Fashion is Our Name Pt. 01


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He looked silently at her. She leaned up and kissed him gently. "I really don't."

In the morning, he lay in bed, feeling the warmth of her against him, keeping his eyes closed to savor the newness of being with a woman in bed. He realized that after the newness there lay things that could get between them.

She raised her head and kissed him. "I'll do the coffee."

"No. We are going to change the relationship you had with Philip."

Her eyes darkened and she looked at him. The surfacing of masculinity was strange and different. He had a wonderful cock. Now she was going to discover what else went with it in his handsome package.

"Take a shower, powder yourself, put on your best nightie and get back in here." He walked away from the bed, the muscles in his hard teenage ass rippling.

He placed the tray in her lap. Toast, juice, an egg, and steaming coffee. Enough to share. He had his boxers on, but the tanned chest and broad shoulders gave her a tingle.

"Did Philip ever marry you?"

"We talked about it, but nothing happened. I think he thought that it would be harder on me if we were married and he got killed."

"Do you want to marry me?"

"That's nice of you to ask. You are very young to marry, especially an older woman with baggage."

He leaned over and kissed her gently. "You came into my life when I was fifteen, just before I went to boarding school. I have always had a terrible crush, and didn't like the way my father treated you."

"When I was your age, I ran away from home. Everyone always fought and I couldn't take it. But my bad home life was followed by a tough life on the streets. I used my good looks and my nice body to make a living. Philip came to my club three nights running and then asked me if I wanted to go back to his hotel. He was strong, handsome, and mysterious. I said yes. The sex was incredible. I spent the weekend screaming my head off as he worked his cock in me. He took me out and bought me clothes and expensive perfume. We went to places where I drank champagne with him and danced. On Sunday night, he said he had to return to London and did I want to go along."

She kissed him back. "He rescued me, Adrian. It never bothered me a bit that I served him in this house when he was around. Your ears told you how happy he made me in bed. Don't be hard on his memory."

They sipped their coffee and ate some of the breakfast. He put the tray to one side and she nestled in his arms. "Why am I dressed up like this?"

"I have this dream sometimes. You are in it, but the house is very grand and you are the young wife of the Duke. I am the young son of the Duke by his first marriage and hopelessly in love with you. When the Duke is away, you allow me to visit you in chambers as you have your breakfast. You give me lectures on love and girls. Your nightie is very low cut and your perfect breasts fall out of it when you lean over the breakfast tray. I almost faint with desire."

Nicole laughed and laughed and grabbed his erection lying along her thigh. "In your dream, were you hard and did she ever get to feel it, to taste it?"

Adrian was aroused by their talk, and wondered if he should have sex with his perfect Duchess.

"It was unrequited love. He was always hard around her and red in the face from trying to hide it."

"Now you have a real lover, who climbed into your bed and took your virginity without even asking."

"And my love is not unrequited. It is here, drawing us together, and giving me great joy."

"I think you are a romantic at heart, Adrian. A hopeless romantic with a big cock and I'm falling in love with you."

He eased the pretty nightie off and kissed here and there, working his way down the sexy body and ending between her legs. She made low moans and then exclaimed loudly, "Yes!" as she came on his fingers and tongue.

"In your next dream," she said, "your back is against her headboard, and the naked Duchess is riding your great cock and crying out, again and again, "Oh Adrian, please love me. More, more, more..."

She was on him, riding quietly as they kissed and thought of wild sex in the bedchambers of the passionate Duchess.

"Did you like dressing up for the story of my dream?"

She answered by clenching tightly to his cock and rearing back, taking him on top, where his thrusts got harder and more frantic. "Oh, Adrian, please love me," she wailed and came again.

In the shower, they soaped each other and she said, "I might want to marry you. May I have a few weeks to decide?"

"I've been thinking of dropping school, but after all my hard work, that seems a waste. So I think I should go back and we can make plans for after graduation. If you like, a decision can be my graduation present."

"After you graduate at the top of the class, and I turn you down, I will have to be punished, won't I?"

His eyes were dark, hers were sparkling.

"If you turn me down, I shall go in service as your butler, and arrange kinky sex in the dungeon."

