Far Pangaea 74 : Frontier Justice


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"Dear God in Heaven." Greta utters under her breath straining to calm Quiver from throwing her off. In her defense the Lion Manitou darted past her racing to capture the Dinosaurs attention. As it watched the Lion bolt from side to side in front of it the beast shuffled its footing. Primed for attack its jaws go wide and swoop in for dinner. A dinner that avoids him. Ferociously it tries and tries again. Finally it makes contact with Manitou only to feel its teeth sink through nothingness. Difficult to eat what wasn't really there to begin with. This led the beast to go erect roaring loudly toward the sky. Seconds later it sniffs the air and picks up the scent of the Komodo's blood. A race to the edge of the ridge sent Greta and Quiver rolling in the dirt toward the bottom. Luckily neither was hurt. The life fiber suits designed to protect bone structures from serious breakage.

Lionel Warjorj sees Greta's tumble with his eyes piercing her concealed invisibility. The beast now in full view of the entire Caravan. He could hear Gypsibah calling for Abigail. The screams capturing the Dinosaurs hearing. Indecisive over which way to attack the Dinosaur notes the Mother Komodo struggling to get to her feet. Spats of fire sent his way as if to ward him off. To no avail. Decision made to attack the caravan led Stefan to usher the cows into a run. Their fear helped. The cows ran off yet again. This time however they were able to be seen easily.

The Dinosaur which in modern History would be named a Siat charged awkwardly down the ridge mound. Almost tripping along the way. The dust cloud obscuring it a bit. Lionel raced along with Chokote to save Greta and Quiver from being trampled. The Dinosaur eying their attempt with saliva tendrils taunting open air. Its roar spouting even more. Quiver gaining his feet left them as he darted for freedom. Lionel took a stand and opened fire on its mouth. The most his effort achieved was a few shard teeth.

Chokote followed Lionel's barrage with flaming arrows sent into the feathers in hopes to ignite them. A moderate fire at best. The beast ignored the flames. Bearing down on them Lionel grabbed Greta and threw her over his shoulder. Running their only option. Chokote in hot pursuit. Literally.

Once low enough they heard a resounding noise. A loud long standing whistle in the air led to an explosion. Missing the beast was a shell that struck the ridge forcing dirt and rock to shower and cave in over the Dinosaur. Burying it partially. A second shell roared through the daylight and strikes the beast. Its pain echoing through the arena of dust. "Franz." Lionel grunted in thought while still running. His hand on Greta's behind for stability. She whined loudly at his fingers being a mite too close to goodness. The vibrations didn't help. Regardless she was glad he was on her side. All she could do was hold on to her hat and look back at the Dinosaur with horror on her face.

Gaining its footing the Siat crawled from the dirt and smoke. The shell hardly any effect on his thick skin. Charging forward Franz moved his Panzer Tank toward the beast for one final shot. The last of his shells meant he needed to make it count. Having the power to recreate liquids and grains did not mean steel casings. Once those were done that was all she wrote.

Waiting until it got closer Franz worried that this might be his end. With a maniacal laughter he reaches to his right for a chemical make-up and smears his face white with it. Red paint coats his mouth. A simple red nose plugs over his own. Why anyone would take the time to clown around was any man's guess. All he knew was if he was going to die he wanted to go out laughing. Siat exploring the Tank from the front with curiosity, a roar is met with a squeaky horn just before the last shell is fired. The shell detonates on the Siat's left shoulder causing a limp in its maneuverability. Pain definite by the Dinosaur's reaction. In retaliation the beast turns and collides its long tail against the Tank. The German Panzer rolled over twice from the impact. All the while Franz Kluger laughed. He was still alive.

Outside as the Siat staggered a bit the Mother Komodo took advantage. If this would be her demise she would go out in a blaze of glory. Much smaller meant more agile at least. Even in her weakened state. Mother charges in and clamps her jaws around the Siat's throat. Ripping flesh as a torrent of fiery breath seeps into its wounds. A dance met with flailing limbs and tail the Mother is tossed about. All the Caravan could do was watch and attempt to rescue Franz.

