Fantasies of My Brother


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As I expected streams of cum soon sprayed out of the tip of his cock onto my sheets. Some actually landed on my stomach which seemed was a pretty impressive distance as far as I was concerned. It was so hot watching him cum and then feel his semen landing on me that I felt my orgasm hit soon after. Sean sat beside me, barely inches away, as I came. He looked like he wanted to touch me but was holding back from crossing that particular barrier.

"That wasn't so bad was it?" I asked.

"No, it wasn't. That's the problem."

He straightened up his clothes and left the room as I experimentally prodded the cum drying on my tummy. God, my brother's cum on me; I was getting horny again. My clit throbbed between my legs and I could tell it was going to need a lot more attention before I would get any sleep.


"You seem happier today," Julie said. She had come over again for another round of sunbathing and I planned to just relax instead of teasing Sean this time.

"Yeah, I think Sean's coming around."

"Really? What happened?"

I was about to tell her when Sean came out of the house in a pair of swim trunks.

"Looks like someone wants another show," I said loud enough that he could hear. He blushed slightly but didn't respond as he sat down near us. "You know the rules Sean, no freebies," I continued.

Sean looked at Julie before looking back to me. Julie just looked confused as the significance of what I said was lost on her. I gazed steadily back at Sean, not giving in.

"Come on, you going to tell me these aren't worth it." I untied my top and held it in place over my breasts with my hands to let him know it would be gone as soon as his shorts came off.

Sighing he stood up and slid his trunks down and kicked them off. Julie gasped as his cock came into view, already starting to stiffen before us. Keeping my end of the deal I let my top fall to the ground too. Julie's eyes were bugging out as she looked back and forth between us trying to figure out what was going on.

"Would you do my sunscreen again please?" I asked Julie.

She was clearly still confused but she complied and started rubbing sunscreen on my breasts. She was looking over at Sean pretty frequently and I could guess why.

"Nice isn't it?" I whispered so he couldn't hear. Julie just nodded. "You wanna go..." I gestured toward Sean with my head.

"What? I can't do that," she hissed, "he's your... it wouldn't...." I could tell she wanted to but she also didn't want to upset me.

"Julie, go for it. It's okay, I promise."

Hesitantly she got up and walked slowly over to Sean who had been lightly stroking his cock. As she knelt down in front of him he looked at me nervously and I smiled reassuringly back at him. Julie's hand replaced his on his dick and he let out a sigh of contentment as he leaned back. I knew he wouldn't say no to her; she was hot and, more importantly, not his sister.

I grazed my hand over the material of my bikini bottoms and felt how much my pussy had already soaked them. Glancing over to make sure the other two weren't paying attention I brought a finger to my mouth and licked it. Tasting my own pussy juices wasn't something I did often but sometimes it just felt sexy. I rolled onto my side to get a better view of the action as I slid my hand down to my clit.

Julie was sucking on the head of Sean's cock and working it deeper into her mouth. I tried to pretend it was me over there instead of her but what I was witnessing was hot enough that I gave that up quickly. Besides, in a few days maybe it actually would be me playing with his cock. He was breaking, already he had no problem with us watching each other. I just had to work him up to touching.

I moved my hand faster on my clit keeping time with Julie as her head picked up speed on Sean's cock. He looked like he was going to cum soon and I didn't blame him the way Julie was working him. Suddenly he tensed up and I knew I was right about him having been close. Julie stayed on him the whole time, letting him cum in her mouth.

She stood up after he finished looking satisfied with her work. Surprisingly she came over to where I was laying and curled up right next to me. I glanced over at Sean but he wasn't paying any attention to us. I shrugged mentally as I put my arm around her waist and settled in for a while.


I had trouble sleeping that night. Not only did I have the day's events running through my head constantly but I also held myself back from masturbating in case Sean showed up again. Getting a blowjob from Julie earlier might have been enough for him but I held out hope that he would want to watch me again. My hand kept idly slipping down to stroke my pussy as I lay there waiting and I had to keep forcing myself to pull it away. Finally the door opened and Sean stepped quietly into my room.

"You still awake?" he whispered.


After carefully closing the door behind him he walked over to my bed and sat down.

"Are you okay with what happened today?" he asked.

"You mean you and Julie? I was the one who told her it was okay, wasn't I?"

