Famous Words

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My twist on honey we have to talk.
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You know something is up, but you don't know what or why? The question you must ask yourself is do you really want to know. My wife of twenty years a mother of three grown children that were in grade ten to twelve had texted me while I was working asking a simple question. It was how soon can you come home? I responded to ask why? She came back with we need to have a serious talk. I should have gone home but I didn't. It soon was noticed by my office staff that I was completely oblivious to what was going on. It took Rebecka to pull me back to reality. As the General Manager of the dealership chain, it was my responsibility to be on top of everything. When I showed her the text she asked if there were problems in my marriage or with one of the kids. I had to admit not that I was aware of other than the normal bullshit.

"Will!" Rebecka asked. "Has there been any minor changes in Mira's behavior pattern. For example, when she's is on her cell phone does, she hang up or stop talking when you walk into the room."

"Not that I am aware of," I responded. "But I've always been told the husband is the last to know."

"Why is she at home?" Rebecka wondered. "Shouldn't Mira still be at her office working."

I texted my wife asking her where she was? Her response was on the way home. Something didn't seem right, so I called her at work. While I was waiting for them to answer I hit the voice record button. I asked to be put through to Mira Roberts. That was when I was informed that Mira Roberts the area district manager was no longer affiliated with this branch. She'd been permanently transferred to the Corporate head office starting next week. As a result, she'd been given the week off with pay to make the necessary arrangements. I asked how long ago was her promotion announced to you all? Over six months ago was the lady's response. Something did not add up. Why had she had just spent four weeks at corporate doing added training if she had been working directly for the Corporation already? Why was the family not told of her big career change months ago?

"Rebecka. Answer me this, please. If your husband told you on a Friday night that he'd been promoted and transferred starting next week what would your first thoughts be." I said. "I ask because that is what my wife is about to tell me."

"Shit Will!" Rebecka responded. "Automatically I would be asking myself what else is going on because he had to have known for quite a while that it was coming."

"Thank you" I replied "that was what I was thinking also. I can only go home and face her knowing that everything she says must be taken with a grain of salt. I bet she will tell me a bit of truth hidden deep within a great big bunch of embellishments. Mira could sell insurance protection to elephants if she needed to make a dollar knowing that it would take months for them to figure out what's she trying to hide."

I could see the look of concern on Rebecka's face. She knew I was between a rock and a hard place. I had no clue what to expect but I knew I was going to have to play the best poker game in my life. The problem was I didn't have a poker face. With all this on my mind, I texted my wife saying I'm on my way.

Mira and I had met in high school in the first week of school in grade ten. I had been dared by one of my friends during a lunch break one day to walk over to the first girl I saw and plant a big one on her lips. I did. My reward was my face being slapped very loudly with a trip to the principal's office on top. We avoided each other after that. It was easy as we associated with different crowds. She was a transplanted city slicker. I was a hometown boy all the way. She was always up to date with things in Kansas City. I wasn't.

It was the week of the junior prom we were both in grade eleven when all things changed. I was stuck filling in for a sick employee for my father because my mother had dragged him out to some important event. He owned three tow trucks and had them manned twenty-four seven. They were part of his dealership's operation. It was a busy night I got called out. Some idiot had taken the curve out by the Thomas farm to fast and had slid off the road into his corn patch bending his right rear wheel making it undrivable. Mr. Thomas had called the police who called us.

It took me about twenty minutes to get there. Once I got turned around, I backed in and hooked it up. The police officer told me to take it to the impound. It appears that the driver had been drunk. That's when I notice Mira standing by the police cruiser soaking wet in the rain wearing a completely ruined prom dress. I took off my raincoat handing it to her. Even at that age, she was hot. I thought she was a ten.

I asked the officer if it was okay for me to drop her off at her home before I went to the pound. He said they would appreciate it because they would there another hour at least investigating the accident. I asked the officer to call her parent and let them know I was just leaving. He asked why and I explained that we had history and it was best that there was no room for doubt.

