Far Pangaea 92: Cold Shoulder


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Orin sighs, "He's just a kid. Who would believe him?"

"Let me do the talking Desi." James prompts.


"His Mother perhaps? She knows of UFO's. Her job concerns such things. Our plans are without her knowledge." Orin grumbles.

"Harpea?" James offers to speak telepathically, "I know you can read my mind. My name is James Ian Pryce. Your Aunt and Uncle raised me as a boy. My soul slipped from Pangaea to the present to prevent bad things. I know of your Father E'Guan. He loves you regardless of your treachery."

"Interesting. I do not love him."

"That's a lie. We both know it."

"Ohhh, she's going to Hell."

"Quiet Desmond. Orin Ridge will betray you. Trust me."

"What's going on here Harpea? We dawdling?" Orin interprets the silence.

"Reading the boys mind is all. A moment longer."

"Hurry it up. Engines are revving. Right T'Ule?"


"Harpea listen. I know everything. Orin Ridge has clones on your home world. He's only trying to look like an Explorer by manipulating your people and your own desire for revenge. He's got a dark agenda. I promise you that he will turn on you once you go back to Pangaea."

"You know of our quest?"

"I know of his version of that and I also know yours. You want to find Kym'Ani. You say you want her dead but that is not true. In Pangaea you will discover friends. Very good people. You will join them in battling a very bad man. There is another. Worse than Orin. His name is..."

Orin Ridge grumbles and grabs Harpea by the arm, "Blank the boy and let's get started."

She pauses to mull over the revelations, "Orin is looking for the Tempora Grottos."

"He is. How curious."

"Tempora?" Orin grins looking over at Desmond, "Now how would you know about that?"

If James could turn pale he would. Harpea had let Orin in on their conversation without him knowing.

"Why would you do that?" James mutters.

"Allegiance Kid. She knows what I offer in return." Orin invades the mind.

"Where are my friends? We all came to the future together?"

"Friends?" Orin squints, "Only James Ian Pryce came back from the past. We've got him nice and holed up on the X'Orr. I reckon you're mistaken."

"No. They have to be in REGION custody." James gets emotional. Desmond laughing at his reaction. James ponders the situation, "Did I misstep somewhere and erase them from history? God I hope not."

"Hey! Don't mention Grampa. He was a coward that tossed my Daddy away because he didn't love him anymore."

"Who is that?" Orin looks at Harpea whom shrugs.

"There are two minds within one body."

"That's possible?" Orin is taken back by the revelation. He would remember that.

"Obviously. Perhaps we should take the boy with us." Harpea voices her opinion.

"Hold on." Orin points connecting dots, "One is this physical Kid. Who is the other mind in there?"

Harpea closes her eyes and shakes her head, "The voice is James Ian Pryce."

"Ah! Yea I knew that." Orin frowns, "Did he somehow take control of this Kid while in stasis aboard the X'Orr?"

"Yes. I believe so. Allow me to disconnect them. Send the boy on his way rather than expose him to time travel."

"Maybe we should take him along."

"My Daddy would be cross if you took me away." Desmond speaks aloud.

"Cross? You said cross." James couldn't believe he heard right.

"You know what I mean...Douchebag."

"I had that coming."

"Who exactly is your Dad Kid?" Orin grew curious.

"Stan Devlin."

"Never heard of him." Orin grimaces coldly.

"Oh you will." James laughs.

"Tempora, huh." Orin considers the word, "As in TEMPORAl Lobe?"

"Right!" James intrudes, "It's all in your head."

Harpea nearly found it amusing. Orin was getting too old to contemplate everything. Still, She would follow the Man back in Time. For Kym'Ani. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all. The Boy made sense. The Man within more sense.

"Harpea? Please." James attempted one more time. Pulling her arm away from Orin's grasp she held a palm to her Ally, "Enough. Allow me to end this."

"Fine. Leave him and let's get on with it."

Eyes sealed Harpea digs deeper into Desmond's thoughts. Prepared to wipe his mind she discovers images. Images of a world burning. Souls tortured. A maniacal Man behind it all. The boys Father. She had heard rumors of this world's religious beliefs but considered it gibberish. Her own religion believing only in a Creator. Nothing more.

"I told you my Dad would be cross." She hears Desmond. James overriding Desmond with a final plea, "Harpea? I can't stop you. Just mark my words. Do NOT trust Orin Ridge. Put faith in Ruby Goddard. In Jack Ramse."

Without answering she wipes Desmond's mind free of the visitation.

"It is done. Call security and escort the Boy back to his Mother. Do not let on that he made it this deep underground." As guards in Hazmat suits show up the aliens were gone. Orin Ridge pondered the whole Tempora thing. He would not let it rest. Torturing the captive James Ian would give him the answers he needed.

