Far Pangaea 64: Wait Watchers


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"What kind of bitter fruit do ye eat Lad?" He pulls what he conceives as a leaf off of it and holds it. Eying the hole it came from he shrugs and reattaches it. The Leprechaun was certainly lucky. The grenade didn't go off.

Locating the tin flask of Tequila he guzzles its contents until he see's stars. A purple fog at best. Shaking his head he hears the water splashing about. Frozen by the sounds he wheezes and cowers behind the backpack itself. The Sniper Rifle falling over on top of him. The sheathed sword Soultaker colliding on the floor of the boat. Everything made him jump.

Peering out a port window on the cabin his eyes bulge, "It be the Ferryman. Come to claim me soul." The Leprechaun grabs the first weapon he sees and aims it at the terrifying gondola which resembled a Viking long boat. Complete with shields on the exterior. A long neck carved Maiden displayed from the bow. Standing in the forefront was a tall gangly man wearing a black cloak.

Itchy fingers pull a trigger as Lowball falls backward from the cabins door. Shooting high over the horizon was a stream of fire. Lowball pissed his drawers.

Jack hears a loud pop and journeys to the window, "Signal flare. Imagine that. Lowball tried to warn us."

Bianca sighed, "He better not have set our sails on fire."

"Not yet anyway. Ever hear that song Don't Fear the Reaper? Blue Oyster Cult." He grimaces seeing the boat arrive, "Probably after you left in '72. 75 or 76 I think it was. Anyway. The Reaper just caught up with us."

"Charon?" Bianca looks over his shoulder, "I know my Mythology. Is he here for us?"

"The Ganthorians." Jack turns as the ghosts file away from the cauldron at the sound of a trumpet. Moving toward them Bianca hugs the walls and races behind them to lean against the cauldron. The ghosts halt before Jack and pause.

"I'll do my best to find and rescue Kym'Ani. You all have my word. Point me in the right direction and I'll stay on course." Again the group unify into a position of arms. Jack knew the direction, "We'll follow behind you." With that being said the ghosts vanish through the wall and appear on the boat behind the Ferryman. The tall shadowy Captain lowers his horn and taps his staff on the bow. The boat turning in the water and heading back out to see.

"We have to go." Jack reports looking to Bianca and Iota. To his surprise he spots Bianca facing the cauldron glaring into the water. The cat purring and cuddling up to her arm.

"What am I seeing here?" Bianca stutters slightly as Wretch smiles.

"Your future."

"I see destruction. A trail of dead bodies. I can't make out what they are. Soldiers? Animals? I see weapons. Horse hooves in the dirt."

"No time for this Bianca. We need to go." Jack has to pry her away. Looking into the water himself. As his reflection appears he suddenly envisions James Ian Pryce. That alone lures him in. He bears witness to a baby held high in hands of blood. A battle outside the Ganthorian Hilton. Elle and Gaicazar fighting Boar like aliens on flying chariots. Finally, Ruby stepping from the starship glowing like the sun. A loud flash disrupts his further gaze, "What the hell?"

Erupting from the water was a holographic image that towered over them. The image of a tall muscular man. Dressed in clothing lined with gold. A crown upon his head. Not just any crown. Something of alien tech.

"There you are Mr. Ramse."

The cat and Iota evade the image and hide behind Wretch. Bianca behind Jack. "Lucas Dorsey." Jack growls.

"I am indeed. It is a pleasure to finally meet you Mr. Ramse. May I call you Jack?"

"You have a lot to answer for Dorsey. How did you find me? For that matter why? How do you even know of me? I'm nothing special."

"How wrong you are Sir. A special man indeed. Even before that pesky bug did a number on your physique. It's all in the genes my Friend. I know all. See all. Like your Oracle there."

"Genes? Get on with it Dorsey."

"Gods will be Gods I say. It takes one to know one. You my good man are a God like me. If not fully realized. I am working on that."

"I tried to tell you." Wretch adds.

"Please tell the Hag to not interrupt me." Dorsey sighs pinching at his robes while examining a loose thread, "Oh my Tailor will pay for this."

"I'm coming for the Princess." Jack sneers with intimidation.

"Oh? You mean my delicious Kym'Ani? Allow me to introduce you."

The hologram draws in a naked woman. Humanoid in body with lizard like scales in all the right places. She was incredibly beautiful. Her eyes lowered as Dorsey palms her chin lifting it. His other hand jostling her breast for the sheer fun of it. The woman had grown a bit since the footage James Ian revealed to him.

