February Sucks... for Everyone

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Everyone feels some pain.
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This is a different ending to the GeorgeAnderson story "February Sucks". I think there's already been five or six. Every time I got close to trying to submit this, another one was published. I saw one commenter say to let the story die. I hope that doesn't discourage someone else from trying.

This is my first submission. This story intrigued me and bothered me at the same time. I did get permission from the original author and at least one of the sequel authors before submitting this. Thanks to both. It was requested that I add the URL here for the original. Frankly, when I am looking for a sequel, or an original to a sequel, I google the name of the title or the name of the author followed by "Literotica", and they always pop up.

I know it's too long, or maybe too short. I know there are misspellings. i know the grammar sucks. I know it's impossible for this to happen in real life. I know it's factually incorrect. I know it's in the wrong category. (There is no sex, but since all the related stories were in LW, I figured I would keep it here). If you're tired of the story line you should probably skip it. Of course, you know what this about by the title, and you're still reading.

I do not have an editor. I do not have a proofreader, I do not have a beta reader, or an alpha reader, or any other kind of reader. It's me and my iPad. Thats it, and my iPad is old. If it's that bad, I apologize, and you will know to ignore any future submissions by me.

In a subsequent email, it was suggested that I post the link this way, https://www.literotica.com/s/february-sucks. If this doesn't work, I'm sure it's my fault. If it does work, much thanks to GA.

Some of the things are probably not realistic, but in my world they would be. No need to fact check, I know it's fiction.

Quick recap:Jim and his very beautiful wife Linda go to a club with four other couples for what is supposed to be a 'special night' for them. Linda is approached at their table by a local professional football 'hero' and accepts his request to dance (even though she has refused to dance with any other of their friends, citing her and Jim's 'special night'). After returning to their table, Jim suggests that they, (Jim and Linda) head to their room to finish the night off. Linda says she has to use the bathroom first, and Dee goes with her.

My version starts in the club just after Linda leaves to go the bathroom with Dee. It most closely builds off the version given by Greenday0418, but takes a detour. Some of the dialogue is close, but with relevant changes.


My wife and her friend Dee had gone to the bathroom together, and the conversation immediately turned to why women had to go the the bathroom in pairs or groups, but never alone. I wondered out loud what was taking Linda and Dee so long and the group seemed to pump up the conversation even more. I was just standing up from my chair when Dee came back. Alone.

"Where's Linda, is she OK?" I asked.

"Relax Jim," Dee said as she smiled, "Linda is fine. She just had something to do. You don't need to worry about her, She's a grown woman, you know."

My friends started teasing me about how much I worried about Linda. It's true, I did. I used to think she worried about me the same way. I put up with it for about three more minutes, and when Linda still hadn't returned, I'd had enough. I got up, pushed off Dees' hands trying to hold me back, and headed to the bar.

I got the bartenders attention and said, "excuse me, my wife went into the

bathroom about 15 minutes ago and hasn't come out. Could you send someone in to make sure she's OK?"

The bartender pretty much ignored me so I turned on my heels and went through the Ladies bathroom door. "Linda, where are you? You OK?"

A voice responded with "excuse me, this is the Ladies room and I think I'm alone in here, and I'm not Linda."

"I'm sorry Miss, my wife Linda was in here and I'm trying to find her."

"There were two women in here about 10 minutes ago and I'm pretty sure one was named Linda. The one with her was talking her into leaving with some guy."

"Fuck! OK, thanks."

I walked out of the door and practically walked over top of Dee. "Jim, she's alright. Come back to the table and I'll explain everything."

"Screw you Dee. The woman in the Ladies room heard your whole conversation with Linda and explained what happened."

"Jim, lets go to the end of the bar where there's a little privacy."

Once we got there she started. "Jim, Linda loves you. She loves you and your children with all her heart and more than anything in the world, and she always will\ and you know it. She will be home in the morning, but she is spending the night with Marc Lavalliere."

I stood there with my mouth open. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I saw images of Linda sneaking out the back door with a smile on her face. Images of the Asshole dancing with my wife. My anger rose significantly. "So, on what was supposed to be a special night for US, she left me for another man!"

