February Sucks


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The front door opened, and they entered in a rush. My daughter. My son. My wife. My family.

As Linda looked at me, suddenly tentative, I had a new thought. Was I going to let His Mighty Asshole-ish-ness steal my family, just because he thought he could? Hell no. The guy in the trapeze song didn't get a choice; I did. I made the choice that was best for me, and best for the children I'd sworn I would protect.

I sidestepped my children and took Linda in my arms, holding her, accepting her, with her faults and her past and her new resolve and everything that made her, her. I held her as I'd held her on our wedding day, urgently and possessively, and she clung to me the same way.

We were at a Labor Day cookout hosted by my extended family. It hadn't been an easy summer for us, but we were determined. I think we learned more about ourselves and each other in those six months than in all the previous years of our marriage. We now knew that love takes work, and character, and all those other things that aren't much fun. We also knew it was worth it.

L.W. was holding court under one of the big trees in the back yard, as he always did. Mid-afternoon, when the younger kids were down for their naps, one of his emissaries summoned Linda and me before the throne. (All right, it looked like a comfy multiple-beverage-holdered Adirondack chair. Everyone in our family knew it was a throne.) He told us how glad he was that we were together, and what great kids he thought Emma and Tommy were. Then he paused and cleared his throat.

"I have a confession to make." He paused and gave us a look that said he knew he should feel guilty, but was actually quite proud of himself. "Do you remember Ellen?"

I cast a worried look toward Linda. She really had been deeply hurt that night. "She's sort of hard to forget, isn't she, Jim?" She asked with a teasing smile.


"Yes, I think we both remember her," Linda said to L.W., still smiling, as she gently patted my arm. She was handling this better than I expected, but I was nervous, wondering what the old curmudgeon had up his sleeve this time. There was always something.

"I think it's time for you to know that I, ah, arranged that."

"What?" we asked together.

"I contracted with Ellen to do exactly what she did that night. I told her the whole story, and she agreed to do what I requested. 'Different, but fun,' was the way she put it. You see, Ellen is a very high-end escort."

"What? How do you even know people like that?" My Uncle was really rather strait-laced, for all his knowledge of the world.

"Why, are you looking to hire someone?" Linda was laughing at me as she said it, and she laughed harder as I stuttered and stumbled while turning several shades of red. Then she turned toward L.W. with a thoughtful expression.

"You know, I'm not completely surprised," she said. "There were a couple of things that didn't quite add up. Usually, a woman that beautiful has years of experience fending off unwanted advances. She shouldn't have needed Jim's help, so she must have had some other reason for approaching us. But then why would she send him back to me, when she could easily have kept him all night?"

I hung my head and started to apologize, again. My morals and character hadn't been strong enough to be the husband I wanted and needed to be, and that knowledge was still galling to me.

"It's okay, Jim." She stroked my arm like she does when I need to calm down. "I'm just putting puzzle pieces together." She turned back to L.W., who was smiling at her as if she were a bright pupil who was about to give the correct answer. "Now it all adds up. You had to do something to get us off dead center, and help each of us understand the others' feelings. That, or you wanted to claim the credit for us staying together. Which is it?"

The congratulations-bright-pupil expression was still on L.W.'s face. "Who says it's not both?"

I have to admit I was a little peeved at the way I'd been played, but Linda was all smiles. Besides, I had to admit that it had worked. She got up and kissed the old man on each of his cheeks. Now he was the one turning red. "That's for taking care of family," she said softly. "And tell Ellen thank you for us, will you?"

Linda and I returned to the party, arms around each other's waists like high school "steadies" in the hallway. I knew L.W. was watching happily. "Where do you suppose old L.W. managed to scare up somebody like Ellen?" I asked.

Linda chuckled. "I don't know, but after this, I won't put anything past him, the old dear."

"You don't seem too upset about how he played us."

"I'm not. I'm glad he did it."

Linda glanced at my face, then led me to a little bench under a shade tree where we could be alone.

"What is it, Jim? What's bothering you?"

"That night showed me I wasn't the husband I want to be. The husband I need to be if we're going to make this work."

Linda smiled at me. "I know what you mean. Believe me, I've had those conversations with myself, over and over since that night. Neither of us has a perfect record anymore. But we both got a hard lesson in what we have to do so we don't fail each other again. We're both doing it.

"I know now that you aren't as perfect as I once thought you were. But you're still my hero. I'll still bet my life and the lives of my children on your love and your strength, and it will be the safest bet I'll ever make in my life." She paused for a moment.

"He did it for us, Jim, to get us to really be together again. And you have to admit, it worked."

Linda was smiling, but I would never forget how she had looked, sitting at that table in her beautiful red dress, sobbing her heart out.

"I don't know, Linda. That little stunt put you through a lot of pain. I'm not sure I forgive him for that."

"You should. He figured out the one thing that would make me fully realize what I put you through. He made me see what you were going through, and what you have to get past for us to stay together. He gambled that seeing that would make me sorry for what I did, not just sorry you were hurting. He was right. It hurt like hell, and the regrets it gave me were even worse, but I got my Jim back. I'll take that trade any day. I'll be grateful to L.W. for the rest of my life. Besides, it's fun to kiss his cheek and watch him blush."

I took my Linda in my arms and kissed her and watched her blush. It wasn't on the cheek. The kiss, that is.

We don't see much any more of the friends we used to go out with. Linda stayed in touch with Dee for a while, until Dee bid on Asshole at one of those charity auction things and they spent a weekend in a swanky downtown hotel screwing each other silly. Dave has filed for divorce. Good thing they didn't have any children.

