Feb Sucks-And Turns Ugly


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"He doesn't need his whore today!" The woman shouted at Ellen before slamming the door in her face. A shaken Ellen had wandered down to the bar to have a glass of wine and gather herself and that is when I had noticed her.

As Ellen crawled into bed with me, she began to play with my cock. She had already explained that there were some hard and fast rules that I must agree to. We would not kiss and we would not have sex without a condom. We were not dating and this was strictly a business transaction. She was not looking for a white knight to save her from her life.

I was good with all that.

Ellen opened a condom and expertly slid it onto me and then took me into her mouth. I had always had a high libido, and despite worrying last night if I would ever again desire a woman, it soon became obvious that the answer was yes; yes, I would desire another woman.

Under Ellen's expert ministrations, I did not last long and was soon ejaculating into the rubber.

She smiled and said, "That was fast. Are you always that quick?"

I laughed in return. "No! That was an amazing blowjob. Can I return the favor?"

Her smile immediately turned into a sad, wistful frown. "You should never offer that to an escort. You do not know when her last man was in her or even if a condom was used. If you ask, you will be lied to you."

"Would you lie to me?" I asked.

Ellen turned away from me for a moment before looking back into my eyes. "No, Jim, I will not lie to you."

"Is there any reason that I should not go down on you?"

Ellen shook her head. "It has been over a week since I last met with a client. I live alone and I am not in a relationship. If you wish to perform oral sex upon me, I would be happy to accept, but it is not necessary."

I pushed Ellen back on the bed and rolled the wedding dress above her waist as I began to lick around her pussy. She eschewed the bald look in favor of a well-groomed strip of pubic hair that ended above her slit. Her scent was a spicy-sweet mixture that nearly made my head swoon as I inhaled her essence. Ellen was already wet and as I licked and nibbled, her wetness increased and began seeping out of her pussy and running in small creamy rivulets toward her anus. I ran my tongue across her puckered hole to capture her escaping juices and she gasped and brought her legs together, trapping my head between her thighs.

"Oh my God," she said in a disbelieving tone. "I came. You made me orgasm. That never happens."

I continued to lick and probe with my fingers and Ellen had another orgasm as I gently rubbed her G-spot while sucking on her clit. This time, when she orgasmed, a small stream of ejaculate flew from her slit, landing on Linda's wedding dress. Oh well, I mentally shrugged; in for a penny...

After Ellen's earlier blowjob, I had disposed of the condom and wiped my cock with a warm washcloth. As I regained my erection, Ellen slipped another condom onto my erection and glanced at the clock on the nightstand.

"It's almost noon," she said. "Do you think she's staying with him another night?"

"I don't think so. She'll start missing the kids and at some point, I have to think guilt will set in. She may not show it, but she'll feel it."

"I'll just keep you on edge until she gets here," Ellen said with a grin.

And that is what she did. She would alternate playing with my cock with her hands and her mouth. As my orgasm approached, she would back off until it no longer felt like I was about to erupt. We kept this cycle going for another hour and my cock was purple and vibrating like a tuning fork, it was so ready to go off. I had almost decided to cancel my plan and have Ellen finish me when we heard the throaty roar of a sports car as it stopped in the street in front of our house. Since the driveway was taken up by Ellen's BMW, the driver had no choice but to sit at the curb. The car idled for several minutes and my imagination was working overtime as I imagined them kissing in front of our house. In. Front. Of. Our. House. With no regard to whether the kids were home or if someone could see her and her lover.

If I had any qualms about what my next steps were, they vanished.

As the front door opened, Linda called, "Jim? Emma? Tommy? I'm home. Still the same old me! Where is everyone?"

Ellen kissed me on the cheek before crawling on top of me and facing the bedroom door. She notched my cock at her pussy and slid down, impaling herself upon my erection. I could feel her juices slide down and soak my groin as I put my hands around her hips and began to thrust upward.

"Jim? Are you back here? Whose BMW is in the driveway?" Linda shouted. I could tell by her voice that she was approaching the bedroom as I continued to thrust upward into Ellen.

"Jim, what..." was as far as Linda got before letting out a scream as she saw Ellen on top as I fucked the beautiful raven-haired escort. Ellen was leaning forward, her hands on my knees and her hair had fallen in front of her face as she bounced on my cock.

"You motherfucker," she screamed before her mouth seemed to slam shut as she took in the full extent of what was transpiring. I could see that several things were registering on her all at once. First, the garment bag lying on the floor at the foot of the bed. Secondly, the woman I was fucking in a reverse cowgirl position was wearing her wedding dress as she faced Linda.

"Is that my wedding dress?" Linda screeched. "MY FUCKING CHANEL WEDDING DRESS?" Linda's voice was almost unintelligible as she screamed her questions.

