Far Pangaea 90: Devil Tree


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"Triplicate?" Mal shrugs.

Cam agrees, "Dude I ain't had tequila in a few days to see triple let alone double."

"Ummm!" James swallows, "I hate to tell you guys this but I don't see three."

"Figures." Bogart whines.

"I see five." He shrinks, "How did I not see this before now?"

"FIVE?" A consensus of awe ushered from all vocally.

"Yea. Maybe I have better eyes."

"Do we have time to debate this?" Mal clears his throat.

"Guess not." Cam places a hand on James shoulder still looking to the sky, "Kid? If you can see five I believe you. Get inside and tell Harpea. Maybe she can figure it out. Bogie? Keep my boy here safe."

"I was hoping for a ride back to Eden. I need to see my adoptive daughter. If all hell is gonna break loose I wanna be with her."

"Right. Okay then. Xander? Watch over your Master."

A simple yelp was acknowledgment enough. Malcolm crawls on to the Technoride and settles his bag in before looking over at Bogart, "Hop on Lobo."


"Wolf in Spanish."

"Ah!" Bogart Ross climbed behind Malcolm as the shielding lowers over them. In a rev the bike's gravity jets hoists it into the air. Seconds later Malcolm jetted away. Really, really fast.

Cameron fires up his light armor and waves at James, "Hope to see you soon Kid. Be careful. Tell Elle I said to keep the peace."

Like a bottle rocket Cameron Scott fires into the air and swiftly changes course to follow Malcolm. James dryly swallowed. He suddenly felt really alone.

Eden yet again.

Ruby Goddard felt equally as alone sitting beside God. The man barely reacted to her. Standing up she strolls a few feet behind them and stokes the campfire with a stick. Haunted by the notion of Vampires biting God she quickly turned to walk back. In the sudden glow of the tended flames the shadows of she and God were cast about. In a startle Ruby jumped using her stick as defense. Rising out of God's shadow stood the silhouette of a stunning female body.

"Are you a Vampire?" Ruby poked her stick at the figure.

"I am not. My name is Godshadow. I am an Angel of God sent by Jack Ramse. You would be Ruby Goddard?"


As soon as she yelps the name a blur arrives in the form of Sabbath Black. Nearly tripping over herself Ruby is caught from behind by Antonaeus rushing to her side.

"What is the meaning of this?" Gaicazar raises his sword defensively.

"I recall you Roman. From the Crucifixion."

"You were there?"

"I was. Me and my many sisters. You are the gifted one. Our Lord gave you eternal life for defending his son."

"JESUS!" Ruby belts out in shock.

"Yes that was his name. A good boy he was." Mutters God suddenly.

Godshadow kneels beside the old man and lowers her eyes respectfully, "It is I My Lord. Faith. I wear this ring now that Jack Ramse gave me."

"Jack gave you a ring?" Ruby growls lifting the Man's wedding ring dangling from her neck on a chain near her own crucifix.

"Yes. We are his Angels now. He has claimed us."

"Claimed? Oh...right. He kind of told me that. I am so going to punch him in the shoulder when I see him again." She calms herself, "Jack sent you here?"

"Yes. I am the messenger. He wishes you to know that he and my sisters. His allies. All have joined the Hordakian Warship. The Commander has made a pact with Jack to sneak them into Celestial City where Lucas Dorsey is."

"Dorsey...Yes that was his name. A very bad boy he was." God utters yet again stirring up memories.

"Luco Dorseius. He who was the nameless one until now."

"You know him Anton?" Ruby glares at the Roman.

"Indeed. The Wandering Jew. He whom struck Christ in the side with a spear."

Ruby turns pale, "You have got to be joking. Lucas Dorsey is the Wandering Jew?"

"As it appears. I thought him lost to time without cause."

"He's made his way up the ladder of destiny. Military service. No wonder he suckered the Ganthorians to get brought back in time. Somehow he knew what he was doing. He must have had information leading him to Pangaea. How though?"

"Aye, how indeed. The Princess...perhaps."

"Doubtful. She was too young to know anything about Pangaea. Besides he seems to be attracted to her. Holding her hostage."

"To be wedded to him." Godshadow remarks. "Just before my departure I heard the guise of Dorsey mention he would be wedded tomorrow before a ritual. Something about a sacrifice this eve."