In the turmoil the group lost sight of young Abigail. She had raced about to gather up the Komodo babies. Once Gypsibah notices she herself gives chase to protect the child. As the beasts writhe and wrestle poor Gypsibah hardly sees a massive tail strike her down. Bones crushed instantly. Abigail out of horror drops the baby dragons and darts to Gypsibah's body. In her dying breath Gypsibah offers her love. Tears led to a hug. Spotting the tails of the beasts crashing to all sides of Abigail Bogart races out toward the girl and his dead lover. He would say a prayer along his hobbled stride. Reaching Abigail he pulls her to him and offers a breathless goodbye to Gypsibah. A shadow over them from high above led Bogart to look skyward.

"Another one. Have mercy oh Lord."

From the caved ridge a deafening roar disrupts the battle. The Siat sensing another of his relatives. With a menacing echo the Mother Komodo releases her jaws and attempts retreat. Fire used to help evade the beast.

In the powdered dust Greta wipes her eyes as Lionel still palms her butt. Eyes wincing she smiles.


Lionel's jaw droops at the sight of a large Roman Centurion riding a T-Rex. Sword in the air like a victorious Leader of men.

"Attack Friend Adam. Save them all." Antonaeus Gaicazar leaps away allowing the soul imbued T-Rex to go into battle. Not as large as the Siat but closer the T-Rex dives in with teeth and nail. The feathers flew in a raging war that led to a tumbling roll between beasts. The Komodo watching with interest. Prepared to do her part.

"You know that Fella?" Lionel tilts his Stetson.

"Might wanna let go of my backside Lionel. Ya might miss that trigger finger." Greta giggles against the odds. She was hoping that Anton was looking for her after not coming back to the ship.

Gaicazar travels the dirt carefully. Armored up for safety via his life fiber suits assist. Upon reaching safe ground Greta races to Anton's arms. A swift hug to his torso led Lionel to fidget.

"Figures." He mutters then cocks his rifle for another shot if needed.

Chokote had darted in to help get Bogart and Abigail to safety. Carrying the body of Gypsibah along with him. Stefan and a man named Gustav managed to get the Panzer's trap door open to rescue Franz. The Clown still laughing at his luck.

Once everyone drew back a safe distance they watched the battle of prehistoric beasts. Gaicazar raises his sword once again in the air as Greta hugs his side. The blade glows white hot which makes the entire Caravan drop their jaws. All save Lionel he grimaced and shook his head.

The swords light shifts toward the brand upon the forehead of the T-Rex. As the sword grows dim the brand on Adam burns brighter. As if offering the T-Rex a boost in strength. It paid off. Adam's jaws clamp around the Siat's throat and holds tight. In the wrestling match the Komodo makes her move. Her own jaws gripping the upper arm of the Siat until her tugs rip it from the Dinosaurs body. In agony the Reptile cries out. Which made it struggle harder. Losing blood fast the Siat staggers and falls to its back. Its belly exposed.

"Hold him Friend Adam." Gaicazar boldly yells before nudging Greta aside. He then marches into battle. Pinned down by Adam and the Komodo assisted Antonaeus to climb above the Siat's chest. Eying the heaving chest Anton looks for the proper locale to plunge his sword deep. While doing so Lionel not wanting to be outdone moves beside him. His strange eyes piercing the flesh of the beast.

"Might wanna plunge right here." He uses his rifle barrel to point out the Siat's heart. "Indeed." With both hands Gaicazar nudges his hilt until his entire blade sinks into toughened hide. His gaze never once leaving Lionel's. Noting his eyes strange behavior. Death convulsions arrive as Lionel decides to pump a few bullets in alongside the blade. Not wanting to feel left out in the victory.

As the Siat dies the Komodo eases away yet again and shyly begins to walk toward the desert. The T-Rex ripping the throat of the Siat open in a downpour of blood and muscle looks back at the Komodo. Babies trickling across the sand after her.

Greta finally joins the two giant men. Standing between them as they set foot on the soil once more. Their eyes affixed on one another with a battle of testosterone.

"Ya'll can stop the pecker fight. I ain't nobody's baloney. Anton sheath that sword. Lionel uncock that Carbine."

"Yup." Lionel expels as Gaicazar concurs with an "Aye."

"Good boys. We got some miserable folks over there in case ya ain't noticed. Frightened. Sad. Gypsibah just gave her life for Abigail. Let's bury her proper."

Lionel nods his own bit of grief and offers a hand shake toward Gaicazar. His armor retreating allowed a better more traditional grip of hands. Greta could hear their knuckles creaking. Their bit of bravado leans toward ego and jealousy.

