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I stood up and casually walked around to the end of the sofa making sure I looked innocent of any perversion just in case she woke up and saw me. At first, I just half glanced at her, but soon found myself bending over and outright staring!

I could just about see a pair of red lacy panties, or was it a thong? I moved in closer to investigate further, I was feeling super horny and it was taking all my restraint to not just reach out and touch her. Instead, I let a hand fall from my neck to my left breast and gently cupped and pressed it, and then...she moved! I very nearly left a Faye shaped hole in the ceiling and leapt back so fast I nearly fell over onto my ass!

Luckily she wasn't actually waking up, just getting more comfortable. I, on the other hand, was feeling distinctly uncomfortable, ashamed and horny! I needed to give myself some attention so I left Sally to sleep off the wine and headed into my bathroom. I stripped off and switched on the water for the shower, laid a towel on the floor and stepped in.

The shower is actually just a unit above my bathtub, I have to stand in the bath and pull a shower curtain around it. Once inside I could finally lower my hand in-between my thighs and touch my red hot pussy which had been screaming out for this since Sally had first arrived!

I leant back against the cold tiles so the water cascaded over my head and shoulders and deftly slid my hand over my pussy; I opened myself up and allowed a finger inside my already well-lubricated hole. It filled me (no pun intended) with a sense of relief to finally be in this position, with my left hand cradling my breast and my right hand working on my aching pussy.

I penetrated myself with my middle finger slowly a few times, then introduced my ring finger too, reaching deep into myself and feeling my insides on my fingertips. I arched my back away from the tiles when my fingers brushed against my g spot, and then when I started using my thumb on my hard clitty I was sure it wouldn't take me long to cum. I pushed my fingers in and out of myself and kept flicking my thumb over my clitoris, every few thrusts I would pull out and rub my palm over my engorged lips, sliding my fingers up and down the groove of my lips before plunging them back inside me.

I was getting really close! I squeezed my breasts one after the other, tweaking at my stiff nipples which were enjoying the constant flow of water over them. Finally, with my mouth hanging open in a silent scream, I came like never before. Knowing Sally was in the next room added fuel to my already well-stoked fire. Even during this blissful moment, I knew there was more to come, literally, and I'm sure if I'd continued I would've been there for a long time if only...

"Faye?...Faye? Are you in the shower?" A sweet voice floated through the door.

Ohhh, fuck it! The shower must've woken her up! I pulled my fingers out of myself so fast I'm surprised I didn't give my wrist whiplash!

"Faye?" She sounded insistent, was something wrong?

"Uh, yeah Sally sorry, is everything okay?"

"Um yeah, uh, is it okay if I come in?" Sally called. "I need to use the toilet!"

"Oh, oh right, yeah come on in honey its okay, you can use it," I called back. The toilet is on the other side of the bathroom facing the bathtub. I heard the door handle turn followed by slow steps across the floor.

"Are you okay honey?" I called to her, desperately trying to not sound like someone who had only just had an orgasm and was still pretty damn close to another, whatever that sounds like.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just need to pee," she answered. I even found the fact that she referred to it as 'pee' rather than 'piss' to be adorable. I didn't actually hear her go, but I did hear the toilet flush.

"Sorry, I'm done now; I'll see you when you're done."

"Don't be sorry, and its okay you can stay and talk, I'll be done soon," I wanted her to stay because I had an idea.

"Oh, okay," I saw the faint shadow of her move towards to the toilet so I assumed that's where she was sitting. "Look, I'm sorry for turning up and blurting all those things out to you, you've been so sweet and I really didn't think this was going to turn out this way."

"No, it's okay, you have nothing to be sorry for, and it's not your fault," I reassured her as best I could. Being naked and in such close proximity to her was giving me butterflies the size of dragons in my stomach and the idea I was formulating was also giving me huge anxiety.

I shut off the water and quickly moved the shower curtain back; stepping onto the towel I'd laid on the floor before getting in. I tried to do it as naturally as possible so it didn't look like I was trying to do exactly what I was trying to do, which was show myself off.

"Thank you, I don't have many friends so...Faye!" Sally made an audible gasp as she saw my climb out of the bath and step onto the towel. She looked right at me for what seemed like an eternity while I, as nonchalantly as I could, patted myself down with another towel. When I looked up at her I saw she had simultaneously crossed her legs, put a hand over her eyes and turned away.

