Fatal Oath

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Princess Alisha vows that she will never bend to his will.
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This day promised to be still another miserable experience for Queen Alisha, and as usual in Vvaria, there wasn't a cooling wind to be found. It was only morning and already she felt as though she was suffocating from the moisture drenched delta air. None of this surprised her however, for Alisha had known this day had been long in coming. Surely, it would be one more painful blow to her life, just like all of the others that she had experienced since having been brought to her husband's kingdom.

Without consciously thinking about what she was doing, she was absently rubbing her swollen belly, as she sat in her sitting room, trying vainly to get comfortable as the king's child was fighting against some unspoken terror. Her body was rebelling against her again this morning, as it had already begun to perspire from the kingdom's oppressive heat. Alisha found herself locked in dread at what was to come. She knew there was nothing she could do to prevent this from being another interminable day in a horrible land.

Far below from where the Queen sat in misery... as far down as it was possible to travel and still be within the castle complex... King Zander sprawled against a cold wall, with only a layer of filthy straw between his skin and the flagstones. He barely noticed the wretched conditions around him though; there was only a vacant look in his eyes as he idly fondled the half-sword that he held within his hands. He had begun to realize that there were worse things than finding himself in one's own dungeon.

Unlike most of the prisoners who had been confined to the depths over the years, he wasn't actually chained to the wall; indeed, the door to his cell wasn't locked. The guards who had accompanied him to his cell hadn't even dared to close the door behind them when they had left him here. Nothing prevented Zander from rising from the muck and leaving his own dungeon, but he was a prisoner within it nonetheless; if only of his own honor... and that of his Queen's fierce will. He knew that he wouldn't be here much longer however. For better or worse, his current situation would be resolving itself today.

Back above ground, the Queen had given up on ever getting comfortable and instead, she had irritably snapped, "Martha! Attend me!"

"Yes Alisha," the old matron had responded without any sign of ill-humour, for Martha loved her Queen unreservedly. Alisha was the daughter that Martha had never managed to have for herself. The old woman had initially been quite surprised when King Zander had assigned her the duty of watching over his new captive, and her love for the Queen had only grown in the year since.

"I'm going to boil in these accursed robes!" Alisha continued despairingly. "This damned heat would be foul enough-- even without the King's heir weighing me down. I hate... no, I loathe the climate in this kingdom! I wish I'd never seen this awful land!"

"I have your powder; that should help you fight the heat," Martha replied soothingly, referring to the scented powder that the King insisted that Alisha apply to protect her pale skin from Vvaria's oppressive heat.

"Martha," Alisha snapped again, "when today's ceremony is complete, you will go to the common soldier's barracks, and when you get there, you will pour all of it down into their outhouse. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, my Queen," Martha replied quietly, her eyes downcast.


(One year, 3 weeks, and six days previously)


Alisha ached. For the past week, Zander had spent his nights ripping one reaction after another from her traitorous body. He hadn't fully taken her yet, although he had certainly made her his whore.

He'd started slowly enough though; on their first night, he'd only forced her to disrobe and sleep naked, nestled within his arms. He'd been forced to spank her before she had given in, and a memory of shame still burned within Alisha as she remembered being roughly pulled over his knee and her underclothing pulled down before he'd began to discipline her. The momentary feeling of arousal before he began to rain down blows upon her bottom was what troubled her the most. She'd kicked and screamed as he had struck her, but eventually, and with tears pouring down her face, she had begged him to end her punishment and she had promised to do as she was told.

He'd already begun to break her down, to mold her to his will, but that night had only been the least of it. The second night, he'd once again demanded that she disrobe while he watched her. He'd made her keep her hands at her sides while he made observations about her young body. He ran his fingers through her hair, and then, he'd done the same to her nether curls. He'd made her cum with just the use of his fingers.

He'd left her a virgin that night, but he'd begun to teach her body about pleasure. Her mind had cried out in grief, and her mouth had begged him to stop... whatever it was that he was doing to her. When she had begged him however, he had only chuckled in amusement and then informed her that they were only getting started upon her lessons. He had brought her to orgasm after orgasm, before finally removing his own clothing and holding her in his arms as she had cried herself to sleep, her mind hating the things that her body was doing to her.