"Adrian! I can't believe you have these crazy dark and romantic stories in your head." They were dry but naked, and rolling on the unkempt bed.

He got her in a headlock and said, "Let's tidy up here and take the train to London in the morning. Stay in some quiet square and follow Philip's trail of lawyers and accountants."

She hugged him, "You've got us in a novel. I am in the next chapters, aren't I?"

"Yes, but we have to be prepared for evil in dark corners. And that is not all a joke. We may find some interesting things about my father and your lover."

Chapter 2 - Secrets in London

A receipt in Philip's papers and a quick phone call found them a room at the Inn at Grosvenor, which was not on Grosvenor Square, but around the corner on the converted upper floors of a commercial building.

The room was not large, but modern and decked out in receptacles and plugs for computers. The bath was generous and full of marble. Nicole giggled at the bidet and said, "Everything necessary for your companion of the evening."

He rubbed his hand across her shorts and said, "Yes, a clean bottom is essential."

She pushed him down on the bed and sat on him, fingers twined in his hair. "We have a free day before talking to lawyers." She pushed herself back and squeezed his butt. "Being around you makes me horny."

He turned over and pulled her down for a kiss. "You are a very sexy thing, Nicole. I can see why Philip loved you."

She relaxed on him. "He desired me. I'm not sure his lifestyle allowed him to love anyone."

"That was enough?"

"He was sweet and took care of me, and gave me wonderful sex. I followed him because I didn't get any of that in Paris."

He caressed her back gently. She rocked her pelvis. Then raised her head and joined her tongue with his. The kiss went on a very long time.

"So, having different loving with Adrian is ok?"

"You tell me stories, and say you want me, and screw like a demon. That's more than enough for now. You aren't even out of school. My friends would say I am robbing the cradle."

She smiled and licked his face. He dug his fingers into her ass and pressed his erection against her. "What about this, it's not cradle sized."

She stood up and grabbed his hand. "Come on, it's nice outside. Let's go for a walk. You can have me tonight."

It was a tourist walk. St. Paul's, the swaying bridge to the south bank of the Thames, past the Tate and over the river again past Westminster and around to Hyde Park. It was several miles and felt good. Back at the hotel, they shared a beer and promptly fell asleep.

She woke him with a wiggle of her hips. "Your girlfriend wants some dinner."

He turned and kissed her lightly. "Of course. Where shall we dine? High brow or low brow?"

She laughed and climbed on him. "I like it up here. Philip didn't want his women on top!"

"He must have given you more than missionary sex." He reached up and fondled her soft breast.

"Your father was very inventive about sex. He had me dozens of different ways. His special delight in the Yorkshire house was stringing me up to a beam and swinging me slowly back and forth, with his cock plunging in and out on every swing."

"Am I supposed to take notes?"

"After I got to know him, it seemed to me that Philip's life was mostly about proving things to himself. That he could be successful in the SAS. That he could go off on his own as a hired agent. That he could attract a woman and make her his..."

"So, I am different, because, for whatever reason, I am not trying to prove something to you?"

"Nor I with you. Do you feel it? A soft cocoon binding us, pushing the world and the loss of Philip a few inches away?"

He pulled her down on him and spread the blanket over them completely. Inside, he nuzzled her neck and whispered, "Yes. A cocoon. Safety. Hugging and loving and being silly."

She nibbled his ear. "Silly indeed. You must make a story about our cocoon. Now, take me to a good pub for supper."

He looked up a list of neighborhood pubs and they walked to one that sounded good. It was dark and crowded and there was a small table open in the back. He held her hand. They ordered fish and chips and the darkest beer they had. She asked him, "Can we pass for locals?"

"Not a chance. No proper accent. Country clothes. Too much tan."

She pressed his hand with hers, long fingers lapping his. "Tell me a story about these two people in the back of a London pub, not making it as locals."

The service was slow because of the crowd. They sipped the powerful brew and he began.

"She is obviously older than he. Can't tell how much, but some years. They might be related. Brother and sister maybe, but not much family resemblance. Perhaps a student and his teacher, away from campus for an anonymous romp in the city. Their faces are pink, so they must have been out in the air today, in the fine sun.

