Father & Son


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"Come on."

"Oh he was asking if............. never mind."


"Oh ok. He was asking if we were a number, if you were my sugar daddy."

Smiling Michael said quietly. "Well I'm not either am I Sammi?"

"No" I whispered looking up at him and into his eyes. He held my gaze. We simply looked at each other for a moment or two. He smiled and moved towards me going behind where I was sitting in an upright chair saying quietly.

"Do you have either Sammi?"

I gulped at the direction this was going.


"What about Jason?"

"We're not serious really."

"I didn't think so."

He stopped talking and I could feel him standing behind me, very close. I felt his fingertips rest softly on my bare shoulder.

"Would you like either?"

"Oh Michael what are you saying?" I groaned as he gently rubbed my shoulders, his fingers slipping down from my shoulders and into those little grooves by the collar bone.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked" he said sounding contrite, but not removing his hands from my body.

I whimpered rather ridiculously. "That's ok?"

"Is it really Sammi?"

"Yes" I breathed enjoying the feel of his fingers that had slightly slipped down so they were resting on my chest beneath my collar bones.

"And this, is this ok"?


"This" he said pressing his fingers against my chest just above the neckline of my top.

"Oh Michael" I groaned, both mixed up and excited.

He kissed my head and whispered. "And this?" I didn't reply.

"Well Sammi, is it?"

"Yes Michael" I whispered.

"Are you sure?" He whispered slipping his hands downwards so that his fingers slid onto the swell of my breasts the tips just inching into my bra.

"Oh my God" I groaned as his hands cupped my boobs inside my top, but outside my bra. It felt so good; I sometimes wished that my breasts were not as sensitive as they were. They were tingling with expectancy.

My head fell back and Michael leaned forward and kissed me. I nearly giggled when I thought 'it's an upside down kiss'. That it may have been, but it was still a fantastic kiss. My mouth was quickly open and his tongue was buried deep in it. He squirmed his lip against mine and I squirmed mine back; my top lip against his bottom. I loved it.

He put his hands through my arms, stood me up and crushed me against him our mouths still locked together. His hands were all over my back flicking my bra strap and moving downwards as he pushed his very evident hard on into my soft, slat stomach. God he felt fucking brilliant.

"Michael" I groaned as his hand stroked the cheek of my bum through the thin, white linen.

"What Sammi?" He mumbled his mouth fill of my lips.

"We shouldn't."

"No Sammi of course we shouldn't" he replied grinding his lips against mine again, sucking my top lip into his mouth, squeezing both of my bum cheeks at the same time and pulling me more firmly against his erection. He slid the thin straps of the vest off my shoulders and cupped each of my tits in turn squeezing them and pinching my little nipples with just the right amount of pressure. I was responding to his cock and was now rubbing myself, my pubic mound and by extension my clit against his hardness. He had eased both of my boobs out of the cups of my bra and bent his head forward to suck me. That brought me to my senses.

"No Michael" I said quite sharply. He stopped.

"What Sammi?"

"We can't."

"What Jason?"

"No, er yes."

"Which is it?" He asked his fingers on one hand stroking my nipple and those on his other stroking my bum.

"Oh I don't know, but I really have to go, I told you" I said, obviously not able to explain that I couldn't let him suck my tits in case he left red marks; the photographer client wouldn't be impressed with that.

"Oh yes college."


"You have a session at college."

"Yeah right" I stammered remembering I had lied to him about my modelling session.

He kissed me again. This was more tender, caring almost. It felt lovely and I moulded myself against him putting my arms round his neck and revelling in my bare boobs being crushed against his chest covered by the blue Polo shirt.

"Do you really have to go Sammi?" He asked stroking my hair and cradling my face against him.

"I'm afraid so."

"Would you stay if you could?"

I looked up into his eyes and saw a combination of desire and passion.

"Yes Michael I would."

"Then come back after the session and I'll cook you dinner."

"I don't know, I'm not sure."


"Well yes he is my boy-friend, well sort of and it's er, um......" I couldn't think what more to say.

"Odd to be kissing your boy-friend's dad?"

"Yes I guess it is" I replied scooping my b cup boobs back into the bra.

"Was it nice, did you like it?"

I looked into his eyes as I pulled the top back in place. "Yes Michael I did."

