on Friday morning. That's just before your therapy session, so maybe I'll be able to calm you down a bit." He tried to distract her from the subject. "Actually, it's too bad I can't see you now... you on your yoga mat..."

"You can about imagine," Hanna giggled, "how I feel about that. Whenever I do my pelvic floor workout, I can't help but think of you."

"I wouldn't mind either, actually," David murmured, "if you were there right now."

He had an idea.

"You guys have WhatsApp on your devices, right?"

"Yes, on all of them. Eric set it up, and he's been calling me from the office on video ever since."

"Then use your cell phone to dial the number on my tablet," David suggested, "so, at least, I can see your face in full size."

"We have a tablet, too," Hanna knew, "it's on my bed. If you ring it on this one, I can see you, too."

They exchanged numbers, and no sooner had David set his tablet on the desk in front of him, then Hanna's call came in. Her head was in close-up, and her hair dangled down as she spoke into her phone's camera.

"I'm still doing my yoga exercises and I put the thing on the floor in front of me."

When it started whistling softly, David told her to put the phone's speaker on mute; they would hear each other over the tablets, after all. Hanna's image began to wiggle, and after fumbling around for a moment, they had clear audio.

Hanna laughed. "I've never talked on the phone like that. All I can see on my phone is my head, but I can see you on the tablet, big time."

David gave a loud sigh. "Oh Hanna, when I see your pretty face, your full lips, I want to kiss you right now."

Hanna also made a longing sound, and David asked, "What color is your yoga dress? All I can see is your head."

"Guess what," Hanna chortled, stretching the phone away from her and showing her side to him. She was crouched like a little horse on the mat, wearing tight-fitting yoga pants and a top in a matching color that left a strip of her belly exposed.

David groaned. "Why haven't you ever let me sit in on your yoga exercises before? You look just stunning in that dress."

"Oh, thank you." It came back; Hanna grinned at the camera. "I just invited you for a visit, didn't I? Do you think I was just thinking about coffee?"

"Because of the stupid hairdresser, I have to suffer now," grumbled David.

Hanna purred, "Oh David, don't look so sad. Is there anything I can do to ease your suffering?"

"Right now I'm cursing it," he scolded, "that I'm a man. Even if you think it's indecent, I'd like to see your backside."

"Do you think that pleasure is reserved only for you men? My Julia also does yoga exercises from time to time. Where do you think I look when I walk by in the hallway!"

Her face disappeared from the screen, David only heard her voice.

"I'll put the phone by the yoga cushion, so I can do an exercise just for you."

The image became clear again, and Hanna's backside could be seen in full view. She knelt on all fours and let her head hang relaxed, the tips of her hair almost touching the floor. The gossamer fabric of her dress sculpted every detail of her body, digging lightly between her buttocks and stretching over her mons like a second skin. As she moved to exercise, she rested her upper body on the mat with her arms stretched forward, just her buttocks rising into the air in all their glory.

Hanna's expansive labia stood out in front of his face, covered with fine material, but he would still have preferred to slip into the deep valley that dug itself between her mounds. After a few passes, she looked at the tablet on the floor in front of her and laughed happily.

"Oh, David, you should see yourself... that bad?"

"Worse," he pressed out.

She prompted him, chuckling. "Point your phone down once, I want to see if you really like it."

David understood what she wanted, opened a drawer in his desk a few inches and set the phone upright on the edge.

"Oh là là," it purred from the tablet, "the bulge in your shorts tells me you're interested in yoga."

Hanna reinforced her words by bringing a hand to her crotch and began to stroke the smooth fabric. When she saw on her tablet that David's hand had also found its way to his boxers, she sighed. "Really too bad you're not here, you could have seen a lot more."

David swallowed empty, slipped his shorts down to his feet and gripped his swelling erection.

"Wow, David!" it came out of his tablet, "I've never seen you like this, from so close, yet so far. You can guess where I want your big thing right now."

He watched as Hanna grabbed the side of her yoga pants and pushed them unbearably slowly into the back of her knees. Inch by inch, the full splendor of Hanna's body was revealed to his eyes. David was flooded with a feeling of respect, affection and lust for this woman who, with her restrained elegance, allowed him to share in her nakedness.

Again and again, his view of her magnificent labia was interrupted when Hanna covered them with her hand, as if to protect herself shamefully from his greedy gaze. When the hand finally made its way back, and Hanna drew her middle finger languidly through her cleft, his hard-on grumbled all the more.

Her voice, "This big... please... stroke it... for me..."

David heard her breathing increasingly get louder. Suddenly, the image blurred. When he could see something again, Hanna had put the cell phone on the floor under her head, and she sighed at him with a wet, shiny forehead.

"David, I want to feel you inside me."

Hanna disappeared from his field of vision. When she moved into view again, she was standing over the camera, looking down. David's eyes followed her legs, admiring the curves of her buttocks and inwardly exulting at the sight of the mounds between which the little labia twined, glistening wetly. Hanna looked straight down at him and giggled.

"Do you know the Malasana position?"

