February Sucks Forward - A Year Later


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"Was that fantasy worth it? You didn't cheat on him with a capital "C." But the effects were the same. You are no longer living together." Valarie, driving her point home.

Speaking in despair, Teri recounted the conversation, "Valarie, I played out the conversation between Alan and I that day a thousand times in my head since that day. It took me a long time before I realized Alan gave me my own rope to hang myself. He repeated back to me at different points in his argument what I said at the conference.

Every time he threw out one of his excuses to cheat on me, I told him why it was wrong, and he was crazy and breaking our wedding vows. Then when he asked why he should stay, I was dead and buried, I had no answer."

Valarie chuckled at the answer, "Yep, that sounds like Alan." He should have been a lawyer. Most of the men's problem is not the sex. Oh, don't get me wrong, adultery is important. But it was the disrespect you had for him in front of those other men. Men usually do not give a shit what women think. But it does matter to them what other men think of them.

Those men you women were talking to probably pitied your husbands. They were thinking your husband's w a were saps and thanking god they didn't have entitled wives like you three in that tape. The one thing men desire is respect from other men. What would you have done if someone else would have disrespected your man like what you did."

Terri blurted out without thinking, "I would have ripped them apart." Upon realizing what she said, she lowered her head shame."

Reaching across the table and squeezing Terri's hand, " I believe you. But I am not who you are going to have to convince.

Oh, another thing laughed Valarie, "You think I fuck men in every country, and I have diseases that would scare antibiotics. "

Terrie gasp and squeezed her eyes shut, and winched at those words, "I am sorry, I didn't mean it. I was angry and just lashing out, trying to knock sense into his head."

Chuckling, she responded, "don't worry about it."

Valarie turned and faced Alan, "Now it is your turn. You are the victim here. You have suffered as much as a man can in a relationship failure, without his wife actually cheating on him. But she did not cheat with a capital "C."

You were hurt, and you are still hurting, and no one has the right to tell you how you should feel about it. But as your friend, I am telling you to get help. If you do not get help with this, you are going to drive yourself into unrecoverable despair. You are not mentally well. You no longer smile. And to be frank about it, not much fun to be around. "I want you to look at Terri."

Valarie prodded Alan to look at Terri, "Go ahead, Alan, look her in the eyes." Terri sat looking at him with a pleading smile. Valarie went on encouraging Alan to look. "Any fool can tell she is in love with you. And it certainly doesn't take a fool to see you still love her." Alan sat trying to say something. But couldn't get anything to come out.

Valarie turned to Terri, "You're on. This is your chance. And don't you dare try to justify what you said at that conference."

"Alan, please believe me," Terri pleaded, "I was such a fool. Not only did I think I was entitled to cheat on you, and yes, it would be cheating no matter who it was with. I disrespected you in front of my coworkers in the worse way that wife could disparage the man she loves. I have since apologized to each one of those men for my thoughts and actions.

In a way, I am glad you found out. It made me take a hard look at myself. I talked a good game about love and fidelity, but I was such a hypocrite. And if I heard you say the same thing, I would have been hurt just as much. And when you did it to me, I was hurt, in terms that you could never find in a dictionary.

I will do anything to rebuild the trust you have in me. You can face time me anytime you wish to verify what I am doing. Smiling, "I'll even wear were a chastity belt." Alan's lips turned up on that commit.

I will wear a GoPro around my neck. You can put a tracker on my car. I will leave all my personal devices unlocked for you to look at upon demand." But you know they always have been.

But if you remember, we had that rule before. We both agreed when we were married, you do not have the right to privacy from your spouse. If you want privacy, stay single. And I did go through yours from time to time. You are the best-looking man I have ever personally known. And I let my feelings and insecurities get the best of me when we were first married. And you also ways passed the inspection.

Hell, I'll take a lie detector test every month to verify I have been faithful. I am the one that broke that trust, and I will have to go above and beyond to rebuild it. I will sign a prenup. If I ever do anything that doesn't pass the husband test, I will leave with what I came into the marriage with. If we have kids, you get custody.

I will even just live with you with no future guaranty of marriage until you feel I have earned your trust again." Terri sat with tears running down her cheeks.

Alan sat to think logically about how to respond. Valarie piped up with a chuckle, "Terri, you mean postnuptial, don't you?"

