Female Frigidity Project

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A new treatment is developed.
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It was an environmental disaster. But by the time folks realized what was going on, no one seemed to care.

The project started innocently enough. A quarterly planning meeting at Enozyme Pharmaceuticals. Product managers had been asked to bring a one page proposal for their best new drug idea. The board of directors said that there was enough money in the budget to fund one, and only one, of the new drug concepts.

Mary Jo Bumgarter had been married for 3 years. She was losing interest in sex -- her husband couldn't make her cum anymore. They'd fuck several times a week, and she felt it was a command performance -- blow jobs and fake orgasms. It was getting old. When Mary Jo talked to her girlfriends, she found it was a very common problem, and a bit of research on the web told her that nearly 40% of married women in the 18-40 age group couldn't cum and weren't particularly interested in sex.

Just four months earlier, Mary Jo got the help of a Stanford bioengineering PhD, Praya Bharadwajana. Unlike Mary Jo, Praya had the opposite problem; she was horny. All the time. Loved to fuck. Multiple orgasms. Didn't understand why Mary Jo couldn't cum.

So they brought blood samples to the lab, and asked for a complete workup of all the hormones present and the concentrations of each one. They found one big difference: CS4. Praya's blood levels of CS4 were off the charts; Mary Jo's were almost nonexistent. And this formed the basis for Mary Jo's new drug proposal.

Mary Jo was the fourth product manager to make a pitch at the meeting. She had two minutes. She followed 3 others that proposed expensive treatments for rare cancers. Boring.

Mary Jo stood up, and passed out her one page proposal.

"Many women age 18-40 suffer from frigidity. Studies show that up to 40% of women in this age group have difficulty achieving an orgasm during normal sexual encounters. Praya and I propose that Enozyme develop a new drug to increase women's sex drive and enable them to more easily achieve an orgasm."

"We have done extensive blood work on a limited number of patients, comparing hormone levels of frigid women to that of women with extraordinarily high sex drives. We found a large discrepancy in the level of one hormone in particular: CS4. We think that CS4 may be an effective treatment for female frigidity. If approved, this project would:

1) Confirm these findings with blood testing on a larger number of subjects;

2) synthesize CS4 and learn how it is produced in the body;

3) conduct animal trials to test the efficacy of CS4 supplements in treating the condition.

The project should be initially funded with $5m to pay for blood testing, drug synthesis, and animal trials."


The room exploded with noise. Mary Jo had 2 minutes for her pitch; she had only used 30 seconds.

"Do you know it will work?"

"No. But we think it should be explored."

"How did you discover this?"

"As I said, we did a blood workup on women and compared the results. All of the differences were small except this one."

"Anyone know what CS4 is supposed to do?"

"No. It is one of those hormones that have been studied very little."

Michael Spray, nominally in charge of the meeting, intervened. "We have to cut this off, I am afraid. There are 5 more proposals to review."

So Mary Jo sat down and listened to the other new drug ideas. After an hour, the meeting adjourned, and Michael Spray promised that he would bring the proposals to the Executive Council and let everyone know.

The following Friday, Michael Spray sat down for a half an hour with the Executive Council. He passed out the one page project summaries, and provided a recommendation.

"It's an easy decision. There is no effective treatment for female frigidity. The market is enormous, and we would have a monopoly. To patent the drug, we'd have to modify CS4 slightly so its molecular structure differs from the naturally occurring hormone. It is a straightforward exercise, one we've done before."

"So, gentlemen, I recommend funding the female frigidity project."

All the heads nodded in agreement. The CEO looked around the room.

"I don't see any objections, Michael. You've got your five million. Good luck!"

Michael thanked everyone and left. When he reached his office, he called Praya and Mary Jo in and delivered the good news: $5m was put in a new cost center, they were being transferred immediately, would get with a 20% raise, and report to Michael as co-project leads.

Chapter 2

The following Monday, Mary Jo and Praya divided up their responsibilities. Mary Jo would find test subjects, gather the blood samples and confirm their earlier findings. Praya would assemble a team to synthesize CS4 and determine how it worked. Could CS4 really treat female frigidity?