"Are you safe Princess?" Jack stood tall exuding strength. Bianca behind him cooing at the muscles in his back tensing up. Her fingers afraid to touch him suddenly.

The Princess refuses to speak. Dorsey kisses her on the cheek as she looked repulsed by the intrusion. It was then that Iota chose to zip around and face Dorsey and Kym'Ani. She felt the hidden emotions through the hologram. The Princess suddenly opening her eyes as if sensing Iota. A bright smile erupts between the two. Puzzled Dorsey narrows his eyes.

"What have we here?"

"Back away Iota." Jack orders. The Sprite waving goodbye to the Princess and zipping back toward Wretch and the cat. Wretch now stood and held her boney frame up by leaning on the cauldron. The cat at her feet looking up with worry.

"I'll find you Kym'Ani. I swear it. Dorsey will suffer for what he's doing to you."

She fears smiling further and closes her eyes. He knew by her reaction she found hope. Lucas Dorsey shook his head, "If you survive this day please do come find us Jack. You're invited to the Wedding. Bring your plus one."

"Oh, I'll survive."

"We shall see." Lucas grins devilishly.

The cauldron begins shaking. Then the entire cliff dwelling began to tremble as if a quake had realized. The water of the cauldron splashing about. Directly up into the face of Wretch. Iota thinking she might help gets in front of the Oracle's face. The flood rushing from the pool drenching Iota and colliding her directly into Wretch. A glow exerting from Iota douses them both in a blinding flash. When the light faded Iota shakes her flesh of droplets as Wretch holds her face in her palms.

"Everyone out." Jack stammers pushing Bianca toward the window, "Fenway? Get Bianca back to the boat. I'll be right behind you. I can't let Wretch die here."

Bianca nods with a look of terror in her eyes. The cat runs toward she and Jack leaping up into Bianca's arms. Its claws digging into her T-shirt. Bianca held the cat as she crawled on to the ledge. Feeling their weight lift under the gravitational control Fenway took them flying toward the boat. Both Bianca and the cat struggling to survive falling rocks from above.

Jack stammers toward Wretch who still held her eyes. Reaching her he grips the woman by her shoulders as Lucas Dorsey watched them attempt escape. Laughing at his efforts.

"Tomb with a view Jack." Dorsey chuckled as Kym'Ani faded away leaving only Dorsey once more.

"Iota? I need you to carry Wretch. Get her back to the boat."

Iota offers a thumbs up smiling as she zips behind the Crone and lifts her by her robes. In doing so the cloth tattered from age. Leaving a nearly nude old woman to cringe. Her matted silver hair falling over her eye sockets.

"I can go on my own. Unhand." Wretch stands up straight. Rocks crumbling all around them from the seismic impulse generated through Dorsey's connection. He was just that powerful. Alien tech Jack presumed.

Invigorated suddenly Wretch moves past Jack and heads for the window frame. Climbing up on it she looks out at the sunlight. A smile crossing her lips. Jack right behind her is treated to something unexpected. Wretch turns to look at Jack. Within her eye sockets were now eyes. Eyes made of water. Solidified water. She could actually see.

"Go. I'm right behind you. We swim together."

"Bless you Jack Ramse." Wretch throws her body over the cliff side barely missing jagged rocks below. Iota zips past Jack and flies straight down to make certain Wretch surfaces. As she flutters over the swell Iota discovers Wretch to her left. She appeared slightly younger. Rubbing her eyes Iota looks again. Younger still. Shrugging Iota flies next to Wretch as she swims out toward the boat. Forced to destroy falling boulders with her energy expenditures. Iota was having a ball.

Still in the cliff Jack Ramse turns to face a lingering Lucas Dorsey. If looks could kill. "Be seeing you Jack. Maybe I'll name my first born after you. Oh, wait that would be my hundred and first born. Gets pretty dull here. Lotta time for lovin'."

"If I am a God Dorsey. I won't be a forgiving one."

"Me neither. I'll be waiting. Gotta go fuck the Princess. She's needy like that." With a salute Lucas Dorsey was gone.

Jack dove for his life. A life that took flight. Amid the cliffs collapse Fenway zoomed in snatching Jack away and sending the Colonel flying like a superhero. In only his boxers. Strangely Jack felt good in flight. Graceful. Triumphant.

Watching from above as Bianca and Iota helped Wretch from the water. His people looked out for each other. Halting Fenway Jack chose to merely stand in mid air. He felt like Superman. Taking a deep breath he looked out to sea. The purple haze faint in the distance.