Terri looked at her and then at Alan. Terri asked, " Didn't you file it? I signed it. "

Alan just stared at Valarie as to ask, "How do you know?"

Valarie started to scold Alan, "Don't you look at me like that. You left it out in plain view." She looked a Terri and went on explaining. " He left it sitting under your picture on the credenza. I was left alone in his office. I wanted a closer look at the woman that he loved and had broken his heart, looked like." Terri cringed at Valerie's remark.

Valarie went on to explain how she had that bit of knowledge, " I walked over and picked up the picture for a closer look, and the divorce decree was placed under it. I saw where you signed it, but he never has. So you are still Mrs. Alan James."

Alan looked down and sighed. He responded, "I just couldn't do it."

Losing control of her emotions, Terri slid around the booth to hug Alan. But when she got closer, she saw Alan tense up. She stopped.

Valarie saw Alan's reaction and spoke up. "Alan, my dear, do you want to keep my account? I want you to take your wife and dance with her. And as long as the band is playing slow-dancing songs, you stay out there. If you do not, I imagine your boss will not be happy about you losing me as a client."

Alan could not believe he was being ordered to dance with Terri. Valarie chucked, "Don't you dare look me like that. It is the advantage of being rich, powerful, and not to mention your biggest client. Now go, you are wasting the music."

Valarie stood up allowing, Alan to slide out of the booth first, waiting on Terri. Terri just sat there stunned. Valarie, in a surprising look, spoke up, warning her, "If you don't want to dance with him, I will."

Terri hurriedly slid out of the booth and headed towards the dance floor with Alan. Alan turned and put his arms and hands out to dance with her. Terri was having nothing to with that. Terri bypassed his hands, wrapped her arms around his body. She pulled him tight. He put his arms around her waist, and they started swaying back and forth, melting into each other's arms.

Valarie called over one of her security guards. Valarie gave him instructions, "Go over there and tell the band I want five slow dance songs played in a row and make them last for thirty minutes. Tip them appropriately."

When the second song started, Alan could feel his shirt getting wet wear Terri had laid her head on his chest. He took her chin and pulled her face back to see tears running down her face. Terri mouthed, "I'm sorry."

Alan smiled back, "I know." Terri buried her head back into his shoulder, never wanted to let him go.

After the second song had finished, and the third one started, Alan felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Marc LaValliere asking, "May I cut in?" Alan stepped back, but Terri pulled Alan back to her body, shaking her head no.

Alan felt another tap. Lavalliere asks again, "May have this dance? You shouldn't be monopolizing the most beautiful woman on the dance floor. She needs a real man to dance with." He pushed Alan aside as he forced himself in between the two of them.

Terri mouthed to Alan, "Help me." as Marc lead her away on the floor.

Marcus grinned and asked, "Do you like the size of that thing between your thighs?"

"I don't know. Does it come in adult size?" snorted Terri, "Now let me go." Marc got pissed and pressed her harder against his crotch."

One of Valarie's bodyguards bent over to inform Valarie about the brewing confrontation between Alan and Marc, "do you want me to stop it?"

Valarie replied, "Not yet. Let's see where it goes." She pulled her phone out to film.

Alan stepped back in and pulled Terri away from Marc. Alan managed to shove him backward and screamed, "Take your hands off my wife!" As Marc stumbled backward, this caused Marc to tripped over another dancer's feet resulting in Marc landing on his ass. Everyone was laughing and taking pictures.

Embarrassed, Marc flew up off the floor, sucker-punching Alan in the right eye. Marc knew better than hit him full force. It could have killed Alan.

Alan went flying backward into the band, crashing to the floor. Marc headed towards Alan, "Yelling, I am going to kick your ass." By then, Terri screamed and instinctively attacked Marc. Terri screamed! "Stay away from my husband," flailing away with her fist.

Marc felt someone hitting him from the side. Without looking, he backhanded the attacker in the left eye. The attacker's feet lifted off the floor from the force.

Alan was in the process of getting up when Marc reached him. He drew back his fist and swung towards Alan's face again. Suddenly Marc felt a huge hand stop his hand. Instantly, he swung around to see one of Valarie's huge bodyguards holding his hand.

