February Sucks - The Cheaters Pay

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Jim is just a normal guy, trying to reclaim his manhood.
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February Sucks - The Cheaters Pay

By Buster2U

Warning - Super BTB - Not for Tender Flowers or complainers...


This meager effort of mine is just another possible alternate ending to the heart-wrenching story written by the great author George Anderson. This story is about a loyal, exceptionally attractive, faithful, and loving wife who suddenly betrays her husband, in the story called "February Sucks".

February Sucks, by George Anderson, seems to have inspired many many alternate endings. This was probably because the innocent poor husband 'Jim', was done so very wrong by his cheating wife Linda, that many other writers felt compelled to try to undo or minimize this tragedy and right the wrong done to him.

Myself, I have already previously written an ending where Jim was the Ex-President of a Bad Ass Biker gang. That was sincerely a lot of fun to write. I even included many of my old friends and brothers from when I was riding myself, ahhhh good times.

I just reread the thoughtful version by Blackheart this morning, when it suddenly dawned on me that there was yet another way this could finish, that hasn't been explored yet, a real BTB!

If you have been living under a rock and have not read this powerful and heartbreaking tale by George Anderson please do so first, before reading this alternate ending. The first half of the original story by George Anderson is important to read and to understand Jim's motivations first before we go into the revenge ending of this story.

To understand more fully all the heartbreak, marriage destruction, and all the "rage" contained in this portion of this story, for this alternative ending to make any sense, please read the original story by George Anderson.

This alternate ending is sort of like the old 'Twilight Zone' where Rod Sterling would start by giving a clue about that night's story. If he was going to introduce this 'Ending' of the 'February Sucks' story, Rod would explain that sometimes a normal man can be drastically changed, when stressed by a particularly horrific experience.

The link below should work. If it doesn't, you can always search under Literotica, George Anderson, February Sucks.


I begin my alternate ending, just after the bastard, Marc LaValliere spirits Jim's wife, Linda, out the back door of the Dance Club. Linda expects to receive the greatest sexual pleasure of her life from this handsome athlete, not realizing the cost will be her marriage.

I felt that there was no need to rewrite all the lead-up to this point describing the previously idyllic life of Jim and his family, or even Linda's seduction, which is all covered in the original story.


February Sucks - The Cheaters Pay

by Buster2U

Linda finally stopped dancing with LaValliere and almost returned to our table. But before she even bothered to sit down, she gave Dee the signal for a secret bathroom conference, that only women understand. They departed together whispering all the way to the women's restroom.

I was already stressed about Linda dancing with LaValliere and ignoring me, but when It was more than 15 minutes later that Dee finally returned alone, to our table and sat down, I was more than a little upset!

"Dee, where is Linda? Why didn't she come back with you?" I ask.

"Jim, don't worry about Linda, She's a big girl. She wanted me to remind you that she loves you, with all her heart, and that she is counting on your love, for her, to enable you to forgive her and 'get over' this night apart from her." smirks Dee.

"What? What are you talking about Dee?" I ask, not comprehending what she is trying to say.

"Linda promises that she will return to your arms tomorrow, and when she does she will spend the rest of her life showing you how much she loves you and appreciates you for letting her have her night with LaValliere." Dee confides.

"Dee, you are NOT making sense! What are you trying to say, Dee!?" I ask, feeling a dark dread begin to envelop me, and begin to sense my happy marriage has been destroyed.

"Linda left the Club already with Marc LaValliere! She is going to spend the night with him. She promises that she will still love you and everything will still be the same when she returns tomorrow. She promised that your lives will go on, just as it was before," said Dee.

"No, it won't!" I shout, slamming my hands down on the table to make a point that I am so fucking pissed off that I would kill the fucker if he was still here.

"Not if she left with that rat bastard LaValliere! There is NOT a chance in HELL of EVER resuming our marriage if she played the whore and left with the Son of a Bitch." I shouted, drawing stares from the whole club, as I suddenly stood, the bouncers slowly started walking towards our table.

I quickly strode towards the women's bathroom, in search of my wife. Dee and the rest of Linda's friends were in a state of shock, NEVER having seen me so upset and pissed off ever before. I got to the women's restroom and pushed open the door.

