Far Pangaea 91: Sailor Moons


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"So ye want me to guard o'er the lassies and not get meself sent to Hades."

"Let's try not to think the worst. Synu is my worry. He has no ring nor any special powers. He may be stronger than most of us but he can get killed just as easy. I also know he will be overprotective of Addison. My plan is to reunite she and her Aunt Ruby before all of this goes down...good or bad. It's the least I can do."

"I will do as ye ask Boyo. What do ye plan to do once ye get to this Dorsey?"

"Step at a time. As long as we can maintain our own minds we can do battle. I'll set the Angels on keeping all the Alien races Dorsey has brainwashed busy. I can go in alone and rescue my...friend Renee."

"And ye'er son I hear?"

Jack sighs heavily, "One I never knew I had Lowball."

"A son with this...friend of ye'ers."

"My wife actually. We were going to get divorced but the papers never got signed before I got lost here in Pangaea. I know you don't understand all of that but...her and I had marital problems. She was unfaithful numerous times. I could have been the cause I suppose. I was off on missions for Uncle Sam way too often."

"Ye'er Uncle not such a nice man was he?"

Jack smirks, "Something like that." In that smile Jack Ramse goes expressionless. Suddenly, he glances around as if lost. God had come to visit. Lowball bored him with tales of his own Uncle. Just as well God was beyond confused in Jack's body.


"Who parked that Pyramid outside Eden? They building Las Vegas here now?"

Cameron Scott flew next to Malcolm Brand and Bogart Ross on their souped up Technoride. As it circled the well lit up Pyramid a voice appears in Cameron's mind.

"Welcome home my Son. Welcome home Ra."

"Stop with the Ra stuff already. I'm not your Son. How did you move the Pyramid here Osiris?"

"Power is the key to all things Cameron Scott. I merely wished to commune with the Creator God."

"God? Crap how did I forget he was here? This is gonna be weird."

"I'm circling in to the west." Malcolm calls out as Bogart holds on for dear life. In his wolf form paws were not made for gripping, relying on leg muscles to maintain balance. He was struggling between wolf and man phasing in and out like the Moons above. All he knew was he needed to get off this bike and find his foster daughter Abigail. As Mal maneuvered the Technoride into a clearing Bogart couldn't wait. At thirty feet in the air the Wolfman chose to leave his seat and nudge the canopy up. Thrusting his mighty legs he leaps out into open air and makes the fall with ease. Upon landing he rolls to his feet and launches off into a run. Malcolm huffed at seeing the beast man's ability to handle a fall from such a height. He respected the creature for his fondness for his adoptive child.

In the forest Bogart charged unstoppable even as Vampires observed and stayed out of his way. Keeping to themselves at the moment. Fearful of Sabbath Black's temper after losing their latest sustaining meal. Through the foliage Bogart Ross hears a voice inside his own head.

"There is still room in my house for you Anubis."

Not stalling for even a breath Bogart grunts, "Bite me Mummy Man. All I want is to hug my daughter."

"She is terrified. Your sister Khonsu beheaded the man Franz."

That stopped Bogart, "What? Franz is dead?"

"Yes. The Vampires were offered his power to replenish all things organic. Blood was given freely for their following him. I fear he would have hurt your fellows below."

"Dammit! Abigail must be mortified. Leave me alone Osiris I want MY family...not yours."

"As you wish." Osiris fades away and contemplates what was going on in Eden. Eying the time he knew a move was going to force his hand. Waiting here for God to come to his senses was pushing the end of time. Time he did not want to see ended. Not until he could usurp the power he desired. He needed to beat his Father Atum to the dark matter mountain.

Elsewhere, in Eden, the Gypsy Stefan rested his eyes just for a moment after playing his violin softly in order to make certain Abigail had fallen fast asleep. As he began to snore Abigail's eyes fluttered open. Laying there she hears a wolf howl in the distance. Sitting up slowly she crawled from her bedding to the opening in the covered buckboard wagon. In her nightgown she escaped the dark side of the housing and snuck away from the Comanche Chokote sitting by his fire chanting. Lost in his own prayers.

Risking the dangers of the Vampires Abigail snuck deep into the brush and made her way toward the howls earlier. She knew it was Bogart. Stopping only for a moment as lights flew over her and came to a landing near God and the woman Ruby Goddard. Once they faded she pushed on. Hearing foot falls in the grass she hesitates heart pounding.

"Bogart? Is that you?" She calls in a lowered voice knowing he could hear her easily with canine senses heightened. However, in thinking this way she failed to realize that Bogart's senses were not the only ones to be elevated. With the shadows about her seeming alive she finds herself surrounded by Vampires. Hovering and sizing up a potential dinner. Dozens grew near her looking down waiting for their lust of blood to lead them in for the kill.

