Fate Had Brought Them Together


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"Casual fish." He replied.

"Casual fish it is."

Matt and Jenna changed quickly for dinner and met again in the center of the Great Room. He took Jenna in his arms and kissed her, probing gently.

"What was that for?"

"I always make it a point to take any woman who shows up in the middle of my house in my arms and kiss her, particularly when she's a pretty as you are."

"What you men won't say and do to get a little tail!" Jenna replied.

Throughout dinner the banter continued but it lost the edge it had once had. As they walked along the water's edge prior to driving back to Matt's house she did not resist when he took her hand in his. By the time they were back in the car their quiet conversation as they learned about each others hopes and dreams was the normal discourse that occurs when a man and a woman first explore the possibilities. Jenna stopped fighting the normalcy. They were becoming friends; they were becoming increasingly less guarded and more at ease. It felt very safe and very nice. Jenna's only real fear was how easily she was becoming comfortable with Matt, a man who would be just a memory on Monday morning.

The oddest thing to Matt as he thought about the future was how the present had evolved. Sex is supposed to be the most intimate thing two people enjoy together. Yet the intimacy between the two of them was just beginning to unfold. You were supposed to get to know each other, become friends, share intimacies and then have sex. They'd done it in reverse order. He wasn't convinced that their brief history had to be a barrier to something more. He doubted that Jenna was remotely of the same mind set but he hadn't become the top salesman east of the big muddy in under five years without learning to understand people. Great selling wasn't remotely manipulative. It was all about helping someone understand and express their needs---and then meeting those needs. He was beginning to feel in his heart that this sale would be the most challenging and the most important one of his life.

Their after dinner drink ended up leading them to the hot tub; the steaming, swirling water relit their mutual carnal fires. This one was a delightfully nasty and animalistic coupling. Remembering her words earlier, he did work her tight little back entrance with his tongue while bringing her to a screeching orgasm with his fingers. He mounted her quickly as she knelt in the fragrant liquid, taking her forcefully, raising her tight little ass up in the air as his thrusts became more intense.

As his own orgasm became inevitable, he brushed one hand across her hard young nipples while stroking her wet little slot with the other. He was determined that they would cum together, as silly as it might sound to some. They did and both voices joined in a long guttural scream of total and absolute bliss. Both nearly had to bite their respective tongues to avoid saying the three forbidden and illogical words.

Matt lifted Jenna from the water and gently dried her exquisite young form. He carried her into his bedroom and gently placed her under the covers. And then he made love to her over and over until he had no more physical love inside his exhausted body. They fell asleep together wrapped more tightly in each other arms than should have been physically possible. Both fell asleep grinning like children on Christmas morning, neither willing to dwell on the impossibility of where they had been and where they might end up.

Jenna awoke before Matt. She sat up and just watched him sleeping. Oh, fuck, don't do this Jenna. Don't fall for this guy. How can everything feel so right when you know damned well it's all wrong? She had a good friend in Chicago, another woman. She had met a guy like this one. Over the next eight years they got together often and fucked. The sex was wonderful. Her friend thought there was more right up to the day he told her he was marrying someone else and thanks for the eight years of mind blowing sex. Take it for what it is and know that tomorrow afternoon you will walk away just like you always do. Matt rolled over and his dick was rock solid. His fat cock was quickly inside her mouth. I love this! I'd rather suck than fuck, well, no that's not fair...let me think about it.

While she was thinking about it, Matt blew a delightful load of cum in her mouth. As had occurred on a few other times in her life, Jenna experienced her own quiet orgasm. He had been dreaming that Jenna was sucking his dick right up to the second he came. As he began to reposition to return the oral favor, Jenna spoke.

"Nope! That was on the house. I've always wanted to blow a guy who was asleep, knowing that he was dreaming about having his cock in my mouth and then waking up just as he cums and realizes it's not a dream. I used to think I was weird or whatever; I genuinely enjoy---I fucking love sucking cock. I love the feel, the hard smoothness of a big dick in my mouth and the absolute control. I came, albeit it a small one when I was just blowing you and I never touched my pussy. It was one of those wonderfully nasty little ones that just sneaks up on you and then---bang! And I'm talking like a complete slut."