"Jim, she didn't leave you. She'll come home tomorrow and you'll have plenty of special nights together."

"How many are going to be just like tonight? You know, where she decides to end the 'special night' with a man other than me?" I could see the wheels turning. Before she could answer I started again. "So tell me, BITCH, Why would you help her do this?!"

"Because, I knew she really wanted to do this, and she deserved it," she replied indignantly.

I was really starting to lose my temper. I grabbed her by the upper arms and pinned her up against the wall. I angrily said, "are you fucking kidding me? She DESERVED to be allowed to cheat on me?! What you mean is that YOU really wanted her to want this, and YOU really think she deserved to be allowed to cheat on me! What you want is to turn her into a slut like you!"

Dees' husband, Dave, put his hand on my bicep and said "hey dude, that's my wife you're roughing up there."

I never looked at Dave, I kept staring into Dees' eyes. "I'm not roughing her up Dave, I'm trying to find out why she helped wreck my marriage."

Dave kept his hand on my bicep and said, "Jim, look, this isn't that big a deal..."

"Dave," I hissed, "if you don't take your fucking hand off me, I'm gonna punch you in your fucking throat!"

Dave was starting to realize just how pissed off I was and took his hand off my arm, but didn't move away. "Now Dee," I said, "before I really lose my temper and hurt someone, where did the asshole take my wife?"

"To his mansion."

"So tell me, after he's had his fill of fucking her, what's the plan supposed to be? Me being happy and proud that she was chosen, and fucked, by the almighty sex god?"

"Jim, I know how much you love Linda. This proves it. I know how much she loves you. This doesn't have to be a big deal. It's only one night. A one time experience. Compared to all the years and love you two have together, it isn't a big deal. It's only a big deal if you make it one. I know she'll come home to you tomorrow and eventually you'll be fine." She spoke with a lot more confidence than she showed.

"And I get to hear about her awesome experience for the rest of my life? I don't fucking think so."

"It's not like that. She would never rub your nose in it."

"It's exactly like that. Every time you talk on the phone, this is where the conversation will go! Every time this group gets together the nine of you will be whispering amongst yourselves and smirking behind my back at Jim the cuck and how she 'got away with it'!"

Dee just looked down at the floor.

Dave tried again. "Jim, It's only..."

"Shut up Dave and listen. So Dee, if the Asshole had picked you instead, you would have left with him?"

"In a heartbeat!"

"Do you think Linda would have encouraged you to go?"

Dee was silent with her mouth open.

"Hear that Dave?" More silence.

"Excuse me," I said to the bartender. "What's his address?"

"Whose address?" He replied.

"The Asshole, Marc Lavalliere. He took my wife, possibly against her will. I think he may have slipped something into her drink here at YOUR bar."

The bartender mumbled something about not needing this shit from someone who doesn't even tip well, and passed me a napkin with an address on it.

I slid back a fifty and thanked him. I dragged Dee back to our table and Dave followed us. As we approached the table, the whole conversation stopped. No one wanted to look me in the eye and that told me everything. Everyone knew what happened, and as predicted, they were all talking behind my back. The question to me now was who knew ahead of time and did nothing to stop it.

"Umm... Jim, you gonna be OK?' Jane's husband Phil had asked hesitantly from the other side of the table. "I know it was a shitty thing to do, but you two are gonna be OK, right? Is there anything we can do?"

"A little late to ask me that question, isn't it? Well," I said with as much sarcasm as I could muster, "sure. First invent a time machine to bring the cheating whore back. When that doesn't work, find out what you assholes did with my REAL friends. They look just like you people but would never screw me over and destroy my marriage like you have. Then you can decide amongst yourselves who Linda is going to live with going forward."

"Wait, you're not going to divorce her over this, are you?!"

"Of course, why wouldn't I? One and done, remember? We've all talked about this. Everyone here said the same thing. Infidelity is unacceptable, one and done."

Barbara started "but it's Marc Lavalliere..."

"I don't giver a fuck who it is! It isn't me, that's all that matters!"

"But Jim, think of your kids! Think of how much they need you before you decide what to do..". Jane was crying as she spoke. Her kids were the same age as mine and they were all best buds.

