Far Pangaea 68 : Soup Kitchen


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"A finger wearing a ring."

"Lizard like." Obadiah carefully obtains it for her, "Nice ring. Blue diamond?" He shows SeVen.

"Yes. A cursed diamond indeed." SeVen acknowledges.

"Great." Obadiah scowls, "We all know the Hope diamond has some curse on it. Anyone who touches it meets an untimely death."

"We do not know if this diamond is from the Hope vein. Worry only when you fall prey to the Goddess." SeVen grimly attests.

"That's comforting." Obadiah passes the finger over to SeVen who declines touching it, "Oh, so you're not worried."

"Stop it. Both of you. It's in this box for a reason. Is this my birth Mother's finger?"

"Presumably so. My question would be just how did Lucas come into possession of it before journeying back in time. Before even meeting Princess Kym'Ani."

"He was an Envoy to the Ganthorians right?"

"Correct. Kym'Ani was but a child then. In your human age perhaps 16. However on Ganthor she would be much older if not in appearance. She made the journey to meet the Humans on the request of her Father the King. Ganthorians are far too trusting."

"That or her Father had an ulterior motive. Sacrificing his own daughter for some reason."

"Interesting hypothesis."

"You would make one hell of a Spock." Obadiah smirks.

"I do not comprehend."

Serena smiles for the first time, "He would wouldn't he? I'm a Trekkie." In a bold move Serena toys with the ring. Risking everything should it really be cursed. Obviously, her Mother died wearing it so maybe there was a ring of truth to it. Pardon the pun she thought. Still snug upon the joint Serena tugs on it a bit until it gives way. In doing so the remaining finger crumbles to dust in her hand. As if the ring had kept it in existence.

"So much for the finger." Obadiah sighs.

Serena lifts the ring up to peer at it better. Her eyes brighten up. It was almost as if she could see a woman's face. First her own tiny reflection. Then, that of another overlapping hers. Her thoughts were correct.

"Mother?" She kept to herself.

In her careful consideration of possibilities she hears a soft voice, "May the ring keep you safe." Hearing this Serena looks up at the men talking about Japan. Her heart races as she without further warning tries the ring on her left hands middle finger. A perfect fit. Admiring it further until the guys realize her placement.

"You sure that's wise Serena?" Obadiah stares.

"'Til death do I part." She winks at them. SeVen merely stood vigilant. His thoughts uncertain.

"How do we get to Japan without REGION knowing?" Obadiah poses.

"Oh that's easy." Serena chuckles, "SeVen? Pull up the Lear Jet if you please."

The General pauses to look over at the Nordic with curiosity, "Lear jet?"

"My ship. A four man cruiser. Well hidden in the lake over the hill." SeVen stands and cloaks himself with a hoodie and sunglasses, topping his attire with a warm parka. Disguise against prying eyes.

"Let me get changed."

As Serena jumps to her feet and wiggles away both men admire her. Obadiah coughing into his hand and turning away. SeVen leering at the General.

"She will return wearing something inappropriate."

"Great." Obadiah Ridge somehow knew that would be the case, "How did baby Serena get to the future?"

SeVen eyes him, "A mystery indeed."

A billion years backwards in time. Give or take.

James Ian Pryce age 15 going on 16 had thrown up twice on his ride in the caverns. The Hordakians racing and darting about violently in their Technorides giving him motion sickness. Reaching a Canyon sized cavern his eyes adjust to a newfound light. One that caught him off guard. Blinded for a moment he examines the walls in their lit up webbing. Soon realizing they were cave drawings of a sort. Stick people all touching hands as if helping the other climb higher toward a sliver of light in the cave ceiling. It was remarkable. All the Hordakians could hear was a muffled, "Whoa!"

As James lowered his gaze he caught a glimpse of glowing waters below in grotto's. Numerous grottos. Then, came the sight of the second Gathorian vessel. His ride reaching a level plain of rock the Technorides land and shut down. Met by more soldiers they gruffly pull him from the bike and guide him away. He could hear thin vibrations in the air. Then gunfire on a sonic level. In the distance more strange amphibious hybrids resisting the Hordakians. A Hammerhead shark captured and shackled.

"Move along." A soldier nudges James.

"I'm going. Chill pill Dude."

