Far Pangaea 96: Come Together


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"Yes. See the furthest Earth?" Cam points out the barely seen top of Atum's head. "Enhance your cameras to get a better look at that area there." Cam creates a light pointer from a fingertip that directly touch's the area. As the monitor adjusts all are offered a view of Atum's eyes staring into space from the upper hemisphere.

"What are we looking at?" S'Almandir glares with narrowed eyes.

"Inside that big black head is Atum. He's going to destroy Earth if he's not stopped."

Ophelia sits forward uncrossing her legs. Cam swallowed at seeing her inner thighs. Turning away he respected her. Ra was grateful. Even if Ra himself did not quite comprehend this new situation this was still his Father's mate. Osiris had more than one mate? Within Cam Ra wondered if his Mother knew. Subject for another day should they all survive.

"Atum lives?" Ophelia stresses. "Where is Osiris?"

"Osiris sacrificed himself in trying to stop Atum. Atum...ate Osiris. His pyramid too."

Ophelia expressed sorrow then just as quickly toughens up. "I am certain My Brothers will be happy to hear of his passing. They never got along."

"I wish we had more time to talk more about this. If this convergence goes down Earth will be destroyed. As it is Atum might even beat that deadline. We could really use your help in defeating Atum. Somehow get him off of Earth?"

"This body Atum inhabits. It is beyond scope in size." Har'Mani chimes in.

"Atum stole the body of my buddy Malcolm. Atum evicted Malcolm."

"Why was your friend not consumed within?" Har'Mani looked puzzled.

"Good question." Cam leers at the monitor. "Whoa! Malcolm must somehow be immune to Atum's gases. Heck I nearly bought the farm when acids attacked me. Maybe...that was what Osiris had in mind. If he hadn't been caught off guard and ripped in half Osiris was going inside. The apples must protect...Mal needs to get inside Atum and grow as big as he can. Give Atum a belly ache. Drive him into a thinner layer of gases inside."

Cam paces rambling. "But, what if Mal allows Atum to enter his newer body? The plan has fruit but...fruit." He stops cold. "Mal needs more apples to grow larger. No wait! Two bodies that big might just split the Earth and there goes everything. Dangit! I thought I had a good plan."

"We can always siphon Atum from that body." S'Almandir interrupts Cam's venture.

Cam's eyes flare and ponder the idea. "You can do that without him destroying you guys?"

"We are from the future of your world at the time of its joining phase."

"This world? Or that one? Or that one?"

"A good question." S'Almandir grimaces. The continental divisions do look different at this era."

"It does not matter. All of us will be lost if the convergence becomes tainted by Atum." Ophelia snaps. The Ganthorians fell silent. "Osiris is the Lord of the Dead. The afterlife in between. He could not officially perish so easily."

"I saw him ripped apart and devoured Ophelia."

"Both pieces of him eaten?"

Cam swallows realizing where this was going. "Yes."

"Then my husband had a plan. Perhaps he has merged his parts within the body of Atum."

"So...Atum is kind of..a tomb." Cam was catching on. "The outer shell is like a tombstone. Malcolm's rune markings...epitaphs that speak to...Gods. Gonna say it again...that's deep."

"I will spread the word to prepare for the siphoning process." S'Almandir turns away.

"We must tread carefully. Atum is merciless."

"Oh I know that Ophelia. He's heading for the black mountain. Growing so large I think he might have lost sight on it."

"Black mountain you say?" Ophelia suddenly looks intimidated.

"Yeah. Not as big as Atum's gotten but it's at least peaking at Atum's waist. As he grew taller it seemed like he was getting a bit thinner. Almost like...an Egyptian...Obelisk. Crap! That's the hero name James Ian called Mal."

"Ragnaroca." Har'Mani bulges her eyes.

"Rag...Ragnarok? The Norse Gods...the runes on Mal's body...Atum's body too, they're Nordic. Whoa! Deeper still. Are we saying this is the Death of the Gods now?"

"Convergence will unite all." Ophelia offers insight.

"I...I have to get back down there. You folks do what you can to eliminate Atum. That will be a big help."