Her parents had the door open as soon as we got to their house. I got out and helped her down. Then drove off to finish the job completely forgetting she had my raincoat. During the whole ride to her home, we hadn't said a word.

I don't know what was said when Mira got home, I never asked. I was sitting with my usual group at school during lunch on Monday when Mira came walking over with her food tray.

"Can I join you all?" she said before she was invited to sit down.

"Can you slide over?" she asked Robbie. "I would like to talk to William."

Everybody was looking at me as she sat down beside me. I got more looks after Mira kissed me on the cheek.

"That's for protecting my reputation Friday night," Mira said. "You'll have to meet me after school so I can give you your coat."

"I got a gym last class so I will be late," I explained. "If you don't want to keep David waiting perhaps another day would suit you better."

"David's history so is his father my dad fired him this morning," Mira replied. 'If I miss my bus you will have to give me a ride home."

'No problem I know where you live." I said with a smile.

She was waiting for me so were her parent when we got there. Her father said he had to thank me for my maturity in handling the situation. Then he asked why I had the officer inform him when we were leaving the scene of the accident. I had to explain about the dare. He thought it was hilarious Mira blushed.

"William Roberts, I have been misjudging you for over two years because of a dare," Mira said. "Now I feel like a complete fool, is there any way I can make it up to you."

"Can I take you to the theatre on Friday night? You can even choose the movie." I said.

From that moment on we were inseparable. My friends and I soon learned that she wasn't a snob. After I graduated high school, I went to work for my father learning the car industry from the ground up. She became a clerk for an insurance firm and worked her way up. Taking every course online that management had suggested. At this location, she had worked her way up the latter and was now as far as I had known been the Assistant Branch Manager. Over the last year, Mira has spent one week a month working at the corporate head office.

Along the way, our three daughters had come into the world. Life until now I thought had been good. Now my Dad let me handle the day to day operations while he worked on building the empire. Over the last twenty years, we had expanded to owning eight ford locations so most of my time was now spent in the office.

Mira was waiting for me when I got home. I looked at the screen on the dash. It was one twenty in the afternoon. Climbing out of the car I undid my tie as I walked to the door. Looking at her face she did not seem concerned. That gave me the impression she wasn't worried. She expected me to accept fully what she had to say.

"If I'm going to be home for the day is it okay that I get out of the suit so I can relax," I asked my wife. "Or is this going to take just a few minutes?"

"This is going to take a while so you should change," Mira said.

After changing I came out and said: "Okay what's up."

Mira handed me quite a few pages of emails. I read them. It basically was a discussion between Silvia Smith one of her female bosses at corporate that I had heard of and her that had taken place over the course of this week. It was written to appear that it had started out as an ongoing chat about one of her administrative assistants going on maternity leave for three months evolving into her being offered the position while she was on leave. It was long-winded as if her boss was trying to pressure her into giving in. After reading it I put the sheets down and went and grabbed a beer.

"Under pressure, I accepted their offer. I start on Monday. The way I see it I can fly out on Sunday and come home on Friday night. Corporate has found me a furnished apartment that they have rented for the duration. A Monthly rate was cheaper than the weekly." Mira explained.

After opening the beer, I noticed the papers were gone.

"Mira where are the papers. I hadn't finished reading them?" I asked.

She took them out of her briefcase. "Sorry I thought you had."

Just as she gave them back to me her cell phone rang. Answering she said it's my boss Jake at the office and left the room. I went into the den and scanned the papers into the Cannon printer sending it to my personal laptop. While I waited for her, I thought about it. She did not realize that I had seen who the caller was. It had been Silva Smith. Everything she had told me so far had been a deliberate lie. She for some reason did not want me to know what the truth was.