"Nooo! Please leave me alone." She squeals and backs away, her bare feet tripping in the roots sticking up from trees. Rocks all around her she stumbles and falls with nothing to grab hold of. In her terror she crashes headlong on to a large stone. A deafening crunch is heard. Blood seeps from a head wound. Her breathing stalls. The Vampires choose now to succumb. Storming the young girl they feed. Puncture after puncture her blood is devoured. In their frenzy the brush comes alive around them. Vines serpentine out and drag each of her assailants away from her. Entwined the Vampires hiss and curse at their captor. Out of the darkness into the moonlight steps Briar.

"Do not harm my friend. I have so few." Briar attested even though she had never really connected with the girl her empathic nature yearned to do so. In her shyness she might have waited too long.

More crashing noises about her comes Bogart Ross sniffing at the ground until he spots Abigail. Without even surveying the Vampires about him suspended in the air nor the body of Madigan Ridge standing guard he races to the body of Abigail and cradles her in his arms. His beast form lifting away to allow the true Bogg Ross to hold her.

"Abigail what have you gone and done?"

"I rescued her." Briar coughs up although he ignores her and begins crying. He could feel Abigail leaving this world. The emotions force Briar to pout. Even she was obviously too late. Releasing the Vampires the flock cease to be a threat and disappear. Yet goes another meal. Alone now Briar eases closer to the family in their grief. Hearing Bogg snarl at her Briar hesitates, "I am sorry for your loss."

"Get away from my daughter or I'll eat you."

"I would not satisfy your taste. Forgive this one I only wished to be her friend."

Briar fades back just as Chokote and Marshal Warjorj enter the situation. Seeing the trauma Warjorj grumbles.

"How did Abigail get past you?" He glares at Chokote who lowers his gaze ashamed of himself. Stefan charging up behind them with a look of horror on his face immediately cries.

"She was asleep. I only nodded off for a few minutes." Stefan frets in misery.

"Let's get her to camp. Maybe Miss Gaea can save her." Warjorj prods.

Bogart picks up her lifeless form and carefully carries her along. Chokote lighting their way with a ball of fire in his hand like a torch. Briar was left behind.

In the main camp Ruby Goddard cringed as her belly rounded even more than usual. Fearing more babies within her womb she wept slightly. The Angel Faith still kneeling before God in his mumbling state opted to look over at Ruby.

"Shall I report back to Lord Jack?"

"Sounds like he's busy."

"Yes. His mission will be dangerous. He not only seeks out Lucas Dorsey but the seer Wretch has proclaimed that Lord Jack's wife is here and has been captured. Along with their son."

"WHAT?" Ruby riles then winces at her belly stirring from within. Gaicazar standing guard crouches beside her concerned, "I'm alright Anton. Only shocked by hearing of Jack's wife and son. How are they here in Pangaea?"

"Of this I do not know. How are any of us here in Pangaea?" Godshadow offers.

"Yeah, right. " Ruby nods at God, "He works in mysterious ways."

A loud rumbling and a lightshow interrupts the conversation. Godshadow hiding behind God himself to avoid its glare.

"It's okay Faith. These people are friends." Ruby notes with a hand displayed to calm the Angel. Easing to her feet with an assist from Gaicazar she greets Cameron Scott toning down his light armor to walk freely. The Technoride settling down to cease its engines. Waiting for Malcolm to join him the two make their journey to Ruby's side.

"Colonel...you're looking fit." Cam eyes her belly.

"Can it Flyboy. I know I look like a ripe melon. What's going on?"

"Pitstop." Malcolm interrupts, "Cam and I are going after Atum. I intend on getting my real body back."

"I'm confused by that Malcolm. You have your real body. What Atum took was your shell. The giant side of you with the mystical runes. You still get to look the same as you did before."

"Not the point. I can still feel its loss. Whether I was purged out of it or not he has a part of ME. Besides from what I hear from Cam here if we don't stop Atum he's gonna destroy Pangaea anyway."

"True. Do what you need to Soldier. Just come back safe and sound."

As they speak Sabbath Black appears in a blur. Cameron Scott brightening up by his visitor.


"Hello Cameron. It...is...Hello."

"Good to see you too Beautiful." He hesitates, "Only here because Malcolm needs your sister. I know you needed...space."

"Lillian has been hibernating. Communication with Pangaea itself to sense its pain."

"Pangaea is in pain?" Ruby questions.