"Yea, I suppose and you've got me so damn turned on that, after I piss I'm going to nail me a nice little piece of ass."

Jenna followed Matt to the bathroom. "That's okay, don't be shy, I can wait." She said mischievously. "Can I shake it for you?"

Jenna moved over and took Matt's fat cock in her hands. "Pee for me baby." Matt did so and Jenna giggled like a little girl. "Now you know what a slut I am; I've always wanted to hold a man's cock while he was pissing. Damn that makes me hot!"

"My turn, sit down wench and piss."

"I don't have anything for you to shake, oh, that's nice, oh, shit I'm not sure I can pee when a guys diddling my clit, ohhhhhhh, shit...oh, fuck, oh yes I can!!!!!"

Jenna spoke after she had recovered from the almost simultaneous piss and cum. "That was intense! I had no idea I could do that! You learn something new everyday. That's was wonderfully dirty."

"Do you want to talk or fuck?"

"I want to fuck right here in the bathroom. Just bend me over the counter. We can watch each others faces in the mirror."

Matt pulled Jenna up, spun her around, pushed her down against the counter and penetrated her hot little box in a single stroke.

"Just ball me baby, make me your little fuck slut. Bang this bitch you mother fucker...YES!!!!"

In spite of one more hard, nasty and wonderful fuck, when Matt took her in his arms and held her and ran his fingers through her hair she felt like a special little girl not a fuck toy. She started to cry.

"What's the matter baby?" He said softly.

"You're too good for me...too good to me...I..."

"No, no, it's okay. You're okay. It's all okay, it's all going to be okay. Stop fighting it. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen. Let go, let me inside...please let me in."

In that instant the Kevlar which surrounded her heart began to fail. He was kissing away her tears one by one and she was losing the battle, a battle she no longer wanted to win. She had one last chance.

"Oh, Jesus, no! I can't let you...no, no, it's not fair, you could never...you don't really...it's not possible...this has nothing to do with..."

"Love? Maybe you're right, maybe not right now. Maybe never if you won't let it have a chance. Do either of us have anything to lose if we stop fighting and just see where it goes? Stop fighting so damned hard Jenna, let me inside for Christ's sake! If it's right, if it's meant to be then that all good! And if it's not? We're big kids. Well go on with our lives. But right now I'd just like to have the chance to find out if I'm going to go on with my life with you in it or not. It's risky but I don't have anything else in my life that feels this good...I never have. Don't screw it up. Give us a chance."

Jenna knew in that moment that he'd damned near made the sale. He hadn't closed it but she was going to stop fighting and let it happen.

"Deal. Let's just get back to normal and see where it takes us."

"That's my girl!" Matt said and Jena knew she liked the sound of those words. His girl...she'd never really been anyone's girl but she'd always wanted to be.

"So! What on the agenda for today my handsome tour guide?"

"Would you like to go sailing?"

"That sounds like fun; I've never really been on a Catamaran before, well other than a Hobie."

"The only problem is, Fergus has to go too. He loves to sail."

"What about if we..."

"He's no where near as fascinated with human sexuality as most dogs are. He'll just get bored and fall asleep."

"What do we need to pack in terms of food and drink?"

"There's plenty of food, beer, wine and such on board."

"On board?"

"The boat's got a fridge and a freezer."

"That'll work. What's the big deal with Cats around here? I see a lot of them."

"The water is very shallow in places and there are lots of sand bars. We get some tropical storms that tend to move those sand bars around so nautical charts are pretty useless close in. Keel boats are useless and even centerboard boats are pretty unstable since you can't safely fully extend the center board. I have two boats, one is a typical canvas deck type, larger than a Hobie and a bit faster. The one we're going on today has a small cabin, a head and even has an engine. Some guy with more money than brains bought it and then lost interest in sailing. I picked it up for a song. It's supposed to sleep four but that's got to be four small children. Still, you've got somewhere to get out of the rain and keep your beer cold. We can leave anytime you want to---the marina is five minutes from here---but the sooner we go the less traffic in the channel."

"I need ten minutes."

"That'll work."