"For cryin' out loud." Her hands reach out and literally squeeze both of their balls until both cringe until they had enough. Lionel is first to chuckle. Gaicazar held his breath. Being immortal pain had a different approach toward his bodily functions, "There! You both need to reel it in before catchin' any big fish. Lionel? Show Anton a shovel if ya got one."

"Yes Ma'am!" Lionel turns and walks away. In her mind Greta whistles, "Either he had a Colt hidin' in his pants or..." Gaicazar grumbles as Greta realizes she was still holding on to the Roman's scrotum, "Oh! Sorry Romeo. Hope I didn't ripen those grapes none."

"Did thy ears hear a whine?"

"Nope." She winks at him and releases her grip. Shyly she peels away until she see's something that she needed to point out, "Ummm! Anton?" His eyes overt toward the T-Rex. With interest they observe the T-Rex and the Komodo face to face. The Tyrannosaurus had its glowing forehead pressed against the Komodos own. It almost appeared as if the T-Rex was courting her. Greta smiled and hugged Anton's arm, "Ain't love grand?"

Hesitating Gaicazar squints as he notes the brand he left upon Adam's forehead sear yet another brand on the females forehead. A literal meeting of the minds. Once their heads separate the female eases back and opens its mouth to reveal a flaming glow within. Adam eyes the open hearth with a tilt of his head. Understanding suddenly Adam opens his jaws with a roar. A glow emitting from within his own throat.

"Eve." Gaicazar acknowledges toward Greta. Both of them understanding suddenly what was going down. The glow from the throat of the T-Rex grows hotter until a burning orb of light reveals itself. Hovering for a moment before floating inside the mouth of the Komodo. Once deep within the Komodo the creature seals its jaws and allows the secondary brand on her forehead to share in a joint illumination. Eve was once again her own woman. All wounds healing instantly until the Mother felt her life energy return. Babies gave up eating the Siat's leftovers at Adam's feet and climbed aboard their Mother. All opening their jaws to embrace what came next.

Adam once more opens his mouth allowing smaller light orbs to exit. The children of Adam and Eve occupied new homes. All were themselves again. If not serpents. Life could begin anew.

Tightening her grip on Antonaeus he realizes what Greta was mentally suggesting. Adam and Eve both looking toward Gaicazar as if asking his permission. Before any words could expel Adam looks beyond Gaicazar. Noting Franz looking at his capsized Panzer. Grumbling the T-Rex slowly walked toward the tank and awaited the residents to seek safety. Adam then lowers his head and upturns the Tank back upon its treads. With a glint of peacefulness in his eyes Adam turns away and trudges toward Gaicazar. Meeting him face to face. Greta patting Adam on the snout before taking her leave. Tender moments lead to forced back tears. Gaicazar places both palms on Adam's brand. Eyes close. Both on Anton's and Adam's.

"Go my friends. Live your lives. Know we shall forever be connected should you need me." He recites as Adam concurs with a low pitch snarl. Met with a gentle hiss through the Komodos throat. Eve felt blessed. As if honorable Eve the Komodo takes a moment to sachet over toward the dig site for Gypsibah's grave. Again the natives backed away. With mighty claws and her snout Eve dug the grave for them. Her babies abandoning their Mother long enough to slither over to Gypsibah's body. All peering up at Bogart first before unifying into a nudge that lowers her body into the grave. Bogart bawled and hugged Abigail tightly.

Once the body topples into the hole the babies look up at Abigail. As if sensing her torment. Smoke puffs later they scurry back to Mother. Mother in turn heading back toward Adam. All watched as the two beasts took their final leave. The desert called. Suddenly, a deafening female voice erupts in the midst of everyone. Adam and Eve halting in step to look back.


From a grain bin a swirl of grain conceives a feminine form. Greta is first to jump at recognition.

"It's Gaea! Anton it's Gaea."

"Welcome Goddess." Antonaeus drops to one knee and lowers his head.

"Lead them to Eden." Gaea points toward her home. The Caravan all in shock of the moment.

"Unworthy am I." Gaicazar looks up, "Forgive me Goddess. I would continue my days wandering. I thank thee for thy offer."

"As you wish. To those around me. I give you the chance at a new home. Eden awaits you."