I pulled out of Ellen and tapped her on the side so she would roll off. Ellen lay back onto the pillows as I arose to stand next to the bed as Linda watched slack-jawed, not believing what she was seeing. Her face was purple and she seemed to be struggling to breathe. I tugged the condom off my erection and then pulled back the wedding dress so that Ellen's pussy lay open and exposed toward Linda. Ellen had been edging me for two hours so it only took a half dozen quick tugs before I erupted onto Ellen's bare stomach. I took the hem of Linda's wedding dress and wiped it across Ellen's pussy and then cleaned my semen from Ellen's stomach using the dress's hem. I then took the dress' lace shawl, wadded it up, and casually wiped my cock with it, cleaning my spend while staring into Linda's eyes.

Ellen stood and, in a move, we had discussed earlier, slipped the dress off, placed it on its hanger, and then handed it to me.

While Ellen was going through those motions, Linda stood in near-catatonic silence and except for her puce-colored face and her labored breathing, she stood stock still. I held up the wrinkled and stained dress with my left hand and motioning with my right, I said, "See? Still the the same old Chanel dress. Nothing's changed. I'm lucky because I have a wife who loves me enough to get past her hurt feelings and not make this a bigger deal than it should be." My comments echoed the bullshit that Dee had tried to sell me at the restaurant and that Linda had announced upon entering the house after her night with the asshole.

Linda burst into tears and ran sobbing out of the bedroom.

"Well, that was an interesting experience," Ellen said dryly.

"Wasn't it though? Let's take a quick shower and get you on your way."

Ten minutes later, I was escorting Ellen to her car. She reached behind my neck, pulled me in, and gave me a deep, passionate kiss, in violation of one of her rules.

"In case the neighbors saw your wife this morning, that kiss will give them something else to gossip about." Ellen gave me a grin and backed out of my driveway. I vowed to Venmo Ellen an additional $1000 as a bonus. She backed her BMW out of my driveway and gave me a quick wave and Ellen Fontaine disappeared from my life forever.

I could hear Linda sobbing in the living room. I sighed as I thought, 'No time like the present."

Linda was sitting in one of the matched ivory-colored chairs that sat at 45-degree angles from each other as I took my seat in the other chair.

"You destroyed my dress!" Linda glared at me with hate-filled eyes. "The most precious thing I own and you destroyed it."

"I guess that makes us even, doesn't it?"

"I didn't destroy anything of yours!"

"Linda, the most precious thing I had were our wedding vows. Our commitment to faithfulness and fidelity to each other. The promise to forsake all others. I know it was important to you, but that dress was just an object. A thing. Nothing else. What you did, on the other hand, was shit on the entire foundation of our marriage, and you did it in the most public, disrespectful manner possible."

"Well, you sure got even with me, didn't you? I guess you showed me," Linda snapped at me. "It was one night. One night out of a lifetime of nights!"

"It was one dress. One dress out of a closetful of dresses."

"Emma was going to be the fifth generation to wear that dress. You took that away from her!"

"Emma was going to live in a happy home with two loving parents. You took that away from her. Which do you think is going to affect her the most?" Linda glared at me with an almost feral look in her eyes.

"Divorce? Is that where this is going?" she hissed at me.

"You'll never forgive me for what I did to that stupid fucking dress. And I'll never forgive you for sneaking out to fuck that asshole."

"You're going to work the rest of your life to pay for that dress!" she shouted at me.

I shook my head. "Yeah, about that...That dress is listed as a marital asset on our insurance policy, just like this chair I'm sitting on. If I want to drag this chair out to the backyard and set it on fire, I can. If I wanted to set that wedding dress on fire, I could as long as I didn't try to file an insurance claim on it. Besides, the dress is not ruined. It's stained and tainted. And I'm sure the mind movies of me fucking Ellen while she's wearing your wedding dress will never go away, just like the cum stains we left on it."

Linda burst into a fresh bout of crying at my statement.

Linda had wrapped her arms around herself and was rocking back and forth as she sobbed and cried to herself. "It was just one night. It was just one night. It was just one night."


Twenty years later.

Emma Kingsley, her husband, and her brother Tom had been working all morning placing tags on the various knickknacks, tchotchkes, and sundry stuff that had belonged to Emma and Tom's mother Linda Williams.

Linda had been gone for six months and Emma had been dreading going through her mother's personal belongings. Emma's relationship with her mother had been...complicated.

After her parent's divorce, her mother seemed to go off the deep end. She had developed an almost pathological hatred for her ex-husband claiming that he had destroyed everything precious to her. It was ironic because even at a young age, Emma knew that her mother had cheated on her father and that her father had never cheated on her mother. She knew that her father did do something that angered her mother to the point that she could no longer stay married to him, but neither Emma nor Tom knew what he had done.

Linda had moved immediately into the home of a professional football player named Marc LaValliere after it was agreed that divorce was their only path forward. It was a heady time for Linda and her children. Although Emma and Tommy had never liked Marc, he had never abused them or been unkind. They had been flown around the country to watch Marc play football and they had been able to attend the Superbowl, sporting events, and concerts as VIPs. Linda had quit her job to enjoy the life of being a WAG and that had lasted for nearly two years before Marc had grown restless and bored with Linda and kicked her out of his house.