"I know, I just thought it might be weird since... because of how you felt. That's all."

I shrugged, "nah, if you're not going to touch me at least I got to watch someone else. It's kind of like a consolation prize or whatever."

"It's not that I don't want to, you know that right?" he said. "It's just that we can't have a real relationship and it wouldn't be fair to either of us to try. We'd have to keep it a secret all the time and what if we ever decided to 'break up' or whatever the equivalent is? Or what-"

"Fuck's sake Sean," I interrupted, "I just want to fuck you. I understand we can't get married and have kids and live happily ever after. Jesus Christ that's not even what I want."

"Ashley," he started slowly, "you know how I backed off yesterday after I kissed you?"

"Yes," I growled, letting him know I was still not happy about that.

"I probably should have handled that differently I admit," he at least sounded a little sheepish about it which I appreciated, "but I really did have good intentions. Anyway, point is if you know what kind of limits we have, and you're okay with them, maybe... maybe it would be okay."

My heart pounded unnaturally hard in my chest. I thought I understood what he was saying but I was still wary. "Don't you dare mess with me again Sean, I'll fucking kill you if you are," I threatened.

"I'm not Ash, I'm really not. But I need you to understand that anything we do, it can't be a substitute for other people. I might meet someone else, or you might, and we need to be ready to accept that."

"I know. Just... just fuck me Sean. Please."

He pulled my blanket off of me in one swift motion, completely exposing my naked body to him. His hand went to my breast and grabbed it somewhat roughly, not that I minded. Our mouths found each other even as I fumbled with his boxers trying to get to his cock. Almost as soon as I managed to get it free he was on top of me. His hard shaft rubbed against the entrance of my pussy already so well lubricated he could slip in without any trouble.

Sean looked at me like he wanted to make sure I was ready, as if that was ever an issue. I thrust my hips upward desperately against him trying simultaneously to convey both that I was ready for him and to increase the stimulation of his cock running over my clit. If he waited much longer I knew I would cum just from that.

The tip of his cock penetrated the entrance to my pussy and as we both thrust against each other he slipped almost halfway inside me. I came immediately, burying my face in his shoulder and holding onto him tightly. He fucked me gently through my orgasm and I felt his cock going deeper with every movement of his hips.

As he felt me relax he picked up speed and force until he was bottoming out on each thrust. He was still be gentler than he needed to be which was fine with me, I would let him do it all night if he wanted. I wanted him to feel good too though, especially since I figured there was more chance of this happening again if he did.

"You can do it harder," I whispered as I nuzzled his neck.

"Don't want to hurt you," he grunted back.

"I'm not gonna break, just do whatever feels good."

He did start fucking me harder although I think he was still holding back a little. I ran my hands through his hair and over his back as I kissed his shoulder and neck. Soon I felt him tense up just before the first shot of cum hit my pussy. I held him as he came then let him roll off of me.

"M'sorry Ash," he said. I was about to protest that he had nothing to be sorry about but he interrupted. "I know I don't have to be so gentle with you but you're still my little sister you know? Can't help feeling a little protective."

"Well, we can work on that."


"Hey Julie, can I ask you something?"

She was sitting on the floor beside my bed carefully painting each of her toenails with a different colour of nail polish. It had been raining pretty hard for a few days and we were both pretty bored. I had already told her that me and Sean were fucking pretty much every night these days but after that we had run short of things to talk about.

"Mm-hm," she responded without looking up from her toes.

"Do you like Sean? I mean would you go out with him or anything?"

"Like if you two weren't already together? Yeah I guess I probably would." She finished a toe and selected another bottle of polish from my overly extensive collection.

"I think he'd like having an actual girlfriend. And I'm pretty sure he likes you, so if you wanted to...."

She looked at me confused. "I thought things were going good between you two."

"They are, but there's some things that we just can't have because I'm his sister and I'm okay with that but I don't think Sean is. We basically agreed that at some point one or both of us might want to see someone else. I just thought if he's gonna want to be with another girl I'd like it to be you. If you don't mind sharing that is."

Her left pinkie toe remained half-painted and forgotten as Julie thought about what I said. I was apprehensive about her answer since I knew that what I was proposing could fail spectacularly and I needed her to either accept it fully or reject it.

"Do you really think he'd be okay with it?" she finally asked.

"I haven't talked to him about it yet since I wanted to see what you thought first, but I can go ask him now," I said, smiling in relief.