"I just realized that up to this point we've kept whatever this is on a first name basis, which is generally my style. So..."

"Stevens. It's Matt Stevens."

"Oh, my!"


"Stevens. My name is Jenna Stevens. I wonder if we're related?"

"Doubtful. Our families aren't from the same part of the country and my dad doesn't have any brothers. Pretty convenient, though, don't you think?"


"You won't even have to change your last name if we decide..."

"Slow down, fantasy boy!"

"I was just thinking out loud."

The day was perfect for sailing; a stiff breeze came up in the early afternoon and they got up on a good plane. Fergus did not enjoy sailing at an angle and would retreat to the entrance to the small cabin only to return to his playful romps around the boat once they were again level.

They beached on a small Island and grilled some burgers which Matt had in the freezer. They explored the island; Fergus squared off with a group of Fiddler Crabs which kept him busy while Matt and Jenna did their own personal exploration. They removed their suits and chased each other through the low sand dunes. The returned to the shallow surf and fucked with the waves lapping against them. They returned to the marina in the late afternoon tired but delightfully so. When the returned home Fergus was completely exhausted from all of the stimulation. Matt and Jenna washed each other lovingly in the shower and then took a nap until after the sun went down. They awoke in each others arms and just stayed like that until Fergus came into to remind his master that dinner was late.

They stayed in that night and cooked dinner together. After dinner they watched an old Fred and Ginger movie together, falling asleep on the sofa. Just after midnight, Matt carried Jenna in and put her under the covers.

She awoke an hour or so later and after a quick trip to the head made it clear to Matt that she was completely rested and ready to rock. Their first coupling was incredibly urgent and intense but amazingly loving and passionate. In the early morning light Matt made love to her tenderly and for the first time she didn't say anything flip afterwards that might have spoiled it.

Sunday they again stayed in together. Matt made a hearty breakfast and they did the crossword puzzles together. They watched a couple of the Sunday morning talk shows. They went for a walk on the beach in front of Matt's home. They held hands and spent a lot of time just looking at each other. Think about the scene at the top of the Empire State Building when Meg Ryan finally meets Tom Hanks in, "Sleepless in Seattle" and all she can do at first is just look at him. Possibly she was trying to picture the two of the together as a couple. She might have been wondering what their kids will look like; maybe she was thinking about whether he's going to keep his hair, or picturing the two of them rocking on a porch some where in their golden years. As the sun moved passed it's zenith that Sunday they touched each other often...almost constantly.

Matt and Jenna enjoyed dinner together one last time on Sunday evening as the sun was setting over the water. She was dressed and packed.

As they slipped their arms around each other beside her rental car she slipped her business card into his hand. He pulled his own from his pocket and handed it to her. Both slipped their respective work identities into their pockets.

"You warned me about this part." Matt said with a grin. "Let's see, you'll look me up next time you're in Florida and I'll give you a call next time I'm in Chicago?"

"Yea, that's usually how it works. The second number is one of those systems that, 'finds' me depending on what phone I'm at."

"I have one of those too; aren't we poster children for the electronic communications age."

"I've got a long day tomorrow and it starts early; I fly back home around six. I'll call you when I get home; I promise." Jenna said softly. "Do you get to Chicago very often?"

"As a matter of fact, I ah...yes. I guess yes is the right answer, I get called up to attend some conference about once a month."

"Good! I've got to go." She said, and kissed him softly. Leaving his arms was a lot more difficult that she wanted it to be. Soon she was gone.

The house was terribly empty without her; even Fergus seemed to miss her as he crawled up on the sofa and put his head in Matt's lap. He knew where she was staying for the night; she'd asked him not to call so that she could just, 'get her head back in the game' for the next work day. Damn! He'd come so blasted close but he'd come up short. He hadn't closed the sale. He knew it was more...she knew it was more.

"Fergus my young man, she's a keeper. Don't you think so?" Fergus whimpered and licked Matt's palm.

