Far Pangaea 89 : Golden Rule


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"Just don't tell..."He frowns losing his thoughts, "Someone. A very pretty someone."

Clearing her throat Ruby pauses to decide how best to communicate with God, "Do I refer to you as God? I've...never really been much of a believer. Until now."

"God? Who is that?" He tilts his head with no recollection.

"You are the Great Creator of all that is." A voice resounds as Gaea and Briar venture forth. Gaea taking the lead as Briar steps slowly almost shy toward his left. The calf Betsy stands between she and God. Troubled by the beast before her Briar stops and glares down at the calf.

"Hello Creature of the Mother of Mothers." The calf's eyes turn blue but for a split second as if recognition. Abigail coaxes the calf to her side standing next to Briar. Briar shares a smile with Abigail, "I am sorry for your loss." A hand reaches out to touch the girl's hair and a flower blooms which is left there beautifully. Amazed Abigail grins and moves off to show Lionel. Betsey in tow.

"That was very nice of you Briar." Ruby nods.

Briar ignores Ruby and kneels before God, "Hello My Love. Hello Jack."

Cocking an eye brow Ruby expressed a hint of jealousy but shook it off. The girl knew no better. Even worse it was as if Madigan was saying it. This whole scenario made her tense.

"How did you know Jack was coming in and out of God?"

"I know your love of Jack Ramse. I sensed your thoughts. Forgive my invasion. I am learning to control myself." Briar smiles up at her with sincerity. Ruby wasn't convinced entirely.

"Gaea? Thoughts on all of this?"

Lillian swiftly returns to her Goddess form which this time was an entanglement of vines and leaves. Her voice echoing amid the turmoil, "Briar is of pureness. I can tell of this. She merely needs to adjust to this dimension."

"Dimensions joining." God mumbles.

"Joining?" Ruby narrows her eyes as God reaches over to place his right hand on her belly. In that moment her kids were so delighted by his nearness they giggled dramatically. Every square inch of Ruby Goddard offered hints of the letters H and A. Ruby herself feeling a great breeze within herself, "You certainly make a good first impression."

God smiles then stands erect, "Cherubim."

"Pardon me?" Ruby looked to Gaea then to Gaicazar for details.

"Little Angels." Briar adds, "He merely acknowledges your children. Even if they are not of this dimension."

"You keep saying that. How can my womb be another dimension? This is so crazy."

"You are the chosen one." Briar tilts her head sheepishly.

"Chosen for what?"

God grumbles, "No...this is not right." He grows grim while Gaicazar stands to offer assistance as he staggers incoherently. Hearing his words Ruby looked even more confused.

"What is not right? I need answers."

The sky grows darkened by cloud cover suddenly. Almost as if a shadow were cast. All eyes venture up to witness an even darker event.

"My other love." Briar smiles then fidgets slightly, "He whom ate the apple."

Even a T-Rex had to gnash his teeth. He wasn't the only one.

Osiris had arrived.

Back at the Maltese Cuckoo.

"I'm going outside to check things out. Access damage."

"Careful Obie. No telling what out there." Milo Greyson winced at the possibilities.

"You brought us here for a reason Lightbulb. We have family and friends out there. What good is us sitting here waiting?"

"Let me finish feeding Cano. I got your back General Electric." Buku chuckles pointing between Milo and Obadiah connecting the dots. Neither got it. Handing the box of shrunken sheep to Renee Buku clears his throat, "Tough Power Grid. Here, put the wool away. Cano's had enough for today. If he gets cranky just kick the cage. Don't open it."

"So I'm dragon sitting now?" Renee Ramse rolls her eyes then hears the tiny sheep inside the box. She felt sorry for them.

"Me and Psi will go with the General. You stay here with Milo and Jimmy Jack. They need you."

Casting a thumb toward Serena slumped over in her chair still unconscious she expels, "What about Sleeping Beauty? Leave us to hear her bawling her eyes out? She just lost everyone that meant anything to her."

"Milo administer sedative. No choice. She losing it. She sleep longer. Buku right. He invincible. Best chance for Obie if attacked. Psi hear them coming too. We safe here. Reflection must be protected."

"Reflection? Oh, Jimmy Jack. I will never grasp that logic. Fine. Go. I'll stand guard."

Obadiah nods and heads into the armory to procure some handguns and a service rifle. Setting them aside he locates a wardrobe and discovers camo fatigues. Boots on. Knife in boot he stands ready. It had been far too long since he had been in the field. This felt good. Returning to Psi Chii and Buku who was spraying bug spray on he swatted at the scent.

