Far Pangaea 82 : Amazon Grace


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Riled up they report in to the field commander who rolls his eyes. He did not believe in ghosts. He no more than prepared a bellowing speech than the roar appeared again. It sounded like a woman this time. A very gruff woman straining to speak. Almost delirious in speaking. Lost with only a single word made out, "Jaaaaaaaaaack?"

The field commanders own fears were suddenly recognized. Hand orders sent out to move in the troop advances. Trigger fingers itchy. Ready for a firefight if need be. While they made the journey inside the hut Iota/ O'tah buzzed the field commander. Coming to a halt right before his visor. There she hovered with arms folded. A pissed off expression on her face. A single finger not easily seen wagged her aggravation. His jaw dropped.

"What are you?" He mumbles.

"I, O'tah. You leave now."

Hearing her voice so tender yet direct he becomes smug. What could this tiny little girl possibly do to him or his men. He toughens up and swats at her. She easily zips out of his hands reach. Another attempt to strike he growls. Choosing instead to ignore her for what she appeared to be. An insect. Insignificant at that. Big mistake.

"O'tah warn." She lights up her dragonfly like wings causing him to pause and admire the sizzling energy about them. It was entrancing. In a speedy departure she zips away. Hearing loud blood curdling cries of his men within the stone enclosure he reacts with horror. Out of the hut flew Iota to face him once again. Her body covered in Hordakian blood. The tiny young woman had become a human bullet. Drilling her way through five separate skulls before returning to face the Leader. He urinated his uniform before raising a hand to his communicator.

"We are under attack. Send reinforcements." He ignored the comeback reply of what it was they faced. Instead raising his sonic rifle to attempt bringing her down. Hitting his target near impossible. She was far too fast. However his blasts had impacted on the stone structure and had devastated an entire wall. As it crumbled Iota came to a halt gritting her teeth with an expression of worry.

"Bianca hurt. Pig man pay." She leers back over her shoulder at him. He urinated once again. That was all he had time for. He fell to the grass in a pool of blood trickling through his skull. Bullet Train Iota had struck again. Nobody hurts her friends.

Voices erupt over his communicator headset that inform Iota that more troops were being sent. Another round of gnashed teeth she wipes her eyes of blood and heads inside to check on the slumbering Bianca. Her catatonic sleep reviving ever so slowly. Reaching the Greek Goddess Iota's eyes widen. Bianca was...not quite Bianca. The Sprite could only whimper.

One mile out on the inland sea...

"I'm going ashore. I can't take this any longer." Addison paces with a limp. Wretch, the newly christened Detroit, and her crewman Kensington watched her anxiety brew. Wretch remaining mum moved her watery gaze from the First Mate to the massive Hordakian Warship. She could see more Technorides exiting the craft. Two dozen or more. Like bees leaving a hive.

"I see death Addison Rogers." Wretch informs.

"I don't care. If I die, I die making amends. Kensington drop a longboat. Anyone with me?"

The crew looks to each other with regret and sorrow. None wanted to die yet they felt a certain obligation to make things right. If that were even possible. Joining her was the Conquistador and the Roman. Both men eager for battle. They were the bravest of the brave. A longboat is lowered to the water. Addison stepping away just long enough to enter her cabin. Within she rifles through her belongings for weapons. She had a gun that had gone unused for a very long time. A pulse gun. With the ability to turn sound into energy. A simple laser without the light. Just a burst of heat in the form of velocity. Dangerous upon impact. Switching clothing to her military uniform she undressed in front of the disabled Lowball. His eyes admiring her curves.

"Where go ye Son of Addy? Daughter that be." He corrected himself dryly. In response Addison with her uniform open full frontal leans over Lowball and delicately pats his shoulder.

"I'm going to rescue Jack from the Bay of Pigs. Wish me luck."

"Luck to Ye Lass. I would join Ye if I could."

"Rest easy. My apologizes for how you were treated before." She realizes his attention was on her cleavage. With a smirk she zips up and pats his cheek, "Scoundrel." Boots applied with a dagger in a connected sheath she rises from her bunk. Eying her medals attached to her uniform she nods, "For God and Country. Wherever that and he might be." Off she went.

Reaching a ladder down she notices Detroit had resumed her morphed state of a common cat. How she switched bodyweight still amazed her. Without delay Addison climbs down into the boat. Kensington had also joined her. Even in his frail weakened form he was dedicated. Before launch Addison hears a loud squall behind her and spots Detroit clawing her way down the wooden hull of the ship. In reach Addison smiles and stretches to claim the cat. Pulling her to her bosom, "Thanks for having faith in me." Hearing Detroit purr in her grasp Addison nods to the men, "Row. Let's get this party started."