Sean was home as far as I knew and probably just hanging out in his room since there was precious little else to do. I didn't think he would take much convincing; he really did seem to like Julie, not that he would ever admit it to me. I walked over to his room and knocked on his half-open door. He was sitting at his computer and turned around toward me as I pushed the door the rest of the way open.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Not much," I said casually, "I just think I might have found you a girlfriend."

Sean narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "What do you mean?"

"I mean Julie's interested in, I dunno, dating you or fucking or whatever. We didn't go into that much detail. Point is I think you like her and you could have a real girlfriend like you wanted."

He stared at me for moment. "She actually said that?"

"Yeah, what did think that I'd make it up?"

"And you're okay with me and her...."

"Beats you going out and finding some other girl."

"I wouldn't just... you know what, never mind." He sighed and stood up from his chair. "Ashley do you mind if I talk to her alone?"

"Sure, she's in my room. I'll go find something to do downstairs."

I went downstairs to the living room and turned on the tv. There was nothing on as usual but I flipped channels for a while anyway. I caught the tail end of Iron Man on one of the movie channels which kept me busy for about fifteen minutes but after that I was too curious to restrain myself; I needed to see how it was going.

I almost expected they would be having sex on my bed by then but as it turns out I was only half right. As I peeked in I saw Julie had her shirt off and Sean was sucking on her nipple. She saw me looking and smiled at me as I smiled back. I wanted to stay and watch, it was my room after all, but decided to give them their privacy this time.


"Mmm, how was that?" I asked as rolled off of Sean onto the bed.

"Amazing, as always," he replied.

It had been a few months since we first had sex and, if nothing else, he had at least learned the art of answering that question properly. I noticed Julie was no longer in the room. She had been watching me and Sean fuck but she must have left at some point.

"I'm gonna go find Julie okay?" I kissed Sean softly and threw on some clothes before padding out of the room.

I found her sitting by herself out by the pool. She was dangling her legs in the water and just sort of kicking them idly, looking like she was lost in thought.

"Hey, what's up?" I said as I sat down beside her.

She jumped a little when I spoke but calmed down immediately. "Just thinking 'bout stuff."

"Like what?" I dipped my legs in the water beside hers. The weather was getting a little cooler but the water still felt nice.

"Like when to tell you..." she looked at me nervously. "I'm pregnant Ash."

I had been on the pill for years and it hadn't even occurred to me that she wasn't. I stared stupidly at her for a few seconds before remembering to respond. "Really? What are you going to do?"

"I kinda wanted to see what you thought before I decided. If you were okay with it."

"Julie," I said firmly, "it's got nothing to do with me or anyone else except you. It's your decision and I'll back you up whatever you choose."

She lay a hand on her belly which hadn't started to grow yet, not that I could see anyway. "I always wanted kids," she said softly, "but this isn't how I expected it to happen y'know?"

"Maybe it's not ideal Julie, but you know I'll help out as much as I can. And Sean will too or I'll kick his ass."

She shifted closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder. "Thanks Ash."

I slipped my arm around her waist and placed my hand over her tummy even though I knew it was way too early to feel anything. A kind of deep excitement was growing slowly inside me as we sat together. I was going to be an aunt.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Wow..sometimes it seems like you tire of your own story, then just end it as fast as you can. Not your best …

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This was one of his very early stories. Feels like a totally different author....He was a quick study though.... The conversations and characters soon after his start quickly became a lot more real and awesome.

OseekerOseeker11 months ago

Didn't come close to making MY boat float.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The fact I keep coming back to your work reinforces how great a writer you are. Being a great writer, however, doesn't necessarily make one a great storyteller. There was very little realism to be found here. The characters didn't behave like real people. Nothing in this tale rang true. It was like reading a ransom note made up from newspaper clippings. The words strung together made sense, but they had little overall meaning. It's as if the characters you created were walking in their sleep through the story you assigned them to. On a ten scale, I'd have to rate this a three at best. As with all your works, it was extremely readable. Unfortunately there was little substance to any of it. An extremely forgettable tale by an extremely talented writer. In short.... A Complete Waste Of My Time!

LegallySaneLegallySaneover 1 year ago

Sometimes a pregnancy enhances the eroticism of a story, but not this one. It ruined it. 2*

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