Upstairs in the Infirmary Judith Lamb was borderline frantic. Unknown to Harpea and Orin Ridge she had put a tracer on her pass card to locate it. Before giving the command to retrieve her son she was told he was already found. Still, she was a smart cookie. Somebody was lying to her. She knew exactly how deep her boy had gotten. Acting like any Mother she scolds her son and drags him away. Outside REGION she calls for her Limo and kneels to face her son who had clammed up.

"Why were you down there Desmond?"

"Better talk to your Mom D Man." Silence. Was he giving them both the cold shoulder? "Desi?" Still nothing. Two more prompts found brooding expressions. Finally, James loses it, "TALK TO JUDITH YOU DOUCHEBAG."

Eyes bulging Judith Lamb trembled, "Desmond? Why did you scream at Mommy like that?"

"Wait! What? You heard me?"

"Of course I heard you."


"Yes Desmond?"

"Ummm! You might not believe this but I think Desi was sent to his room."

Bless you Harpea.

Pangaea...the City of Gold...not so much called El Dorado.

"Ah, Stadium seating. Perfect angle for a Blood Sacrifice don't you agree My blushing Bride?"

Kym'Ani holds her tongue. Even in their Tower it was like they were truly seated where their Holograms were. Alien science was a gift too be sure. After sensing her belly kick she focused less on the Sacrificial preparation and more on the glorious sensations overcoming her. Besides how could any Father want to sacrifice a baby? It certainly did not give her much hope for her own babies future.

"May I be bold Lucas?" Kym'Ani speaks.

"There she is. All this silent treatment stuff was getting boring. Speak freely."

"I do not agree with any of this. You torture innocent people by making them prisoners to do your bidding. Worse yet, you would slay a baby?"

"Has to happen. Prophecy of the Moons requires infant blood."

"How would you know of this Prophecy?"

"Interesting reading someone once gave me. Memorized it and tossed it in a fire. Funny how I can recall screams as it burned. Anyhoo, it gave me purpose. Allowed me to keep moving until I found you and your pesky Ganthorians. Love at first sight."

"A lie I see through."

"Ah Baby? Not true. I did fall for you but I will admit there was another reason for making you mine."

"The fact I am my world's Reflection?"

"That and..."

"The fact that on this world you were forbidden child. Yet, by being with an outworlder you could conceive."

"Got me there Princess."

"A Mother knows."

"Of course you do. I cannot wait to hold my first born." He grins sheepishly then swiftly changes expression, "Ohhh yeah! There's the Shaman. About damned time."

Kym'Ani retires to her thoughts closing her eyes. She had no desire to see what was about to transpire. It was unsettling to the point she mentally apologized to her unborn baby. Her body cool and relaxing her nerves. Self meditation always helped.

"He's raising the baby into the air." Dorsey sits forward as if truly there. The denizens of the City cheer as they always do to appease the Gods. Dorsey didn't bother to change that part of their religion. Let them have their beliefs. All that mattered was Dorsey, to them he was one of their Gods. Good enough for him. At the moment.

As the Shaman lowers baby Jimmy Jack he squirms giggling at the painted man in feathered head dress. He was entranced by the feathers dancing about in the night breeze. Speaking in his native tongue he praises his Gods and gently lays James onto a stone carved altar. Pretty darned uncomfortable even to a baby. Only his diaper padded his tush. Torches all around for lighting the ceremony progressed. Jimmy was growing fidgety. What was going on here? Where was Mommy?

As the Shaman concluded his chanted prayers a gleaming blade of gold poises high over Jimmy. Strangely the tike could see his Reflection in it via torches. Pointing up at it he laughs at himself. Just before the blade plunges downward a muffled gunshot is heard. The blade whips out of the Shaman's grasp and stabs a man next to him. Chaos loomed. Nobody knew what was going on.

"What?" Lucas Dorsey stood up in his seat both in hologram and beside Kym'Ani. She refused to open her eyes. Peering out over the crowd he found nothing. Finally, Dorsey mentally calls down to the Shaman to resume the sacrifice. Pulling the blade from the Man impaled by it the Shaman returns to the altar. Shock follows shock...the baby was gone. A poised shrug toward Dorsey led him to cuss loudly. He would find the baby. Tracking thoughts would not be that difficult for a Master Telepath using alien tech to amplify it.

Down below Obadiah Ridge and Psi Chii infiltrated the masses. It was hard hiding a sniper rifle but Obadiah had a good disguise. It was called Psi Chii using her own psi talents to block everyone's perception. Wearing stolen clothing helped. What little there was of it.

