Far Pangaea 45: Emotional Rescue


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Jack ponders the entire conversation. He then reaches out and claims Greta by the hand. She shivered at what he was wanting her for. Regardless as Jack tells everyone to hold back he drags Greta in flight behind him. The drones acknowledging his decision.

"What are we doing Jack?"

"Time I met Seth."

"Needin' an introduction?"

"Something like that."

The year 2020. The hidden base of REGION beneath C.I.A. Headquarters.

"Have a seat General." Judith Lamb, Director of Paranormal Protocol motions him to a seat behind a lengthy desk. Around him sat numerous Scientists and Theorists. All of whom had secret lives between here and the outside world.

General Obadiah Ridge knew of these secret projects but had no clearance until yesterday. Today he had been invited as a courtesy. His respected service to his country giving him an edge up the food chain of Secret Societies.

"General? Believe me when I say we would not have bothered you had we not discovered something which connects you to our findings."

"What have you found? Get on with it." Obadiah barks.

"First allow me to introduce , Serena Dorsey. Like you she has a shared link with our findings. Her Grandfather was part of an advanced project that invited him along on a special envoy. One that might make you question ethics and our nation."

Serena Dorsey was 30 something Blond with a delightful figure. If not rather studious in appearance. The General eying her with interest. An interest that led him to observe an empty wedding finger. Her own eyes admiring the well dressed Leader. Judith Lamb clearing her throat at noticing both of their demeanors.

"As I was saying. The two of you have both lost a loved one in the past." Judith hesitates, "In more ways than one I'm afraid." Turning to motion a Scientist to join her up front she introduces yet another, "This is Dr. Lionel Frost. Archive caretaker for all things Paranormal."

"Good afternoon General. Ms. Dorsey. I presume both of you have heard of something called, The Philadelphia Experiment?"

"You brought me here to talk about nonsense?" Ridge grows irritated yet restrains himself in front of Ms. Dorsey.

"Please give me the floor General. What I'll show you shortly will make you believe." Frost, a middle aged Man with thin peppered hair spoke.

"I am unfamiliar with this Experiment. Wasn't there a movie called that back in the 80's I believe?" Selena Dorsey interrupts.

"Yes. A rather distorted viewpoint of the true situation. As you know General, "Frost redirects his attention, "The Government tends to hide things of value to study and restructure for the advancement of mankind. As I'll now show you photographs of the destroyer escort U.S.S. Eldridge DE-173 from the year 1943, October 28th. to be precise. An experiment conducted aboard the Eldridge attempted to utilize cannibalized Alien technology to create invisibility cloaks. What happened shocked all involved. Especially the crew. Some of which did not survive."

Images on a large wall monitor offer glimpses into the past. Both the General and Selena took interest in the archived footage in black and white. Video that the public was oblivious to. Before their very eyes the U.S.S Eldridge glows and vanishes. Voices of the surrounding Soldiers and Cameramen rattled with awe. Just as swiftly the ship reappeared in the docks as if never faded away.

"So, the Destroyer escort was turned invisible. That tech is used today." Obadiah frowns.

Frost abruptly adds, "Not just invisible General. It was teleported away. From what we can piece together the entire ship shifted through time and space."

"Keep watching General." Judith Lamb prompts.

The images turn to an escorted group of Cameramen boarding the Eldridge. Their cameras trained on the after effects of the vanishing. Bodies phasing through walls their torsos still attached. Deceased immediately and dangling. Blood puddles all across the deck. The galley. The Bridge. Even in stairwells. Of the crew members on board 32 had perished.

Haunted Serena Dorsey gasps. The General merely easing forward on the table intrigued.

"Here is where it gets...well...difficult." Frost sighs before unpausing the clip.

Before the General's eyes he witnesses a woman in strange garb phasing through a wall and turning around. Albeit much older the woman was indeed...