"Is that a weapon?" The soldier stops him with a grunt, "A chill pill?"

"Yeah! Freezes you instantly. Careful or I'll use it on you."

Convinced of James toying with him he shoves him onward toward the Ganthorian ship. At the base of the ramp stood a Scientist. He looks at James with respect.

"Yeah! I laid your Brothers to rest. I hope that gets me brownie points."

Perhaps it did. As James pushed past, the Scientist looked around at the ceiling of the canyon chasm as if offering his own paid respects to the fallen. That or he notices the eyes peering out in the stellar canvas of rock like stars in the sky. They were being watched. The Scientist returned to the ship, following James and his escorts.

Once inside the ship James trailed the hallways until reaching a room. Stopping there at the door the Hordakian knocks with a loud fist. Hearing the words, "Enter." As the door hushed wide James is guided more carefully within.

"James Ian Pryce. You look so young. Yet, I see the resemblance so very well. Join us. Have a seat."

"Are you Doc Brown?" James muses, the Back to the Future reference going over the head of Orin Ridge.

"I do not believe I know this Doctor Brown. My name is Orin Ridge. Welcome to the beginning of Time itself."

"Been there done that. Many times I think."

"Of course you have. That is all about to change."

"Oh yeah? Is that even possible?"

"I suppose we shall see. Won't we?" Orin looks over a mannequin wearing spectacular robes of silk and life fiber. Red with golden inlays. Beside the mannequin stood his right hand, "Allow me to introduce you to Harpea, my Chief Science Officer."

"Nice outfit. Is it Halloween?"

"Tricks and treats indeed. It took me a very long time to reach this place at just the right time Mr. Pryce. Where it all began."

"Where I began?" James gulps. Things were processing quickly now, "The walls outside. They're my predecessors. Wonder where I am in that timeline?"

"Toward the top I am certain." Harpea interrupts.

"Not the Princess I presume?"

"NO! NOT THE PRINCESS!" She snaps loudly turning in a hiss.

"Calm yourself Harpea. Why don't you go check on our other..."

"Yes, Orin. Forgive my outburst." Harpea steps next to James stopping to stare at the boy. Something makes her glare into his eyes. A shiver overtakes her body suddenly. As Orin clears his throat Harpea takes her leave. Outside the room as the door closes she stops and stares off into space. A Hordakian guard grunts to her right forcing her back to reality. It was as if she had seen the future. A troubled narrowing of eyes she moves on. Inside Orin's room Orin motions James to his dinner table. A cask of wine resting on it.

"Join me for a drink?"

"Not old enough." James responds with a scowl.

"Of course you are Son. You're four billion years old. Imbibe with me. We have much to celebrate."

"Got a coke? Been craving a Coke. Mountain Dew even."

"None I'm afraid." He pours two glasses regardless and carries one over to James, "I insist."

Claiming the glass James eyes the red wine within. Orin smirking, "The blood of Christ they say."

"I wouldn't know. Kind of doubt it though."

"Of course you would. I must say it's an honor to meet you young Messiah. Twice that is. An honor both times."

"Do I have a brother?" James rolls his eyes as Orin clinks their glasses before sampling his own drink.

"Of a sort. All in good time. I love that saying. All in Good Time. So basis of fact. We wait for the right time. In my case I was impatient. I pursued the right time. In mere hours I will control Time. Everyone's time. You my young Messiah will show me the way."

"Messiah? Yeah, I guess ME and I are in that word."

"You realize much don't you Mr. Pryce?"

"Enough. I just read between the lines. Are you going to kill me?"

"Of course. I am going to kill all of you. History will be remade in my image."

"ME in iMagE."

"I as well. Not to mention there were many Mage's in your lineage. I've traced your line back a very long way. Such interesting people I must say. All gone very soon from Time itself. Only I will remain."

"You're old now. What good is trying to be me when your life's over?"

"The age 33 is infinite. You must have deduced that."

"Sure. A mirror image of 33 makes an 8. The symbol of both infinity and the strands of DNA wrapping in a twisted spiral. The staircase, stairway to Heaven."

"As you continue to climb outside. Someday to reach the top. The top is now James. I am the pinnacle of which you rise."

"You're not me though."

"Aren't I?"