Just before 6:30 AM, Matt left home in his car for his own early appointment. He remembered where, with what company and when but didn't remember who he was supposed to meet. His customer service coordinator always uploaded any special appointments electronically directly to his Blackberry. At the traffic light before he would turn left on to the causeway he realized he wouldn't get through for a turn or two of the stop light. The second he saw the welcome screen on his PDA he knew it wasn't his. Jenna had asked to borrow his charger which was always plugged in in the kitchen. Her card...he knew he'd put it in his briefcase.

As soon as he made the turn he pulled off on the one lane access road which fronted on the bay. Opening the briefcase he found the business card which he had not looked at before, tossed in with some other papers he had thrown together at the last minute. Just as he was about to dial the number on the card the logo of her company caught his eye. He smiled. He turned her Blackberry back on, hoping it wasn't password protected. It wasn't. Where was Jenna Stevens right now and where would she be at 7:00 AM? He knew the location well; he himself often used it to meet other reps with whom he had decided to work. It wasn't fifteen minutes away; it was a business person's hotel just a couple of minutes off the Tampa side of the Courtney-Campbell.

Jenna had not checked her PDA until she had arrived at her destination; she too knew instantly that she had the wrong unit. His business card, where the fuck was it? Still in the pocket of her shorts packed away in her suitcase in the trunk. She could call her own Blackberry but like many people who used the upscale devices she didn't use its cell phone capability and had no idea what the number was. She wasn't going to dig through her underwear in the middle of a crowded hotel parking lot. Maybe she could find something useful in his unit; no, she was funny about nosing through another person's personal data assistant. It was an invasion of privacy. Her secretary wouldn't be at work for two more hours on Central time. Fuck it. She new where and when and she knew the name of the company. She could wing it; hopefully Matt would figure it out and call her and they could arrange to meet somewhere and do a swap.

She was meeting some hot shit salesman from one of their distributors. She knew he sold more of her company's high end product line than any other sales reps; hell he sold more than all of their, 'mom and pop' distributors combined. He'd be an arrogant bastard, they usually were. His company was the largest distributor of her products; it was in fact the largest distributor of products in their overall industry. They wanted to talk about an exclusive agreement. Her management was leaning that way.

As the Director of Marketing it was now her job to evaluate the success that big hitters like this guy were having. She had visited and traveled with four other sales reps from this same company and they had been an impressive lot. They knew their stuff and she was convinced that their success wasn't remotely dumb luck or, 'right place and right time'.

Her boss, the Vice President of Marketing had spent a couple of weeks working with reps from the smaller distributors and was convinced that they were not that impressive and in many cases had discounted her company's products---which they weren't supposed to do without permission---just to steal the business. Price cutting was what had brought the whole issue of an exclusive arrangement to a head.

The national distributor was sick and tired of earning the business only to have some hack come in and cut the price. Additionally there had been quality assurance issues with several of the small distributors; they weren't storing or transporting the goods under the correct conditions. That could mean legal problems. If the two companies couldn't come to an exclusive agreement they might well decide that it was too much trouble and dump her product line—and they currently distributed almost eighty percent of it.

Her company would retain a lot of the business through other distributors in the short haul. A quick historical review clearly indicated that these big boys never lost these kinds of wars. They were very strong with the customer base and would convert half or more of her company's products to a competitor overnight. Hers was not that big a company; it might well take them under. On the other hand other small manufacturers like her company had, "rolled the dice" and gone exclusive with the big national distributor. Almost all became Fortune 500 players within a few years. So today, her job was more critical than evaluating this guy's talents. For all practical purposes the need to go single source had already been realized. She'd needed to do some damned fine selling of her own. This guy worked for the, "Elephant" in the room in her industry. They could be the, "best friend or worst enemy" to an up and coming manufacturer. Her corporation needed them more than the other way around.

The other reps from this company with whom she had worked had all been sharp guys nearly a generation older than she was. They worked on straight commission with no cap. They drove automobiles that reflected their success and status. They'd all be a tad arrogant but if true be told, they'd earned the right. Their customer relationships were incredibly strong. It was if they were insiders, executives in the customer's places of business and they were known, respected and liked from the executive suite to the loading dock. They'd all been good looking guys, albeit closer to her father's age than her own. She'd have little trouble picking out her breakfast companion; these dudes just stuck out and her quarry would be head and shoulders above the other business types in the hotel's dining room.