On their third night, he had tied her, spread-eagled upon his bed. Then once again, he had begun to tease her with his fingers. He explored every inch of her body as if committing it to memory, seemingly cataloging each one of her responses for use against her later. After he was positive that she had become very wet, her garden flowing like a river, he had done something that Alisha had found unthinkable. He had begun to lick between her folds, nibbling and teasing her until her nub had stood out to beg for his attention.

Zander had then licked her into her first orgasm of the night, afterwards commenting on her wonderful and bounteous flavor. She was aghast, her mind screaming out at the despicable things that he was doing to her. Again, he was forcing her body to enjoy things that her mind railed desperately against.

She hadn't openly cried that night though, as she had begun to realize that her tears were only showing him an even greater sign of weakness. She refused to let him see her cry after that, even as she realized that he knew exactly what he was doing to her, to her body as well as to her mind.

Each night there was a new experience awaiting Alisha as he cajoled more and greater climaxes from her. King Zander had not actually taken her maidenhead yet, although he was now removing his clothing each night as she was forced to strip for him. She had been terrified at the first sight of his cock, thinking he was finally going to take her virginity. Her fear had only intensified when his penis had become erect and she saw the size of it, its head purple and its tip leaking a slippery fluid.

But he hadn't despoiled her that night either, although he had forced her to look directly into his eyes as she received her first taste of him. That night he'd begun to teach her how to pleasure him with her mouth. Alisha had been so sure that the taste of his cock would be disgusting, but she was embarrassed to find that the experience had ultimately left her soaking wet and needy as she found herself on her knees before him.

Under his tutelage, her technique had improved quite rapidly, and soon he had begun to gasp and moan out in his pleasure. She was horrified to find that she felt a sense of something like pride in her ability to make him lose control. This satisfaction was not to last long however, for almost as soon as she noticed her emotion, he had pulled himself from her mouth and erupted all over her, shooting great streams of his seed over her neck and breasts. Zander had been denying himself for days and his load was copious indeed.

Alisha had never seen a man's seed before this, and while she had dimly understood what it might look like, she hadn't imagined that there would be so much of it, nor had she imagined that the consistency would be so thick and sticky. Alisha was thankful that he hadn't allowed himself to release into her mouth, although he had quickly informed her that she would soon get to experience this as well.

She had not been permitted to clean his seed from her skin afterwards; Zander had sternly informed her that a woman's duty was to be the recipient of a man's offering, and to wipe it from herself was to deny his lordship over her. He had confidently pulled her back into bed and wrapping his arms around her, he told her that it was time for her to sleep. Holding her tightly, he had dozed off fairly quickly after that, leaving Alisha awake and unable to sleep... still trapped within his arms.

Covered in his offering, she was a hot sticky mess, and what she had found even more disquieting was that she had been denied orgasm for the first night since she had begun her time with Zander. There was a burning need within her belly, and he had seemingly left her to feel her need all alone. She hated to admit that she now craved her own release; not that she would have ever admitted to Zander that she was beginning to desire what she had so vociferously fought against. Deeply conflicted, she fell into a troubled and dream-filled sleep.

When she awoke the next morning, Zander was gone and Martha had arrived with a silver basin of soapy water and a stack of luxurious towels to bring her skin back to its natural state. Alisha was embarrassed to see that Martha had also brought several fine hairbrushes that would remove the dried flakes of semen from her hair. Evidently Martha had known that the King's seed would be there even before Alisha realized that he had left it behind.

Her face glowing a bright red, Alisha remained extremely quiet while Martha began to explain what was to come as she cleaned the distraught Princess. The old woman took her time grooming the young girl, easing the Princess's mind back into rational thought, treating her young charge as if she were the daughter that she had always wished for. Martha explained more of the intricacies of sexual congress to Alisha and gave her tips on how to not only please her man, but how to wrest some of the control back from him as well.