"What's wrong?" I asked in my most innocent voice.

"N-nothing, I just...I wasn't expecting...that..." she stayed still with her head turned away. Now it was time to play my ace card.

"Oh...I'm sorry, I didn't think...wow, if I'd known you'd be so disgusted by me getting out the shower I would've given you a warning," I said in a semi-bitchy and semi-hurt kind of way.

"Disgusted? No! You don't disgust me, far from it. I was just surprised, I'm sorry honey. I didn't mean to offend you," she offered in a semi-apologetic semi-pleading kind of way.

Pouting a little I said, "It's alright, just stop covering your eyes and look at me."

"Why do you want me to look at you?"

"It's not that I want you to look at me," I lied. "I just don't want you to hide your eyes from me like I'm some kind of weirdo."

"Oh...right," she couldn't really do anything but agree and slowly turned to face me while uncovering her eyes.

"See," I said dropping a hip like a glamour model. "Nothing to be scared of," I laughed a little nervously and I turned away and carried on drying myself. I tried to make it look like I wasn't watching her watch me or like I was showing off for her. Instead, I just carried on like she wasn't there but still kept half an eye on her.

"You're so pretty," Sally uttered. I could see that she was mainly looking at the floor but also glancing up like she was daring herself to look at me.

"Aww thank you, too bad no one else seems to think so," I said with a hint of regret in my voice.

"No, I don't believe that," she said shaking her head.

This was going exactly like I'd hoped a few seconds ago in the shower! I finished rubbing the water from my body and gently patted my damp hair. Normally by now, I would have wrapped up, but this wasn't a time for covering up, I was enjoying the attention far too much for that but, eventually, I had to put something on so I walked across to my robe. For no particular reason I chose the smaller robe I have, it's white and fluffy with long sleeves but only just covers my bum by about two inches.

"I can't believe a boy hasn't snapped you up yet," she continued as she followed me out of the bathroom and back towards the living room.

"Ha-ha, I wouldn't let a boy snap me up," I laughed gently. "I'm a lesbian!"

"Oh...oh I'm sorry Faye, I didn't know," she apologised.

"I'm surprised my mum never mentioned it to you," I lied again (I do that a lot huh?) if my mum had told anyone about it I would've gone insane at her!

"No, she didn't. I'm sorry."

"Stop apologising Sally its fine," I laughed again and sat down in the armchair. Sally sat opposite to me on the sofa and again I noticed she was looking down at the floor more than me.

"I only ever had one boyfriend when I was fifteen, and after that, I vowed to never again let a man anywhere near me again! And to be honest, men have never really made me feel the way I want to feel y'know? It's hard to explain but...Sally?"

"Yeah?" she replied while still facing the floor.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course, why?"

"Nothing, you just seem a little uncomfortable, sorry am I being too open here?"

"Oh no honey, it's not that, it's just..." she trailed off.

"What is it?"

"Y-you're kinda flashing me a little," she nervously revealed.

"Flashing you?" I looked down and saw my right breast had almost totally fallen out of my robe and, purely accidentally, I'd forgotten to fasten the little cord around my waist. So from where she was sitting, she must have an unobstructed view of my pussy! Imagine my surprise.

"Oh...oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I..."

"No, no it's fine, I don't mind I just wanted to let you know," she spoke quickly and her words were somewhat forced.

"Well I don't mind if you look," I said playfully.

"No, I wasn't looking; well I was of course but not in a weird way."

"A weird way?"

"No, not weird, I don't mean it's weird to look at you I mean..."


"Sorry, sorry I don't want to sound bad..."

"Sally stop! It's okay, it's fine..."


"If you say that word once more I'm going to throw something pointy at you."

"S...okay, but..." she had to stop because of what I was doing. I stood up in front of her, with my gown hanging open enough to show the skin between my breasts but pulled it around me at the bottom so my pussy was covered. I walked past her slowly and sat next to her on the sofa with my knees pulled up under me and my body facing her. She was sitting bolt upright with her hands clasped tightly in her lap while I got comfortable. In my head right then I was repeating one thing in my mind over and over again: Do not fuck this up, Faye!