"You mean the way Linda is thinking of the kids, or for that matter ME, right now? She snuck out the back door to get away from me!"

Mike was next. "Come on Jim, it's just one night. You're not gonna actually divorce her for this one night, are you?"

"Where do I set the bar at, Mike? One fuck? Two fucks? One 'one night stand', two 'one night stands'? What was your limit when your first wife was fucking other guys?"

"That isn't fair, Jim. She had an affair, not a one night stand..."

I cut him off. "Hear that Mary? One night stands are OK with Mike. You should have gone too. Or just look around here, maybe you can find a one night stand to fuck right here. Mike only cares about lengthy affairs."

Mike was getting pissed. Good. "This whole fucking thing is absurd..."

"Now THAT is the first smart thing anyone here has said since the tramp left. Lets go girls, you're with me." I was formulating a plan.

The other four guys started to protest, thinking I was taking them to my hotel room. I put my hand up in a 'stop talking' sign. "Don't worry, I don't wanna fuck any of your whores. They helped Linda make this decision, they're gonna help me get her out of Asshole's house. This is Linda's only chance of staying married, because if she fucks him we're done." They weren't happy, but acquiesced since they knew I was right. "Don't worry, we'll be back soon, either with her or without her."

The five of us got into my SUV and headed to Asshole's house. The GPS said it was only about 15 minutes away and apparently in a very rural area. When we arrived we saw it was in a heavily wooded area. We saw a mailbox with his house number on it and I pulled in the driveway and stopped. I spoke for the first time since we left the club. "The only way for there to be a chance for Linda to not get divorced is if she didn't already fuck the Asshole. If she did, we're done and I absolutely will get retribution on all of you, and your husbands for being married to you."

Jane, who was in the front passenger seat, put her head in her hands. She was still crying and said to herself "Oh my God, this can't be happening. What was she thinking?" Then a little louder she said, "Why, Dee? Why would you talk her into this?

"She's a big girl," came the nervous reply, "I didn't force her to do anything."

I drove forward and the woods opened up to a huge clearing of about five immaculate acres. There was a huge mansion right in the middle. It was three stories with four garage doors on the right side. On the second floor, just to the left of the driveway, there were bedroom lights on. I guessed that was the master bedroom. There were two cars in the driveway, A Maserati on the left and a Jaguar next to it, on the right, both facing the house.

I got out of my car and was looking for something to throw at the bedroom windows when what looked like a large metal vase came crashing through the bedroom window from the inside and I heard Linda screaming "GET AWAY FROM ME!!"

I picked up the metal vase that came through the window and smashed it into the windshield of the Maserati. Immediately the car alarm started going off. That got Asshole's attention and he came to the broken bedroom window and started cursing at me. "What the fuck?! Are you fucking crazy?!"

Leaning against the car I responded. "There's the coward! Come on down coward! Don't make me come up and get you!"

"Mother-Fucker! I'll...Mother-Fucker!" was his well thought out reply.

I knew he would be out the front door in about ten seconds, so I started preparing for the fight. I knew he had me by about four inches and seventy pounds, but I used to train with a buddy who fought MMA and figured my chances were pretty good. I started to think about how I would take him down when he got close enough. I hoped if I got him on the ground I could pound the shit out of him. He's a football player, a tackler, not a fighter. At least that's what I was counting on.

He came out the front door still dressed and Linda came out behind him, also still dressed. It looked like her dress may have been ripped. He had the key fob for the car in his hand and clicked off the alarm. He looked at me and actually said "what the fuck, dude? I wasn't gonna keep her! Besides, she came willingly. Your problems with her, not me!"

I ignored Asshole and talked to my wife. "Linda get over here!" She came running over with tears running down her face. Quietly, so only she could hear, I said, "I want you in the car with the doors locked. I want the other four cunts outside the car. Tell them to record what's about to happen."

"Jim, I'm so sorry..."

"Shut up and do what I told you."

As she walked away from me I picked up the metal vase and smashed it into the windshield of the Jaguar. Linda spun around and saw Asshole coming towards me and screamed "please don't hurt him!"

The Asshole replied "too late sweetheart..."