Alisha listened closely, for she had begun to see that her situation was likely unavoidable. She was an extremely intelligent girl and could see that she was to be made a woman soon... whether she welcomed this change or not. While she still maintained some small hope that her father would be able to save her from this madman, her rational mind knew that her father's army was but a fraction the size of Zander's, and that she was doomed.

...and each night, her wanton body exerted more and greater control over her resisting mind. It had begun urging Alisha to give up this fruitless resistance to Zander, and to instead... welcome his touch, welcome his control over her. King Zander was playing her body like the finest instrument in the land, and her will was flagging before the needs of her body.

A few nights later... she finally snapped. She found herself moaning for Zander to take her, begging for the King to make her his own. The words came spilling out of her mouth without her mind consciously uttering them, but rather than taking advantage of her involuntary invitation, the conquering king released her instantly.

The separation caused her mind to crash as if cold water had been thrown over her. What had she just done... and why had he released her?

Zander rose from their bed and strode across the room, his cock rigid and bobbling with each step away from her. He stopped at the vanity and took a long draught of the wine that was awaiting him there. Appearing as if he was perfectly under control, Zander seemed to be choosing to give Alisha some time to regain her thoughts, allowing her head to clear before he spoke a single word.

After a few moments, he set his goblet down and returned to their bed, bringing a glass of his finest wine back to Alisha. He handed it to her and said, "Alisha, you've made your decision? You've decided that you'll give me your body willingly?"

"No," she gasped out, her will and her wits belatedly storming back to the front.

"No?" he smiled arrogantly. "Are you sure? You were saying something quite different just moments ago."

"You stole me against my will. You had only come to Vichy to negotiate a treaty with my father!"

"To negotiate his surrender, you mean," Zander corrected, as he climbed back into their bed. "Yes, that is why I was there. Your father thought to offer me a yearly tribute in order to keep his head and a very nominal control over his territories. I had only come to do a minor bit of business, but then I spotted you."

"So you stole me even though my father sought to prevent a slaughter? What about your so-called Vvarian honor, that Vvarian oath that you all claim is so unbreakable?"

Zander grinned as he replied, "But I made no such vow. Our agreement was only to parley"

"Yes, our kingdoms were in parley, and yet, you kidnapped me."

"No," Zander replied smiling, as he began to run his fingers through her garden once again, "I didn't kidnap you; that would imply that I was going to hold you for ransom. I merely took you. I have no intention of ever giving you back. I saw something that I wanted and I took it, this is what Vvarian men do."

Alisha gasped as the sensations began to burn through her as he wickedly began to slide his fingers along the inside of her sodden lips; he was stealing her ability to think. The fog of lust had begun to overtake her brain again.

"You see," he continued, "our parley was only an agreement that I would not crush your father's kingdom while we negotiated his surrender, and I held up our end of that bargain, not a blow was struck, not a man died."

"But you..." Alisha managed to gasp out as he began to slowly tease her nub once again.

"Stole you," Zander added helpfully. "So?"

Steeling herself, Alisha managed to moan out, "but that isn't fair."

Inserting a second finger, Zander curled it and began to stimulate two spots at once. "Fair has nothing to do with stealing a concubine... or, in this case, a wife," he said suggestively.

"What?" Alisha squealed, as she jerked his fingers out of her sodden pussy.

"Vvarian men take what they want. Ultimately, I declined your father's offer of a yearly tribute and instead offered him a cheaper way out of his dilemma. I demanded his only daughter. You will be Vichy's entire contribution to the Empire. Oh, he declined at first, but then he considered the fate of his paltry five hundred armed men and the thousands of unarmed peasants in the surrounding farm lands. He could see that we'd capture and sell all of them into slavery, and he came around to my way of thinking. He made the sensible decision."

"What!" Alisha screamed in rising hysteria, "He would never offer me up to be raped by you."