"I'm coming Princess."

Returning his gaze toward the boat he notes Bianca chasing Lowball who wore her sheer nightie over his makeshift armor. She was still bottomless. Iota was rolling on the floor laughing. Wretch held the cat. She looked different. So much going on Jack took the time to stand idle in the sky. Fenway holding him aloft he pondered the situation.

"I'm a God."

Then it dawns on him the visions of Ruby in the cauldron. Motioning Fenway to take him in he lands on the boats stern. Settled he yells, "AT EASE!"

All fell silent. Until Lowball pinched Bianca on the ass. She yelped and hit him on top of his Conquistador helmet. So hard the helmet fell over his eyes and lodged on his skull. His effort to remove it kept him busy.

Jack ignored everyone as he looked over the ransacked cabin. His pack gone through thoroughly he growled. The runt had gone too far. Digging out his holographic communicator he attempts contact.

"Ruby? You out there?"


"Anyone home? Elle? Malcolm? Cam? James?"

Wretch responds to his continued efforts, "They have gone below."

"What? Below? As in dead?"

"I cannot tell Jack Ramse. I just know what I see."

"How can you see without your cauldron?"

She lifts her head showing off her new eyes of hard water. Eyes gifted to her through magic. The magic shared accidently through a certain Sprite. Jack paused as Bianca who took the time to put on her cut off jean shorts joined him.

"Your eyes are beautiful." Bianca spoke crouching next to Wretch and admiring them more closely. Wretch in turn looks down at Bianca's ring. She remained quiet.

"Fountain of Youth in that cauldron? You look thirty years younger."

"Your Sprite has given me a gift. Renewed sight. Youth. I believe I might become younger still. I feel different inside."

"Happy for you. Wear a blindfold." Jack hands her parts of her tattered cloak, "If Dorsey could see me in your well. He can see me through your eyes. Can't have that."

"You might be correct." Wretch nods as the cat stands on two legs leaning on the woman. She quickly ties the cloth about her head, "As you wish."

"Clean this boat up. Lowball? If I have to tell you once more to stay out of things I'm using you as our anchor. Winds in the right direction. Let's sail. Bianca weigh anchor."

Iota joins Fenway in soaring above. Their dance divine.

Jack gets dressed in his discarded clothing and man's the wheel. Keeping his holographic communicator close by and on. He just prayed it would still be in range. "I have to keep going Ruby. I hope you understand." He ponders. She would understand.

"Lad?" Lowball stumbled toward Jack.


"Can ye pull me helmet off? I canae breath."

Turning Jack had to chuckle.

"You look good in pink. Goes with the gray beard."

"Ye think so?"

Helmet popped off the Runt looks down at the nightie over his clothes.

"Fly catcher." Lowball huffs.

"Caught you."

Jack fist bumped the Leprechaun.

"Before I forget Laddie. What kind of fruit be the green thing?"


"Yea!" He shows him the grenade. Pulling the pin and smiling. Eyes bulging Jack swats the grenade from Lowball's hand out into the water. The detonation creating a froth of exploding water. Lowball wheezes at the sight. Cringing, "Twas not fruit was it?"

"Brought fish to the surface. Better go grab us supper."

"I'll be using me fish net."

The nightie was good for something.

Bianca threw a fit.

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SZENSEISZENSEIover 6 years agoAuthor

Hmmm. I apologize. I always thought all hand guns had safety locks. Thanks for the heads up. I'll reload that with an edit. I always appreciate it when someone points things out that I overlook.

That said. Did you even like the story itself? lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Glocks don't have safeties.

From the story: "....Glocks he points out to sea after a closer look down its barrel. Triggered pulled to no avail. Luckily Jack kept them on safety...."

Literary liberties only work when there may be ambiguity. Here there is none.

SZENSEISZENSEIover 6 years agoAuthor
That was fast Mooner lol

MorE about the rabbits in CRIB NOTES. Ruby is going on a magical journey. The poor woman is ready for a nervous breakdown. Answers are coming but the source might prove MistakEn. lol.

66 : ANGEL HEIR next, after that the battle begins for the Ganthorian Hilton residents in Chapter 67 : UPHILL BATTLE.

So much fun.

MoonlightFantasyMoonlightFantasyover 6 years ago

Hahaha as though he isnt enhanced enough now Jack is in God mode :D

That Lucas Dorsey came out of nowhere..can't wait to see how the God descendants shape the story. Still want to know more about the rabbits!

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