"We will divide Atum. He will be at his weakest when separated from the shell he inhabits." Ophelia directs. Her thoughts go to the mention of the Black Mountain. Fear makes her swallow.

"I'll be in touch." Cam lights up brighter and phases through the hull back into space. Shooting off like a falling star he made a pit stop aboard the X'Orr.

Ruby Goddard leaned against a wall for support when Cam reappeared. She jumps and bulges her eyes. "ARE YOU TRYING TO SEND ME INTO LABOR? Dammit Cameron."

"Sorry Colonel." He lowers his light form, clutching her shoulder and back to balance her. "Only got a minute. Too much to tell you but listen." He looks over at the others on the bridge. "Harpea? The Captains of the Ganthorians are descendants of yours and Kym'Ani. The Z'Enigog Captain's name is...get this...Har'Mani. Your great, great niece. I'm honestly not sure if they're from this dimension though. I think we have counterparts in every dimension. Freaking confusing."

"My...niece?" Harpea becomes delighted.

"My...daughter?" Ruby stood confused touching her belly. Ordinarily news such as this would have made her babies acknowledge the revelation. They were silent.

"They're going to try siphoning off Atum. I have to get back to Sabbath and fill her in. Guys? It gets so much crazier. See you soon." Flaring up Cam was gone...like a light.

Harpea and Ruby share an interesting gaze. One cut short as the loud cry of a baby disrupts their moment. On to the Bridge steps Greta Winston. As all eyes go to the infants tantrum the Cowgirl bounces him on her hip.

"Either God is hungry again or something is wrong. He won't stop bawlin'."

Behind her the rest of the group files in with curiosity. Gaicazar in total awe of space and the Earths merging. Noting the outer planet turning red he feels compelled to pull his sword up a bit. It was glowing...not of white light but of a similar red hue as that of the outer Earth. Warjorj seeing it winces and feels his talisman stone vibrate beneath his shirt. Lifting it out the stone gravitates over his palm. Bogg Ross the Werewolf fights inner urges to change form. Sophia Ridge hears her Tyrant Tears singing, the song was depressing. Madigan Ridge, her Mother flutters between ghost and human form. Elle Franklin holding Animahni from the side changes form into full diamond flesh. As her brow lights up as if a halo, God stops crying.

"What in the world?" Greta raises her brows. God the baby points at Elle's brow with a pouty expression. Greta steps over to Elle and observes the glow. Tiny hands reach for the halo, in touching Elle's forehead something miraculous happens. Madigan Ridge lifts her left hand to see her wedding band reappear. Elle stared at Maddy's reaction.

"My wedding ring." A sudden image flashes in both Maddy and Elle's minds. One of General Obadiah Ridge in the deserts of Iraq. Finding the ring sparkling at his feet he picks it up. Seeing him smile Maddy knew this was the day that inspired him to propose to her. Elle smiled at the vision.

"That man is in love."

Madigan sighs as the vision fades and both women share an interesting gaze of their own.

One interruption leads to another.

"Heads up people." Ruby Goddard saw her belly glowing blue. "I think my water just broke."

Baby God danced in Greta's arms. In the halls of the X'Orr tiny portals popped open in the walls releasing rabbits. All had glowing blue eyes. Dozens upon dozens arrive. Elle would envision the Star Trek episode called the Trouble with Tribbles.

It was time.

The far future...Switzerland.

Judith Lamb and Stan Devlin laughed as a family. Attempting to teach young Desmond how to ski was a joyous sight. Alone on this slope Stan and Judith to each side of Desmond rounded a bend. On the other side was something that made Judith scream. Stan released his son and smiled darkly.

Within Desmond the spirit of Elder James Ian Pryce notes what they were witnessing. Before them stood a hulking hairy beast. At first Judith said Bear. She quickly realized it was not a Grizzly. Drawing Desmond to her side out of panic she hears the beast mutter.


All around Gomez were portals peering through at various realities. The beasts arm had reached into one as he stood transfixed. The creature sniffed the air catching wind of their scent and turns with a glimmer of surprise. Removing his arm from the portal before placing his other arm into another.

"Yeti?" James refers to it through Desmond.

