Fantasies Can Come True


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Michael kept his eyes closed and turned his head to the side, but he couldn't hide the way his body was reacting to Johnny's hard thrusts. His cock was starting to harden once more between them and his breathing was becoming ragged as moans slipped from his lips. He felt Johnny's breath at his ear as the other man sped up his thrusts and quivered. "God you have the sweetest ass I have ever fucked." Johnny breathed softly then kissed Michael's ear.

Hearing the words made Michael turn his head and when he opened his eyes Johnny's face was inches from his. His embarrassment was still there, but the heat in the other man's eyes was enough to push him over the edge once more. He let out a loud scream as his cock exploded between them once more.

"Ugh, Oh fuck yessss..." Johnny cried tipping his head back and arching his body as he buried himself inside Michael and let go.

Michael sighed in contentment and wrapped his arms around Johnny's back as the other man collapsed against him. Johnny's breathing was hard and Michael could feel it rubbing against his neck. He held tight to Johnny then let go when the other man rolled off of him. Instead of rolling onto his side facing Johnny, Michael rolled the other way giving the other man his back, his embarrassment back in full force.

Johnny lay on his back for a minute until his breathing was under control then he rolled over onto his side and spooned up against Michael's back, wrapping his arm around the other man's waist and kissing his shoulder. "Michael?" he asked softly.

Michael tried to pull away but Johnny just tightened his arm around him, holding him tight to his body, so Michael buried his face in the blanket. Johnny kissed his shoulder once more and stroked his hair. "Talk to me, please." He said softly.

"I...I shouldn't have said that..." Michael mumbled into the blanket.

Johnny scooted up so he was completely pressed against the other man's body and pulled gently on Michael's shoulder. Michael fought against him at first, but Johnny just kept pulling until Michael finally let the other man roll him over onto his back. "Don't turn away from me." Johnny said softly stroking Michael's cheek. "I..." he bit his lip trying to figure out how to explain his feelings. "I was surprised when you said that is all."

Michael tried to turn away again but Johnny put his arm around Michael's chest holding him to the bed. "NO...Don't turn away; we need to talk about this."

Michael sighed and closed his eyes. "You were never supposed to know." He said softly.

Johnny sighed and loosened his hold on the other man. "Michael, I know you think you love me."

Michael opened his eyes and looked at him. "I don't think I love you Johnny, I know I do. I have for a long time."

Now it was Johnny's turn to pull away. He sat up pulling his knees to his chest and looked at Michael. "What you love is the dream Michael. Seeing me on film, the dream of who I am in those movies." He rested his head on his knees, "but that's not me, that is just a person I play. You don't know the real me..."

Michael sat up and rested his hand on Johnny's leg making the other man look at him. "But I do..." he said softly. "I know you don't know who your father was, that he came to town one day, seduced your mother then left as soon as he found out she was pregnant. I know she started selling her body to support you and her because she refused to give you up, even though he family disowned her because of it. I know you have a younger brother who was the son of one of her tricks and that you took care of him after your mother was killed. I know your brother died 4 years ago over in Afghanistan, killed by a sniper while he was trying to protect one of the men in his unit..." Michael lowered his face as Johnny's eyes widened. "I know everything about you." He lifted his head and started into Johnny's startled eyes. "I know you took the name Johnny fang because always felt that dogs fangs were their biggest protection and thought the name could protect you..."

Johnny lifted his head and just looked at him. He knew all of this was public knowledge if someone bothered to research it, but no one he had ever met could be bothered. They didn't want Johnny Fang the man; they wanted Johnny Fang the star. " researched me?" he asked, his voice quivering from his shock.

Michael pulled his knees up against his chest like Johnny but he didn't hide this time, he just looked at the other man. "I...I was attracted to you the first time I saw your movies." He laughed softly. "When I was able to I went out and bought every movie I could, and would watch them over and over. Watching you move, watching your body, everything. At first I thought it was just lust, you know, lust after a porn star..." Johnny nodded just watching him. "But then I realized I wanted to know more about you, I liked the star, but what about the man? What about the man behind the scenes so to speak." Michael rested his head on his knees and looked at Johnny.

"Somehow I didn't think the man you portrayed on screen was the real you and I wanted to know the real you. I wanted to know the real Johnny Fang, not just the person you showed the world. So I started doing research, at first I didn't find much...primarily just a list of your movies and such, but I started digging deeper and found a biography on you. When I first read the biography I cried," Johnny buried his face in his knees and Michael just squeezed his shoulder. "But I knew there had to be more, what made you the person you really were. So I kept digging until I found out everything I could about you. I knew we would never meet, but as I read your story and continued watching you on screen, my feelings..." He stopped and Johnny lifted his head and looked at him, tears in his eyes.

"Your feelings what?" Johnny asked softly.

Michael reached out and stroked his cheek. "My feelings for you grew. After a while, I would look at other men but all I would see is your face. I tried dating, but none of them ever compared to you. It took me about six months to realize I was in love with you. The problem was I knew there wasn't a chance in hell of us ever meeting, let alone having anything like a relationship, so that bothered me, but I couldn't change how I felt. How I feel..."