Linda cut him off by yelling at him "I wasn't talking to you, asshole!"

Asshole turned to Linda and asked "you're actually worried about him hurting me?" As he did he noticed the other four women standing there with their cell phones out recording the whole thing. "You know what? Fuck this. Take the cock-tease and get out of here!"

"I'll do better that that," I replied. I'll leave these other four as replacements." With that I walked to my SUV. On the way I went to the four women and said "give me your cell phones." Surprisingly, they all did. I got into the drivers side and locked the doors. Jane looked scared, Barbara looked worried, Dee and Mary were practically drooling. I didn't care. I backed up, spun around on the lawn, and drove away, leaving them there. With both windshields smashed out, he wasn't driving them anywhere. At the very least they would have to wait for an Uber or Lyft to get there.

"Are we going back to the restaurant?" Linda asked in a very quiet voice.

"Yes" was my quiet, one word reply.

"Jim, we can't leave them there. He said he called some friends."

"So, afraid you're gonna to miss out on a gang bang? I can take you back if you want. You'll get to fuck a whole bunch of guys then! Want me to turn around?"

"NO! Of course not. I told him I couldn't go through with it and told him to take me back to the club and he said it was too late. He said he texted some teammates to come over when he was waiting for me in the parking lot. He told me to drink the drink he made for me and I would no longer care and I would have a great time to tell my friends about. Thats when I threw the vase through the window. I don't know how I hit the car from there."

"Well they can entertain Asshole and his teammates. They were all trying to talk me into letting you cheat, so it's all good."

"Jim, I am so very sorry. I came to my senses before anything happened..."

"Is that what you think? You think that because you didn't fuck him yet that nothing happened? Lets recap; you and I go out with what I thought were our friends for a special night out. You refuse to dance with all of our 'friends', telling them you would only dance with the love of your life. Five minutes later, Asshole walks up and you have no problem blowing me off to dance with him. You never even looked at me to see if I cared!"

"Jim, I..."

I talked over her. "You dance some slow songs like HE is the love of your life. You come back to our table. I say 'let's take the party to our room' and you say you need to use the bathroom first. Am I accurate so far?"

"Jim, please. I..."

I talked over her again at the same time holding up a finger to get her to stop talking. "You then go to the bathroom with the other bitches, and come up with a plan for them to keep me occupied while you slip off to be with the new love of your life."

She was sobbing now, but I didn't stop. "So your cunt girlfriends keep me occupied so I wouldn't be able to fuck up what was now going to be YOUR special night by expecting you to stay with your loser husband!"

Through the sobbing Linda tried to explain. "No Jim. It wasn't like that. You're not a loser! Dee said you would be mad at first but would eventually understand. She said I should go for it because a chance like that would never come again and you would eventually forgive me because you love me so much."

"News flash, I DON'T fucking love you that much!"

"I am so very, very sorry."

"Whatever, just shut up."

I drove back to the club because I wanted everyone to see that I got my wife back, even if I later decided not to keep her. "The whole time we're here, you pretend you are my loving wife and I am the love of your life. Try to put on a good act. You follow my lead and agree with everything I say. This is your second test of loyalty tonight. You failed the first."

"I'll do anything you say, Jim," she sobbed.

"Fix your makeup," I said without emotion.

We went back into the club like nothing happened. We were even holding hands. The four husbands were there at the table with surprised looks on their faces. I guess they were waiting for me to tell them what happened at Asshole's house. A slow song started and without a word I took Linda's hand and led her to the dance floor. I quietly whispered in her ear "pretend you're dancing with your boyfriend instead of me, that way everyone will think you're actually enjoying this." I couldn't help being mean.

She held back her sobs and settled down by the time the song was over. We then walked back to the table and Mike asked where the girls were. Unsuccessfully trying to lighten the mood, he said "are they all in the bathroom together again? That didn't work out so well last time."

Acting like it was common knowledge I calmly replied "Oh, they decided to stay at the stud's house."

All four, at the same time, said "WHAT?!"

I replied, "Didn't they call and tell you? Oh wait, they asked me to give you their cell phones so I guess they didn't intend to call you. Don't worry, it's only for the night...probably."