"You'll kill us before any of those bugs. Thought you were invincible? Do you even get bitten by bugs?"

"He just wants to feel normal. Not much can penetrate his skin." Psi Chii frowns.

"Meat eating dinosaur can. Why you think Cano rough him up so easy?" Milo huffs chomping on an Oreo.

"Right. This spray deters big lizards Milo says."

"Not really. Just think it funny. Buku so silly."

"Practical jokes at a time like this? Get it together Greyson."

"Me got it together. Psi keep me posted no need for walky talky. Be safe all."

Obadiah rolls his eyes and opens the hatch. The automatic ramp lowers without difficulty. A good sign as it touches ground. Heading out first Buku tosses aside broken branches and debris. Sizing up the Cuckoo it remained 97 % intact structurally. Psi Chii reporting the areas of focus to Milo. As Obadiah set foot on soil he stopped to realize he had just did a Neil Armstrong. Only at the beginning of time. Then, it faded fast. Others were here long before him. Sighing he took point. Once the brush was clear the path was easier to scout.

"Any people around Psi Chii?"

"As I said millions General. None all that close. Animals abundant. Hunting parties looking for food but none in our vicinity."

"Good. Let's explore. Keep your thoughts probing. We don't need any close calls."


"I see you brought the sword."

"I...cannot resist my destiny General."

"Obadiah. Rank is known. We're friends Psi."

"Of course...Obadiah."

"I see a mountain range over there. Let's get a better view. Gotta be a clearing somewhere I hear running water. River maybe."

"On your lead Obie." Buku nods.

Moving out the foliage grew dense then tapered off into a clearing. Every little noise made Obadiah halt to gather the surroundings. Reaching the rocky clearing Obadiah steps out on to a stone perch to get a full view of Pangaea for the very first time. It was breathtaking.

"That's some view. Not much for birds or insects though. Some but nothing like I expected." He reaches to his side for a small pair of binoculars to better scan the area. Every little detail kept his eyes busy. Then, something caught his attention. Over the treetops to his right something glinted in the sun vividly. Almost as if signaling him. It was constant so not any traditional signal. There were multiple glares over the course of possibly three square miles. Of course seeing behind him was impossible due to the jungle.

"See those reflective surfaces in the distance? Must be the life center you're sensing."

Obadiah points out. Hesitant Psi Chii turns away from him.

"Actually, I sense millions more behind us. On the other side of this rain forest."

"Millions? You said that earlier." The General offers a bewildered expression, "How can there be millions at the beginning of time. Unless you mean aliens. My vision back at Lost Horizon shows hundreds of alien ships leaving Earth in a hurry."

"Thank God it's not raining." Buku chuckles.

"A dry spell it appears." She agrees then turns to Obadiah, "No. Not merely aliens. I sense terrified humans. Most of their minds seem to be based on a single thought. Work."

"So, do we check out the gleaming over the trees or go back the other way?" Buku scratches his head. The foliage dangling over his shoulder annoying.

Obadiah motions toward steep rocks to his left, "I suggest we head for higher ground. Maybe we can see what's on the other side of this jungle." He then marches away leaving Psi Chii to feel a sense of dread. Hand on the hilt of her sword she follows. Buku merely marveled at the glow over the trees. The glare was mesmerizing. It took him a minute to realize his companions had left him behind. Catching up was not that hard.

Stepping carefully on jagged rocks Obadiah who in his younger days loved rock climbing found it not as much fun in real life. Still for a man in his mid-40's he did quite well. Psi Chii in her youth and attuned physique had little troubles. Buku was invincible. For a Sumo Wrestler he wasn't even breathing hard. About sixty feet higher they found an outcropping and huddled on it for a birds eye view. It was with the aid of binoculars that Obadiah realized what the gleam was.

"Dear God. That's the City of Gold. Inca? Maya? Aztec? I can't recall which." I can even see Indigenous people moving about. Definitely Indians of some sort." He shares the binoculars with the others.

"Looks like they're preparing for a party." Buku fidgets before passing the glasses to Psi Chii. With every discovery she passes along her info to Milo Greyson.

"I sense thoughts getting closer. We should reposition. It would be most unfortunate for us to be captured our first day here." Psi poses.

"Right. Let's head back." Obadiah agrees before descending. As Buku follows him Psi Chii hesitates as if her thoughts were attacking her. Peering over his shoulder Buku winces.

"You okay Sis?"