He had Marc by 6 inches and 100 pounds. He pulled Mark closer to him. He put his right hand around his waist and started acquainting himself with Marc.

"Hello, big guy, I'm Mitch, and I want to dance with you," in a sweet and syrupy voice teased the colossal man. He pulled Marc in so tight he could hardly breathe. He started dragging Mark around like a rag doll doing the waltz to no music.

Everyone started roaring with laughter at Marc. Finally, Marc managed to dislodge himself for the behemoth. Marc was fuming with anger and embarrassment and made a mistake. He reacted by punching the man in the face.

When he saw not his first punch did not have the desired effect. He swung again, big mistake. The next scene was Marc flying across the floor, knocked out cold.

Alan ran towards Terri and lifted her head into his arms and asked, "Terri, are you ok?"

Valarie's came over to help. Terri and Alan were both helped up by Valarie's guards and escorted back to the booth. Valarie waved the waitress over and requested," bring us some ice in a baggy."

Alan and Terri were sitting with ice bags over their swelling eyes. Valarie interjected, "If you two would fight as hard for your marriage as you just did protecting each other, I really think you could make it work. Now remove your ice, please. Wow, they will be beauties tomorrow.

I'll let the policemen over there that are arresting dip shit know about your eyes, so you don't get arrested for spousal abuse tomorrow. Now you two take off the ice packs again and place your heads together so I can get a picture of you matching black eyes." Smile. Click. "I'll send you a copy Alan."

Terri turned to Alan to plead her case one more time. "Alan, just one more chance that's all I want. To show my commitment. Terri leaned over, whispering in his ear. His eyebrows raised, and his eye one good eye got huge.

He looked at her and replied, "really, you're just going to give it up like that. After years of my begging and pleading."

"Yes, dear," smiled Terri. "I will even have my ass tattooed, 'Alan's ass.'" giggling.

Alan smiled, "What about the other stuff you promise me to do."

"Yes, dear, I will do it for you. Terri leaned forward, kissing him lightly on the lips.

With a devious look, Terri smiled, "We are still married. So if you were to take me home for at least a one-night stand, it wouldn't be a sin."

Alan replied, "Yea, but what I have in mind is illegal in 49 out of 50 states, including District of Columbia and all U.S. territories." Winking at her.

Terri grabbed his hand, "Let's go break some laws Clyde."

Both looked at Valarie. Valarie chuckled, "Wow, Alan, you just forget all about me being here. And leaving me for another beautiful woman without a thought of me. Alan looked guilty after that comment. Valarie started laughing, "Go ahead, you two, get out of here. I have to get up early tomorrow, and I need to call my husband anyway."

Valarie told Mitch to go find Dee and have her come and sit with her. A few minutes later, Dee showed up, being escorted by Mitch. Valarie asked Dee to have a seat across from her.

"Here, Dee, you did a great job of getting Terri here." As she slid an envelope over to Dee. You should have been an actress. Dee glowed when she heard Valarie's comment.

Valarie, with a stern look, when she started her conversation, "Dee, you are a slut! And you have destroyed at least 2 marriages, including your own and almost two more. You will break all contact with Terri and Alan. And believe me when I tell you this, if I find out anything different, this man here will visit you, and you will never dance again."

Dee sat in shock at the treat. Valarie smiled contemptuously at Dee, "Now get your skanky cum bucket ass out of my booth." Dee took off towards the bathroom crying in shame.

Valarie pulled her phone out of her purse, "Mitch, go settle up with the band and the waitress while I call my husband to check on my kids."

Valarie dialed her phone, "Hey George. Honey, I really miss you and the kids. I will be back in my room in about 30 minutes. You get the kids to bed, and we will face time. After all the excitement tonight, I'm hornier than hell. And this time, you better pull the camera back. You were cutting off the top 4 inches of it last time. Bye, love you."

She was thinking about the brunette she saw with her husband that night. George doesn't know I had her tracked down. She was a high-price escort named Emily. Sun Tzu said, "know thy enemy."


After celebrating Alan's 70th birthday, the last of the kids and grandkids closed the front door behind them as they left. "Whew," Alan exhaled as they left out the door.