"No," he groaned, only then noticing that Hanna was holding her banana dildo.

She murmured into the camera, "I'm going to show you the Malasana position now... just for you."

She clasped her hands in front of her chest, as best she could with her dildo in her fist, and went into a slow motion squat. To David, it was as if Hanna was trying to sit on his face. When her cleft opened slightly in the process, he swallowed twice. The mounds came closer and closer, inviting him to slip inside.

Hanna seemed to be looking at her tablet, too, because she begged him, "Your hand, David... don't stop... I need you... fuck me..."

She parted her labia with two fingers to show him where she would like him. David swallowed another time, as she pulled the tip of the banana through her cleft to wet it. Finally, she placed the stick at her pleasure channel and sighed.

"David, come with me..."

Hanna pushed the banana into her womb thoughtfully. The pleasure-giver stretched her labia, and David felt as if he had her scent in his nose. The longer Hanna pressed the dildo into her pussy, the more burning David's desire became to penetrate her womb instead of the toy. Loud gasps came from both tablets, and Hanna's loins began to quiver.

She groaned out, "Are you with me...? rub it faster... I want to see... how you..."

"Hanna, I'm almost..." he gasped back, "I want you... just... fuck... now..."

"Yes, David... I will... oh..."

Hanna cried out and tipped out of the picture. As David ejaculated, over and over, all he could hear was her moaning from the speaker.


David had to shake his head a few times to gather his senses. Hanna's sweaty face moved into view.

Although she was still out of breath, she chortled, "David, we need to do that more often... David, are you still there? I can barely see anything, the image is blurred."

He saw the reason for the image glitch and apologized, "Hold on, I'll get it."

David bent over to the Kleenex box on the desk, plucked out a tissue, and wiped his tracks off the camera lens. When the picture was back in focus, he chatted with Hanna for a while and then ended the call.


David left the hair salon, stroked his temples and looked at himself in the shop window; he was satisfied with the hairstyle. Without further ado, he decided to treat himself to an espresso at his favorite café nearby. There were still enough free tables on the sunny forecourt, so he sat down and ordered.

David took his time savoring the first sip, because it was always the best. As he set the cup down, someone waved to him from the line of passing pedestrians. It was Carol, arm in arm with an equally attractive lady, perhaps a little younger. Carol's companion was full-figured, but not fat, which her expansive bust falsely suggested. Carol called attention to him, and the women headed for his table.

Strange, he thought to himself, there they had not seen each other in years, and suddenly, they kept running into each other. He greeted his ex with kisses and extended his hand to her companion. The woman was really a magical apparition, a beauty with soft facial features and a Madonna-like motherly aura, surely with a whole flock of children at home.

He was all the more surprised when Carol introduced the woman to him as Laura, her sister-in-law. He knew from Carol that Laura was single, intimate with her brother, and as she had revealed to him, there was a three-way arrangement between them. He asked the women to sit down. They decided to have tea, and Carol introduced David as her ex. Laura was pleased.

"Nice to finally meet you, Mr. Brown."

Apparently Carol had already told her quite a bit, probably including about their recent reunion. Laura chatted with him and asked what diseases he treated as a therapist.

David explained, with a laugh, "I'm not a clinical therapist. My clients are basically perfectly healthy, but have some kind of problems in their intimate lives, especially when societal norms get in the way of their self-development."

Carol's sister-in-law woke up. "Oh, interesting, tell me more."

David's words gave a wide berth to what he was actually doing; he didn't want to startle the woman. Nevertheless, she seemed to understand him, for she made sure with sidelong glances that they had no listeners, and sighed.

"Yes, we live in the twenty-first century, and still society dictates to us how we must behave in our own homes, and what we may feel. And woe betide us if we'd like it to be a little more varied."

She took a breath and turned to Carol. "How nice of you to introduce me to Mr. Brown. One more to not have to hide from."

The three of them lost themselves in animated conversation, and David did not notice that he was grasping the women's hands and caressing their fingers as he did so. Also, his eyes kept getting lost in the deep neckline of Laura's blouse. When he noticed, he glanced sheepishly at Carol, earning an encouraging smile each time. Finally, Laura leaned over the little table, came toward him with her bosom, and sighed.

"That's so good to talk to you, Mr. Brown, but I really need to pick up a dress, they close at six."

David took the bill and disappeared inside the café. There, a line had formed in front of the cash register, and he had to wait a beating five minutes before he could finally pay. When he went back outside, Carol was sitting alone at the table. She apologized for her sister-in-law, saying she really did have to leave.

He sat down for a moment, chatted with her, then grinned, "When I think about the company you keep with your sister-in-law, I must say you really have good taste."

"Yes," Carol replied, "Laura is a soul of a person. She's educated, interested in everything going on around her..." She giggled. "...and especially in what brings people closer together."

"She has such an engaging, unassuming manner," David found, "I felt so close to her during the conversation, as if we had known each other for years."

"She feels the same," Carol revealed to him, "before she left, she confessed to me she'd like to get to know you better."