"Not your sister. I am fine. It feels like something is trying to enter my inner defenses. Do either of you feel as if you're thoughts are muddled?"

"Nope. But, my belly is growling."

"I feel normal too. Shake it off and lets get back to the safety of the Cuckoo." The General looked concerned.

"General wait." Psi glares to her left, "There is a cave. Hidden by branches but I see it. Let us seek refuge there a moment. I must focus my thoughts until I pinpoint the problem."

"Fine! Head back up Buku."

"Make up your minds Homies. I may be tough but even I get tired."

Once they reach the outcropping they follow Psi Chii toward the cave. A good sized cave they didn't need to feel closed in. Even Buku had little trouble fitting the narrowest of corners. Psi Chii maintained the lead in case of attackers hiding in wait. She had sensed thoughts getting closer. The issue was they were speaking a language she had never learned and she knew many. She had forgotten any form of translation device. Their trek was meant to be a short distance.

"Smell that? Fresh air coming from another entrance." Obadiah informs. He then stepped up to Psi and assuming the lead. He was too curious to hang back. The Leader in him took over. Spying daylight he hurried toward the secondary opening. Stepping out on another outcropping he glances out over more jungle. This time however he notes another mountain to his left. The blind side of the terrain they had left behind. This one not encumbered by such growth of foliage. His jaw dropped immediately. Before him was the biggest black mountain he had ever seen. It blocked out the sky in that direction. As the others caught up they too looked on in awe.

"Is that Everest?" Buku whistles faintly.

"I don't think so." Obadiah swallows, "I'm not exactly sure what our location is here in Pangaea. Besides after billions of years this mountain might not still exist in our time. For all I know this could be New Jersey."

"Milo says we are somewhere over Northern Russia. He agrees that much will change. Including the climate. Axis tilting will alter the land millions of years from now." Psi acknowledges.

"So, how does a City of Gold end up in the Artic?" Obadiah creases his brow.

"Like most things leading here General. Milo guesses that Time has stolen the City and brought it here. Including its people. This is why I sense millions of citizens occupying the area."

"Not just one city Guys. You might wanna look lower along the tree tops." Buku points down.

Obadiah lifts his binoculars for a better capture, "The alien spaceships I saw abandoning Earth. They're clustered together like one massive cityscape. Thousands of them."

"Of course. This is why I am hearing languages I do not know." Psi winces just before moving in front of her friends defensively. Without warning a skysled gravitated near them. More followed. With men standing on them as if on patrol.

"Remain silent." Psi enters the thoughts of her friends quietly.

"Are those Pleidians like SeVen?" Obadiah comes to grips with what he was seeing.

"Yes. Their language has changed some. I cannot decipher it. We are safe I am shading our appearance from their sight. Stand still until they are gone."

"I hope Milo has our ship cloaked." Buku stresses.

"He does. I warned him of Pleidian tech. He is prepared."

"Now is the time we need to head back. It's not safe out here. I'm guessing these Pleidians are the Ancestors of SeVen's current clan. They would not know of him even if he had any clout."

"Or, if he was still alive." Buku frowned at the loss.

"That too. Don't remind me. They're moving away let's head back to the other entrance and make sure they aren't covering that side too."

Easing back they travel quickly to the further daylight. Reaching it Psi examines the vicinity. Noting no Pleidians in sight she motions her approval to descend. While waiting for her Obadiah chooses to scour the City of Gold once more. In doing so he captures an unexpected sight, "It can't be this easy."

"What? Climbing down?"

"No. I see Lucas Dorsey among the Indigenous. As if he's touring the City for..." Obadiah pauses, "Unexpected. He has Princess Kym'Ani with him. Wearing royal robes it looks like. Looks pregnant and ready to pop any day. She doesn't look thrilled to be there."

As the others capture glances through the binoculars Buku wheezes, "Ummm! I think they saw our lens glaring in the sun. Everyone is looking this way."

"WHAT?" A unified panic turns each of them pale. Psi immediately covers the lens with an arm. Looking about frightfully she hears the skysleds approach. Shielding them yet again the Pleidians scan the area but her telepathy makes them see nothing. Even on the sleds heat signature components. Hearing them report nothing was the closest they understood the language thus far. Flying away the trio could breath easier.

"Let's not use those binoculars again." Psi huffs.

"Going in my pack now." Obadiah hides them away.

"We must hurry. I sense the Indian's circulating closer. Dorsey must have sent out a search party on the grounds below. I can feel a tug at my mind. As if someone is trying to break my focus."