"Then come back for dinner?"


"Well you know. Just come back, we'll eat and see what happens. Deal?"

Smiling I held my hand out. "Deal."


The shoot went pretty much like most did lately.

The client was in his early forties I guessed, he was smart and clean, polite and friendly and easy to get on with. He had a good sense of humour and we laughed a lot as he set up the lights. He had some good ideas on poses and choosing from the outfits I had brought with me and the first hour went quickly. Most of that was spent with me undressing from a couple of outfits and then posing in a range of underwear outfits: bras and panties in white and black, suspender belts and stockings, waspie and a basque, half cup bra and French knickers. He was appropriately complimentary on my body and outfits and things were going very well. As was the custom we stopped for a cup of tea made by Sandra the studio owner.

"Ok for some topless and nude stuff now Sam?"

"Sure" I replied. "How do you want me?"

He spent twenty minutes or so with me topless, then just wearing holdups and finally naked. He shot me from different angles and had me kneeling, lying, standing and bending over. I knew that he was getting sight and presumably shots of my lips and pussy, but that was ok.

"Can we do some stuff on the bed now Sam?"

As usual there was a bed in a corner of the studio. I sat on it.

"Ok Simon, what now?" I asked looking up at him where he was standing a few feet from me. I could see that he was at least semi-hard, but that wasn't anything unusual, I was used to it.

"Er, er, I would like some how do I put it?"

"I don't know" I replied smiling and not being at all helpful.

"Do you do open leg stuff" he blurted out.

"Yes, but it's extra."

"That's fine."

"Want to know how much?"


"Twenty five ok" I said taking pity on him as I liked him.

We agreed the deal and I got on the bed.

"Any particular poses?"

"Not really it's more the look on your face that I am after."

Smiling I said. "So not the look of my woops never mind."

He laughed. "Well that as well of course. You choose the poses for me, ok?"

"Sure no problem" I replied lying in my back.

Looking into the camera I bent my legs and raised my knees knowing he would get some subtle pussy shots by shooting under the backs of my thighs. I held my knees and pulled them up further pressing the fronts against my boobs giving a good shot of my lips and the crease in my bum. I had learned quite a lot in my year or so posing.

"Mmmmm fantastic. Give me that I want sex look Sammi."

I pouted, half closed my eyes and slightly opened my mouth.


"Yes brilliant."

I let my legs slip down and put my feet back on the bed. Closing my eyes, and placing my fingertips on my boob I slowly opened my legs.

"Oh fuck Sammi" He groaned clicking away taking shot after shot of my exposed, open and I suspected wet pussy. "That's great."

We did a load more 'beaver' shots with me on my back, front and kneeling. Simon moaned and groaned his pleasure as he used two cameras and god knows how many cassettes of 'film.'

I was on my back, my legs were wide open and Simon was kneeling between them.

"Give me a just fucked look Sam please."

I opened my mouth and ran my tongue along my top lip as I acted an orgasm.

"Oh that's great, that's fucking marvellous."

I opened my eyes as he took close ups of my pussy, tits and face. He was clearly fully erect. He saw me looking.

"Sorry" he gulped.

"That's ok."

"Do you do extras Sam?"

"What are you after?"

"Well sex obviously."

"Sorry I don't do full sex" I said realising I had effectively told him I do some.

"What then?"

"What do you want?"

"Can I touch you, massage you?"


"And you masturbate me maybe?"

"That will be another hundred" I said quickly not liking the blunt commercialism, but realising it was necessary.

"Fine, ok"

"Want the money now?"

"After will be fine" I told him adding with a smile. "You're a little overdressed for what you have in mind aren't you?" I told him looking up at the clock and seeing there was only twenty minutes left. I nodded at the clock. "Sandra's pretty hot on time."

Almost immediately he had his shirt off and was pushing his tight jeans down. I was surprised that he wasn't wearing underpants.

"Come and lie here" I told him.

He lay beside me and put his arm round me pressing his unusually thick cock against me. I held it and stroked it wishing almost that I did go all the way with my customers, for it felt so good.

He started to stroke and caress my body focusing initially on my tits and then my bum. His face came close to mine and he brushed my lips with his.

"Is this ok?"