I texted Rebecka letting her know what I had been told. See what you can find out. Mira is on the phone with her new boss Silvia Smith at their corporate office in Annapolis Maryland. A few minutes later she texted back got what is available from Google, and the corporates web site. Texted a distance cousin who lives in the area to see if she heard anything.

Mira was still not back so I went over to her briefcase. As I listen for her to return, I started looking. It basically was empty as I figured it would be. In her notebook was written an address and phone number in Annapolis that had no name. I quickly captured an image of it with my cell and closed it up.

"Sorry, there has been a change of plans I'm going to have to fly out early Sunday morning." Mira disclosed as she walked back in. "Jake has just informed me that Silvia Smith will be personally meeting me to help me to adjust to things before I start the first day."

"It's all decided isn't it," I said firmly.

"Will it's not like that," Mira responded.

"In fact, it is. You are too relaxed for it to be just happening. That makes it clear there is something you're not telling me. If it was truly last minute you would be in a panic." I said as I confronted her.

That was when I got a look from her that I had not seen for years. It was last seen when I told her that Stan Johnston was claiming that they had been having an affair. He also was claiming at that time that our second daughter was not mine. When the dust settled on that one, we learned he was trying to defraud all of us for our family money. I picked up the car keys heading towards the door.

"Where are you going," Mira asked finally showing concern.

"To pick up our daughter to save them from having to walk home," I yelled.

It took me ten minutes to get to school. I went into the office to let them know I was here unexpectedly to pick up my daughters. They would inform them during the end of day announcements. I checked our bank balances. No unaccounted for money was missing. Since we did not use cheques to pay bill's I put a hold notice on. No cheque would be cashed without my approval. I also got them to restrict cash withdraws from any branch except this one.

My three angels were pleasantly surprised. After loading them up we went to get a milkshake from Dairy Queen. Afterward, we ended up going to the neighborhood park so they could eat the hamburgers and fries they had conned me into getting for them. We had a father to daughter's chat. It became painfully obvious they had no clue about their mothers upcoming trip.

We'd been gone for almost half an hour. I called Mira but her cell was busy. I wondered if I was going to be going home to get a different version.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Dianne my oldest asked.

"Your mother called me home to inform me she has taken a three-month position at the corporate office. She's leaving Sunday Morning." I said. "She told me it just happened this week. Other sources are saying that's not true. I've been told it's a permanent promotion and that she has been in the position for at least six months"

My three daughters showed the same face. It was one of complete shock.

"Are Mom and you getting a divorce?" Dawn my middle asked. "Are you having an affair. Did mom find out."

My God I thought out of the mouths of babes.

"No, I'm not but thanks for asking. There is no sign of a possible divorce because none of our funds are missing. The only thing I know for sure is that she has been lying." I replied. So, when we go home all we know is what your mother told me may not be true."

"Could the people you talked to be lying?" asked Darcy.

"Listen to this and then tell me what you think?"

I watched my three daughters as they listen to me talking to the receptionist at my wife's former office. Sometimes it's best when you're able to allow others to form their own opinion.

"We all saw her go to work dad," Dawn said. "What has she been doing this week with her free time?"

"Your guess is as good as mine because I honestly don't know," I replied. "I can find out what's going on but I'm going to have to hire professionals and this is going to take time. For right now girls we have to decide what we're going to do."

"We can't stop her from going no matter what," Dianne said. "We don't have enough info to make a serious decision."

"I hate it when you tell us we have to wait and see." Darcy said. "because you have to find out if you can work out before you agree. Here you can't work it out and you may not get the info you need."

"Perhaps its mom who's having the affair?" Dawn said. "Or maybe she's being chased and needs to get away."

Just then my cell rang it was my wife. "Where are you?"

"In the park, the kids are eating burgers and fries. They all got milkshakes. I figured since it was short notice you needed all the time you had to prepare." I said. "That way you don't have to cook. We are deciding how we as a family will deal with things while you're gone."