Lionel ignores Gaea and begins covering Gypsibah. Her grave needing filled first and foremost. Gaea respects this move and awaits. Greta tugging Anton to a fully covered grave. Once there she makes him remove his helmet. All hats come off as Lionel grips his Stetson in front of him. He takes the lead and offers a prayer. Gaea absorbing every word. Even those of Chokote who chants along. To top things off sprouts appeal to the sunshine. A desert Lilly rises upon Gypsibah's grave. Everyone bawled their eyes out. Stefan opting to play his violin. Gaea admired. Gaea loved.


Gaea was gone. The grain returning to its trough.

Lionel quietly squeezed Bogart's shoulder, then Abigail's as her eyes rise up to meet his. Nodding the U.S. Marshal puts his hat back on and turns toward Greta.

"Thank ya for givin' us all hope."

"You going on to Eden?" Greta smiles.

"Naaa! Caravan can. I think I'm gonna strike out on my own."

"With no horse?"

"I'll manage."

Greta takes a moment to breath as she see's her calf Betsy trotting over to Abigail. Swallowing dryly at the gentleness of the calf nudging the girl Greta Winston makes up her mind.

"Lionel? I'll give you Quiver on one condition. And, don't go arguin' with me."

"What's that?" He grimaces.

"You take these folks and my cattle to Eden. From there you go where yer heart leads ya. My cows will thrive there better than my home. At least I'll know everyone is safe and happy."

"I can do that. Sure you wanna part with yer horse? Long way home to walk ain't it?"

""Bout thirty miles. I gotta ride though. You seen those shoulders?" She casts a thumb toward Gaicazar.

Lionel laughs long and hard as the Roman looks dumbfounded. A hand shake between men changed the atmosphere. Greta smiled brightly and hugged both men in a three way. What occurred during was unspeakable. Both men's hand found her butt. Her eyes bulging she breaks away, "Lemme say goodbye to my--your horse." Released Greta steps over to Quiver and cries her eyes out. Goodbye took longer than she expected. Rifle in hand and her bed roll Greta returns with her horse in tow. Reins passed off to Lionel.

"Take care of him."

"On my honor Ma'am."

Noting the caravan ready for travel and Adam and Eve restless Lionel looks at Chokote beside him, "You walkin'?" Chokote winces then leaps up behind Lionel. As the Marshal waves back at Bogart and the others he calls out, "Move out."

Gaicazar rubs his nose as Greta steps in beside him. Her own sinuses equally tortured by the sight of losing it all. After a half hour of watching the travelers Gaicazar nods, "We should get home. The others will be worried."

Greta kicks the sand before looking over at Antonaeus with a troubled squint. "I'm not ready to go home just yet."

"I will carry you."

"Oh I know that. I sure ain't walkin' thirty miles. But, you might be hobblin'' with a limp."

"My legs feel fine." He appears puzzled.

"Not for long." She folds out her bed roll on the ground.

"What is this?"

Discarding her hat and boots she begins unbuttoning her shirt, "Best shed that life fiber Anton. I ain't ridin' no covered wagon. I want the buck and the board."

"I do not under---AH! I see."

Her breasts in full view she drops her bloomers for a full frontal. It took him three minutes to shed his remaining armor and fiber suit. Both nude she eyes his dangling beast.

"Well now! When in Rome, right?"

He obtains her hat from the ground and attempts to wear it. Certainly not a good fit. She in turn grabs his helmet and tries it on giggling. Her eyes covered. In her loss of vision Antonaeus picks her up and carefully lowers her to the padded ground. She could feel his lips all over her body. He, her nails along his back.

The sun would bake his flesh. Luckily pain was nothing to him. He would shield Greta with his body. Such a Gentleman.

Greta? She gave up one horse for another.


For a moment Antonaeus thought he saw a Lion. His imagination. Her roar.

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SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 6 years agoAuthor
Take it or leave it.

Do you know everything that occurred billions of years ago? Including the truth of various religions? Am I making certain things up as I go along? Sure. Isn't that what a fiction writer does? Create a new landscape is what it's all about. Am I trying to offend those of faith? Hardly. I for one believe in God my way. He's important to me. Do I buy into every detail of the Bible? No I do not, which is my choice. Man writes and rewrites it to satisfy his own needs. I'm sure most things are accurate yet we all see the lies and deception certain Religions concoct. It's a no-brainer. I could sit and witness miracles in my own life for hours. I am a firm believer I just do not agree with some things. If I'm wrong at the end of time that is my own lack of judgment. Not yours or anyone else's. Will I likely offend people just admitting my own beliefs? Sure. People do it every day. All I'm doing in this series is recreating religion to suit the story. Look how many millions of years people worshipped more than one true God. I'd say in the days of Pangaea mere survival mattered most. Faith in themselves kept them alive.