He cupped Johnny's cheek and Johnny leaned into him. "When my friend gave me this trip, I wanted the fantasy night so bad. I knew it would be my only chance to ever be with you. But you were never supposed to know how I feel. I know I'll never find anyone else, that I will just spend my life with Andrew, but having one night with you..." he smiled softly. "Well, it has gone way beyond my expectations and I know it will carry me through for years to come."

Johnny leaned into his hand and closed his eyes. He was at a loss for words. He truly believed what Michael said and something inside his cold heart just cracked. It was like his heart had been encased in ice and Michael's words just broke through all that. He opened his eyes and looked at the man in front of him. "I...I don't know what to say." He said softly.

Michael started to pull his hand away and Johnny clasped it in his, just holding it. " don't have to say anything." Michael said softly. "Like I said you were never supposed to know."

Johnny brought Michael's hand to his lips and gently kissed his knuckles. "I'm glad you told me."

Michael's eyes widened. "But..."

Johnny shook his head, "no buts...I don't know what is going to happen after tonight. But I do know I want to make this night the best I possibly can. I plan to make every fantasy you have ever had about me come true in the next 24 hours." Then he pulled Michael against him and spent the rest of the night doing just that.

Epilogue 9 months later

When Johnny left the next night Michael knew his life would never be the same. He had spent the night in the arms of the man he loved and although he knew it would never happen again, it was a night he would never forget. Somehow Johnny had managed to make all Michael's fantasies come true, including letting him fuck Johnny up the ass. Johnny had cum so hard that they had to call the maid service to change the sheets and both men were laughing at the surprised look on her face but neither said a word.

After the trip was over, Michael and Andrew went back to Earth. He went back to his job and hanging out with Nick, but he knew his life was changed. He still slept in Andrew's arms and let the android fuck him but it wasn't the same as before. Andrew was still a great fuck, but it wasn't him his ass tingled for. There were several nights Andrew held him as he cried himself to sleep wishing for something he knew would never happen.

A couple days ago, he was sitting at home watching an interview Johnny was doing for a local TV station on Mars. The man looked incredible as always, he was dressed in a pair of tight jeans, and a t-shirt that said "Come be my slut." He was laughing at something the host said and just the sound sent shivers down Michael's body.

Then suddenly he leaned closer to the view screen and turned up the volume as the announcer asked if the rumors of Johnny quitting were true. Michael's heart started beating so hard in his chest, he was sure it was going to come out but his eyes were glued to the screen.

Johnny chuckled and glanced towards the camera before turning back to his host. "Nope, you heard right Rick. My last movie was my last. I am giving up the porn world." He turned back to the camera and flashed his million dollar smile. Michael felt his heart fall into his stomach, he was losing his only connection to Johnny, but the man's next words made him stare harder at the screen.

Rick pretended to have a heart attack. "But why Johnny? What could be so important to disappoint millions of fans?"

Johnny glanced back at the camera and smiled and Michael's breath caught in his throat. It was the smile Johnny had given him the night he left the hotel room. Then he looked back at Rick. "Would you believe love?"

Rick's eyes widened and he leaned in as if to impart a secret. "The great Johnny Fang has fallen in love?" Johnny nodded and Rick leaned back and smiled. "Well...tell us about this special man."

Michael's heart was stuck in his throat, but he couldn't tear his eyes from the screen. Johnny actually blushed and lowered his head his hair covering his face. "Well I don't want to say to much," he looked up at Rick. "I'm not sure if he will want me. But I can tell you that I spent a very special night with this person and like an idiot I walked out of his life." He looked back to the camera and Michael could have sworn he was looking right at him. "Walking out was the worst mistake I ever made in my life and I'm hoping to rectify that mistake."

Michael had actually fallen to his knees in front of the view screen, but he barely noticed. His eyes were glued to Johnny. "So what is this young man's name?" Rick said.

Michael held his breath waiting for Johnny to answer but someone knocked at the door. He growled and tried to ignore it, but missed what Johnny had said. He was about to rewind it when the knock came again, more insistent this time.

Normally Andrew would answer the door but he was charging, so Michael stood up and walked over and pulled the door open. A growl about to escape his lips when he froze. Johnny was standing on his doorstep, a duffel bag thrown over his shoulder and his hair plastered to his head from the rain falling behind him. "J...Johnny?" Michael gasped letting his eyes move over him.

Johnny gave him that soft smile. "Hello Michael, can I come in, it's a little wet out here?"

Michael blushed and moved back so Johnny could step into the room. Johnny dropped his duffel then glanced at the view screen before turning back to Michael. Michael just stood there gaping at him still holding onto the door. " gonna leave the door open all night?" He asked his eyes twinkling.

Michael blushed and closed the door then turned back to Johnny. "What are you doing here?"

Johnny looked back at the view screen where the interview was paused. "I would have thought you would know who I was talking about in this." He said waving at the screen then looking back at Michael.

Michael blushed once more and lowered his eyes. "I...I hoped but I didn't think..." He looked up when Johnny touched his face, he hadn't even seen the other man move.