"They are holding hands, but neither has a ring. They both look relaxed and comfortable, so it can't be one of those instant infatuations. No heads together, no kissing in public, no google eyes. Their conversation seems very light, so it can't be a business trip. The clothes are a bit strange, rather a giveaway about being from the country somewhere. They aren't trying to meld into the crowd, don't seem to care if their clothes signal to others.

"Now he says something quiet and intense to her, looking toward the door in the dimness. There are two men in black entering, one very large, enormous in fact, and the other slender and smallish. The large man hesitates by the door but the other immediately walks to the rear of the pub, past the couple, and opens the door to the kitchen partway, scanning inside. When he turns back, there is a pistol in his hand. A waitress is standing by the couple's table with their order, but when she sees the gun pointed at her, she screams and drops the food tray. He is distracted and when he swings the weapon back toward the couple, they have disappeared! In the meantime, the other man has upended a table near the door, creating chaos. In the shouting and pushing, the man with the gun sprints back toward the front, but only sees the backs of the couple disappearing. He can't get through the tangle his partner has created, and slumps over, holstering the gun inside his jacket, and shaking his head violently toward his partner."

Nicole was looking at him wide eyed as the waitress served their order. "My god, Adrian, that was too real! I'm shaking."

He picked up a piece of battered fish in his fingers and smiled at her. "Too realistic, eh?"

She took a deep draught of the beer and nodded. "If you keep on like that, I'm going to send it to the weekend magazine. They have a place for amateur short stories."

He shook his head, "You're going to get me published at eighteen? I'll have to have a pseudonym."

He smiled and laughed and said, "Anthony Golightly."

She made a face at him and squeezed his hand. "You are more fun to be around than your dad."

"What about in bed?"

She sipped her beer and waited to answer. "A woman like me has had a lot of men friends. I suppose you could say I am a connoisseur of cocks. You are young but with a great endowment. The first time you had sex, I came with you. I was surprised. I was more surprised when I came every time we had sex. That never happened except with Philip and you.

"Is that an answer to my question?"

She leaned forward, still working on his fingers, and said, "When a woman tells you that her body wants you and loves you, you are supposed to smile and be grateful."

"I am. I am very grateful. You have been nicer to me than I deserve. I guess you are telling me that if I was chasing skirts like my schoolmates, a lot of girls would be faking it?"

She put down her fork and reached up to caress the side of his face. "You are asking for all my secrets. Women have to have some private places, you know. The doctor researchers say less than half of women have spontaneous orgasms with intercourse. Since men have got it in their heads that their women partners need to orgasm, there is a lot of faking going on, isn't there?"

She leaned back and smiled at him. He was just beginning to realize how this pretty Parisian woman was stealing his heart. His father's lover and now his. The whole business was very odd, but he sensed a fragility in her, and perhaps in himself. The shadow of Philip still hung over them.

"We need to talk more. Ok to go back to the room?"

She nodded and he paid. The sky was still uncharacteristically clear, and a chill was setting in. They walked along, holding hands.

She asked, "You are very quiet, did I say something that bothers you?"

He moved them into a storefront alcove and kissed as gently and tenderly as he could. She leaned into him and returned the kiss. "Adrian, you had better tell me I am your girlfriend, because I am losing myself in you."

He took her in the biggest bearhug he could manage, and said, "You are my first lover and my best friend and I want us to be together. Will you marry me one of these times?"

She kissed him again quickly and said, "You do not get to propose to me in a storefront! If you still love me after the lawyers get done with us, and you have graduated, I will arrange for a proper place to get on your knees!"

As they finished two blocks to the hotel, he sensed that sex was on both of their minds. She was squeezing his hand. His arm around her shoulder was pressing her side into him. As they rode up the lift, she used her tongue on his mouth and grasped between his legs, finding a hard erection there.

They stood in the small space at the foot of the bed and undressed each other. She said, "This is our third date and I promised you to give it up. You are suspicious because all the guys say I am a terrible tease. You are wondering why I am actually letting you take my clothes off. My tits are sticking out and the nipples are super hard. You can't believe this and drop to your knees to take one in your mouth. I'm cuffing you around the head, saying that is not permitted, we are only dating."

