Far Pangaea 93: Lord Knows


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"Would he not stop you?"

"Maybe. If he was in his right mind. The old codger has amnesia. Couldn't go any better. I've sent troops to capture him and bring him to our wedding. I think he will look inspirational in a Best Man's tuxedo don't you?"

"I...have not seen God."

"Of course you have...well your ancestor has. You are a Reflection."

"The final Reflection. Once I was lost in time I could sense there were no others to replace me."

"Save the best for last I say. Keep in mind that once our son sees the new God...Me...he will be a Reflection...a new sequence thereof. Yet, a true birth child. My very first. It makes me giddy."

"What makes you think it will be a boy?"

"I could have no other. My...curse has prevented me from any human child as you are aware. You being Ganthorian means that I can finally have an heir."

"Heir? You wish to be God forever. What could any heir possibly be offered?"

"My secret Sweetheart. Maybe on our two millionth Wedding Anniversary I'll fill you in."

Leaving her bedside he moves toward a door. Calling out for a guard to bring in a hand maid he disappears. Kym'Ani fears the remainder of the day. How will he react once she gives birth to a daughter? A Mother knows.

Out on the mountain range amid higher jungles...

"Why isn't anyone answering me?" Serena Dorsey frets stumbling in the dark, "Why did Milo abandon me? His death feels so very wrong. Almost as if I can tell that he's not dead. Yet, how could he have survived the explosion of the Maltese Cuckoo? Surely Cano flooding the craft with fire incinerated he and the Pleidians." Something stirs thirty yards away making her seek a tree for hiding. A strange glow low to the ground forces her thoughts toward curiosity. As it faded she took a few deep breaths then stood. Carefully she made her way to the spot that the glow hovered above. Hearing something she stops cold.

"Did I just hear?" She moves quicker now and rushes through the bushes. Hearing a snarl as she looks through the overgrowth she sees a wonderful sight, "Jimmy Jack?"

She begins to move further when a sudden realization reared up. Beside Jimmy lay a fur ball that jumped from its slumber to defend the child. Snarling at Serena she refused to abandon the boy. Locating a large stick to use to protect herself against whatever it was she moved closer. Then it dawned on her something Milo mumbled. Something about a Hellhound. As they stared at each other frozen in time the dog that hardly looked menacing outside of a growl stared at her stick. Held out in front of Serena poised like a sword she noticed the stick smoldering at the end. A glance at the dog she spots red eyes. As if instantaneously the stick burst into a torch. Lighting up the area a bit she got a better look at the dog and Jimmy. The baby was barely moving. Was he hurt? Stressed by the possibility the dog had stolen Jimmy and was prepared to eat him her own eyes lit up bold and blue. Out of response the dog whined and lay down with his chin on his paws. His red eyes fading away. With a wince the stick's fire went out. The tip of the stick encased in ice. Cold had prevailed.

"Now that we've establish who's the boss here I'm going to check on Jimmy Jack. Don't think for a second I won't make you a pupcicle Pooch."

Hopping up the dog moved around Jimmy Jack and snuggled up to his head. Giving her reason to believe it was backing down she stepped closer before seeing the lad's brilliant brown eyes. Pointing at her he giggles, "Daaa!" His point redirects.

"Daaa? Your Daddy is...oh sweet Lord. Renee and the others. They must be worried sick over you vanishing. Was it you that got Jimmy to safety Pup?" The dog rears his head and snarls. She narrows her eyes, "Are we going to argue again?" The dog darts around her looking up over the treetops and sits down growling excessively. Hearing a loud flapping sound Serena snatches up Jimmy and holds him to her chest. Through the trees she notes gusts of fire on the air, "Cano? Oh shit."

Darting for a mass of boulders she attempts to hide as the treetops catch fire. Even though a rain forest they still ignited quite easily. Dragon's breath hotter than hot. Squealing at falling branches she digs under a boulder and slips Jimmy as far under it as possible. Calling the dog to her she heard a deafening roar above. The dog instead of joining her in safety raced up the rocks behind her and climbed out of sight. Serena just knew the dog was a goner. As Cano lands on the mountain side a vibration shifts the rocks into a sparse landslide. Suddenly Serena had second thoughts on leaving Jimmy where the boulder could collapse and crush him. Easing him out she chose to make a run for it. Cano was obviously doing as Serena told him to with dark intent. She blamed herself for telling him to go save Jimmy Jack. As she ran she heard a vicious noise coming from Cano's vicinity followed by a blood curdling roar of agony. Stopping cold to listen Serena trembled. What could have possibly caused Cano pain?