Johnny ran his fingers over Michael's face and smiled tenderly. "I wasn't joking in that interview Michael. Walking out that night was the biggest mistake I have ever made. As soon as that door closed behind me, I wanted to turn around and walk back in."

Michael leaned into his hand but didn't take his eyes from Johnny's. "Why didn't you?"

Johnny sighed and dropped his hand, moving over by the couch. "Would you believe I was scared?" He asked keeping his back to Michael.

Michael moved away from the door and walked up behind Johnny. He didn't try to touch him, but he stood right behind him. "Scared of what?" He asked softly.

Johnny turned to him and his eyes were tortured. "Scared of what you felt for me. Scared of what I was feeling for you. Everyone I have ever loved I have lost Michael. The thought that you could get so close to me so quickly it scared me to death." He dropped onto the couch putting his head in his hands. "I've spent the last nine months trying to forget you. Telling myself you were just another client, that it didn't mean anything."

Michael felt his heart break but didn't say anything and when Johnny looked up at him his face was passive. Johnny's eyes were still tortured and it took everything Michael had not to comfort him. He just stood there staring down at the other man. Johnny tried to read Michael's face, to get an inkling of what the other man was thinking, but Michael just stood there passive so he sighed. "I couldn't though. Every time I fucked another man, all I could see was your face. Every time they cried out, it was your voice I heard." He laughed sourly, "the last time I actually let a guy fuck me up the ass was 6 months ago and I told him to pull out after only a couple strokes because it was your cock I wanted in me, and he wasn't you. I ended up fucking him, but I haven't been able to bring myself to let another man fuck me since you." He looked down at the floor again.

Michael felt hope blooming in his chest but fought against it. He couldn't handle rejection from Johnny, not again. Johnny looked up at him. "Say something..." he pleaded.

Michael sat beside him on the couch, making sure they didn't touch. "What do you want me to say?" He asked softly. "I poured my heart out to you that night and now you're telling me it didn't mean anything to you?"

Johnny's eyes widened and he opened his mouth but no sound came out. It took Michael about 30 seconds to realize his eyes were full of fear. Then suddenly Johnny grabbed his hands and clung to him. "NO...don't you understand, that's what I'm saying. It did...I didn't want it to mean anything but it melted my frozen heart that night Michael. I didn't think it was possible but you did. No one has ever gotten passed the walls I had over my heart, but you did. That night, you broke down every one of those walls, plus melted the ice around my heart." He tentatively let go of one of Michael's hands and cupped his cheek. "I love you Michael, I think I have since that night, it just took me a long time to realize it."

Michael just sat frozen looking at him, tears streamed down his cheeks but he ignored them. Johnny wiped the tears away but still Michael just stared at him. His heart was pounding a mile a minute in his chest and Johnny thought maybe he had forgotten to breathe. Johnny smiled, "say something." Then he looked at the view screen where the interview was still paused. "No, don't say anything, not yet."

Michael looked at him curiously as he picked up the remote sitting on the coffee table, rewound it a little and hit play. Michael tore his eyes from Johnny's and looked back at the view screen. "So what is this young man's name?" Rick asked.

Johnny lowered his head once more, his hair covering his face. "Michael," he said softly looking once more at the camera. "I don't know if he will be willing to give me a second chance, I mean I did basically break his heart." He turned back to Rick who gave him a look of concern. Johnny looked back at the camera. "I'm hoping he has it in his heart to not only forgive me, but make me the happiest man on Earth or Mars." The Johnny on the screen stood up and moved towards the camera. "Michael, if you are watching this, I know I made a mistake and I want to spend the rest of my life making it up to you. Please say you will forgive me and..." he dropped to his knees in front of millions of viewers. "Tell me you will marry me..."

Johnny froze the view and turned to the man beside him. Michael was staring at the view screen, the look of pain and torture on the face of the man on his knees in front of millions. Then he turned to the man sitting beside him and saw the same look of pain and torture. Michael smiled softly and took Johnny's hands in his. He realized the other man's hands were trembling. "Yes..." he said softly. Just yes, no explanation, no nothing, just that one word and Johnny's eyes lit up like a child's on Christmas morning.

"Really?" Johnny asked almost afraid to breathe.

Michael nodded and squeezed Johnny's hands. "I love you Johnny Rodriguez Monroe." He said using Johnny's real name instead of his stage name. "You are the only man I have ever loved and the only one I will ever love. How could I possibly say no, when I love you so much?"

Hearing his name come from Michael's lips, not his stage name but his real name broke the floodgates open. Johnny grabbed him and clung to him as he cried. He had never thought he would ever find someone who would love the man, not the star, but the man holding him and stroking his hair as he cried did. He clung to Michael the way he had clung to his mother when he was young and knew that finally after all these years, he had finally found his way home...


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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A 5-star

This was a very good story. As one of the other comments stated - a fairy tale, well, I believe in Santa Clause, don't you? This was very well written and I look forward to reading other stories by you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Oh my gosh


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

A little predictable but everyone loves fairytales. Thank you. Keep writing please. :)

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