The truth of the matter is, if it hadn't been for Emma and Tommy, Linda and I would have already been divorced. My determination to do right by them forced me to have mercy on Linda, even when the pain was so bad I could barely stand to look at her. Am I better off for it? I'll never know. Life doesn't give you do-overs to see if the other choice would have worked better. I will say that the new marriage Linda and I have built is the envy of our friends, and we have worked hard enough for it that we're not going to let anyone or anything threaten it. We're grateful for today, and don't take tomorrow for granted. I think we're going to make it, and that makes me happy.

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Jonn22Jonn22about 20 hours ago

I love the story this is like the 100th time I've read it the only thing about this story I don't like is the ending . I still believe without a doubt be sure to divorce her there should have been no question in his mind see you don't want to be yeah look in reality I have known three or four fathers who tried to stay because of their children and really in the end all I did was wind up making things worse and hurting the children so this b******* about staying for the children in reality in the real world it doesn't always work and it makes things worse. Once Linda broke that trust especially in the way she broke it I mean it wasn't like she snuck around or she just flat out left his ass and made it known that she was leaving with her the football player. It's on top of cheating she's humiliating them in front of everyone including their so-called friends there was no coming back from that so the rest of the story is just b******* it's a great story don't get me wrong well written but b******* he should have divorced her and I should have no question staying for the kids in reality that doesn't really help again sometimes it makes it worse.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 21 hours ago

Powerfully told. The emotions were intense and keenly felt in the writing. Had me up and pacing the room.

Somehow, though, "Now you know (how easy it is to be swept off your feet with no warning)" seems the wrong big "now you know" realization to resolve the story, because in real life people typically _aren't_ swept away like that.

By contrast the wife spent nearly the entire story getting-but-not-really-getting the magnitude of what she put her husband through. She still hadn't gotten it, clear up to that final date night, evidenced by wanting to wear the blue dress; anyone with an ounce of common sense would have burned the blue dress and all the accessories as an act of repudiation of the whole first incident. Wanting to make new memories using the costumes and props of the original disaster would if anything reify the original betrayal. What that moment suggested was that she _still_ needed to be taught the lesson of what it feels like to be on the receiving end of that; failing that, she was never going to truly get it.

The husband didn't need a near miss himself to keep honoring his vows; indeed having already experienced the betrayal so deeply would put him off being pulled into that reaction. But it would have been quite plausible for him to pretend, at least as far as the front door of the restaurant, and wait behind the edge of the doors for his wife to emerge, stricken, in his wake. That would have been the "Now you know" moment -- coming from his lips, behind her -- that finally, truly enlightened her as to what she had done, and made her truly ready to recommit, in a way that all her prior lip service and bluster had failed. Up til then, her primary motivation was for things to blow over and get back to normal, as if normal was even possible. The amount of denial in that would have ultimately doomed their attempt.

AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

Read this story for the second time in years. Still a classic. Not many of this caliber. None of the variants even come close. But the reconciliation still rubs me the wrong way. Why? Because the intimacy of a married couple requires implicit and unspoken trust that your partner 'has your back' without requiring thinking. It's a form of faith. But when a partner does something like this, it's an act of calculation. He or she considers alternatives and ultimately calculates sharing that intimacy, and in the act deeply violates it. Love and intimacy are both biological attraction and how you feel about it. So when one engages in such calculation about fidelity, that intimacy is no longer about unquestioned faith in that partner's support. Linda calculated her infidelity vs. her marital intimacy and found the latter lacking. Really that simple. And it's not something to blithely forgive in my estimation.

My wife of three years cheated on me when I was a 29 year old new PhD teaching in the 90s. Married her as a 22 year old undergrad sorority party girl, and I supported her through her remaining undergrad program. We shared so many interests and passions, and we had a two year-old with who I spent a lot of time while her mother attended classes. Then, when she became a grad, she had an affair with an older recognized Professor in her dept. That got back to me and I fully understood what the character Jim felt in this story. It was a calculated act on her part which I could not forgive. So we ended up divorcing after an unsuccessful reconciliation and I moved away to take a faculty position across the country, effectively abandoning the family. She married the Professor and then divorced two years later. Saw her several years later at a conference where she confessed intense regret for the cost of our marriage and our deep companionship. We do things we later regret when young and stupid, like a daughter I never really knew, and an ex-wife who bitterly regretted her dalliance. So this story resonates for me.

AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

I enjoyed the story a lot. However, I traveled a lot for work and never cheated. I had plenty of opportunities. Once when my wife was overseas for a month on a military exercise a woman friend of ours asked me to live with her for a month. I turned her down.

I have never been overwhelmed or lost my ability to reason because of a good looking woman. I have turned all of my chances down because that was my choice.

I would have had a difficult time taking my wife back after such a deliberate public humiliation. Also our friends would not have remained my friends after they sided with my wife. And the woman, Dee who assisted my wife in her cheating would have received special attention from me & it wouldn't have been pleasant.

Unfortunately, I have known men & women who shared Dee's attitude and they were unpleasant & unhappy people. Those couples were always untrusting of their spouses & bragged about their sexual exploits.

I avoided those folks.

This story is very well written and I liked reading it a lot.


AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

This story is well written, enjoyable and frustrating. It's frustrating because if it was my wife when Dee told me what my wife did and her part in enabling her, I would have knocked her on her ass and whipped her husband too. My rage would have taken over and I probably would have ended up in jail. But once I was bailed out I would have studied that football player's habits and looked for weaknesses in his routine. Then one night I would have crippled him with a baseball bat.

As far as the wife goes I understand why he stayed for the kids because I did the same thing. It isn't pleasant and it's very hard. Because I am who I am my marriage has never been the same or as good as it was prior to the cheating. However, life goes on & you have to enjoy what you can.

Thanks for an enjoyable story.

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