That they did. It took them fifteen minutes to reach the beach. Another three to secure the boat. The trail was easy to follow. Footprints everywhere. Locating the ashen remains of the Djinn staining the sand a reminder of the past. A beacon toward the future.

"Get it together Ramse." Jack mumbled in his head. The world still distorted through eyes straining to see correctly. Blue sky. Sun flickering through the trees like crystal. The sounds of the waterfall soothing. The rhythm of pussy going up and down on his..."Angels?"

Even in his reluctant thoughts he could see the woman riding him. Her breasts bobbing all around at her active hormones. Eyes...white...unaware...as if possessed. Was he imagining this? It felt so real. Then, he spots beautiful white wings upon her back. Feathers ruffling in the warm breeze. Yet, a cool mist from the waterfall enticing his reality.

Was he hearing pipes playing as he had earlier in the morning? A lyre strumming? It was a beautiful combination. Body tensing up he detonates inside the Angel. The Amazon. One and the same? Hearing a shriek of delight his rider departs. Another takes her place. In his stupor he had lost count. His cells full of sudden bursts of adrenalin. The Man was the MAN. Wasn't he?

Wings behind a stunning redhead. Eyes focusing more on her face, "Ruby?" No reply but a sheepish smile. Even with lost eyes the Angel let him see the Angel he had left behind. Nails scratch his chest. Writhing thighs enjoy his beast of burden. Another explosive display of power. Jack Ramse was on a roll.

A shadow blocks out the sun. The beauty fading slightly as an Asian Amazon mounts Jack. Not for her appearance. All of the women were perfect in every way . The shadow above merely took away the admiration. The sparkles. The diamonds in the sky.

"Stop. What's going on here?" He murmurs. Behind him on a boulder Pan halts his pipes song.

"Almost done Jackie. I envy you My Friend. I would be quite sore by now. Well...sore as in all kinds of rashy. Of course you will be sore at the treatment Circe has inflicted. For the record I'm sure you will have lovely daughters. No consolation I'm afraid. I hope you realize I'm just a bystander here. Nothing I can do about this situation. I rather like the part of me that's not a goat. I want it to stay that way. Wouldn't you?"

Jack hears him but the words are like a puzzle at this point. Connecting the dots would take time. Eight more Amazons to go. A sturdy beast he had. Osirian genes? As if he knew.

The trek to reach the stone hut took a turn as Addison led her band into the stealth of tree cover. Hordakians everywhere. Scanning the terrain with radar even. It would be difficult to remain hidden. She knew they needed to narrow the odds. Beside her in her crouch she hears a snarl. Detroit had assumed her Panther size. Nuzzling next to Addison in a hunting stance.

"You're a comfort. Know that?" The First Mate and temporary Captain smiles.

"Thank ye Cap'n." Kensington replies. She let it go as to whom she meant her comment to praise. Maybe she needed them all to hear it. Still, none deserved it.

"Bastards are swarming everywhere." Addison looks around in every possible angle of sight. A deafening roar is heard causing the Roman Petrolus to draw his sword and peer about for direction. The Conquistador Montoya edgy and fearful clings to a tree at his back.

"Pinned down at the moment. Let's give them time to move inland more. Breath people. Breath."

Aboard the good ship Ceville Lowball lay alone pouting at his predicament. His limbs unable to move after a tragic fall from a great height. Nerves paralyzed from the neck down. To him his life was over. Tears roll over puffy cheeks and well up along the golden metal of his cradle. Formed from his faithful axe he called Papsmeer. Liquefied by O'tah in order to stabilize his body for movement. He always knew the axe he found in this strange world had his back. Literally.

As he sobbed a friendly ally buzzed through the open window in front of him. Eying its arrival he sighs, "Friendway. Come to see an old Leprechaun Laddie cry his eyes out?"

The orb floats over him pinging as if communicating. As if Lowball could understand Fenway. The drone was an automaton after all. Intricate circuitry from some alien world. Yet, almost sentient in its behavior. Perhaps its manipulator James Ian Pryce tapped into something while tinkering on him. He was his second best friend next to his dog Xander. Therefore like his dog it had hidden talents. Xander could telepathically communicate with James. Through a chip installed in the canines brain. As his original designation of DR-ONE aka Drone James had gutted the poor defense orb and rebuilt his entire circuitry. Offering him things that other drones did not have access to. Things that Fenway had not even been called upon to use. Ever since O'Tah had magically deactivated him when they first encountered he seemed different. Had her magic done something to Fenway to further his existence?