"Jimmy teleported." Obadiah reports after using his scope to view the actual departure just before the reaction.

"Let's go. We find Renee then Jimmy Jack. My gut says he's looking for his Mom."

Truth in assumption Renee Ramse had gotten her limbs back after the drugs numbed them. She waited until things got quiet around her before removing her boot heel. Hidden within it was a small triangular blade. Just big enough to do some damage. Namely on the tethered bamboo enclosing her. As she began cutting she hears, "Mahma."

"Jimmy?" She whispers looking about. He was sitting behind her. Dropping her blade she swoops down hugging his tightly. Smothering him in kisses she thanked God for his teleportation abilities. She just needed to keep him concealed and quiet. Unfortunately, she forgot that Lucas Dorsey could read her thoughts. Before long natives stormed her cage opening it. Rolling away from Jimmy Jack she snatches up her blade to protect them. Taking stabs at those attempting entry was pointless. There were too many. Then came a much larger blade. A native facing Renee feels his life slip away as a very familiar sword called Soultaker passes entirely through him. Other natives found a similar but painful death as Obadiah carves into them with his own boot knife. A pile of bodies had to be pulled away.

"About time." Renee barks looking back at Jimmy Jack, "Come to Mommy. We're getting out of here."

"You try infiltrating when you're 6'2 and white with an Asian sidekick."

"No sidekick General."

"General is he?" A voice appears.

"Oh crap. My shields slipped." Psi Chii winces poising her sword toward further interference. Suddenly, the hologram of Lucas Dorsey appears before them.

"There's our little Man. Lackey's? Would you do the honor of retrieving our sacrifice?"

Renee wouldn't stand for it, "Hide and Seek Baby Boy."

Giggling Jimmy Jack was gone in the blink of an eye.

Sighing Dorsey growls, "Take their weapons and lock them away. Find the baby."

Just beyond the mountain overlooking the City of Gold...

"This is as near as I can get us without Lord Dorsey controlling our thoughts. Your illusion might betray us." Commander S'Lopp consoled with Jack Ramse beside him.

Jack nods peering out the bridge window, "Alright. Lowball? Take your party down and hide out. Do not come beyond this mountain until I myself tell you too."

"As ye wish Boyo."

"No wishing. That's an order."

"Aye. I be bitin' me tongue."

"Good man. Bianca? Addison? Keep yourselves under control. I need your leadership skills Addy. Don't fail me. Wretch? Keep an...eye out for them. Sorry."

"Do not be. I see the future in rare moments. I know I took no offense toward your comment."

"Thanks. Bastia...I mean Detroit. Protect them as best you can. Unknown dangers down there besides Dorsey. Synu? I trust you to keep everyone safe."

"Synu beat up enemy. Synu got Cap'n Addy's back."

"Totally believe you Big Guy." Jack looks around him at the congregation of Angels. Pointing at Delilah he calls her forward. She kneels on one knee until Jack clears his throat, "Delilah? I'm sending you with them. They might need all the help they can get."

"You may call me Razorhide Lord Jack."

"Just Jack. I figure you have centuries of fighting skills my friends don't. Take point and keep them from doing anything brash."

"As you order I shall obey Oh Lord."

"Uhh, yeah okay. Get moving." As they file toward an opening door overlooking the jungle below they swallow at the long drop. Bianca holding the side of the door.

"Seriously? I'm not skydiving."

From behind her the drone Fenway tugs her away using gravity and pulls her out over the jungle. Jack had told his softball sized sidekick to take her first. Just in case she changed form and ruined their plans. Once outside she squeals at the air in her hair. Surprisingly she enjoyed the ride. Retracting her skins razor sharp blade formations Razorhide claims Wretch and Addison under her arms as her wings fan out. A leap of faith later the three were soaring in the darkness. That left Synu and Detroit. Detroit became housecat sized and climbed up on Synu's shoulders. Synu awes at her purring.

"I got the Lad and Lass." Lowball molds into his giant metallic ball and gravitates between Synu's legs until he sits down on Lowball. Jack tried hard not to laugh. Once the group leaves Jack waves goodbye. Scowling he pats his shirt pocket.

"You really didn't think you were staying behind did you?"

Iota pouts climbing out of his pocket and razzes him with her tongue. Taking flight on wings similar to a dragonfly she departs. Door sealed, Jack returned to S'Lopp.

"Take us in. Circe? Maintain your illusion flawlessly. We cannot be seen."

"Anything for you Jack." The Polish born Witch smirks.

"Nothing foolish. Understood?"

"Would I?"

"Undecided. Don't risk it."

Circe would obey. For now.