"Father will kill it. His head will be mounted on the wall of our home." Desmond hisses.

"Stop being so sadistic Desi."

"You will see Ianchrist. Father will slay the beast."

Judith looks at her son noting that it appeared by his expressions as if he were talking to someone. She didn't know what to make of it. The beast didn't appear aggressive, more into searching the portals.

Stan approaches the creature locking eyes with it. Gomez uncurls his fingers that had just vacated the portal. In his palm crumpled up was the sprite Iota hugging the ring that Jack Ramse had worn in Pangaea. Groggy Iota sits up and eyes Stan with a sense of dread. Her body seized up unable to move.

"I'll just take that ring." Stan procures it from a befuddled Gomez. As he turns away holding the ring up to the sun Stan observes it offering a prism effect. A ray of colored light strikes Gomez and sets him on fire. Engulfed he drops Iota to the snow and dances amid portals. A larger portal arrives and Gomez was gone.

"What the heck?" James was stunned.

Desmond pouted within. "I wanted to see his head on a wall."

Stan looks at Judith Lamb and smiles. "Don't be foolish Judith. The ring is not my asking you to marry me finally. Desmond? Come to me son."

Desmond fights his way free of Judith's grasp as he struggles on his skis to reach his Father.

"Desmond?" Judith frets finding herself suddenly unable to move. Terrified she could only watch what was to come.

"See this pretty diamond Desmond?" Stan crouches to show him the ring. Desmond was more fascinated by Iota in the snow. He wanted to pluck her wings off. Fingers snapping in front of him Stan regains his son's attention.

"Yes Father. I see it."

"Look deeply within. Can you see the future?"

"Don't look Desi. This has to be bad."

"For you Ianchrist. Daddy says I'll rule this world one day."

Stan lifts the ring and presses the diamond on Desmond's brow. His flesh sizzles making the boy tremble. Not of pain but of the thrill. The gem burns a mark on his forehead.

"Can you not see Ianchrist? This is the beginning of the end." Silence. "Ianchrist? Why are you not talking to me?"

Stan smirks and pats the boys head ruffling his stocking cap. Standing up Stan turns his back on his sun to yet again lift the gem toward the sun. With magnified eyesight Stan could see within the hundreds of tiny facets cut into the gem. Each one had a face. Reflection after reflection. Narrowing it down he spies the image of James Ian Pryce.

"There you are final Reflection. Now I have you all."

James was trapped within. All of his ancestors were there to greet him. Even Moe. All were screaming. James finally joined them. His trip up the ladder was over. In Far Pangaea the celestial ladder up the cavern side flickered its last. A massive quake stresses the walls. The cavern collapsed. The grottos would see no further reflection. Darkness.

Judith Lamb struggled to rejoin Desmond. Her son numb and confused. Hugging him they witness Stan remove his skis and walk away. A portal of his own consumes him. As he disappears Judith hears a rumbling noise.

"Oh my God! Avalanche."

Darkness claimed them. A snowballs chance they say.

Pangaea just outside of Celestial City, amid the field of battle...

"What's going on Sabbath?" Horus notices the Kytani fighters retreating.

Sabbath Black looks about noting their aggressive nature ceasing. "Something is calling them away."

As the two former lovers hover side by side Lightmare returns. "Follow me guys." Cam leads them down to gravitate in front of a weary giant.

"Malcolm?" Cam flares up to catch his notice right in front of Mal's left pupil. "Reinforcements are on the way. I have a plan if we can pull it off."

"Better be good I'm wore out. Thankfully Atum is just standing here. I don't think I could stop his advance."

"Shrink down to human size so I can carry you."

Malcolm Brand commits and departs for lower ground. Once human sized Cam and the others joined him. "Alright! I'm taking Mal with me. Sabbath? You and Horus seek out Bast. Stay together until I get back."

"Where are you going?"

"Corner market."

Cameron envelopes Malcolm in a protective aura and the two shoot off across the mountains.

Horus winces then calls out, "Bring me back a bag of Doritos. And, a Cherry Slushy."

Sabbath rolls her eyes at the twin. "Children."