"Well..." Zander began slowly, "I hate to contradict you Princess, but yes... yes he did, several days ago, in fact. I agreed to allow him to continue wearing his crown and that he could continue to administer the territory of Vichy for me. He's no longer a King, but he is now a Duke of Vvaria, and you were given to me to do with as I please."

"To be your whore?" she cried.

"My wife," he corrected. "Why did you think that I had not taken you yet?"

Then he slowly drew her more tightly to his body before saying, "Tonight I will finally take you and by Vvarian custom, if you agree to be my wife before I enter you, you will wake as my wife. If you do not agree to this, then you will merely become one of my concubines. Either way, you are mine now. You have until I enter you to make your choice."

"I will kill myself the first chance that I get," she snapped, looking meaningfully at the window that looked out into the courtyard far below.

"That would be unfortunate for your family," he replied. "I have one year to revoke the deal between Vvaria and your father, and if you are dead, then I will surely order my army to burn Vichy to the ground. My Generals won't leave anyone behind; my men make much more coin from the sack of a city that I pay them in salary. They'll kill or enslave every Vichy citizen they encounter."

Several emotions played across Alisha's face as Zander spoke. She found herself remembering how her brothers used to play with her when they'd all been children, and she also remembered the loving looks that her mother had always given her, but eventually, she came back to Zander's words. Her father had traded her to this monster as if she were merely a few chips in a poker game. He'd consigned her to this fate in order to secure peace... and to maintain his own power.

Coming to a decision, her face settled into a sad frown as she said, "I no longer have a family; no one who truly loved me would consign me to your care. As of now, I am an orphan."

Surprised, Zander said nothing for a moment. This beauty had just done something that no Vvarian woman would have even considered; she had just turned her back upon her family and instead, charted her own course. Finally he said, "You'd consign your people to death?"

"I'm sad to say that they must not have been my people to begin with. If this is how they express their loyalty, selling me into slavery without even consulting me. I guess we'll all die together under the hooves of a tyrant."

Zander found himself chuckling at her response, and this only irritated Alisha more. He saw the displeasure on her face as he began to run his fingers through the sopping wet red curls of her garden. Then, while holding her as tightly as a starfish opening a clam, he whispered into her ear, "So... you will renounce your people, Princess? That would mean that you are also renouncing your crown and giving me free reign to kill Vichy's men and drag all of its women off into sexual slavery. You know full well that Vvarian men will pay much for a pretty slave; are you sure that you would not prefer me to them? I am sure that I can make your life... pleasurable."

"Being your whore is no life at all, she replied through gritted teeth, fighting the sensations that he was causing in her.

"But being under a man is a woman's proper place," Zander replied confidently. "...and as you said, you'd be the tyrant's wife. You would live a life of luxury like no other, and your children would eventually rule an Empire like this world has never seen."

"Alisha groaned as if she were in pain as she felt her will melting like ice under his fiery touch. She felt another orgasm rapidly approaching and she was losing track of the conversation. Her hatred of her tormentor was giving way to the bliss that he brought to her body. Through sheer force of her crumbling will, she said, "You've taken any worthwhile choices from me. I hate both options, and I hate... you."

"But, I don't hate you Princess," he murmured softly. "I've waited years to find a woman with such a fiery will. It's as if God himself has made you for me!"

And as he finished whispering these words, he began to nibble upon Alisha's pebbled areola, gently flicking her nipple with the tip of his hot tongue. This newest sensation was the last straw for Alisha, she lost all control of her body as it tumbled over the precipice and she felt the now familiar sensations of a violent orgasm tearing through her. Her eyes rolled back into her head and her womanhood gushed in pleasure, coating her thighs and her maidenhead with enough slippery fluid to make it easy for Zander to enter her without much pain. Pleasure overcame her will, as well as the self-hatred that had been clouding her brain.

Alisha was surprised that Zander did not press his advantage however, and as she returned to her senses, the first sight that greeted her was that of the King licking his fingers, obviously relishing the taste of her. "Delicious, you are truly delicious, my love. I doubt if I will ever tire of your flavour. You are such a sticky little kitten, and you are only for me."