James gets a sudden chill, "What?"

"For centuries your DNA has escaped the universe. Unable to be defined. Cloned. Until now."

"Say what?"

"Oh yes. You see. Not only have I traveled into the past, I have met the future."

"Wait! Time travel hasn't been perfected. You can go back but never forward. That's why REGION could never get their test runs to come back outside of the Philadelphia Experiment. That accident couldn't be replicated."

"How wrong you are Young Sir. In 2027 the ship Beautiful Dreamer was recalled. In the years following more tests found the same retrieval rate. From there onward I say. This ship is proof. It has gone far into the future. Here to the furthest reaches of the past. Thankfully the Earth is cooled and the time ruptures have given it life. Grass grows. Animals from all time periods has made it their home. Magnetic North a blessing to those seeking Heaven. Of course there is no true record of all of this. Save for Alien documentation. Humans were kept from knowing to protect the cycle of life. You."

"So how do you know about me then?"

"Not all humans mind you. I am one of the few that shall we say was kept abreast."

"Okay! So if I'm the Messiah that would make me the son of God. Yeah, I was Jesus. But, how could I have been born here in Pangaea at the beginning of time? As easy as that sounds it just doesn't make sense to me."

"Those grottos outside the ship. As the first reflection is seen the ripple began. 33 ripples to be precise. Like dropping a rock into water."

"What are the waters out there? How can water create me?"

"Join the Baptist!" Orin chuckles, "The first baptism. To be reborn in God's favor. By seeing yourself you see the face of God as his approval. In his image."

"So what if he doesn't like your face?"

"I have faith. We shall see him together."

"Explain the waters better. If you know so much."

"Mercurio. The water is the very first tear drop that God left upon his creation. His DNA swirls within. I intend to bathe in it. To share in your blood. More blood the better. Speaking of which. Tell me, where is Colonel Ruby Goddard? Where are you as a fetus?"

James turns pale, "She left me. Gave me up."

"Your attempts at humor never cease no matter how old you are."

"Old I am? Have we met before?"

"Of course. In your future that is. It was that future that helped me narrow down the location of the Tempora Grottos. You are here. A nice surprise that I found you both."

"Both? What?"

"Inside this ship is your older self. Within hours he will expire on his 33rd birthday. Your birthday. The ripple of his blood will recreate me. Allow me to be in Gods favor. To become the new Messiah."

"Cue maniacal laughter. Dude! I'm seriously here at age 33?"

"In the closing hours of 32 yes. A shame we can't add your fetus. The more veggies in the soup the better."

"Sick! You know my friends won't let this happen right?"

"Friends? Such as Sophia? Madigan?"

"Where are they?"

"Safe. Prisoners. As far as the others go? What could they possibly do against an army of Hordakians?"

"Pig roast. Better fill up your wine glass. Here have mine."

In a bold move James douses Orin in the face and rushes the door to escape. On the outside stood a huge guard. Doorway blocked.

"Amusing. Restrain him like his older self. I must get ready for a funeral."

James swallows dryly. Would this be the day he dies? Would his friends locate him in time? Where was Ruby? His older self? All he could do was question his existence.

What would Jesus do?

As one gets restrained another escapes.

Sophia Ridge had decided it was time. Beating on the door her guard opened it up and snarled at her. She looked up at the giant with a smile.

"Hey Sexy! Not really."

Her hand lifts up and grips the Hordakian by the balls. A mere thought allows her single Tyrant Tear to feed. Even one microbe was like a shark in heat. On touch the Tyrant Tear dissolves the soldiers balls and doubles him over in pain. Falling forward Sophia dodges his toppling form. Snatching his rifle she zaps him unconscious.

"That worked. Good job Pierre. Let's go find James and Mom. Then, lets get a real feast going. Tyrant Tears here we come."

In a sudden inspiration she sheds her clothing tossing them over the guard. Naked she smiles. It was good to be free.

"Ha! Pig in a blanket."

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ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 1 year ago

Re-reading this story. Probably for the third time. - Zee

SZENSEISZENSEIover 6 years agoAuthor

Any time. Lots coming. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Keep ‘em coming

More please. It’s impressive the web you have woven here. I’m excited to continue reading. Thanks SZENSEI.

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