When I first started offering extras I was tense. I didn't do hardly anything other than what was specified and didn't enjoy it. After a while, though, I decided that if I was going to do extras then I might as well try to get more than just the money from it, enjoyment for instance. So if I fancied the guy I went for getting pleasure as well. I put the money element to one side and let myself act as if I was with a lover.

"Yes Simon" I whispered letting him kiss me.


It was a little later than I had expected when I got away from the studio. Sandra wanted to chat and was trying to persuade me to do a porn video, but I was dead against it so it took ages getting away from her and it was nearly nine when I was in my MINI trying to remember the way from Hoxton to Crouch End. As I drove north along Kingsland Road I checked my mobile and there were texts from both Jason and Michael. Jase's was saying how much he looked forward to phone-fucking me tonight and Michael's was saying that the barbecue was on and the Pinot was chilling in the fridge waiting for me.

'Shit what do I do now?' I thought just thanking my lucky stars I hadn't let Simon make me cum when I jerked him off.

Risking life and limb as I drove out of London I text Jase back. I knew that on these training courses there was often evening session and sometimes a formal dinner.

'What time do you want me, I'm running late?'

I then text Michael. 'I have just left and have to go home and change so I can be there around 10, too late?'

God knows what I would do I was thinking if Jason wanted phone sex around eleven or so.

Michael came back almost immediately. 'Perfect, I can't wait.' I heard nothing from Jason.

I dumped my large holdall and carrying wardrobe in the flat. As my sexy gear and outfits increased in number they were becoming more difficult to hide from my flatmates, but I just about managed to, I think.

I showered and changed. It was a little cooler so I wore a pair of blue denim pedal pushers. They ended just beneath my knees and were fashionably quite low cut at the waist leaving a strip of skin and my tummy button bare round my waist. On top I was wearing a black, lacy camisole sort of thing. Now that I 'knew' Michael I left my bra off and the soft material moulded itself round my boobs. Glancing in the mirror as I flicked a brush through my blonde hair I was pleased to see the jiggle of my tits, momentarily rather hopefully thinking that they were growing, and the outline of my nipples as my raised arm stretched the thin material across each orb. I thought I looked good and that made me feel good, but I also realised I was projecting a rather 'available and you can fuck me' look.

I drove the few miles from Crouch End to the rather more upmarket Muswell Hill and parked in the driveway of Michael's house.

"Is it ok there?" I asked when he came round the side of the detached house to greet me.

"Well if you stay all night it will certainly do my street cred good with the neighbours."

'Stay all night? what's he mean?' I quite stupidly asked myself before it hit me that that was what he probably assumed I had agreed to. Although it wasn't, the idea did have appeal. I had, I felt, tacitly agreed to sleep with him, have sex, make love or whatever. But stay the night, that hadn't entered my head, although I do enjoy really 'sleeping' with a guy. Momentarily panicking when I realised I didn't have a clean pair of panties I almost giggled. I covered up my nervousness by trying to make light of it.

"I was rather thinking of moving in permanently I get pissed off living with other girls."

"Well you are most welcome, but you would have to fix it with my son."

"I'd forgotten about him."

"Out of sight out of mind and all that" Michael said as he led me into the large back garden. Once on the patio he took me in his arms and kissed me. "Thanks for coming Sammi" he said seemingly unaware of the double entendre.

I was worried about Jason calling so I sent him a text.

'At home and am going to bed soon, poor signal so you will have to leave the fuck until I am at yours tomorrow. Text what time you are likely to be home'

We don't have a landline in the flat and the area does have a terrible signal so I was in the clear.

That was just as well for Michael then laid on a wonderful evening and night, which included the best fuck I had experienced in my six years or so of sexual activity.

We had a glass of Chablis as he barbecued some strips of fillet steak and baby lamb chops that we ate with a mixed salad. We drank the best part of a bottle of delicious red wine, claret I think, which was enough to relax us and reduce out inhibitions, but not make us, well me at least, feel tired.

Michael was not only the perfect host, but also the perfect lover. He directed me and events skilfully, effortlessly taking and maintaining control yet not being domineering or assumptive. There is such a narrow line between being confident and arrogant. Michael seemed to be a master at toeing that line. His relaxed confidence was so impressive, but he never did anything without making sure that I was in agreement and satisfying my immediate needs before moving on.

