Family Vacation Pt. 02


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Minutes passed and the three of us decided to let Maggie relax on her beach chair while we all enjoyed the water. As we walked toward the shoreline, my erection flopped back and forth and my aunt's tits jiggled slightly up and down. I looked around me at the naked men and women as I passed them. The one that stood out to me the most was an extremely young girl, possibly still in high school or just graduated, who lay completely nude on a large towel next to another noticeably young woman of similar slim physique. I wondered what their story was.

My Aunt Jen, Alice and myself together got to a distance in the water. The waves were picking up, but we were having fun bobbing up and down in them.

Aunt Jen, nipples bouncing in out and my view, asked a question as she rode the waves with me: "So, Matt, how are you enjoying Haulover? Do you feel free? Like this how is how you want to be all the time?"

"I'm having a good time, Aunt Jen," I replied. "I'm curious. What didn't Mike like about coming here?"

"I wish I knew. He just seemed uncomfortable. I think he wasn't used to seeing his mother and his sister in our natural states."

A moment passed as a wave passed over us.

"It's not weird for you, is it?" she continued. "Seeing your old Aunty Jen like this?"

"No, Aunt Jen, you look great. I'm happy you have a vacation spot where you can truly be yourself."

As the waves went over us, our bodies moved closer and closer. More than once, my Aunt and I brushed up against one another. My hard dick glossed over her upper legs and her waist, and her breasts, and even once, Alice's touched up against my upper arms. Neither of them said anything. It just was.

We had our fun, so we all began to head back to our spot. Even though my erection was finally beginning to die down, I couldn't help but stare at my Aunt and her lover. Something about their naked bodies, dripping wet from head to toe, every inch of nude skin shining, reflecting in the sun, just had an effect on me. I purposely got behind them and looked at Alice's ass as we walked up back to our spot - it was tiny, but compact. I'd like to take both hands and just grab a hold of it, squeeze it and play with it until I get bored, maybe while my aunt watches.

We reached our station and Maggie had awoken. "Enjoy the water?" she asked as she scrolled down her phone, sitting up in her chair.

"Yes, indeed!" Aunt Jen said. "Very cold, quite refreshing."

I looked at both her and Alice's nipples. They had begun to stick out like icicles. Mine had too.

It was almost mid-afternoon now and some folks had begun leaving the beach.

"What do you guys wanna do? Wanna head back or do you wanna chill here longer? I'm sure Mike is waiting for us." Aunt Jen asked everyone in the group.

"We only come here once a year." Maggie replied. "Let's make the best of it."

And so we did. We all stayed on the beach until almost 5 PM. By now, I'd been naked with my Aunt, her girlfriend and my cousin Maggie for almost 6 hours. We played volleyball. Got some hot dogs from the traveling hot dog cart (which, by the way, I feel I should mention was also operated a nude older woman with tattoos all over her). The only thing that peeved me was that all day, despite the total nudity of those around here, my cousin Maggie had not taken her bottoms off.

Finally we were packing it in. Alice and Maggie began getting dressed, then my aunt. On purpose, I stayed naked the longest, as I had to begun to get an erection again and I wanted them to look at it while they put their clothes on. For a couple minutes straight, I had a casual conversation with my aunt and Alice, Alice completely clothed and my aunt wearing everything but a shirt, myself standing there with my boner pointing between the two. I continued to stayed rock hard as I put my boxers and shorts back on.

Our chatter continued in the van on the way back to the hotel. "I'm so glad you came with us, Matt. And I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself. I know this probably wasn't you expected on this trip." Aunt Jen said.

"No, it certainly wasn't. But I enjoyed it a lot. I see what you mean about the freedom. I can't see myself going back to the regular beach after that." I replied.

Alice butted in: "That's the spirit! Maybe we'll find another opportunity to go again before this week is over."

"I hope so!" agreed Aunt Jen.

Later we met up with Mike and went out to dinner. He asked no questions about where we had been. He knew.

I couldn't stop thinking about how the affair faired on previous trips. Had Mike had the chance to see his sister's glorious mams up close and personal like I had? Did he see his mom and Alice's clean shaven pussies? Did they watch him rub lotion onto his cock and balls like I did? What was the story? I daren't ask, only wonder.

Maggie and myself headed up to our room early while the other three hit the bar. As usual, Maggie got ready for her shower before I did.

As we talked in our hotel room, Maggie stripped down to her bathing suit. I suppose in this instance it was no different than regular undergarments.

Shirt off, she threw a towel over her shoulder. I noticed that her boobs had begun to sweat underneath her bikini top.

"So how long has the Haulover tradition been going?" I asked.

