Far Pangaea 83 : Busy Body


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"Let's do this." He leers up at the Nanny with a devious grin that made the Ganthorian male pause and drop his spoon and bowl of food. He couldn't move his limbs nor call out for help. Orin had claimed his body's functions. His brain held prisoner against Orin's will. Rubbing tiny hands together with friction Orin laughs, "Time to break out the baby stroller. That's it you nincompoop pick me up carefully. Break me I'll reduce your brains into baby food for the next guy." The Ganthorian cradles Orin and turns as if robotic. One clumsy foot fall at a time Orin chuckles, "Baby steps. Too funny. Get moving Lizard boy. You know where I wanna go. Get me there pronto."

There were no others in his way. All crew members were active either assisting Malcolm or fixing the X'Orr as well as the X'Hal's damages. Perfect timing indeed. Even if they were discovered a simple Jedi mind trick would make it look like the Ganthorian was taking the baby for a walk. To quiet him down. Orin certainly knew how to clear his lungs. Reaching a lab the Ganthorian is coaxed inside, sealing the door behind him. For whatever reason Orin's target had been left alone. Alone and defenseless.

"Hello again Jimbo." In front of Orin bathed in a preservative bath was the adult body of James Ian Pryce. Deceased. Yet, well maintained from deteriorating. After his time also in the Mercurio pool this body although dead had developed further. His soul leaving his body to move on a celestial journey forward through descendants. All Orin saw was a vacancy. If he couldn't get power one way he would attempt another.

"Get me closer to the tube K'Vyn. Kevin? Whatever the hell your moniker is."

The Ganthorian had no choice but to follow Orin's mind influencing command. Stepping close enough he repositions Baby Orin by holding him under each armpit. Orin then touches the glass with both hands. Slapping it with a giggle accompanied by a fart. K'Vyn could only narrow his nostrils. The smell was pungent.

"Okay Jimmy let's try and take this new car for a ride." Baby Orin closes his eyes and lingers in thought. Delicately attempting a hostile takeover. In doing so K'Vyn staggers in step. His limbs putty under the duplicate control of Orin. Not enough to escape his containment but enough to wish he could resist. His best idea was to try calling out to Harpea. That was immediately shut down, "Nice try Geico. You just hang in there a bit longer while I sort out the cobwebs." After a few more giggles and tail torpedoes Orin narrows his eyes, "Gotcha!"

Like a Master safe cracker Orin's mind stimulates the Mercurio inside James Ian's dormant body. Dead to any scans. Yet, without a soul present he was ripe for a host body. The rest would just be resuscitation. Tinkering deeper Orin uses telekinesis to drift James closer to the glass. Forehead pressing on the transparent tube Orin coaxes K'Vyn into moving him closer until forehead met forehead. A sudden glow between them leads Orin's soul to inhabit James. At first he felt that he had made a grievous error. Then, a heartbeat. Stimulation in his fingers. James Ian Pryce was being possessed. Eyelids pop open. Both on the face of James and the baby. The baby silent. K'Vyn without reaction.

"Success! Orin you sneaky bastard. You did it." He cackles underwater choking suddenly on chemicals. Mentally using his telekinesis to drain the tube he overcomes his mistake. Final moves are made. Climbing from the unlocked tank Orin stretches in James Ian's body. Greedy he looks at K'Vyn and his infant form, "Better keep my old self safe. Alright Babysitter why don't you just sit tight in my baby body." He mentally traps K'Vyn inside his temporarily lifeless baby form. As the minds joined the baby reacts and cries out in Ganthorian. His words are simple. It was the closest term fitting the human words, "SON OF A BITCH." Orin laughed uncontrollably and ordered K'Vyn's breathing shell to escort his tomb back to the Nursery. K'Vyn would stand guard over himself. A lifeless entity that would respond only to the baby's needs. A mistake Orin Ridge might regret later. In the meantime Orin found a mirror and checked out his new home.

"Look at that Reflection." He chuckles, "What a Handsome Devil I am." No horns to be seen. Devil none the less.

Only K'Vyn was in Hell. Even he began to fart. Understanding the tastelessness of the baby food. A tantrum was a must.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Yeah if you dont like dont continue to read i agree with the writer

SZENSEISZENSEIover 6 years agoAuthor

I just finished Chapter 84 : OUT SORCERER. A bit of editing and spellcheck it will be entered for the Moderators by nightfall. It's my longest Chapter thus far I think. Well worth it. A few answers to lingering questions revealed. It has it all. Action, humor, reality checks, heart, and really Big Babies. LOL.

Next Chapter 85 : TIME BOMB.

Things go badly for Obadiah and Milo's group in Lost Horizon. Might not be lost much longer. Cue the Mission Impossible theme.

See you soon Folks.


SZENSEISZENSEIover 6 years agoAuthor

Moving up the tree means going through a lot of past lives Terry. Dude, seriously if my methods bother you so much that patience is not an option I'm hardly forcing you to continue reading. I told you before the series ends at Chapter 100. Stay or go it is your decision. Concerning confusion...have you ever tried deciphering a billion years of History? You think that should be simple to write about in 2 or 3 chapters? Good luck with that one. LOL.

Share your thoughts all you want Terry. It will not sway me from my stories. I enjoy them as much as a some of the fans this series has. I have to. They ARE my babies. Have a good week Bro. It's all part of History after all.

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