After the meal he came round the table, bent over beside my chair and kissed me. It was a long, tender yet passionate kiss that gradually increased in intensity until my mouth was wide open and his tongue was buried deep inside it. Naturally his hands went to my breasts, firstly outside the cami top.

"Oh yes" he grunted when he confirmed my lack of bra. "Thanks Sammi, you make an old man feel very happy."

Smiling I replied. "I didn't do it to make you feel happy."

"What then?"

I reached down and found his cock in the beige linen shorts. It was hard. I murmured.

"It was to make you feel horny."

"There wasn't any need for that, but you can feel that it's done that" he muttered slipping his hand inside the top and onto my breasts. As he caressed them he kissed me again and then, standing both of us up he pulled me to him deliciously squashing my boobs against his chest and pushing his erection into my tummy. It all felt so lovely, just right as good as perfect. His arms were round me kneading and caressing my bottom through the thick denim. I felt his hands slip inside the back of the cami onto my bare back. He ran them up and down my spine and just inside the waist of my jeans. He was arousing me so much, but that increased manifold when I felt him lifting the hem of the camisole top. Up and up it went, past the small of my back and onto my shoulder-blades. At first I thought that was probably all he was going to do or possibly bare my boobs, but no he was pulling it further onto my shoulders and up my neck.

'Fuck he's going to take it off' I realised with a shock thinking. 'He's going to bare my tits in the garden.' Although it was quite dark and the garden was secluded and not overlooked it still seemed a hugely sexy and very horny thing to do.

"Lift your arms Sammi" he whispered in a nicely authoritatively tone. I didn't have any hesitation whatsoever and quickly the cami was off and I was topless.

"Ok?" he whispered kissing me again as he squeezed my breast.

"Yes" I sighed back wondering if he was going to strip me naked and maybe fuck me in the garden; that made me shudder with excitement. But he didn't.

"Come on let's go to bed, we can't have you getting a chest cold in those lovely tits can we?"

That was so typical of older men, well the three I had been with at least. They were relaxed about sex. It was important to them for sure, but not the intense almost life or death experience of younger guys. They joked about it and used humour as part of their sexual technique; I liked that.

He put his arm round my shoulders, picked up my chemi top and directed me into the house and up the stairs. We went straight to what was obviously the master bedroom for it had a large double bed. There was one light on in a corner on small cabinet, it created a nice romantic or heavily sexual atmosphere dependent on your viewpoint. As Michael sat me on the edge of the bed topless, to me it was both!

He stood few feet away from me. "God you are beautiful Sammi, are you sure about this?" He asked considerately.

"Yes" I said very softly for as he asked that Jason came into my mind and that made me feel a bit of a shit. Then I thought to myself what he was probably up to on his training course and I felt better. "Yes Michael I am sure" I whispered.


Looking right into my eyes he pulled the white Polo shirt over his head revealing a tanned, nicely formed chest with defined muscles and a fair covering of dark hairs tinged with patches of grey.

"Lie down Sammi" he directed his hands going to his belt. I did as he asked and lay in the middle of the bed. Then in the most erotic display of sexual confidence I had ever witnessed he slid his shorts and boxers off in one action and stood before rampantly erect and wonderfully naked. He looked fabulous and a little whimper probably escaped from my lips. Other than DD who had always impressed with his lack of inhibitions when naked I had never been with a guy who seemed as comfortable with their nudity as Michael did.

Lying beside me he kissed me and ran his hands over my chest, cupping my tits and pinching and pulling my nipples. Pressing his hard-on against my outer thigh his hand slid downwards and cupped my mound through my jeans. It felt gorgeous. I needed more of an outlet for the now quite extreme sexual ache he was building up in me. Opening my legs a little I pushed my pussy against his hand that he slid slightly further between my thighs. He ran his fingers along my denim covered lips and pressed his thumb right on my clit. I kissed him back very passionately, but even the combination that, his hand on my pussy, his erection against my hip and his tongue in my mouth did little to overcome the sexual rage roaring through me. I fiddled my hand between our bodies and my heart pounded as I grasped his penis. It felt wonderful and I started rubbing it.

"Oh yes Sam, yes" He groaned thrusting his cock in and out of my hand starting to use it as a surrogate cunt. Almost smiling I thought. 'He won't be using a surrogate one for long.'