"It's okay to look," I said in a low voice. She was still looking down at her own knees, refusing to look up.

"Sally..." I put my hand on under her chin and turned her head slowly towards me. "Look at me, I want you to."

I was desperately trying to appear confident but honestly, I don't know who was trembling more. She allowed me to turn her head but her eyes remained lowered, so as she turned she would've seen my legs first and the rest of my body in a kind of slow-motion reveal. When I released her chin I was pleased to see she didn't look away.

"It's okay to look... and..." I reached down to her lap and took her left hand in mine and guided it towards me..." and it's okay to touch."

I put her hand on the exposed section of my stomach and then pushed it up underneath my robe until I felt her hand over my breast. I heard and felt her gasp when I left her hand there. She didn't immediately withdraw it like I feared she might, instead she left it there and so delicately cupped it.

"It's okay," I whispered. I placed my hand on her shoulder and pushed her back, so she rested her back on the sofa. I had my left arm over the back of the sofa so when she did sit back I was able to run it through her hair. The slight movement of her body and her hand on my breast cause my robe to fall off my right shoulder and reveal her hand still cupping my breast; her touch was so light that I could barely feel her hand there but actually seeing it made the sensation so much more real.

"Oh, Faye... I shouldn't do this, we shouldn't be doing this," Sally seemed to be fighting an internal battle in her mind.

"Shhh, it's okay Look at me, Sally," I was doing my best attempt at a husky voice.

She did raise her head and look at me when she did l lowered my head to her level and rested my forehead against hers. A couple of curly blonde hairs had dropped over her face and covered her eye, so I used the hand that had been knuckle deep in my own pussy ten minutes ago, to lightly brush the errant strands of hair away and tuck them behind her ear. Then I used the back of my hand to stroke her cheek while we stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever.

"Everything's going to be okay," I whispered and brought my mouth even closer to hers until I could feel her hot breath on my lips.

"F-Faye, I don't...I don't know..." Sally almost whimpered. I felt her words on my lips as she spoke.

"Shhh, it's okay," I smiled. "Do you...do you want me, Sally?" I held my breath and ran my fingers through her hair as I waited for her answer.

"Y-yes, I..." I didn't wait for her to finish, the moment she said yes I closed the last few centimetres between our lips and kissed her.

I tilted my head to get proper access to her mouth and kissed her fully; she hadn't opened her mouth to let me in yet so I took the lead and slowly trailed my tongue over her lips, hoping to encourage her to let me in. Her lips parted for me and I accepted the invitation inside and I finally got my first taste of this beautiful woman I'd lusted after for so long, I was a little shocked by the heat in her mouth but I soon got over it and explored her.

I nearly yelped with joy when I felt her tongue mingle with mine and she started to explore me too, the amazing high I got from feeling her tongue slip between my lips was incredible, we danced in my mouth and then in hers, stopping to briefly smooch and breathe. I loved every second of our closeness at that moment.

I felt like I wanted to ravage her right now, but I was all too aware of her fragile state of mind. If I tried to do too much too soon it might frighten her away, so I kept a rein on the lust that was surging inside me. Favouring little movements of my hand over her cheek and combing through her hair while we enjoyed the closeness and the sexual heat we were generating. I dropped my hand down to her t-shirt and gently held her left breast.

"Is it okay to touch you like this?" I asked her between kisses.

"Yeah...it's okay," was the muffled reply. I was thrilled with how quickly she'd consented and I dropped my hand to her lap and felt around for the hem of her t-shirt, once I found it I slid my hand up inside and touched her body, her skin felt like it was on fire and I briefly panicked when my fingers touched her bare boob because she lurched away from me but quickly settled again.

"Sorry," she whispered, sounding a little embarrassed.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No, no it's just, no one but Steve has ever touched me like this," she looked up at me as she said it. "But, I don't want to stop."

I smiled and felt a new sense of encouragement to continue so I put my hand right over her bare breast and this time she didn't lurch away. I pushed my lips against hers and returned my tongue to the warmth of her mouth while I caressed her breast under her t-shirt. I didn't stay up there for long though because the passion inside me was making me impatient so explore her more.