They were doing the play acting. She was into it, eyes dancing, hips wiggling, thong still on.

He rose from his knees, dropped his briefs and pulled her to him. "No teasing."

She wiggled away and said, "You don't expect me to just drop down there and spread my legs, do you?"

Quickly, he stuffed his handkerchief in her mouth and arranged the body over his knees. It was desperately inviting. Pink and round and quivering. She tried to get up, but his arm was firmly across the small of her back. Without warning, the blows rained down on her ass. Five, ten, fifteen. She screamed into the gag but nothing came out. He did five more, gentler. Then she was indeed on her back, legs spread, his big cock fully buried. Her hands were free and she wrenched the gag away. "Bastard!"

He loved the feel of her. The first time, he had not known what to expect. Now her cunt was familiar to his cock. They liked each other. She matched his rhythm, rocking back and forth.

"Harder, I'm going to come." She wailed and had a fine big orgasm. He turned them over and let her recover.

She kissed him and whispered, "Did you like my fake?"

He pulled up the blanket and rolled them to the side, keeping his hands busy on her back.

"If my cock wasn't doing anything for you, would you have been able to fake that?"

She whispered, "no faking," and closed her eyes.

The shades were open and she was sitting on the side of the bed, offering juice and coffee. Her clothes were on, so she had gone out in search of a proper croissant.

He brushed the hair out of his eyes and sat up. He had to pee before anything else. She slapped at him as he went by. "That is such a ridiculous big thing. It is not fair to torture me with it." He looked back from the doorway to the toilet and saw a demure teasing expression. He stood at the bowl, his stream making a lot of noise, and remembered the frantic coupling of the night before. Her experience with men so vastly exceeded his with her.

She was in the middle of the bed, naked again, when he returned. He slid in beside her and accepted the coffee and roll.

"I thought the guy was sent to do errands?"

She leaned in and kissed him. "You were very nice to me last night. You deserve rewards."

His hand cupped her breast and stroked the generous nipple at the end. "That was part of my education, wasn't it?"

She chewed on a big piece of croissant and eyed him. "I wasn't faking."

"My totally inexperienced cock got you off? How could that be?"

"What did you say to me last night?"

"No teasing?"

"Yes, and then you put me over your knee, just to remind me."

"Am I in trouble?"

"You should be, but what happened was that I was coming before you were even all the way in there. And it went on for a long time. Even with Philip that didn't happen."

Her hand was around his neck and the lips were soft. He put the breakfast to one side and took her into his lap. She reached down and stroked. "You are ready again?"

His fingers were busy and a wet tongue explored. There was a lot of morning lust floating around. Something special was building and sex right now would not help.

He sat up and said, "We smell. Time for a shower."

When they were soaped and rinsed, she backed up and guided the hard cock straight in. He asked, "Is this a friendly fuck?"

She turned her head with raised eyebrows inquiringly. He gave her several nice strokes and withdrew.

As they toweled off, he said, "A friendly fuck is when two lovers couple up just to say hello. Nothing serious. Just a nice friendly hello."

She pulled his hair and kissed his lips. "You are a funny lover, Adrian. I like that. Please say hello to me a lot."

Chapter 3 - Philip's lawyer

By the time we got organized, it was time to walk to the lawyer's office, ten blocks away. The building was elegant and discreet. A rather small sign said, "Cavendish and Company."

The reception area had contemporary furniture that went well with the priceless, hundred year old mahogany paneling on the walls. "We are here to see Thomas Carruthers. Nicole Allaire and Adrian Compton."

No sign of a phone. She gestured to a seat and went down the hall. In a minute or two, she returned, followed by a large, burly man who looked like he still played rugby.

"Nicole! Adrian! Please come in. We'll go to my office along the corridor here."

After we declined the offer of coffee, he said, "Well, this is a sad day, for you and for me. Philip and I were in the SAS together, and after I joined the bar, he gave me his affairs to manage."

He paused to give us a chance to speak. Nicole said, "We loved him very much, but he told us many times that his life was dangerous and one day he might not come back. It was very hard, waiting those three months before the man from the ministry came to us with his ashes and personal things."