"MADIGAN?" Obadiah stands tall and advances around the table behind the on looking Scientists. Frost freezing the clip once again to allow the General a better look. As Obadiah examines it closely he notes two things. She wasn't wearing her wedding band and secondly she held a small book. As her eyes stare toward the Cameraman Obadiah motions to Frost with a hand, "Play it."

Only seconds more of footage Madigan speaks, "Obadiah! Find us. Lost in time. Pangaea. Beware Dorsey." Before another word she fizzes out in a shimmer of blue light. She was gone. Yet, the book dropped to the floor.

Pointing at the video Obadiah snarls, "Where is this book?"

"Well!" Judith Lamb steps up lowering her gaze, "That could be a problem."

"Meaning?" He snaps with cheeks reddening.

"That book came into possession of someone unexpected." Judith fidgets slightly.


"Lucas Dorsey."

Serena holds her hand over her mouth. The mention of her Grandfather whom she had never known caught her off guard. Her Mother having told her stories of her Grandfather and aliens. She had never taken it serious until the day her Mother passed away. The day she came into possession of something extraordinary.

"We have no idea what happened to the book after Dorsey claimed it. This footage was lost for nearly 80 years General. We recently discovered it in of all places a bunker in Oklahoma. Luckily it was returned to us by a UFO enthusiast of all things. Someone rather, shall we say unorthodox.

"Who?" Ridge narrows his eyes.

"A hacker. One that gave us the coordinates of the hidden footage."

"Bring me this Hacker. I need to talk to him. We have to locate that book."

"That might be rather difficult General." Judith grits her teeth, "The hacker was lost aboard the same flight as your Wife and Daughter."

"What?" General Obadiah Ridge grew grim.

"His name was James Ian Pryce."

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SZENSEISZENSEIover 4 years agoAuthor

Welcome aboard ZZ. Yeah, the storyline quadruples in plot and characters, moving along at a lightspeed pace. I'm slowly working on those last 4 chapters and the series epilogue. It's been a sloooooooooow process, I burned myself out writing so many in a row, it's 100% plotted down to the bitter end, it just becomes my sitting down and polishing things up. Enjoy the rest of he chapters and keep in touch.

Thanks for commenting.


ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 4 years ago

I knew that kid was suspect.

SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 7 years agoAuthor

2 things. Concerning the Philadelphia Experiment. When the Eldridge teleported away it went back to Pangaea. Time has no relevance where our Heroes are. So although Dorsey came to Pangaea in the 60's time officially stopped for him. Meaning even when the Eldridge popped in and out of Pangaea in 43 time stood still. Maddy will have known and dealt with Dorsey in that time.

Gaea? We as a society only know Myths and Legends as written down and speculated upon. To me its all one BIG story. Everything connects in some fashion.. Who is to say Gaea and Our 1 true God are not linked? We truly don't know. Guess work at best.

How's your book coming Salva?

TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticalmost 7 years ago

Amazing! At the end of the previous chapter, I thought they had found the remains of the disappeared, but this exceeded all my expectations ...

How did Maddie get into the Philadelphia experiment?

Well, one thing has been clarified, Lucas Dorsey and the Ganthorian ship crashed in Pangea after 1943 (apparently at least).

I am intrigued by the role of the rabbits and the reaction of Ruby's unborn son, the baby rejects Jack and yet seems to accept the caress of the rabbit ... Do not tell me they have been pregnant by skin contact, no? Keep in mind that the Hula hoop has only worked with Ruby, and the rabbits of the other world have protected it by preventing it from leaving the space of the ring.

And the twist that now takes the story, The First Family! Who would have imagined it, Adam and Eve are in the body of Sabbath, the children of Adam and Eve are locked in with Lily and Lily is Gaea, the primitive goddess of Greek mythology. She was one of the creators of the earth (along with Chaos and Eros, will they also appear?), According to this mythology.

The story is complicated, we enter many mythologies, China, Greek, Jewish and Christian, if we add the alien technology and the evil of many human beings, conflict is served.

I already said, it's Murphy's Law!

5 * for you.

I apologize for my English (yet and forever), isn't my native language.

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