I left her chest and slowly stroked down to her lap and further still until I felt the bare skin of her leg. I think she could sense where I was going because her tongue more urgently surged past my lips and her knees fell apart which allowed my hand to travel beneath her skirt and stroke her inner thigh. It was getting difficult to manoeuvre my hand under there and I couldn't quite reach the underwear I had spied on while she had been sleeping earlier. I could just about reach the lacy panties (as it turned out) with my fingertips, but no further. We needed to move this along before my pussy simply broke free and ate her whole.

I withdrew my hand from beneath her skirt and pulled my lips back from hers, she seemed a little confused as I slowly got to my feet and stepped away, but when I held out my hand and glanced towards my bedroom she certainly got the hint. She smiled in an anxious and frankly adorable way, and got to her feet, taking my hand in the process and followed me in silence through my bedroom door.

Without turning back to her I let go of her hand and shrugged off my robe, letting it fall around my ankles leaving me totally naked in front of her for the second time today. I exaggeratedly climbed onto my double bed, pointing my ass towards her so she got a full view of my...everything, and turned around to face her. I knelt up on the bed and held out my hands towards her, she stepped to the edge and was about to climb on beside me but I stopped her and took hold of the bottom of her t-shirt.

"We won't be needing this," I said, smiling as naughtily as I could. She raised her arms and let me pull her t-shirt off and dropped it on the floor. For the first time, I saw her beautiful boobs in the flesh right in front of me. I couldn't resist taking one in each hand and giving them a playful squeeze.

"Wow, they are seriously gorgeous," I beamed up at her with them in my hands.

"I'm glad you approve," she smiled.

Sally seemed to be gaining more confidence the further we went, seeing this new side of the previously shy and reserved 'quintessential primary school teacher' was more than I expected. I think she was enjoying the special attention I was giving to her body, I guess Steve didn't appreciate her the way I did!

I eventually let go of her boobs and raised myself back up to her eye level and slipped my fingers into the waistband of her skirt and pulled her closer so I could plant a kiss on those smiling lips. I felt her breasts press against mine while we smooched prompting a small gasp from both of us when our nipples made contact with each other.

I felt around the back of her skirt to find the clasp holding it together, my fingers wouldn't do what I told them to when I did find the button I wanted and it was sheer luck that prevailed when I managed to undo it and let it go. Suddenly her bare bum was in my hands and I took the chance to give those firm cheeks a squeeze. I tried to move back from her so I could look at her body but when I moved my head back she followed me, refusing to break our kiss. She really was getting into this and I loved it!

I felt around her back for the waistband to her panties but I couldn't find it, I realized out she'd already done it for me and was now naked, in my bedroom, Sally was kissing me so deeply and we were both naked! Oh god, this is really happening!

Eventually, she broke the kiss and I moved back so she had room to climb on with me, despite the confidence she'd just shown, Sally now suddenly appeared tentative. Obviously, this was her first time with a woman and she was wondering what came next, and wondering what her part in it should be. So once again I took control and knee-walked to the top of the bed and moved some pillows around, then turned back to her.

"Lay here baby," I whispered while patting one of the pillows. She crawled to where I indicated and laid her head down on the pillow facing the ceiling, I saw her take a deep breath and smiled, but then I needed to take a breath because she was laid flat in front of me and her body...wow! So slim but not bony, her pale and flawless skin, those breasts and her hairless pussy...she looked like she'd come straight out of a model magazine...

"Hey," Sally playfully admonished me. "Are you gonna sit and stare at me all day?" I looked up to see her smiling at me and became embarrassed like I'd been caught out!

"Sorry," I said with a smile. "You're just...amazing." I saw her blushing again and jarred myself into action, I swung my leg over her body and straddled her hips, letting my hair fall over my left shoulder and put my hands on her torso.

I softly stroked up to her breasts again, this time paying them proper attention by massaging them and letting my thumb flick over her stiff nipples. Everything I did showed on her face and let me know I was she was getting more turned on by the moment.

I lowered my body onto hers, crushing our breasts together and invaded her mouth with my tongue. I kissed her lips, then her cheeks, and nuzzled into her neck and kissed my way down. My body slid along hers as I moved lower, I licked and kissed her throat and then down in between her breasts.