"Then, don't waste your power and start scaling those rocks. I'll feel safer with the Lightbulb."

Carefully they make the trek down and reach the jungle path they had traveled earlier. As they wander closer to home Psi halts their step and listens intently. Using her telepathy she tells her friends, "Indians are tracking our footsteps. Broken branches. They're getting very close."

"How did they get up here so fast?"

"They were born to the jungle. They know how best to find their way. I say we run for it. We're under a mile from the Cuckoo I'm guessing."

"No General. Our path has been cut off. We must seek an alternate path."

"Or, you use your Jedi mind tricks and we walk right past them." Buku jests.

"They will see our footfalls. No, we must go around the path." Psi looks in both directions to her side, "That way. There are no Indians."

Obadiah scowls then heads out into the bush. Buku behind him. Psi lingering back decides to do her best to deter the Indians and regretfully heads down the path. She would keep in touch through her thoughts. As long as they presumed she was behind them they would not worry.

The thicket was terrible about sixty yards in. Obadiah felt stings of leaves slashing at his arms even through his shirt. Blood released in miniscule amounts for sure. Buku had no problems in that area. His flesh was far too dense. Seeing the General's struggle he took the lead. His larger frame blocking the savage plant life to give the General a better chance. The heat was unbearable. In their tortured tour a loud pair of snarls could be heard forcing both men to halt and scan about. It was then that Obadiah noticed that Psi was gone. Growling under his breath he calls out in his mind, "Where the hell did you go?"

"I'm giving you two a better chance. I'll run interference and get them on to my trail before yours. I can shield myself better alone. Just get back to the Cuckoo I'll rejoin you guys as soon as I draw them away."

"You better. Don't make me rescue you."

"I'll do my best."

"Be careful Psi."

"Sir, Yes Sir." She mentally salutes the General. That made him smile. The roars of big cats changed all of that.

"Here Kitty, Kitty." Buku whispers darting his gaze about for direction.

"Yeah, that's it call them to us." Obie hisses.

"I can handle them. You got guns."

"Yeah, I'll just fire away and let them all hear us. Moron."

"Hey! I can let you fight the felines. I'm sure you can use that hunting knife like a champ."

"I can. But, if there are more than one I'd lose. Most cats travel alone."

"Must be lions then." Buku adds.

"They sound more panther. I'm guessing Jaguars considering the jungle looks Peruvian rain forest. If that City and its people got transported here it's a safe bet the local animals did too."

"Oooh! I love leopard print."

"You would."

Hearing breaking branches Buku grins, "I'll head them off. You go right and run for home. They gotta be right ahead. If I spook them they'll run the other direction. I'll catch up."

"Dammit. We should not be separating like this. First Psi now you ."

Another snarl getting closer Obadiah makes his decision. Darting right he runs as Buku charges straight through the concealing overgrowth. He did his own barely audible snarls back at the cats. Rushing through Buku captures his first glance at the big cats. Both were huge and crouching in the grass. Smiling at them Buku rushes head long. They don't bother to move. The Sumo quickly understood why.

"CEEEEENOTE!" Was heard loudly as Obadiah freezes with a look of terror.

"Cenote?" A loud splash of water is heard as Buku collides with the gathered rain water below. The fifty foot drop was met with his echoes.

Hearing their thoughts Psi Chii halts her own path, "No! Buku cannot swim."

"You're kidding me." Obadiah snaps and pulls his rifle into use in case needed. He knew there would be no choice. He had to rescue Buku and that meant tackling the wildlife.

Just as he began to charge toward the beasts he hears what sounded like terrified cats hissing and squalling. Halting he listens as Psi informs him, "Buku is fine. He can hold his breath for over an hour. Walking on the bottom until he can climb out. Defend yourself General."

"Cat's are afraid of something. I can hear them." As he tells Psi he hears a loud destructively savage fight and the sounds of death. Something was killing the Jaguars. Holding silent he waits until the rustling stops before daring to check out the Cenote. Careful footsteps lead him to the edge of the underground crater. Peering down he sees no sign of Buku. Looking up he finds blood everywhere. Carcasses of two massive cats still heaving their final breathes made him wonder what could have been big enough to take them out. In his thoughts he dwells on it, "Please don't be a Velociraptor."

A noise behind him makes him turn sharply prepared to fire off his rifle. There was nothing there. Then he heard a whimper. Eyes bulging he lowers his gaze. At his feet was something he never imagined in a billion years.