"Linda, Linda are you in here? Linda, are you here in the bathroom?" I hollered into the vacant bathroom. Suddenly, a stunned woman sheepishly appears from behind a partition and approaches me at the door,

"Are you looking for that pretty blonde woman in the blue dress, who was talking to another woman about sneaking out to spend the night having sex with some famous guy that was here, named Marc? I am sorry, they both already left the bathroom. Was one of them your wife?" she asked.

"I am afraid so," I said, brokenhearted.

"I am sorry, She sounded like she loved you so much but that she was confident that you would forgive her for leaving you behind tonight to go fuck that famous guy." the woman said sincerely.

"Well, the real problem is, she didn't love me enough, NOT to leave me on our special night, to spend it with another man. There isn't a chance in hell, that I could ever forgive her for what she has done to me tonight. Thanks so much, Miss." I said sadly, my eyes starting to water.

"I am so sorry, I was shocked myself, I just couldn't believe that anyone could do that to their spouse," she said, as she patted me on the shoulder and walked on out.

We had been chatting, standing in the doorway to the women's bathroom.

I am barely beginning to comprehend what Linda has done. I just find it so hard to believe, that she could really do this to me, to us and our family. Linda has completely disrespected and totally humiliated me on our special night out, with all of her friends. Obviously, Linda has no respect or love for me at all.

I noticed a rear exit of the club facing the parking lot, probably the door she used to sneak out. I quickly walked over to look out the glass doors through my tear filled eyes.

I wonder what kind of car the asshole drives and where he lives.

I walk briskly to the bar and inquire of the pretty blonde bartender if she knows LaValliere's address.

"I am so sorry sir. I have been here almost two years, and during that time, I've noticed that LaValliere has a habit of seducing and taking home married women. The poor devastated husband is always just left behind, completely distraught. I know where he lives but it is a heavily guarded and gated neighborhood," she said.

"Thank you, sweetie," I said and tipped her a ten-dollar bill for the info.

Going back to our table, I threw a $20 bill on the table for my share of the tab. Everyone was stunned at my anger.

"This isn't going to hurt your marriage, is it, Jim? You are not going to divorce Linda, for this one night, are you?" Dave asked for the group.

"Are You fucking kidding me, Dave? Linda acts like a whore and you think that it is going to be 'OK'? That I can just 'forgive and forget' this kick in the nuts?" I ask

everyone in our party gasps in shock

"All you friends of Linda, who helped her act like a whore tonight and destroy our marriage, most especially this cunt wife of yours, 'Dee', are all DEAD to me! I don't EVER want to see your faces EVER again! EVER!" I said.

more gasps

"Linda has completely DESTROYED our marriage tonight and I am DIVORCING the slut wife of mine the fastest that I possibly can," I screamed at them.

"But Jim, Linda loves you!" they seemed to all say together.

"Bullshit! Not if she can act like she did towards me tonight! Maybe she thinks she does, but after pulling this crap, I will NEVER believe that again. Certainly NOT enough to put up with this crap tonight, since she has left with that rat bastard LaValliere." I said loudly.

"And since you seemed to all be 'in on it', helping her slip out the back, you are assholes too. So Fuck her and fuck all of you Assholes! If I ever see any of you again, you will be 'sorry'! FUCK ALL OF YOU!" I shouted at them and left.

It was still early after I checked out of the hotel, leaving everything of Linda's behind in the room, it was all useless trash to me.

Driving home by myself pondering...

I drove home with a fierce determination to hurt those two assholes that just changed the course of my life tonight. LaValliere and Linda both have fucked around with the wrong man.

Jim Carlyle was the former Mr. Nice Guy, a harmless vanilla nobody, who would never hurt a fly, a stupidly loyal and faithful husband. I have been 'fucked around', hurt, humiliated, Cucked, and disrespected tonight MORE than I have EVER been before in my whole entire fucking life previously.

Now, they are going to 'find out' what happens.

Unfortunately, I was not in special forces in the military. I don't have any close friends except a few 'work' friends. And certainly, don't know anybody that would ever risk anything to help me. Whatever I do to pay these two assholes back, I will have to do it all by myself.

I NEVER would expect Linda, my beautiful, treasured wife of 12 years, to ditch me like this when we were out. I can't believe that she left with another man, destroying our family, just to have sex with him. I would NEVER, have EVER expected her to humiliate me so completely.