"Want some? I can help you out."

"I'd rather die first."

"Already dead aren't you?"


Sabbath took flight. Horus flew behind her. Damn her ass was tight.

A mile outside the X'Orr bordering the satellite MEMO...

James Ian Pryce had improvised a new risky idea. Instead of using SeVen's raven drone to rescue his friend Milo Greyson he opted for a different approach. Shrinking himself and the probe with the gun down to a molecular level he induced himself directly through the tractor beam blockade. Disappearing from their sight the Ganthorian Mav'Ryk reported to Harpea that the boy was gone. Harpea broke the news as Ruby was carried to the medical bay by Gaicazar.

"James! Not know dammit."

Her babies were so very ready to join life.

Within MEMO Milo Greyson had stripped down to life fiber boxers and was sliding across the floor like Tom Cruise in Risky Business. Helena's eyes in the jar wanted to look away. Sadly they couldn't.

"Dude! Put some clothes on."

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPP! Ghosts in space. Milo dying."

"Don't step on me Bozobutt."

"Bozobutt?" Milo froze looking around at his feet. "Only one person call Milo Bozobutt and live to tell tale." He notes a glow around his big toe that makes him feel queasy. The world around him was growing. "Milo shrinking." Down he went until everything around him was a blur. All but one thing. A life pod with a smiling familiar face. With a double barreled bird James flipped his friend off.

"Milo dreaming. How you here James Ian?"

"You called for a taxi?"

As the pod door opened Milo dives in hugging James. "You save Milo. Milo your servant for life."

"Get a grip Buddy. We have to get out of here. I used your shrink ray gun to go subatomic."

"How you get gun?"


Milo's eyes stare with shock. "High pockets alive?"

"Yep. Saved my ass in the Arctic too. Let's head home Buddy. We have worlds to save."

Looking with anticipation both of them hoist a hand in the air and recite, "TO INFINITY AND BEYOND." James flew them home.

In MEMO floating eyes in a jar observed the Earth. So very alone.

Milo would find a way to come back for them once he remembered they were left behind. For now he was happy to be alive.

Screams could be heard across eons.

Somewhere dark and lonely, a blue skinned Goddess sighs. Looking up at the sky she is joined by others who looked just like she.

"It begins again." All spoke as one.

On the X'Orr, Baby God seemed happy now.

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SZENSEISZENSEIover 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you for your support Drago. I'm glad you can show patience. Trust me it hurts inside to hear negativity toward my taking so long to finish this but I refuse to just toss what I have out there and it be anything but OUTSTANDING! I'd be disappointed in myself. Hang in there my friend.


DragosZaDragosZaover 3 years ago
Can't wait!! (but I will be patient)

So glad to hear it is still on the cards that I made my account to come say so :D

But ye, it definitely deserves to be done properly, so take your time to do so :)

(was a major binge-read when I found it ages ago)

SZENSEISZENSEIover 3 years agoAuthor

I know it's been awhile but hang in there. I've set aside an entire month to polish this series off, but dare I say it not until November. My hope is to finish all 4 final chapters and release them in or around my birthday in January of 2022. A birthday present to myself to conclude this Monster series.

Believe me it bothers me as much as it does you but I'm a stickler for at least attempting to tie everything up without accidently forgetting something. It's thoroughly plotted out but we all know there could be one or two slip ups that get overlooked if it's rushed. I'd rather take my time just like the author of Game of Thrones and it be genius.

Thank you for caring. Just bear with me Friend!

newfield1981newfield1981over 3 years ago

Love this story! But like all great Literotica stories....it goes unfinished!

SZENSEISZENSEIover 4 years agoAuthor

My apology. I'm working on early retirement starting April 1st 2020. Once I do that I'm taking a year off to clear my head, in which time I know I'll write a boat load of stories after the peacefulness kicks in. My CURRENT goal is to take all of July and write nothing but these last 4 chapters plus epilogue.

All I can ask for is patience my friend I swear I'll finish this. Only thing slowing me once I retire is we're going to buy a home and that requires moving. Regardless I WILL finish Far Pangaea this year. God has my back.

Thanks for caring.

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