"Yes. The Moons effects on this planet has increased. As you know there are five moons. One moon takes a toll but five moons in perfect synch disrupts its stability. I fear quakes soon. Perhaps lack of oxygen. Gaea tells me this through our shared soul. That and..." She decides to hide her sharing of Khonsu as well. It would be questioned.

"And what?" Ruby pushes.

"Osiris. His motives."

"Oh...right. While you're here guys...wanna sit around the campfire with God?" Ruby motions toward the Old man.

"That's really God?" Mal swallows. The group then followed Ruby. In their arrival Godshadow stands tall and moves in defensive posture.

"Relax Faith. Nobody wants to harm God."

"Safe distance please." Faith poises a shadow staff until a withered old hand reaches up to touch her hip.

"I got this Godshadow."

"LORD JACK?" Faith kneels once again beside God.

"Jack?" Ruby races to his side, "You're back."

"Say what?" Malcolm looks haunted.

"We were told God's name was Jack." Cam adds. Looking around him Cam realized Sabbath was gone. Maybe to wake up Gaea he pondered. Joining the others around Jack to hear any news.

"What is this I hear about Renee and a son being here?"

"Just found that out. I'm sorry if this distresses you Ruby. You know I can't let anything hurt them. Gotta go save them on top of stopping Dorsey. Listen, find a way to reach Celestial City just stay about twenty miles from the center. Dorsey can mind control within that perimeter. I'll use Godshadow here to keep you organized in the right direction. I plan on leaving a few new allies outside that boundary line. Find them and hook up. Ruby? Addison will be there waiting to reunite with you. Beware of her ruby ring though. She doesn't know how to control it. It conjures a portal to Hell."

"I remember. You mentioned it last visit."

"Just making sure."

"Hey Jack? This is Malcolm."

"I note you perfectly Buddy. Good to see you again."

"You...too. Different body but not knocking it."

"Right. I have two bodies. Mal kinda does now too." Cam jests.

"Cameron." God salutes him with his hand.


"Still Jack just sharing God's body."

"How cool is that? Me and Mal are going to try and stop that Atum guy."

"Godzilla? Good luck. Saw him awhile ago from our Hordakian ship. I don't envy you."

Mal prompts with a slight chuckle, "I got another apple. I'm ready to play Kong and whup Godzilla's tail."

"Godzilla. Godshadow. Goddard. God." Ruby rolls her eyes.

"Friends close. Enemies closer."

"Speaking of..." Ruby narrows her eyes, "Where did Sabbath go? Do I hear engines revving up?"

"The Pyramid." Cam pivots to feel its light growing. Switching to his light armor makes everyone cover their eyes. Godshadow shrieks until Malcolm stands in front of her growing slightly to block her from the intensity. As Cam rockets through the treetops leaving them behind Godshadow eases and realizes Malcolm had cloaked her with his body. A giant made her uneasy until he decreases in size.

"Looked like you were hurting there. Only trying to help."

"Yes. In this form I fear light is my weakness."

"All good now. So Jack?" Malcolm realizes Jack was gone as God returns to mumbling.

"He tends to do that. Is Osiris leaving?" Ruby fidgets, "We could have gotten a ride from him."

"There is always yon Charger." Gaicazar points toward Cameron's car.

"Distance is too great. We need a bigger more sturdier ride."

"Right." Mal grimaces, "Cam souped up my Technoride but at least it flies. Car might be bumpy on Mommy there."

"I am so not giving birth in the backseat of a Car."

A quarter mile away in Eden's interior Sabbath Black races to Bogart, finding him hauling the lifeless body of Abigail. Seeing the bite marks Sabbath grows angry. Lionel Warjorj puts his hand up, "Weren't Bogart. Your Bats got to her. She's fading fast. Can ya call out your sister and maybe save her?"

"Gaea...Lillian is slumbering. She must rest in communing with Pangaea. I will take care of the Bat problem once and for all. Go to Colonel Goddard. Keep everyone together."

Stefan points to the sky, "Is that Egyptian fellow leaving?"

Sabbath growls under her breath, "Your Father is abandoning us? After we struck a bargain by my bonding with you Khonsu?"

"He was never to be trusted Sabbath Black." She hears a voice within.

"Bugger." Sabbath took off to the outskirts of Eden where foliage and desert meet. Looking up she spots the Pyramid lifting into the sky. In the blink of an eye she finds herself lofted into the heavens within the arms of Cameron Scott.

"Our chariot awaits."

"Cameron? We have no hope of stopping Osiris. Take us back."

"Are you sure? I think I can get us inside. We can maybe take over his ship."

"No. Let him go fight Atum for you guys."

"We certain that's where he's going?"