"Put me out of me misery Friendway. I have no desire to live this way." Lowball darts his eyes about to focus amid his active tear ducts. As if Fenway had the authority to assist in any suicide. Not without Jack's command. All he could do was stay idle and guard Jack's friends as told. The longer he hovered the more emotional Lowball became, "I wish me bones would be strong again, to walk and do battle alongside Jack and Bianca. The damsel needs me."

As Lowball ponders his wish the metal cradle he resides in trembles. Only through his puffed cheeks did the Leprechaun realize its movement. Fearing a quake or worse an attack by Hordakians he whimpers. The cradle of metallic alloy liquefies slowly. Lowering him to the planked floor as his eyes bulge. Once his body rested evenly the liquid as if alive shrouds his body like a cast. Even his face felt the warm wetness of it.

"Begorrah." He cringes toward Fenway. The orb pinging as if in a panic. Trembling itself in the air before zipping away through the window. Leaving Lowball alone to deal with the outcome, "Traitor. Leave me at a time like this. Some Friend ye be." As he lay there covered in a gloss of reflection he feels a heated stimulation in his limbs. Shocked he swallows, "I can feel me legs. Me arms."

Like Lassie to Timmy Fenway reaches Wretch who stood watching the coast alone. The crew busy maintaining the ship in case of a hasty retreat. Buzzing directly before Wretch his pinging drew her attention.

"I see." She leers over her shoulder and quickly races toward the cabin. Her aged limbs spry and strong. She too had evolved in the short time being near Jack Ramse and his allies. Although devolving for a moment to feel her youth since the encounter with the Djinn her time of renewal ended. Returning to her elderly body with the exception that she had the bodily reflexes of her younger days. A curse and a gift all the same.

Barging into Addison's cabin she reacts with surprise, "I did not predict this."

"Of course ye did nae. Old Lucky is back. Me wish come true." He stood nude before her flexing his muscles then patting his bulging tummy, "Look. Even me Willy be spry."

"How is it I did not envision this? Where did the metal depart?" She stammers by the sight, "Put some pants on."

"Nay. Lowball be swingin' free." He dances in step. Realizing suddenly he felt heavier than he used to be. Looking over his arms and legs he droops his jaw, "I think me axe be in me bones."

"What have you done?"

"I just wished to walk again. To battle alongside me Friends."

Helena's expression goes pale, "The Djinn. Your axe split his head open. Did it not?"

"Aye? Why do ye ask?"

"The blade be cursed. A Djinn has the ability to grant wishes. How many have you wished for?" She frets, her silver hair tugged by wrinkled hands.

"Just to walk again. To feel me body whole."

"You cannot wish for anything more. Too many times will damn you."

"Damned I was. Lowball stronger than ever. I can feel me bones harder than before." He trudges toward a table and strikes it. It splinters upon impact. With a giddy cackle Lowball danced yet again. As he frolicked Fenway eases up to him through the doorway and idles quietly. Then a beam of light expels from his eyes analyzing his interior with an x-ray. Wretch could see his gleaming bone structure. Lowball holds his hand in front of the beam and smiles, "Invincible I be. Friendway ye'er powers be magic indeed. I wish I were more like ye."

"NOOOO!" Wretch pleads with extended hands. Too late.

The metal of his bones expands. As if increasing in volume. Hands held out before him Lowball witnesses his knuckles reflect the metal once again. A pit in his stomach doubles him over. Curling up on the floor into a ball. The metal flooding about him. In minutes Lowball lived up to his name. A large metallic ball on the floor. Wretch draws near until she hears the planks creaking. Straining. Bursting. Giving way Lowball crashes into the deck below. His impact resounding informed the crew something was amiss. The deck too gave way as he drops to the cargo hold. Only it stood between he and the water beneath.

"Fenway? You must stop him. He will sink this ship." Wretch flails as the orb processes what was happening. In a hesitation the softball sized orb bolts into the shattered hole and maintains the gravity around Lowball. In wishing he could be more like Fenway Lowball had essentially become him. Entombed within the ball and unable to control its gravitational abilities. It was like a child pushing buttons. Although sealed within the metallic ball he could breath. Powers undreamt of entering his thoughts. In all the devastation the crew heard laughing.