Walking out with this asshole who likes to seduce married women and destroy marriages just because he can. What has come over her, the Martian Slut Ray?

All that I have to do now, is figure out how to live with this, now that my entire world has been destroyed. My loving family life is gone forever. Well, I still have the kids. But I won't hardly get to see them when we get divorced. We all know how that works.

Sure, I understand that LaValliere's cock isn't really going to actually damage Linda's pussy. But he will, undoubtedly, permanently destroy it for ME. By showing her how much better his bigger cock makes her feel than mine and how much more that he can satisfy her than I can.

LaValliere has ruined her pussy for me forever. She will NEVER want to be with me again. Even, If she even bothered to try to make love with me again, all she will be thinking about is LaValliere, and comparing us against each other, to my detriment.

LaValliere is an expert romancer, seducer, and lover. He is famous, rich, exceptionally good-looking, and has solid muscle. How could I ever compare or compete with him for Linda, when she returns? I can't, that is why this betrayal is such a 'low blow' from Linda.

There was an old saying that I remember from many years ago, Referring to all the Farm Boys, from rural America, who volunteered in WW1 that went overseas. "How you going to keep them down on the farm, now that they have seen Paree'?"

The point is that once a person is exposed to something unusual, hot, sexy and especially super exciting, then attempting to keep them home with the same old boring stuff is virtually nearly impossible.

I guess that I just have to face it, that I could NEVER compare to LaValliere now that Linda is spending the night with him. Regardless of what she says, thinks, or has promised me before, or what she says or thinks when she returns. He is the prime rib, I am just the old stale bologna sandwich.

Linda may think that she can try to settle for me again when she returns. But she would only be fooling herself if she believed that could ever work. Now that she has been seduced, romanced, and fucked by The Great Master, I will NEVER EVER be enough for her EVER again. And if I thought otherwise, I would just be fooling myself as well.

That foolish slut Linda has not only broken my heart but completely destroyed and permanently ended our wonderful 12-year marriage. There is NOTHING that can be done about it NOW. Nothing, it is just human nature. I have lost her completely and NOTHING can ever change that.

Even if she came home and sincerely tried to continue our marriage, she would never be satisfied, with just me, ever again.

All I have to do NOW is think of an ingenious way to make them both pay, without anyone else's help, without any super skills, without much of anything.

But being an engineer I will use what I have, my brain, to think of a plan. I probably have, maybe, 10 hours to think of something that I can do to pay these two mother fucking assholes back.

Arriving home around midnight. I brew a full pot of extra-strong coffee and sit down at the kitchen table to ponder and make some notes. What I am going to do? I set my mind to figuring out how to hurt them both the worst that I could, without killing them, as they did me.


If Linda was drunk, that would be one thing, but she wasn't. She was only horny from our teasing each other all evening. But tonight's COMPLETE HUMILIATION, her TOTAL DISRESPECT for me by leaving on our special night out is unforgivable, totally and completely unforgivable.

What was she thinking? That I would just roll over and 'take it'? That I just wouldn't let it bother me and she could go on like it was before? LOL Fat chance of that ever happening now!

There is not a chance in Hell, of me ever, EVER, forgiving that sleazy bitch, no matter what she does to repent. Even if she wanted to be forgiven. there was nothing that she could do to convince me that she was truly sorry for what she had done to me or, that she would NEVER do this again.

What can I do? What can I do to hurt those fuckers like they hurt me? More coffee, hmmmm good stuff. Maybe there might be some Kona coffee in the cabinet that I save for special occasions. Yes! My second pot will be Kona from Hawaii, the best and smoothest of all coffees.

Yes, so smooth. I get a legal-sized notepad to start making some notes. Bank account, Checking account. Hmmmm that is some good coffee. I better take a look in the basement. Hmmmm that might work....

Hours later, I tentatively have a plan that might work, but nothing is guaranteed...

We will see how it works out. I have to make sure that I do things in the proper order. Yes, we have good savings plus I have a big secret savings account for our Hawaii vacation, that Linda is never going to know about or see now.

9 am Saturday Morning...