"Oh, right away like that?" rejoiced David, "but there's something I don't understand. Laura is an exceedingly attractive woman, yet she gives the impression that she prefers to take care of the household and family."

"That's how you can be wrong," Carol laughed, and winked at David. "After all, we were both wrong about each other back then. I, for one, never thought you'd find your way to this lifestyle."

He shrugged. "That's what my job as a therapist entailed."

Carol grasped his hand, eyed his fingers, and winked at him a second time. "Now I understand Laura's comment. Surely, it's because of your well-groomed hands that she wouldn't mind feeling your fingers on her skin."

David wondered, "And this is after twenty minutes of chatting in a coffee shop?"

"It doesn't take a woman hours to warm up to a man like you," Carol lectured him. "We have instincts for that. You have the gift of giving women that infinite confidence that they would strip before you without batting an eye because they know their sinful desires would be in good hands with you."

"I don't go around bragging in any regular bars, if that's what you mean."

"That's exactly what I mean. I'm sure you've noticed in your practice that there are at least as many unchaste thoughts floating around in women's heads as there are in men's, only the ladies don't admit it."

"Yes," he nodded, "I've noticed that in my consultations, it always amazes me."

"It goes without saying," Carol smiled, "a decent woman fears a slut's reputation like the devil fears holy water. No wonder you have such an easy time with the female sex. When a woman is treated as courteously as she is by you, she wants to be your slut, then she's up for any teasing."

David was surprised at how Carol came out of her shell, and asked, "Are you talking about Laura now?"

"About both of us, David, you can't leave me alone now."

He understood her sweet distress all too well; after talking to the women, he had nothing else on his mind. The two rose and left the café in silent agreement. On the short walk to his office, Carol hung on him, and spoke in a seductive voice, "Well, David, have you thought it over yet, about Laura?"

"Well I have," he stammered, "maybe I'm moving a little too fast, after all... but yes, I think she's just magical."

"Was that a yes?"

"Well, eh, first, maybe I should meet her one more time before..."

"I could back you up on that," Carol cooed.

"How so?"

"Oh David, dear Mr. Therapist. You tell me that you help your clients achieve their desires with gentle support, but you yourself..."

"Oh, I see," David understood, shaking his head, "sorry, occupational hazard."

He checked Carol out of the corner of his eye. "Then you would initiate something like that?"

Carol beamed. "But it'll cost you."

"You don't have to keep talking," David waved it off, "we'll be in my office in a minute."

On the last leg of the walk, Carol became exuberant. "Kind of nice to be by your side again. We're still so familiar with each other, like an old married couple who finally learned how delightful it is to fuck others once in a while."

David unlocked the front door and they entered the practice room. This was lit only by the faint twilight of the setting sun.

Carol leaned against the large oak desk, put her hands on his shoulders, and murmured, "I can't get it out of my mind, about Laura and you."

David sighed. "There's nothing going on in my head right now, it is more like one floor down."

Indeed, the subject didn't seem to let Carol go, as she continued, "I felt Laura get wet just because you touched her fingers."

"Because of my fingers?" doubted David.

But Carol revealed to him, "Laura always reacts like that. As soon as I touch her, she slips right away. Sometimes, it even becomes a burden for her. Right now, she's having her fertile days, so she needs it all the time."

"If that's the case," David suggested, "I don't think she needs my therapeutic help."

"No, but she needs you! How about tomorrow night?"

He pondered, "Why not, actually? I know a little restaurant nearby on the other side of the park forest."

"The one by the pond?"

"Yes, Bridget runs it, I know her from my school days. If I call her, I'm sure she'll have three places left. We could get something to eat there and get to know each other a little better."


"Yes. If you don't hear from me again, I'll meet you tomorrow night at six. It's all very close, I'll pick you up on foot."

"Thank you, David," Carol sighed, seeking his lips. She sank backwards onto the desktop, kicked her high heels off her feet, and rested her feet on the edge of the table. "Don't take any notice of me, I need this now."

David moved a stool toward him, knelt on it and grasped Carol's well-rounded buttocks. He sniffed his way over her black-lace panties, inhaling the familiar scent into his lungs, and immediately felt at home again.

As he took in the warmth between her thighs, he dabbed his tongue through the valley in her panties toward her belly button, still knowing exactly where Carol's sensitive spots were.

She squealed softly, panted, and giggled. "Now that we're not married anymore, I can tell you."

"Go ahead," David urged her, and continued to trace the pattern on her lace panties with his tongue.

"We used to visit Carol and Eric a lot, didn't we?"


"We always had sex afterwards."

"Now that you mention it... that's right."

"I used to imagine having Eric's head between my thighs every time we did it."

David broke off his kisses and coughed. "Then I may as well confess to you that Hanna used to stare at my pants for so long during our visits that when I got on the bed with you that night, I thought I was just fucking her in her basement on top of a mountain of laundry."

David grabbed the hem of her panties and slipped them down her long legs. Carol lifted her feet and he tugged it off her shoes. She put her heels back on the edge of the table, lifted her head, unfolded her thighs, and looked him in the face.