"Up! Up I say." Lowball cackles. His encased form rising up through the hole in the deck. Once there he plunges through the wall like a wrecking ball and makes the crew scatter to avoid wooden shards and spiking. Rolling across the deck Fenway followed him out. Making certain Lowball was gaining control. The metal had absorbed the properties of all things Fenway. Not just gravity control. Beams of light emit from the metal without ports for eyes. The giant grey man who looked intimidating at first encounter days ago had stayed to himself. Addison's bodyguard by stature alone. Today he bares witness to his own bone structure. Lowball reproducing the x-ray effect. It freaked the giant out. It freaked the entire crew out.

"HeeHeeeHeee! We be brothers Friendway. Let us do battle beside Jack." Lowball rolls toward the railing and crashes through. Instead of flight he topples into the depths. The water bubbling from his plunge.

Wretch could only look in horror. He might have committed suicide after all. Fenway idles over the water with a sadness in his pinging. An expression of emotion? He was ordered to protect Jack's friends. He would remain here with Wretch. Lowball was on his own. Born and bred. Lucky bastard. For how long remained to be seen. Suddenly, a turbulence beneath the water leads to a splashing . Lowball had figured out how to surface and began soaring toward the island. Skipping like a stone more like. Training wheels at best.

"Death. I bare witness." Wretch appeals to the wind.

A ripple in the water reveals a scaly hide. Lowball had a visitor. The crew stirring in horror. The call of recognition.

"The sea dragon. It returns for torment us." Cries a weasel of a Pirate.

Wretch recalls hearing of a dinosaur. Addison Rogers spoke of something called a Mosasaur. Something to that effect. A danger none the less. Yet, she smiles. A vision finally approved for her to see.

"Good luck My Friend."

The beast easily catches up with Lowball's dance across the tide. Mighty jaws rear wide and devour Lowball whole. Even as Wretch grins the crew feels despair. Another friend had been lost. The runt would be missed.

Submerging the Mosasaur attempted to chew its food. Like a jawbreaker to we humans it struggles. Moving the ball from side to side. Under the water he could not be heard. Lowball was no bait on a hook. Not anymore. Within its belly Lowball concentrates on the shape of his axe blade. His outer shell transforming into a row of blades. A gravitational spin and the beast was shredded from within. Blood surfacing by the gallons. A crude slick trick indeed. As Lowball rears skyward from its belly he poses for the crew with blades rotating in rapid motion. Magic indeed. Hearing laughter in the distance Lowball headed for shore. A slayer of dragons he was.

He hadn't even heard their cheers. Good thing. His ego might have slowed him down to brag.

Circe's hidden abode.

Returning from her sabbatical Circe discovers her Amazon's finishing up with Jack. Holding a new ring upon her finger she smiles. This ring poised toward the sky as she witnesses the Hordakian Warship's shadow blocking her sun.

"We cannot have that. The sun is delightful." As if nudging it with a motion of her hand the craft moves onward inland. The sun returning. Within the Hordakian ship its Commander S'Lopp reprimands his pilots for moving the ship without his order. Their excuses unheard. Circe smiles, "Much better. Go away Pigs. Shoo."

Pan eases from his rocky perch to drag the lyre from its beautiful and talented Instrumentalist. The woman unmoving even after her loss. There was no reaction to his stolen music.

"They're getting closer to finding this place you know?" He chimes toward Circe.

"Let them. I'll just be the big bad wolf. I believe Jack has fulfilled his mission. Breeding is such a drag."

"So will be all the crying babies. This is a first for you isn't it? Since acquiring your young Ladies."

"I need worshippers Dear Trevor. Unlike you. Children I may mold. Armies to be raised. As you know my Flock has hidden talents. It will take no time at all to increase our numbers. Thanks to our Young Osirian."

"How do you even know about Osirians?"

"Higher learning. You yourself buried the girls escape pod. Not before bringing me information of course."

"And, that gold box. All that jewelry. You don't even have anyone to show it off too. Not me."

"Why would I show anything off to you Little Thief? Oh, alright. Do you like this ring?" She giddily expresses her gem covered finger.

"Shiny. What's this one do Witchipoo?"

"Such names. Be watchful of your tone. I can easily increase your diet of tin cans. Those ships out there are made of metal after all." She observes him scowl to her amusement, "This lovely bauble appears to control navigation. Interesting is it not? Perhaps I should commandeer that ship up there. Fill our dining rooms with pork. How about we use it to take a vacation? To the Mountains perhaps?" She recalls the scene of the Black Mountain in her waters.