Without even noting his arrival she feels the dog brush up against her legs then sit pretty with a sneeze. Dropping from its mouth were large scales that were steaming from heat. Just collapsing to the soil made a sizzling sound.

"What in the world?"

Cano was still crying out as if wounded. With a ground shaking collapse Cano fell on his side causing further debris to roll her way. Jimmy points toward Cano and whimpers, "Xander?"

"No baby, not Xander."

"Puff Puff?"

"Yes." Before she can blink Jimmy Jack somehow managed to gather enough mobility in his limbs to teleport. Haunted by his demeanor she just knew where he was going. Bolting through the fallen objects she finds Jimmy Jack sitting beside Cano. Cano was weak and bleeding. Eyes bulging she peers back toward the dog, "How? How could you possibly slay a Dragon?"

"Puff Puff boo boo?" Jimmy frets pointing at an open wound in Cano's chest. Within she could witness a beating heart.

"Nooo! He doesn't deserve this. Why did?" The dog drags the large scales and drops them at her feet whining. He was only trying to protect them. Stepping next to Jimmy Cano's head lifts and falls trying to observe her with him, "Relax Cano. I will try and ease your pain." Poising her ring hand over his wound the ring glows blue. As she does the dog uses its nose to nudge the scales closer. Eying its attempt to reconcile an error in judgment Serena dares to reach for a scale. As she does her body begins cooling and turning bluish in flesh tone. Now able to lift the scale using both hands she raises the first to a logical puzzle piece connection of torn tissue. As if mentally willing it the scale fuses back into place and unites with nerve centers and blood vessels. The second scale overlapping it encloses the entire wound, blood no longer seeping out. To her side Jimmy sat clapping his hands.

"That was quite a feat of magic Young Woman." Serena hears an elderly feminine voice. Turning swiftly she notes a withered old hag riding on the back of a black Sabretooth Tiger. The dog begins stepping back as if afraid of the cat.

"Oh you can bring down a Dragon but you're afraid of a big cat?" Serena sneers then pats the Dragon, "Rest Cano."

"Who might you be?"

"You first Bea Arthur."

"My name is Wretch. My ally beneath me is Detroit." Bastia kneels forward and allows Wretch to hop off of her with ease.

"Pretty spry for your age."

"I might say the same of you. You are from the same era as Jack Ramse."

"You know Jack Ramse?" Serena's body returns to its natural pigment, "I came here with his Wife Renee."

"The boy. Yes I see now. He is Jack's son. How is it he comes into your possession instead of that of his Mother?"

"You wouldn't believe...who am I kidding? Dragons, killer Lapdogs, Old Lady on an extinct Tiger, Me with an alien ring...sure Jack's son can teleport."

"As he just did I see." Wretch with the aid of the Cats eye ring views through Bastia's gaze.

"What? OH COME ON JIMMY. NOT THE TIME." Serena screams peering around for him. Frantic she looks at the dog, "SNIFF HIM OUT ALREADY." The dog does just that circling the spot Jimmy had sat in. With a wag of his tail the dog shot off into the brush. They would not see him again for a good long while.

As soon as the dog was out of sight Serena turns back to face Wretch. To her surprise stood a beautiful woman black as tar with a mohawk.

"Did I miss something?"

"This is Detroit. You might know of her true name the Goddess Bastia."

"Egyptian Cat Goddess? Yeah okay I'll believe anything these days. I need to find Jimmy."

"Hold!" Wretch stares into space as if in a trance.

"Wretch is a Seer." Detroit confesses.

"Can you see Jimmy Jack?"

"Indeed. He is quite far from here."


"Over the mountain. Celestial City."

"Looking for his Mother my guess."

"A Mother he has found. However not his birth Mother."

"Say what?"

"How intriguing. He is with...your Mother."

"Princess Kym'Ani? Oh Fuck. That means my Da--Dorsey can capture him. I need to get there fast. My other friends are down in that City of Gold."

"No longer." Wretch continues her trance.

"Where then?"

"They have been taken captive. Reaching Celestial City as we speak."

"Fucking great. First I lose Milo now the rest of the team."

"Mayhap a team ye be needin' Lass. A team ye can join up with. We be friends of Jack Ramse."

"Who? Where?" She looks around her until Wretch even in her trance points over her head. Daring to lift her gaze she sees a large metal ball floating on the air. Cano growls coming back to his renewed strength, "A Scottish talking Pinball?"

"Nae Lass Me name be not Pinball. I be Lowball." He gravitates closer to the ground and converts his shell into the Leprechaun himself. On his shoulder waving was the Sprite Iota.

"Tinkerbell is here too? Where's Peter Pan and Wendy?"

"She be Iota."

"I, O'Tah."