"This would be the 5th year. First year we went it was me, Mike, my mom, my dad and my mom's friend Jossette. Friend in quotations." Maggie replied as she shimmed out of her sweaty pants. "I'm gonna be quick. We're almost out of the little shampoo in there."

"We'll have to go down to the front desk and ask for more."

Maggie showered and I relaxed in the room with some beer I picked up from the bar on the way in. I never thought when I agreed to come on this vacation that today would have ever happened. Not only did I see my Aunt Jen completely naked and my cousin Maggie's glorious chest, they all saw me too, and my Aunt Jen and I touched each other's privates. Granted from her perspective it was a friendly family activity, but it happened nonetheless. Having to cover the cost of my returning flight didn't seem so bad now.

Maggie's phone, which was charging on the table by the bed, was going off like crazy while she cleaned herself in the other room. Roughly 15 minutes later, Maggie emerged in a towel like she always does. She immediately approached the mirror in the hall and started doing up her hair, which she'd already dried.

"Your turn." she instantly said.

I quickly grabbed my towel, and headed off for my shower. "Your phone was buzzing off the hook while you were in there." I informed her as walked past her naked, draped body.

Tonight, I did not pleasure myself. I wanted to savor any erection I may get for later on, where I felt there might be other chances for other activities. I made it quick too, in order to faster rejoin my cousin in the bedroom.

When I emerged, I saw Maggie sitting in the chair in the corner of the room, fiercely texting away. I was wearing my towel around my waist, my relatively short hair still slightly wet. Maggie was wearing a small pair of green panties, and a white lace bra that pushed up her gigantic mounds quite a bit, despite not appearing to actually be a push-up bra.

"Uh-oh," I remarked. "That doesn't look good."

"Fucking Sean has been blowing me up." she replied, focused intently on her thumbs.

"About what?"

"Just everything. He's basically mad that I didn't give him a free vacation this year. I keep telling I am not even going to have an argument, let alone a friendly conversation, until he takes the video down."

"That's kind of an argument in itself."

"Yeah, I know."

I had to get changed. I had a plan.

I approached my open suitcase on the table on the far side of the room and grabbed a pair of boxer briefs. I was unsure how much more nudity either of us was going to see, given that we're not at Haulover anymore, so I carefully slid them on underneath my towel and then took the towel off. Now I stood before her in my underwear, and did she to me.

"That video..." I started. "You said it had a decent amount of views. Is there any comments?"

"I don't know, why?" she said as she finally looked up at me.

"Maybe if someone left a comment saying how disgusting it is that he uploaded a sex tape without permission, at the very least, he'll start feeling bad."

"Hmm, maybe."

A pause.

"If you'd be willing to send me the link to it, I can do it. I promise I won't watch it."

Maggie looked at me. "Promise."

"I promise you, cuz. I have no interest in seeing that. What site is in on?"


"Give me a minute, I'll make an account."

I sat down at the table, unlocked my phone, and did exactly that - I made a Pornhub account. To make it seem like my account wasn't just made for one purpose, I liked random videos, and followed some random accounts. Whatever I came across.

"Okay, send it to me." I said.

"Matt, you have to promise me that you will never, ever, ever watch it. Just make the comment and then forget about it."

I walked up to her on the other side of the room, dick swinging back and forth noticeably in my boxers.

"Pinky promise." I stuck out my pinky and we pinky promised, just like we used to do when we were little.

"Okay." she said, and then I heard my phone ding from the other side of the room. "I don't even think this will work but I'm willing try to anything other than giving him what he wants."

I replied as I walked back to my phone. "You know, if this really escalates you could always take legal action against him."

"I know. I don't want it to have to come to that because then it becomes public knowledge and that'll just be embarrassing."

I opened my phone, opened my texts, and clicked the link my cousin had sent me.

A Pornhub video opened up: I FUCK MY BIG TITTED EX UNTIL SHE CUMS. A blatantly uncreative title, I thought. The thumbnail was my cousin Maggie, topless, on her back on the bed, making a moaning face. Mid-sex. I looked back and forth at the thumbnail and at my cousin Maggie who sat in her underwear just feet away from me, and I knew that I would never look at her in the same way again if I ever decided to press play.

At least I had the link.

I left a comment: Pretty girlfriend and all but you should be ashamed of yourself for uploading this video without her permission. You should be aware that posting nude content of someone without their consent is technically against the law. I highly suggest you take this down.

"Okay, I commented." I told my cousin as I put my phone down.

She opened it up and read it.

"Thank you, Matt. It might not get him to remove it but maybe you're right, maybe it will at least make him regretful."

"Hey, whatever I can do to help. That's what family is for."