Jobless and homeless, Linda was forced to move into her parent's home. They had been unhappy with their daughter and her poor decisions for a long time. She had traded in a solid, loving husband for a flashy asshole. They were additionally discouraged by the string of losers that she became involved with after Marc; each worse than the last.

Jim had been given primary custody of Emma and Tommy and stayed in the family home. Since he worked from home and provided 75% of the parenting, it was determined it would be in the best interest of the children for Jim to buy Linda out and for him to remain in the home--more fuel for Linda's unhinged hatred of her ex-husband.

Three years after their divorce, her father had re-married. Marie Fontenot was a strikingly beautiful, dark-haired French-born woman a few years younger than her husband. Marie designed clothes and owned the Gold Coast boutique which was the sole outlet for her designs. A year before Jim met Marie, superstar singer Toni Speed, while in Chicago to put on a concert, had wandered into Marie's boutique with a group of her gal pals. They had fallen in love with Marie's designs and had purchased almost the entire inventory of the boutique. When Toni was photographed in restaurants or appeared on Instagram, she gave full credit to Marie Fontenot for her look. Business had exploded and no celebrity trip to Chicago was complete without a shopping trip to Marie's boutique. Marie had a large staff to manage the store which let her concentrate on her designs.

Emma shook her head at the memory. Seventeen years later she was still amazed that her nerdy father had the nerve to strike up a conversation with the beautiful, successful clothing designer. She had no idea what Mari Fontenot saw in her dad, but marriage soon followed with a daughter being born six months after Jim and Marie married. Marie had made a wonderful stepmother. She was kind, funny, and loved Emma and Tommy. She taught the two of them to speak French and on a family vacation to France, had taken them on a tour of her hometown of Nice and the places she frequented as a girl. She then had taken them on a tour of Paris and all her old haunts.

Emma adored her half-sister, Ellen who had been given Marie's middle name. She was the best of both her father and Marie and was a sweet, well-mannered child who followed her big sister everywhere. Emma would have liked Ellen's help today, but she knew her mother would not have approved of Ellen's help.

Linda despised Marie.

She always insisted that she had seen Marie somewhere before, she just could not place her face. She frequently said that Jim had probably been cheating on her all along. No one believed it because everyone in the family knew that Linda had cheated on her husband with Marc LaVilliere and had moved into his house before the divorce was even filed. It was just more evidence of Linda's pathological hatred of her ex-husband.

Emma's father had wept at the funeral of his ex-wife. Marie had put her arm around her husband's waist as they stood together looking down upon Linda in her coffin. There were few mourners for Linda in the chapel. Her parents were dead and her friends had long since abandoned her, with most drifting away after their own divorces. Linda had never remarried and as she aged and her looks faded, she had increasingly isolated herself away from everyone but her son and daughter.

Tom walked out of his mother's closet carrying an ancient white canvas garment bag with tan leather trim and matching tan leather straps and buckles holding the bag closed. Tom loosened the straps, opened the bag, and brought out a stained, wrinkled dress. The lace and beadwork on the dress were still in good shape but the dress itself looked used and discarded. Tom asked his sister how to price the dress.

"When I was a little girl, mom would talk about some special dress she had that had been in the family for a long time but after their divorce, she never again mentioned it. I can't believe it would be that dress. If it were worth anything she would have taken better care of it. Emma thought for a moment as she mentally calculated the value of the dress.

"Put a price tag of $50 on it, but if anyone makes an offer over $10, we'll take it."

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Big_Tim99Big_Tim993 days ago

All in all, I think the best revenge is still living a good life despite being crapped on.

AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

good story well written and the most inventive in the revenge department. I think OK123 did change some of the mc issues to make everything fit, but not sure, dont remember mc working from home or providing most of the child care and dont remember wife having a job either. Still heartilly approve of the lack of angst in mc and his quick and determined decisiopn that marriage was over and how to get his revenge on wife. Still miss every sequel that doesnt impose a penalty on the football turd. personally im going to guess that if you look at all football "studs" past and present, that the make up is 15-20 percent good guys, another 15-20% so so guys and the rest are all criminals just not yet caught or held responsible in any type crime. very good sequel. rk

AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

I’m sorry. I don’t think the original was that good of a story and I still HATE all the pale imitations of a bad story. Color me unimpressed and more that a tad bored. Cheating to “get even” with a cheater is never a solution, either in real life or in fiction.

oldtwitoldtwit9 days ago

Oh what a great take on it, so unusual.

DeanofMeanDeanofMean11 days ago

Like all treasures they eventually make it to the bargain bin I enjoyed the Karmic tit-for-tat, juvenile perhaps, effective defiantly. Like a few others in here I am surprised she didn't at least try to have it cleaned so that it looked ok but no one cared how it looked those that knew could see nothing but a long out of style dress.

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