Fashion is Our Name Pt. 09


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Vicky was in my face, sans bra. "She has very nice tits, but mine are better."

Helen sat up. "If we go on like this, he is going to have us all. What did the four of you decide afterwards?"

"We agreed with what Anne said."

The twins' mother climbed into Helen's arms and said, "We don't know much, but we don't have an instant crisis. We can go about our business supervising the building work and preparing for the trip, and see what happens."

Vicky and Nicole were snuggled together, eyes closed.

End of discussion. I threw a blanket over everyone and napped.

We were awakened by the arrival of two small bodies climbing and jumping on us. "Get up! Get up! Grownups aren't supposed to be napping!"

Anne pointed to the door. "Find some milk and we will be right there."

Helen scrambled into shorts and fleece and dashed after them to avert a milk carton disaster or worse. Vicky and Nicole headed back to the building. I said I needed a few words with Anne, and a few minutes with Helen on the financial statements.

Anne and I sat on the side of the bed. "I was thinking of leaning on Tom a bit for more information."

"Yes, but don't push him too hard. We really don't know the extent of this and he may be in a tight position."

I kissed her cheek and asked, "Are you ok with the risks?"

She kissed me back on the lips and whispered, "I don't know why, but I would follow you almost anywhere." She paused and added, "I've never said that to a man before. Crazy me."

She gathered up the twins and sent Helen to my side at the computer. Quickly, the new CFO had the latest version of the spreadsheets open, explaining her work and showing a partial flow chart of the system. She pointed and asked, "Don't you think there should be an exception processing module here? Better than doing it as we are in the middle of posting to the master?"

"Yes. Excellent idea. By the way, would you mind talking to Stuart about our incorporation options? Might be useful for school too."

She wiggled in my arms. "God, you feel good. Why did you pick on me in there?"

"Answer your own question and I will give you extra course credit."

"Bad! Well, I wasn't there last night so maybe I have a clearer view of the situation?"

"Yes. Now the other reason."

She leaned back for a kiss, after which she whispered, "You are signaling that I am on the first team."

"Also correct. You may be straight A in this course."

"What about in the course of Helen and Adrian loving each other?"

I leaned my head on her shoulder and sighed. She quickly said, "Don't answer. That was unfair of me. We really don't worry about your affection for us, and you shouldn't have to worry either."

I turned her around and kissed gently. "But you are going to cry yourself to sleep on my chest one of these nights anyway."

When we rose from the chair, her eyes were wet. I took her hand and beat me with it. "We are not allowed to be mushy. There is a business to run."

She had a late afternoon seminar and left. I sat down to compose a note to Tom Carruthers, and ended up sending him a cryptic text, "A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum."

Then I called Jeremy Andrews and asked about completing our consulting agreement.

"Adrian, I was just thinking of that. When can we get together with the architect? I am free tomorrow afternoon if she is."

This brought me up short. How did he know our architect was a woman? An accidental slip, or a subtle clue to alert me?

"Let me see and I'll text you back a time if it works. She has a project office set up in a corner on the second floor."

"Fine. About that other matter. You check out, so we may have something to discuss."

"Good. I have more information than last time."

I headed over to the building, where the three of us were staying one more night. I rang Vicky and asked, "May I invite Clarissa for dinner? There are several things to discuss."

"Yes, of course. And you had better invite her to sleepover as well. Otherwise, she will sit there in a trance."

"Mistress Vicky, as they say, you certainly have my number."

"At least you admit it. Do your work with the architect and the two of you come for cocktails at


I was lucky, and Clarissa was already in the building, working on supplemental drawings for the first floor entrance and foyer. She rose and hugged me with a hot kiss since there were no others around.

"I am doing additional sheets for the entrance. The contractor will be finished with structural in a week and need these. Didn't you say we required advice about security provisions?"

"You took the words out of my mouth. Our consultant would like a conference with the two of us tomorrow afternoon. Is that convenient? What time would be best?"

"I was planning to be here between two and four. What if we asked him to come at three?"

I texted that to Jeremy and went on to talk about other details. During a pause, I said, "The women would like to invite you for dinner if you are free."

"Why Adrian, that is very nice." She poked me and said, "I shall have to consult my social calendar."

After a moment of rustling papers to make a show, she said, "Yes, it does appear I am free." Her tongue licked my ear.

"In that case, I was instructed to inquire if you would care to spend the night in our company."

Her arm was tight around my neck. "Rascal, how did you know I am terribly needy?"

She closed up her work and we walked the short distance to the apartment, where she was greeted with kisses and hugs.

Vicky whispered in my ear, "Adrian, it has been a hard day, what about some of those American whisky sours?"

While I made drinks, Clarissa was hustled into the bedroom, where I heard oaths and slaps and giggles. By the time I entered with drinks and munchies, there was a lot of skin showing on the bed.

"I continue to be impressed by the professionalism of my FION executives and consultants!"

They sipped their drinks, fake frowns pasted on their faces, as I passed the tray of hors d'oeuvres. They were hip to hip and gestured for me to lose my clothes. Putting down my glass, I made a show of removing one piece at a time and laying it carefully on a chair. I stopped at my boxers and approached.

"No. Those too."

I was actually feeling embarrassed. A strip show for my women? I lowered the waist two inches.

"More." I scowled evilly and said, "Surely you have more enthusiasm than that?"

They poked Clarissa, who handed off her drink and closed with me. "You need to dance with your guest."

There was no sound machine anywhere around, so I mimed a waltz, and squared the space with her. She bent her face upwards for a kiss, and followed without hesitation, stepping tightly into my arms, which was not approved behavior when I was in dance class at school.

"Adrian," she whispered, "did the girls at school press into you like this?" Her hips and pubic crest were doing bad things. I realized that an error had been made in purchasing the platform bed without any footrail. No matter, the temptress in my arms was going to be taken over the end of the mattress. We arrived there and she was quickly spread face down, panties intact. But not for long, as I pushed them to one side and hurriedly entered the wet and ready sex.

"I knew it! I knew you wouldn't have the decency to have proper sex with me. And in front of your other women! Horrible!"

Yes. Truly horrible. She shook and cursed and wailed and shouted through a climax as I pounded.

Nicole tossed us a towel and Vicky's sweet voice said, "The two of you put on a wonderful show. Adrian has to give us equal treatment, but we will allow that to happen after dinner!"

The architect and I were left to cuddle for a few moments. "Adrian, after you finish with me, the world seems so wonderful. Everything is tingling, my nerves are shooting off, and I am secure in your arms."

"Lovely Clarissa, you have fallen in with us like just another sister. Part of the circle of notorious family sex! Will you stay and frolic more?"

She pulled me upright. "Notorious, am I? You'd better get us cleaned up before the authorities arrive."

(Cont'd in Part 10 - More Parts of the Puzzle)

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