I walk out to my truck to pick up the kids at the babysitter and then just take them straight over to my folk's house. On the way to pick them up, I call my folks.

"Good morning Mom, how are you doing this morning?" I said on my cell.

"Jim, what a pleasant surprise! Hello, son. What is going on?" Mom asks.

"Something has come up, I need you to take care of the kids for me a couple of days. Do you think that you and Dad can do that for me? Please?" I ask.

"Sure son. When are you going to bring them over?" Mom further inquires.

"I will probably have them over to you in less than an hour, if that is ok, Mom. See you then." I said.

9:15 AM Sat,

Next Stop, the Dollar Store...

Shopping at the local Dollar Store, I need to pick up a few things for my plan, before picking up the kids.

9:45 AM Sat.

Next stop, the babysitter...

"Hello Mrs. Porter, how are you guys doing this morning?" I ask, forcing myself to appear cheerful and happy.

"Just fine and dandy, Jim. The kids are all finished with breakfast and just watching cartoons now. Come on in." Says Mrs. Porter.

We visit for a couple of minutes, not feeling a need to rush. I figure that an asshole like LaValliere will want to fuck Linda and disrespect me, as much as he can, while he can. I doubt that he will return her before this afternoon. But I don't want to take any chances and we get going after a short visit.

10:30 AM,

Next stop, my folk's house...

I park, unload the kids, open my folk's front door and we go on in.

"Kids, go on outside and play, I have to talk to your Grampa and Gramma,"

I said.

"Ok, Daddy!" my kids both chimed in, as they ran for the back door to go outside to play.

"Hi Dad, how are you feeling this morning?" I ask my Father.

"Same as usual Son, getting older every day. What is the reason you want us to take the kids for a couple of days?" My Dad responds.

"Well, Linda pulled some crap on me last night, on our special night out. I figure that it probably won't be pretty, when her lover Marc LaValliere brings her home, eventually. I just want to keep the kids from seeing the screaming and hollering, when she does return." I explained.

"What? What are you saying, Son?" My Mother asked.

"Well, I was never so embarrassed and humiliated in my whole life, Mom. We were out with 4 other couples, of Linda's friends, celebrating several things, Valentine's Day, the end of this awful cold and snow of February with dinner and dancing at that big nightclub downtown, The Madison." I explained.

"Oh, yes. I seem to remember Linda mentioned something about going there to me a couple of weeks ago. How this was going to be so much fun, that you guys even were getting a hotel room for after the drinking and dancing so you wouldn't have to drive home afterward." replied my sweet Mom.

"Yes, that was the plan, until that famous 'tight end' from our local NFL team, Marc LaValliere, showed up last night. First, he very rudely ignored me, completely, as he asked Linda to dance. Linda quickly forgot about me, and dropped my hand, like it was a hot potato. Then as she quickly got up and left to dance with this rude bastard, she completely ignored me and acted like I didn't even exist." I cried.

"After 3 or 4 dances with this guy, Linda finally returned toward our table seeming like she was in another world, or a trance or something. Still ignoring me, not bothering to sit down, she gave a signal to Dee to go to the women's bathroom." I cried tears running down my face.

They disappeared together for a least 15 minutes before Dee returned all by herself." I stammered.

After so long, I began to feel concerned, that Linda hadn't returned yet." I explained with a sniffle and a tear.

"What happened to her, where was she?" Dad asked.

"I asked Dee where Linda was. Then Dee started to explain how I should remember that Linda loves me with all her heart, but that Linda was going to spend the night having sex with Marc LaValliere." I cried, sobbing loudly.

"That doesn't sound like your wife! Not at all! How could she do such a thing? I can't believe she would do that." said my Mom.

"I couldn't believe it either, Mom." I cried, sobbing helplessly for a minute.

"I am so sorry son. It is overwhelming for me as well. It is hard to believe that your pretty wife could act like such a disrespectful slut and pull a stunt like that. Has she no common sense? How could any man take that kind of treatment and stay married to such a whore?" My Dad erupted!

"Yes, I agree son. That wife of yours has acted like a total whore. I would be surprised if you didn't divorce that cheating slut, as fast as you can. I don't care who the famous dick is she is having sex with, there is just NO excuse on earth, good enough to excuse her for that kind of crap, son." sympathized my Mom.