"Why didn't you call me to let me know? You're making it sound like I'm not coming back." Mira said in defense. "You know that's not true."

I felt like screaming do I but I bit my tongue. While listening to her I asked myself why would she say that. Was that a mental slip?

"The kids will verify I tried to call you twice. You were busy talking to someone on the phone. I told them about your plans. They are also wondering what's going on because your far to calm." I replied. "we will see you when we get home."

I texted Rebecka saying find out who lives at this address and check phone number out attaching the photo of it with it. Less than five minutes later she responded. It was Silvia Smiths residence and cell phone number.

It was heartbreaking watching my children talking to their mother. Each one of them tried very hard to get their mother to tell them the truth. We just heard her explain the same thing over and over. Sunday morning after seeing her leave on the plane. I began to relax. Little did my wife know my father and I had a private investigator on her tail.

My mom and dad came over Sunday to see how we were holding up. It was hard for my kids to accept the fact that their mother had been lying to all of us for over six months. No matter what you tell a child they automatically assume it's their fault. There were times my own mother had to leave the room to hide her emotions.

On Monday after dropping my daughters off I drove around the block parked my car and walked back. I asked if I could talk to the girl's guidance counselor. Her name was Karen Wilson. I explained what had happened over the weekend and asked her to watch over them in case their emotions came out and they couldn't get them back in control. She said she would and complimented me for being so observant about their needs.

When I got back to the office, I read what Rebecka had found out on Silvia Smith. Her father was the chairman of the board. She herself had worked her way up through corporation after joining it as an actuary. She was now the President and had been so for four years.

The week was rough, but my kids and I bumbled our way through it. The two ladies we used occasionally agreed to help. They would come in and clean house and do laundry twice a week. Mira had called the girls twice and me once. She came home Saturday morning and left Sunday afternoon. Her total time at home because of plane schedules was less than twenty-four hours.

After we saw her off. All my daughters discussed between themselves what they were trying to figure out. Why had she bothered to come home at all? It was like she was here but wasn't. Her mind was on other things. She was their mom, but she wasn't. I couldn't argue with what they were saying. I had tried to hug her and was treated to a cold wall of ice. I realized that during this time her family was being extremely quiet it made we wonder what they had been told.

We had just about reached our home when my cell rang through in the car. It was my father.

"Hi Dad, we just saw Mira off. I thought I'd take my daughter out for pizza later want to join us." I said before giving him a chance to speak.

'No, I just wanted to remind you we have that lawyer's appointment set for nine tomorrow morning to review that dealership I want to take over. "He said. Hi, girl's grandma and I send our love."

Over my shoulders, the girls and he talked for a few as I drove towards our favorite pizza shop. My dad had gotten my drift and had changed the conversation. I was thinking nice save dad.

Later once the girls had each showered and headed to bed, I called him.

"We got the first report, Will. It's not as bad as we thought." My dad said. "it's worse. The affair started long before she was there for the month training. We got videos of them together in bars, dancing holding hands and showing public affection in a very sensual nature. "Hell, they even got a video of them going to in an adult shop buying erotic toys."

I was devastated but I had to know. "What's his name dad and what does he do for a living?"

"It's not a male Will it's her boss Silvia Smith. They are living together as wife and wife!" My dad said. "Mira took off her wedding ring as soon as she boarded the plane the first time."

I dropped the cellphone unable to talk, I was emotionally lost, from out of somewhere Dianne picked up the phone. She told her grandfather I was a wreck. I guess she forced her grandfather to tell her the truth. For the next few hours, we just cried together until there were no tears.

Mom and Dad walked in at six that morning to find Dianne and I still holding each while asleep on the living room sofa. After making coffee they woke us up. I was still waking up and gathering myself when Dianne spoke.

"Grandpa am I old enough to go after those bitches with my own lawyer. Can I sue their employer and both of them jointly and separately?" Diane asked.

My parents and I were stunned. Her remark was the last thing we expected.