"Good Lord." Ruby huffs patting God on the shoulder carefully. God in turn pats her fingers delicately. Strangely he counts her fingers with his own fingertips, "Five. Yes I was a good boy."

"Five? Say what?" Ruby looks to the sky again, "There's five moons now."

The others look after her but see only two. All save Sabbath Black, "I see them as well Ruby. You are not alone."

"Why can we not see five?" Lionel Warjorj steps up behind them.

"Only the Mother can see the future." Sabbath offers as all eyes look at the albino beauty.

"Mother? Oh come on." Ruby feels her belly swell even more, "Please don't tell me I'm having quintuplets." Ruby Goddard wanted to cry. Something made her strong. Maybe it was her energized cells. That or her children protecting her from within.

Khonsu remained silent.

Thousands of miles away...

The snow covered tundra was harsh as the Pleidian member SeVen covered himself in the fur offered by a mysterious friend. His suspicion as to who the caller Gomez was rang in his thoughts. It was as if he had heard the voice before. In his youth. As far as the eye could see were mountain ranges of snow and ice. He felt incredibly lucky that his body temperature easily found comfort in the cruel environment. Not only did his race thrive in the colder regions his death and rebirth at his lovers hands had decreased his normal body temp lower. He could easily go shirtless in the 60 below temperatures. He chose not to. The fur was a gift he would cherish.

"I am coming Serena. If I must walk this entire planet to find you."

As if on cue of his plight the aura that his caretaker arrived from mere hours earlier materializes before him once again. This time he hears "GOOOMEZZZZ" , just before something quite familiar is tossed out of the opening in the air. As the aura fades and seals SeVen rushes to collect the offering.

"My drone. How is this possible? It was destroyed by REGION soldiers at Lost Horizon. It appears fully intact." Standing with it the drone in the shape of a raven activates against the cold climate and responds to its owner. As if a true bird its talons cling to his wrist. Moving it to his shoulder SeVen smiles, "It is good to see you again old friend. Let us move on."

SeVen regained hope. He would endure Hell to reach his love.

Ahead in time. Way ahead.

"Whew! I'm back. Wonder who my next Host body is?"

The soul of elder James Ian looks out of eyes not knowing his appearance. Before him were loudly yelling bystanders waving and cheering. Some finding anguish at what unfolds. A horn blares as a loud speaker belts out statistics.


"Kentucky Derby? Apocalypse Won? Oh boy. Won backwards is Now." James cringed within his thoughts. Glancing around him he spots a familiar face. A woman in a white dress, wide brimmed hat, and dark sunglasses. She looks to the body James inhabited.

"Watch the race Honey. Our horse is winning."

"Judith Lamb?" He took control over the voice, "I'm back inside Desmond on a different day? FUCK!"

"What did you just say Young Man?" Judith points at him with distaste.

"You can hear me?"

"Of course I can hear you. Now apologize for the use of that word."

"Judith it's me James Ian Pryce. I'm stuck inside your son Desmond. He's the Anti-" His words get drowned out by the roar of the crowd and people jumping up at the revelation of a winner. Apocalypse Won had come in first. Even Judith leaped to her feet clapping. James felt lost awaiting things to die down. Suddenly a hand on top of Desmond's scalp is felt. Turning out of reaction to the shared sensation James looks directly at the owner of the hand.

"Good to see you again."


"That is Dad young man."

"Holy crap."

"Careful before your Mother gets cross again."

"Cross? Geez! Why are you doing this to me?" James continues the use of Desmond's vocal cords.

Stan sits back grinning, "Because it's our turn for Father and Son day. Oh look...our Jockey is bowing in our direction."

Instinctively James turns Desmond's head to look out over the horse track. Spotting the Jockey raise a fist in the air as his horse stood beside him. He could witness the red eyes of both the Jockey and his steed. Hearing the Announcer call out, "What a WAR he WON."

"War? Oh shit. The first Horseman."

Judith Lamb stuffed a Kleenex in his mouth. She had heard enough of her son's swear words. Stan merely smirked. It was amusing to say the least.

Another jump in Time was called upon. James just knew it would get worse.

The Devil would be in the details.

Before the jump James looked to see if he had a tail. None was present.


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