Fashion is Our Name Pt. 02


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When everyone had found a lounging spot, the girls giving Vicky the place on his lap, he said. "I need a word with you about tonight. We are four siblings of the Compton family. Vicky is the oldest sister, in her early Thirties. Nicole is in her late Twenties. Inish and I are twenty-four and twenty-two, respectively. We are having a celebration dinner after wishing our parents off on a fancy around the world cruise to celebrate their fortieth wedding anniversary. Dad's investments in Chilean copper have paid off in a big way, and he is worth a new hundred million on top of all the money he already had. He appointed me, as the only son, to ensure all the youngsters, as he calls us, have a good time. So, sisters mine, we shall have a good time."

Vicky sipped her drink, "So, for one night, we are all family. And we can let loose a bit because the parents are steaming away."

Nicole said, "Sis, do you promise not to terrorize us for once?"

"Yes, I've been far too much the nanny to my younger siblings. Tonight, you are free to gang up on me."

He leaned down and kissed her with a lot of his tongue involved. "Vicky, in between fights, we have always adored you."

Nicole and Inish came over and joined the kissing game. Emotions started running over. Vicky said, "With dad away, you are the head of the family, Adrian." She kissed him. His other sisters kissed him.

Vicky stood and started dropping clothes. "I think, before we shower and dress for dinner, Adrian owes us something. Come along."

Nicole carefully removed the quilt from the bed. Inish and Vicky got him naked. The three naked women fondled his equipment.

Inish said, "We are your loving sisters, Adrian, and we have needed you for a long time."

Vicky was on her knees, facing the bed. Her legs were spread and her gauzy pussy was peering out at him. She shook her behind and made low growling noises. The others took positions on either side. IHe grabbed the lotion tube from nearby and applied it three times, generously. The wiggling continued and got more agitated. He kissed from the back of the neck all the way down spines and across firm, open clefts with their mysteries revealed. His fingers sought entrance, which was granted with little inviting noises. He worked to the front and found sensitive clitori. They hopped as he rubbed the lotion in. Vicky said, "Please Adrian, don't wait more, we need you."

As the oldest, she deserved and received his first strong thrust. "Oohhh. Yes, yes, please yes."

The three sisters sharing their brother's large cock knew they couldn't be in a hurry. Adrian had been given a big job to do. An early ejaculation was not wanted. He kissed and licked and moved among them, raising their arousal in a measured way. He had never imagined he would have his cock inside his oldest sister. She was a proper lady. So proper she was headed for spinsterhood. But here he was, buried in her, and she was moaning and clutching him and approaching orgasm. He reached around and pinched her nipples hard. She screamed and came with a cry. The pressure on his cock was intense, but not sufficient to shut him down. His cock grew another inch and jammed into the twitching cunt as far as it could. Another scream and a collapse into the bed cover.

The younger ones were far gone when he returned. The screams of their sister had taken them to the edge. They both had fiances, but his cock seemed to delight them. Active moans were interspersed with cries for more and harder thrusts. They worked toward their own climaxes, shrieking them out together and falling into each other's arms.

He lay there, drained in more than one way. Inish looked at him and said, "Sisters, we have a special brother. We must take care of him."

The Compton second generation showered together, more or less, and got a lot of water on the floor.

He was asked to take his clothes and dress in the other room so they could primp. He exited to giggles and comments about his fine ass.

It was a flushed and excited group of women he escorted to the restaurant. Feeling grown up in a black suit with regimental tie and his hair brushed out by Vicky, he marveled at his companions. They could have stepped right out of the Times fashion supplement. Each face was perfectly made up and the different perfumes were a wonder. The sheerest of stockings and the highest of heels set the rest off in the height of style.

He was leisurely with the maitre d', introducing his sisters as Miss, and welcoming the attention they were receiving. It seemed only natural that the waiter suggested a glass of vintage Krug champagne.

Seated at a corner table, he nodded formally to his sisters and offered a toast. "Here's to Mom and Dad, we owe them a lot!"

The Maitre d' came by and Adrian explained, as the champagne glasses were refilled, that this was a celebration following the sendoff of their parents on an anniversary cruise.

More toasts followed, as each sibling offered a snippet of why Mom and Dad were special. Adrian realized food was required before their heads popped off. Four leisurely courses later, each prepared to perfection, there were demitasses of espresso and a tiny piece of exquisite chocolate cake dripping in rum sauce.

Back at the hotel, still floating and still intoxicatingly attractive, they pressed in on him. "Adrian! That was the dinner of a lifetime! We have to have anniversaries of this anniversary!"

They helped each other out of the fancy clothes and zipped them up in the garment bags, which were going to a not perfectly clean loft tomorrow. Bare as babies, they all clambered into bed. The combination of their female odors and their leftover perfume was divine. He whispered to Vicky, "How did you know we would be too far gone for playing around after the dinner?"

"Adrian, lover, I am not going to see thirty again, no matter how much you wish it on me. But I do know that an evening of wine and fine food does not leave my man at his peak."

Nicole and Inish giggled and repeated, "At his peak."

When he woke, it was light and there were little wiggles and giggles around him. He wondered how long they could tarry in the bed, just messing around. These were three fine women to mess around with. Nicole climbed on top of him with a warm, wet kiss. "A penny for your thoughts.?"