"I said that already." Lowball grimaces.

"Grumpy Dwarf and Tinkerbell. What's next?"

"Synu let Miss Addy down now?" Comes a voice higher on the rocks.

"Shrek? Who are you Scarlett O'Hara?"

Addison Rogers drops from the Troll's shoulders and walks down carefully to face Serena Dorsey, "Addison Rogers. Long story. I'm more curious about that blue ring you're wearing. We've been searching for that shiny. How did you come by it?"

"As you say long story. My Mother gave it too me. Across time. I doubt you would understand."

Lifting her own ring hand Addison poises her ruby ring with a flutter of fingers, "God told me that blue diamond might cancel out my red. I want no part of it."

Lowball leans in whispering, "Portal to Hell. Ye might care to step back."

"Portal to Hell? God? What are you people talking about?"

"She sends bad people there. I'd know trust me."

"Enough Bianca." Addison snaps at the Greek beauty, "I want my crew back."

"Or, for the sake of just saying...you could go there."

"Telling me to go to Hell? Of course you are." Bianca flips her off with both barrels. Her Rams Head rings in full threatening view.

"Why would any of you want to go to Hell?" A final voice intrudes as Serena faces the Angel, Razorhide. In showing herself Cano rumbles to life as if fearing both Addison and the Angel. Disturbing the balance of talks by whipping his mighty tail about in a devastation of boulders. Synu leaps to block Addison and Serena from being crushed while Lowball dives at Bianca. Landing between the Greek Beauty's legs in an extremely awkward facial. The merest growl from her disturbs Cano even further. Taking flight bowls everyone over. Serena leaping to her feet beside Wretch.

"Why is he so spooked of you people?" Serena ponders.

Wretch stammers in her stance, "Perhaps he does not wish to return to Hell."

"Cano's from...Hell?"

"Oh yes. He is quite joyful to feel his freedom."

"The dog is from a Hell like world galaxies away. Cerberius. A Hellhound of great strength, speed, ferocity. I have never known one to be...domesticated." Detroit informs.

"I know of it." Razorhide swallows, "He belongs to the Creator. It's name is Sparky."

Serena cocks an eye brow, "God's dog is named Sparky?"

"Friend Razorhide said that already Lass." Lowball fidgets.

"SHUT UP." Serena snaps, "Again I should have caught a ride on Cano. Dammit!"

Stewing everyone is caught off guard by a shrill scream. Wretch looks to the sky lifting both hands as if touching the stars. Bastia moves behind her to follow her point. Out toward the five moons. Yet closer to home.

"What do you envision Helena?" Bast/ Detroit looks with concern.

"Something quite lovely. Lowball of many colors."

Addison joins them, "Is she losing it?"

"No Addison Rogers I am not...losing it. It is right in front of me."

Addison looks puzzled, "The Moons? They're round like Lowball."

"Much larger than all of the Moons put together."

Everyone shrugs as Serena paces uncertain of her next move. Finally Wretch returns from her trance. Looking to Addison she offers a statement and a question on bold terms, "Someone has a PLAN. What is an E.T?"

"PLAN? E.T?" Addison shakes her head

"PLANET." Serena steps forward looking up, "Milo?"

Orbiting Earth is a satellite designed to withstand Time itself. Sent to the past to monitor creation continuing to the bitter end of civilization. A satellite the size of eight school buses side by side. A haven just in case.

"Milo in pickle jar. Plan B need Plan C. What Plan C? Milo gonna die up here in MEMO. No chocolate. No Twister game. No masseuse. Only unhappy ending. Milo doomed."

Milo Greyson's plan B had teleported him to the only safe haven he had a connection with. Fit with an artificial atmosphere that he had kickstarted while still on the Mountain. Designed within for short stays, only he knew he was in trouble. His teleportation gauntlet was a one way trip, damaged by Cano's attack on the Cuckoo.

At least he still had his jar of eyeballs to keep him company, resting on a window sill onlooking Earth. Pangaea in its infancy.

What a sight to behold.

Eden. The sun rising to a red sky...

"We have to get James on board the X'Orr and into a preservation tube." Ruby Goddard knelt beside the lifeless body of the elder James Ian Pryce. Antonaeus Gaicazar her Roman Centurion ally joining her in picking up her son's body.

"What exactly did ole God there do to the bad guy?" Lionel Warjorj circled the campfire studying God. He merely sat there staring into the fire, "Still off in another county."

Godshadow rises behind God and stares at her Lord from behind. Sensing a strangeness about God she begins to drop to her knees to console him as best she could. Before she can they hear the X'Orr lift off the ground in a gust of wind.