"I spoke with him earlier. He intends to do that. He only came here to meet the Creator. I think he hacked my mind to know when Jack took over God. Now that he has a location I think he's going after Atum."

"Or, Jack?"

"I hope not. The connection between Jack and God might entice him. Let's just figure out how we can get to this Celestial City. On the way we can help with Atum. If that is even possible."

"Fine. Heading back to Eden Airport." He plots a new course. Sabbath and Khonsu were not happy with the Osirian.

Reaching the group below all were silent.

"Abigail?" Sabbath leads Cam to her side. Bogart looks up with sorrow. Warjorj wiping his eyes with a hanky. Her anger brewing she turns to Cameron grabbing him by the arm, "Come with me." Leading him away through the forest they locate the cavern system housing the Vampire Legion. Reaching the epicenter of activity Cam swallows dryly.

"Ummm? How many Vamps?"

"Hundreds. Cam? I'm going outside to block the entrance. Give me three minutes then go Ultraviolet. Burn these bastards to ash." She communicates with their mental bond. He thought it severed but he did not know Khonsu was present to offer a renewed bond.

"You sure about this?"

"Yes. Enough of their hurting those we love."

"I..." Cam wanted to say it but Sabbath puts fingers to his lips. She knew. He nods as she departs.

Once alone Cam decreases his light armor in hopes to draw them out. Hearing his heartbeat. Their hunger. They react instantly.

"Feeding time Fellas. Ladies." As they leave their perches to swarm him he instinctively flares up in a light so bright that it takes only moments to turn all in the cavern to ash. No crevice hid them from his light. Once the hisses stop Cam lowers his integrity and walks to the entrance. The Vampires were no longer a problem. There Sabbath Black awaited. In a breath she dove into his arms and kissed him. Cam knew her answer for certain then. She loved him too.

"Took you long enough." He exhales looking deeply into her eyes.

"A...friend made me come to my senses."

"Oh yeah?"

Khonsu smiled.

The City of Gold.

"There is Lucas Dorsey again. His hologram." Psi Chii points for Obadiah Ridge to follow her aim. Using telescopic mode on his night goggles he sees Princess Kym'Ani.

"There's Serena's Mom, I presume. Looks pretty pregnant to me."

"Hologram also. I can hear Renee yelling in my mind. Oh my God!"

"What's wrong?"

"He knows her identity. That she's married to Jack Ramse. Something about a child sacrifice." She then loses her color. Obadiah as well. Both recite their conclusions, "JIMMY JACK!"

A mad dash toward the City Psi Chii attempts mental contact with Milo. Before she can offer her news Milo abruptly says, "Busy now. Trouble outside. Contact when can." They were on their own. Both teams.

The X'Orr. Next to the Ganthorian Hilton. Prime real estate for a Shopping Mall. NOT!

"Let me sleep already." Orin Ridge within the body of elder James Ian tires of Sophia Ridge, "Go for a walk."

He mentally commands her to leave his bed. She was hopelessly in love but Orin had things to do. Taking time out to feel truly alive again he had succumbed to partaking in some righteous sex. Even if she was his flesh and blood Great, Great Granddaughter. In mind alone as he was using another man's body. Still wrong but felt oh so right at the times.

Sophia easily submitted to his mental command as long as her Tyrant Tears did not encompass her entire body. Having willed them to crowd together in the heels of her feet left the rest of her body easily swayed. The Tyrants merely obeyed their Host. Crawling from bed she leaves his chamber. As the door hisses open and closed none were aware of secret visitors. Hand in hand Greta Winston and Animahni snuck into his room and awaited him to go to sleep.

Out in the hallway Sophia strolled. Her Tyrants moving north to once again encase her body. As they function as one Sophia comes to her senses.

"Why am I out here?" Her Tyrants inform her that James Ian Pryce sent her away so that he might rest. Innocent enough she fidgets then continues her walk. Rounding a corner she discovers a roadblock.


Madigan Ridge had taken the words of young James Ian to heart. If she still had one. Having lost her body to Briar her connection to the world grew limited. In her ghostly form even speech was impossible. She like before with James had to speak with her hands. Luckily she had taught her daughter sign language.

"What are you trying to tell me? Slow down my signing is rusty."

Maddy points at her heart then her brain. She then forms a motion of cradling a baby. Sophia took it totally out of context.

"I'm not going to get pregnant. I don't think I can due to my tiny friends."

Shaking her head negatively she drifts toward Orin's room and points at the door. She resumes the cradling motion once more after hushing her with a finger. Sophia could only wince and contemplate what she was getting at. Not wanting to be told that James was bad for her Sophia rolls her eyes and turns away. In her retreat she discovers her Mother could phase right through her to stop her cold with a stern look.