Landing in a small clearing the Away Team watched the Hordakian ship head over the Mountains toward Celestial City. Amid darkness save for the Moons above they settle in and chat.

Addison paces the clearing, "Why couldn't we have found the blue ring? I'd feel safer not being tied to this stupid red diamond. I will not call it a Ruby. Respect for my Auntie."

"Relax Child." Wretch sits with Synu. Detroit drops from his shoulders to the ground before transforming into her human like state. Crouching next to Wretch the Osirian Goddess points to a small pouch dangling from the old woman's tethered robe.

"What is this you have snuck into my pouch?" Wretch senses the future by seconds. Reaching into the pouch with boney fingers she produces the cats eye ring. It sparkles in the moonlight.

"A gift of sight my Friend." Bastia plucks the ring and places it on the left hand of Wretch. Instantly she sees herself as if staring right at a mirror.

"How is this I see myself?"

"You are peering through my eyes." Detroit smiles hesitantly, "For better or worse. Your watery gaze may see the future but they do not allow you the freedom to see what is directly in front of you. This may help you along."

"Can it see only though you?" Bianca overhears.

Detroit ponders a bit, "I do not know the answer to that. I presume through cats."

Bianca overhears, "What about Satyr's?"

"A test that I hope does not arrive too soon." Wretch expels.

"Just curious." Bianca moves away to take a piss in the bushes.

Lowball taking his own leak in the shadows spots Bianca drop her pants to squat. He recalls bearing witness to Bianca's Satyress state or whatever she might be called. All he knew was the woman was gorgeous. Even if her Satyress state had a lengthy penis. He began to wish he had never seen her like that but clamped a hand over his mouth. They had enough problems without him making a mistake.

The group would huddle in wait.

Back on board the Hordakian ship Jack sat down next to the warrior Tuskorog. As Tuskorog spoke to him his words slipped past deaf ears. Until Jack peered over and shivered, "Oh my! Am I at a Piggly Wiggly?" Tuskorog noted yet another change in Jack. Why was he yelping like a dog?

Jack Ramse had left the ship. Mentally.

Thousands of miles away on the Frozen Tundra that would one day be the floor of the Pacific just off Hawaii. Polar tilt would grant coconut bras and grass skirts one day.

Within the warm life fiber tent James Ian Pryce sat in the deepest trance he had ever gone into. Since his evolution mentally in the Tempora waters his brain functions had evolved. Still not as powerful as his older self but climbing fast. Reaching a plain of white light James mumbles. Did he hear barking? As if looking around in a 360 degree angle without physically moving James spoke, "Xander?"

"Right here Master. Xander never leave your side."

"How are you in my trance?"

"We share minds. You fix me remember?"

"Glad you're with me Buddy. Now let's stretch our mental limbs and see if we can get some help. Is anybody out there? Ruby? Malcolm? Elle? Cameron?"

"Hello there Young Man."

"Whoa! Who is this?"

"I wish I knew. There is a Ruby beside me right now. Oh...maybe I'm wrong. I see a giant Pig now."

"Ruby? Help me talk to Ruby. Please."

"Once I shoo away the pig."

Xander barks numerous times as if trying to help.

"I believe that did it. The pig stood up and walked away. All alone now."

"Not even." Another voice enters the communion, "James is that you?"

"JACK? Holy crappola. My telepathy reached where you are?"

"Sounds like you reached more than me. I'm here with Ruby right now. I switch thoughts with God."

"I'm...inside God. Ewww! Sorry God that sounded bad. Wowza!"

God fell silent then whispers, "Do pigs fly?"

James chuckles, "I don't know. Did you create flying pigs?"

"Calm down James. Where are you so I can tell Ruby. These mind jumps never last long."

"Somewhere around Hawaii but in Pangaea terms. Meaning frozen wasteland. I'm in Moe's body...my mind that is. We switched when Orin tossed Sophia off the X'Orr at 12,000 feet. She survived due to the Tyrant Tears. Maddy's ghost came along for the ride. Orin pushed Xander out after biting him. Moe was next in line but I knew I could save Moe at least. Sort of."

"You jumped out at 12,000 feet and you and Xander survived? How?"

"I know it's going to sound weird but portals kept opening and a big hairy hand kept catching us all the way down. At least that's what Madigan said."

"Long as you're alive I don't care how it happened. Thank the guy who's head you're sharing."

"Right. Thank you God."

No reply until they hear him mumble, "Feathers. Ooooo!"

"Is...God okay?" James offers concern.

"He's not in his right mind at the moment."

"I remember you Young Man. We met somewhere once." God rejoins the conversation.

"I'm a Reflection of you. It's an honor Sir."