Plagiarizing? Where? The only times I believe I've ever used another Writer's work is when I'm honoring a Song/Singer and then I most certainly praise them for their creativeness respectfully.

Perv? Dude this site IS called LitEROTICA. It's a safe bet you yourself would not be here if you weren't as lustful as everyone else in this world. That whole Priest touching thing is pretty stupid on your part. I'll even offer No Offense. Nowhere in my series does it involve pedophilia. The closest thought on where you're coming from is Orin Ridge who is living inside 33 year old James Ian Pryce and is being the harshest of Bad guys in tapping his 19 year old Great, Great, Great Granddaughter. He is called a BAD GUY for a reason. Trust me Sophia will get her revenge. So will her Father Obadiah when he and Orin meet. You Sir/ Madame are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Be disgusted all you want that is your prerogative. If I embarrass myself I can live with that. My life not yours Amigo. Thanks for giving 74 chapters a chance. Regardless of your attitude I won't stoop so low as to name calling or the like. God knows who I am inside and out better or worse. Just like he does you. If you just happen to be standing behind me on Judgment Day don't push. Even that might count against you. Only looking out for my fellow man/ woman.

Reply back if you feel it necessary to keep feuding. This will be my only reply to you concerning your hate mail. Hate may be too strong. Your disgruntled view into my character without knowing ME at all. I firmly believe any readers that follow my work understand quite well I mean no malice. If not so be it. The only one that I answer too lives Upstairs.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
you and your writing is shit.

you and your writing is shit. I hope you die,(of embarrassment) because your writing plagiarizes from so many other cultures, places, and ideologies. It puts Christianity above everything.

reading your stories was entertaining but you sound like a cloistered priest or monk after being secluded from the public, after non PC "touchies" with an alter boy.

I tried. I really did. I read all the chapters up to here (Yeah all 74 you perv). You are a sick person and need help. I think that you can no longer tell the difference between reality and fiction. Or you are trying to make it up yourself. ( See John Smith)

You are a sick individual. I, as a human am disappointed with you. Hell, I am dissociated.


SZENSEISZENSEIover 6 years agoAuthor

The info I read on a Siat ( s ) said Siat. Quite possibly still wrong I'll investigate that further. Try as I might I'm not perfect. Lol. I do very much thank you for the kind response. Glad you enjoy my efforts. Even with an annoying Siats to nag at your heels. LOL.

I've been writing Chapter 85 : TIME BOMB off and on this week. Not as far along as I'd hoped to be. Might be another week before it reaches the readership. Maybe 30% done at this point. My fulltime job is being a bear lately. Also the Wife and I are looking to move in June or July and are scouting out new possibilities. Time consuming to say the least. Can't wait for the packing mode. Nervous breakdown here I come. LOL

I really hoped to reach Chapter 90 by early April. My gut says maybe Chapter 88 or 89 instead. With everything going on it's certainly not easy on us until we move to our new residence.

Again, thank you KinkyBear. Keep in touch.


SZENSEISZENSEIover 6 years agoAuthor
Fibbed again.

Not even New Years for another 30 minutes and I managed yet another Chapter. On a roll Folks. Chapter 77: SIRIUS PROBLEM is ready for Moderators. Keeps getting better and stronger. Just hang in there. The dots are connecting slowly but surely. You just need to look. Enjoy.

Next up Chapter 78 : PAN AM.

Bianca is ready to face her biggest challenge. Raped. Beaten. Broken. Nearly drowned. That would be enough for anyone. Not Bianca TeLeone. This gal is just getting started.

Look out Jack. Even you might be in her way.


SZENSEISZENSEIover 6 years agoAuthor
I Lied.

I just finished Chapter 76 : BOLD MOVE.

I found myself too invested in this story to slow down too much. Moving along to the next entry. Chapter 77 : SIRIUS PROBLEM.

Again, Happy New Year all . Enjoy.


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