Maggie suddenly got up from her chair, walked over to the other side of the room where I sat, and gave me a hug. She was standing and I was sitting, so a lot of her breasts where directly in my face.

"I'm so glad you came on the vacation, cousin. I probably would have been miserable by myself because of this whole thing." she said.

Our hug stopped.

"Don't sweat it. Like you asked, I forgot about it already." I replied. We smiled at each other.

There was a brief silence as the two of us got ready for bed. I plugged my phone in, threw the beer cans away, we re-did the sheets on the bed, my cousin let her hair down.

I stood by the side of the bed and looked at my cousin who stood at the mirror again. "So, if this is too weird, forget about it, but you know on our first day I mentioned that I like to sleep in my boxers."


"That was a little bit of a lie. I usually sleep in the nude. I was wondering, um..." I cleared my throat. "...if, since you already saw me and my, ya the beach, if it'd be okay with you if I slept that way from now on. Or maybe just tonight. If it's too weird, then I won't do it anymore."

Maggie chuckled lightly through her nose and she brushed her hair. "Funny. I was gonna ask you the same thing. No, I don't care."

And in that instant she stopped brushing her hair, turned around toward me and took off her bra. There they were again. My cousin's unbelievable chest glaciers flopped out onto her torso, hanging loose in their glory, swinging and jiggling as she walked.

As she approached the side of the bed, she nudged her fingers into the sides of her panties. She smiles at me, and in the length of a blink, pushed them down to her ankles and stepped out of them. At long last, my cousin was completely naked, and less than a couple feet away from me.

"We can both sleep how we normally do. More comfortable that way." she said as she got into bed and pulled the covers over herself.

She wasn't standing naked long enough for me to get a totally good look, but in the few moments that I saw it, her vagina was mostly clean shaven, lips on display, with a cute little landing strip right above the top. All I wanted in that moment was the ability to slow time.

"Cool. I'm glad." I simply said, disguising my shock and desire.

I bent my knees and took my underwear off, my hardening penis getting stiffer and stiffer with every passing second. "I've been sleeping naked since high school. It felt so weird not doing it for a couple days."

I lifted up the blanket on my side of the bed high enough to get a brief glimpse of my cousin's ass as I got in. Perfectly round, tighter than I anticipated, and like her breasts, much bigger than should be fit for otherwise totally slim to average body.

"Me too." Maggie replied as I got under the covers next to her. "No one in the family would ever know it because we clean up for gatherings, but me and my mom are kind of nudists whenever we're home. We just like it. It feels good. Alice too, whenever she's over."

"What about Mike?"

"No, not Mike. We have to dress whenever Mike's home. It's kind of annoying, actually."

"You've never tried to get him into it?"

"We tried. Me and my mom both tried. We introduced it to him here the first time we took him to Haulover but he just doesn't like it. There was too many when he'd come home and night and I'd be lying tits-out on the couch and he'd just get uncomfortable and get all mad. Now me and mom have to text him whenever we're 'relaxing' at home in case he tries to bring friends over."

"I think we should try to get him back into it. Aunt Jen said she wanted to go Haulover again before the end of the trip. If we do, let's see if he wants to give it another go."

"I don't think he'll go for it, but we can try."

We got tucked into bed and turned out the lights. We both lay naked just inches away from each other, facing ass to ass.

I became curious about something.

"When go to the beach, do you ever got uncomfortable with everyone staring at you?" I hesitantly asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, obviously you can't help it, but, your beasts are extremely large."

She laughed. "I've gotten used to it. Everyone stares at them everywhere I go, whether I'm naked or wearing puffy sweater. Nothing I can do about it."

"You've never wanted to get them reduced? Does having breasts that large ever cause you back problems?"

"Sometimes they do, sometimes it hurts to walk for long periods of time, but like everything else, you just get used to it. And on principle, I don't ever jog or use a treadmill."

I started chuckling. "What about jumping jacks?"

We both burst out laughing. "No, cuz, no jumping jacks!"

The two of us shared a nice, naked moment together. I had seen her, she had seen me, and now we lay together in our natural state for the first time. But there was still 3 nights left on this vacation.

My cousin gave me a friendly, joking pat on my shoulder, rolled back over her side, and we both fell asleep together again.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Two chapters and still no sex. Boring,this is a sex story site,in case you had not noticed. Since you've done two chapters and no sex,you just need to stay off of here,and just jack off,wishing you could fuck a woman that big of Tits.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Awaiting part 3

Can you please post part 3 soon?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Not bad

Not bad but could use some editing, keep going!

rex1613rex1613over 4 years ago
Need part 3 soon

Please post more soon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Please submit Pt.03: ASAP. There’s a whole bunch of people just going bonkers, just drooling while waiting.

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