Terri giggled, "Honey, I haven't given you your birthday present yet smiling. "

Alan shook his head, sighing. "I'll have to take the little blue pill. I used to be able to do it all night. Now it takes me all night to do it. Give me thirty."

Terri chucked, "The nice thing is your tongue never gets soft. And it still gets the job done. While we are waiting for the results of the pills. I have something to show you.

You remember how I promised I would always stay faith-full. I took a lie detector test last week, and I have the results to show you. I used a highly recommend local company. The gentlemen that gave me the test gave me his card if you want to call him.

You will see each of the questions that were asked and the results. The only one I failed was when I was asked if I loved you, and I said no." Smiling.

Terri sat down next to Alan, showing him the results. "As you can see, I passed all of the husband's tests. Here is the one I want to make sure you see.

I was asked if I ever had any sex, including oral, anal hand job, fingering, and so forth. With any other man but you since we were married, and I passed. That one was a little embarrassing to have him asked.

Alan looked into Terri's eyes and asked, "Am I about to get the Honey we need to talk lecture?" Chuckling, "Let me guess, you have a boyfriend you want to be with, and I can't do anything about it."

"Well, you got me," smiled Terri. "I do have a boyfriend. I am going to have sex with him in about another 20 minutes. And there is nothing you can do about it. And it is more than just sex. I love him very much. And there is nothing you can ever do about that."

Terri started walking up the stairs towards the bedroom, taking her blouse off and tossing it to the floor. She pulled off her straps to her bra down and pulled the clasp around, and unsnapped it, dropping it.

She dropped her skirt and slid off her panties off. Alan smiled at the tattoo on her ass that said, "Alan's ass."

She turned around and winked, "Hey, I am waiting on my boyfriend. When he is ready, I want him to come to bed.

Alan gave a shit-eating grin." I'm ready now. The Blue pill is working faster for some reason."

An hour later, both were worn out. Terri was lying in Alan's arms. She smiled at him and said, "I love you."

He kissed her on top of the head, "I love you too."

"Alan dear, can I quit wearing the chastity belt now?"


Epilogue: Dee continued her whorish ways and ended living alone with her cats. As for Marc. He was arrested for assault and battery. He was sued countless times for destroying a multitude of marriages. He was cut from the team because he violated NFL moral clauses.

After he lost everything, he ended up on the west coast working a small local television station. He is married, and they have 4 kids. He became a faithful husband. But he refuses to take his wife dancing.

Authors Note: For all the younger people or non-Americans, "Clyde" referred to Bonnie and Clyde. Both were criminals in the early 1930s. They robbed banks across the Mid-West in the United States.

In my first chapter of this story I used the information I gleaned from women's magazines' articles, Medical Journals, and Family court statistics, and government statistics.

The one statistic I didn't use is, you ready. The number one group of cheaters are MEN between the ages of 60 and 70. Interesting!

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IEnjoyEroticaIEnjoyEroticaabout 1 month ago

There is a difference between excepted and accepted. I learned the difference in grade school.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I'm 65. Male wife from high school to 2017...

Have been with 5 women total 2 girlfriends, wife #1, 14 years, girlfriend #3, and wife #2.

All cheaters...ALL. I cannot believe trust male/female cheat statisics.

Considering menopausal women coldly refusing their husbands...I can see the 60 seventy year old men cheating.

Single... I just hire an occasional escort, pay them to have dinner with me, conversation.

Drives young men nuts and infuriates women my age, as they just presume to know. Hahaha.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Barf; Puke; Up-chuck, Retch; Heave; Spew; Bring up; Liquid yawn; Vomit; Chunder.

Other than that it was yawn inducing so that reading this story has possibly faral consequences of inducing drowning in one's own vomit.

Avoid ar all costs...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

'Your' means your problem with trying to say 'you're' as in you're almost dyslexic. Then there's too much 10" cock as opposed to that cock actualy penetrating more than 5" of the average vagina.

We've all read chinglish instructions on cheap chinese appliances with better grammar.

So I too will give to this story of your's the low score you're expecting but I'm sure that 10" will make up for it

AmbivalenceAmbivalence2 months ago

Whether Alan stayed with Terri or not he should have told Valarie to fuck off.

Being rich does *not* give someone the right to tell them what to do their private life.

And if enough time passed no way she didn't know she *was* still married - she'd have received the final papers.

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