"Noooooooooo!" Ruby rises too fast toppling into the Comanche Chokote, "They can't leave us. James will deteriorate."

Without a second to respond the X'Orr departed. God reacting with a queer expression before returning his gaze to the dwindling campfire.

"What in tarnation?" Lionel lifts the brim of his hat, "I reckon our bad guy decided to move on without that there body."

"Dear God!" Ruby races to the old man's side, "If you can hear me oh Lord, please help me save my son."

Within long silent minutes Ruby gave up, reclaiming her son from Antonaeus. She wept and cradled James Ian Pryce rather than plead further. As she rocked him the sky heard a rumble. Looking up Ruby and her allies swallowed. More starships hovered above Eden.

"Five of 'em. Y'all think God called 'em in?" Lionel posed the question.

"I-I don't know." Ruby trembled feeling her babies stir within. They seemed spooked. The sensations made Colonel Goddard nod, "I don't think God called them to help us."

"They cannot enter without Gaea's permission." Antonaeus stood protective.

As if sparked by his acknowledgment God unexpectedly stood up reciting gibberish. Stepping around the log the Oldman walked away, Godshadow trailing behind him. Annoyed suddenly God stopped in his tracks and turned to face the Living Shadow waving his knuckles as if to say "Shoo!" The Angel had no choice but to obey.

As the rest of the group followed him toward the edge of Eden he crossed the mystical boundary. Gaicazar the closest moved beside him with his sword drawn. Another round of both knuckles toward the Roman he too was sent away.

As a starship landed near where the X'Orr was parked a ramp lowers and this time strange demonic looking aliens complete with red scaly flesh and horns jutting from their skulls. Thin creatures with lengthy barbed tails.

"Kytani Warriors." Godshadow whispers then fades away. The Angel took her leave.

Waving up at the aliens God moved closer then dropped to his knees with hands behind his head. Almost as if asking to be arrested.

"This can't be right." Ruby had left her son with Stefan to oversee the situation. Bogg Ross now returned to human form joins her sniffing.

"God ain't smellin' like he was."

"Stench?" Lionel looks over.

"Nope. God was rosy. I'm smellin' crap."


It was too late to attack. Dragging the Old Man away the Kytani hear him say, "Take me to your Leader."

That they did. As the other ships discover a sixth vessel joining their formation a message is sent out to return to Celestial City. Within the late arrival's ship Commander S'Lopp of the Hordakian fleet clenches his fist. He was unable to intercept the Deity before his competition. So close to Jack Ramses friends he chooses to depart for fear of Lord Dorsey's wrath. Discovering the Hordakian cargo hold empty Godshadow remains hidden. She would rescue her Creator when the time was right.

Watching the ships lift off and head toward the horizon all hope felt lost. Ruby Goddard returned to her son and cried heavily, "I'm sorry James. I don't know what to do."

"Miss Ruby?" Lionel crouches across from her with sadness in his eyes, "Sincerely apologize for interruptin'. Might be worth askin' somethin'."


"If yer bad guy ambushed Ole' God...where's God?"

Ruby dropped her jaw and turned herself to face toward the direction the X'Orr went. Could the Ganthorian's really have him? Surely, Orin could not control them from far away. Of course he was using God's mind. Everyone joined in her stare off into nowhere.

Fifty miles out over the desert between Eden and the lifeless hull of the Ganthorian Hilton, the crew of the X'Orr were coming to their senses. Secondary Leader T'Ule shaking off his stupor immediately headed to the Bridge. There he found Mav"Ryk piloting the ship.

"What has occurred?"

"Orin Ridge had you all beneath his influence." Mav'Ryk flutters his eyes.

"How is it that you were not controlled?"

"Meditation. I had time to enter a private space unlike our crew members."

"Where is Orin Ridge now?"

"Pangaea's location known as Eden."

"Commander Harpea?"

"Below us."


Crossing the desert at a high rate of speed the 1971 Dodge Charger, boosted up by Cameron Scott's unique brand of juice came to a screeching halt. It's passengers holding on for dear life.

As Elle Franklin looked up from the steering wheel the radio began playing the Steve Miller Band's song Jet Airliner. As the dust cloud dispersed Harpea peps up in the backseat.

"My crew has come for us. I can hear their thoughts. They are no longer swayed by Orin Ridge."

"That's a relief." Greta sighs peering up at the sky from the back window.

Suddenly, a tractor beam lifts the car toward the Heavens. Within minutes they were inside the X'Orr and disembarking the Charger. Elle pats the car's roof, "Free carwash on me when this is over. Bikini even." The radio instinctively plays the tune Car Wash by Rose Royce. Memories. Elle decided it best to keep up.