He kneaded and pinched her muscled rear. "I was thinking how wonderful it is to have the three of you to mess around with and wondered how long we could do that this morning?"

Vicky sat up, "Naughty," and headed to the bathroom. Nicole squirmed and said, "Inish and I both need to mess around." Her eyes danced and glittered. Inish had a hand on him behind her, stroking the hardness with moisture at the tip. She flounced her long blond hair in a great circle.

"If we wait for tonight there will be more of me."

Nicole hitched backward and drove herself down over his cock. "Ah, that's better. We have a special deal for you, Adrian. Four strokes in each of us, but no orgasms."

Laughing at him, Nicole took her four on top. Inish spread herself on her back alongside and took hers in missionary position. All three laughed and went to the shower. They soaped him up and he made them stop before they coaxed another load from him.

Breakfast had to be in the room so they could try to make order out of chaos. The van would arrive in an hour.

Cleaning up didn't matter because the two burly men from the van took armloads and dumped them in. At the other end, they wrestled everything to the second floor and made a single large pile next to the refrigerator. Adrian gave them the hundred pounds requested, and another fifty with his extreme thanks for so much help on a Sunday morning.

They reclined in the camp chairs and sighed. Their very own loft, but what a mess. Adrian told Inish and Vicky to relax and went downstairs to the back loading dock with Nicole.

"You and I are going to need a car right away. Carting things around on the Tube and in cabs is too much hassle. Why don't you get the contractor to make a space for a car here, with doors and locks, as soon as he can. Do you fancy any particular kind of car?"

"I guess I'm not getting a Rolls or a Bentley?" She elbowed him.

"What do you suppose is the least likely vehicle to be stolen, or keyed, or otherwise mashed up?"

"What about a used Audi sedan? Small enough for town, good on the autoroute."

"Are you going to look for it, or do I ask Carruthers for help?"

"You've got me pretty full up with architects and so on. Aren't cars a man's job?" He got another elbow in the ribs. He picked her up and marched to the second floor. At the top, she rode his shoulders and gave orders. An amazing amount of organization had occurred. They had the ground cloth spread out and he was instructed to blow up the mattresses.

This required finding an electrical outlet and the extension cord, which needed doing anyway. Fifteen minutes later, the women were spreading pads and sheets and unpacking the duvet. He stood back. It was totally incongruous. Nicole had her arm around him. "Our first loft bed, isn't it romantic?"

"What is that saying about brand new babies, only their mothers can love them? Only you and I can love this crazy setup."

He went for sandwiches and drinks. By the time he came back, the whole area was under control. The camp tables were up, the stove working, and hot water for tea ready. He nuzzled Vicky as she worked on lunch. "All the comforts of home, but it certainly isn't the Inn."

She pulled his head down and kissed the side of his face. "You are a dear. This is so preposterous that it is fun."

He said, "Do we have it in us to take the 6 am in the morning?"

"I guess. We need to get back. Will it be all right with Nicole?"

They took chairs over to one of the tall narrow windows to have their lunch. The view was ordinary, but the sun was welcome.

Vicky paused in her eating and said, "Adrian, one of my friends, Molly McIntyre, is part of a Kingham sewing circle that has been doing exceptional work for years and has a bit of a cottage industry going. One of their craft outlets here in London wants more stock and they are unable to provide with current resources. Do you suppose we could construct an area here by the windows for a half dozen machines and necessary tables and lights and storage? They could pay a decent rent after they get going in this location."

Adrian counted, and there were a dozen windows along the south wall. "So, if we built a space around three of these windows and then stretching back toward the other wall, that would be satisfactory?"

"Well, I was thinking out loud. Perhaps we can talk on the train, and Molly and I can come down and see Nicole in a few days."

He was helping clean up when Nicole nudged him. "It would be nice to have some things going on in this big building, wouldn't it?"

"I was thinking the same thing. High quality clothing sounds attractive, doesn't it?"

"I have some contacts in London from my job in Rye. Perhaps we can draw a larger circle around the effort than just the Kingham women."

"I'm jealous. I have to go back to school and leave you chasing these fine ideas."

"It's a good thing. With your stories and that thing between your legs, I wouldn't get anything done. I'm telling Inish and Vicky to keep you under strict control."

The four of them spent the afternoon sketching designs for the loft space, had an early supper, and crawled into the mattress pile.

Inish exclaimed, "This is scary, here in this dark building with the strange noises. Good thing we have a protector." Adrian felt well loved as he caressed his three women and fell asleep.

(cont'd in Part 3 - Molly and the Sewing Machines)

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

This is one of those stories that requires the suspension of disbelief - hung virgin goes from nothing to sex god with three women in a week? I will keep reading and giving 5,s at least until I see how the story develops - it is well written - but next time you might develop it more slowly - more but shorter chapters.

ag2507ag2507about 8 years ago
More Niggles

You don't graduate from an English school - the results from public examinations, in this case A Levels, don't arrive until sometime in the middle of the summer holidays. Most students have conditional places at uni. so the second half of the summer holidays gets phrenetic as students and admissions staff try to sort the resulting mess out. Adrian clearly has a firm offer to Oxford - but actually the universities of Oxford and Cambridge uniquely don't manage admissions, the individual colleges do, so correctly, Adrian has a 'place' at <insert name of college here>.

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