Praya's job, while interesting, isn't very much fun to read about. Endless work in the lab, studying CS4's molecular structure, synthesizing it and testing how it worked in rats. Develop a sample. Inject rats. Record how much they fuck. Modify the sample. Repeat.

Mary Jo, on the other hand, had the more understandable task. She needed to find some test subjects. She wanted a group of 100 single women 18-40yrs old, of mixed economic and racial backgrounds. Hopefully, about 40 of the women would be frigid and perhaps 10 or so would be exceptionally horny.

She needed to get blood samples before and after sexual arousal. She wanted to compare after sex samples, with or without an orgasm. If they got as far as experimental trials, she hoped to give some of the frigid women the synthesized CS4, and give a placebo to the others to see if it made a difference.

Where to get the test subjects? She turned to Craig's List, and placed two ads:

Wanted: single women, age 18-40, to participate

in a study of sexual drive. Must be

available for 6 evenings during next 12

weeks, no STDs, in good physical

condition. Participants will be

compensated. To apply, complete

questionnaire at


Wanted: single men, age 25-35, to participate in

a study of female sexual appetite. Must

be available 3 nights per week for next

12 weeks. No STDs, in good physical

condition. Participants will be

compensated. To apply, complete

questionnaire at


Mary Jo was overwhelmed with applicants. So she set out to screen them and build a representative sample. She interviewed the women first, working from a set of questions drawn up ahead of time:

1) If chosen to participate in this study, you'll

be asked to have sex with strange men. Are

you comfortable with that?

2) What physical characteristics do you find most


3) Do you ever have difficulty in reaching an


After 3 weeks of work, she was able to find 110 women that met all of her criteria. She used their answers to develop a profile of the men to hire. Well developed muscles, low body fat, bright smile, cute ass, big dick, talented tongue. No bald men, no potbellies.

It turned out to be much harder to find the men. Most of those that applied were middle aged bald guys with a big paunch. She didn't need as many guys; the guys could come in several times a week to fuck. She started with a list of 41 guys, and did a couple of trials, pairing up the guys with the horny women. Most of the time it worked out fine; they guys would fuck the women silly, making them cum again and again. Five of the guys turned out to be clumsy lovers, however. Entirely too focused on themselves to be any good in the sack. So they didn't make the cut.

Enozyme paid the test subjects $5K each for their participation, and rented a block of rooms at a nice downtown hotel for the testing. After the initial blood work was done, the fun began.

The first session was a simple fucking session. A group of 20 women would show up, and the guys would walk in, five at a time. The women would look them over, and pick out one they liked. Then they'd take their stud back to a room to fuck. Enozyme staff would watch behind the two-way mirror and record the event. The women were told that they would be in control, and it was up to them to tell their guy what to do. While some asked for anal sex, they were the exception. Most of the gals wanted the guy to eat them out first; then they'd crawl on top and impale themselves on a nice hard cock.

Afterwards, Enozyme staff collected blood samples and asked them to complete a questionnaire. It took about two hours from start to finish.

After the first week of testing, it was pretty clear who the frigid women were. Two women that called themselves frigid had an orgasm the first week; three of the horny women failed to cum. But all of the women were eager to return the following week.

Twelve weeks of testing confirmed the preliminary findings: frigid women had unusually low levels of CS4. After an orgasm, their CS4 levels rose, but never approached the levels found in the horny women in their normal state.

Chapter 3

In the meantime, Praya was running into difficulties. CS4 was a very unstable molecule. Moreover, it was pretty big, not readily absorbed in the bloodstream. Adding to the difficulty, she found that the hydrochloric acid in the stomach attacked the CS4, rendering it ineffective.

So Praya set about fixing the problems with CS4. First, she added several carboxyl groups, making the chemical very, very stable. Then she added a phosphate group to make it survive a hydrochloric acid environment and resist breakdown by the liver.

But her tests on rats revealed that females still couldn't absorb the chemical. There was something about male rat physiology, however, that enabled them to absorb CS4 through their small intestines. Once in their system, the male rats started making more and more of it, and it showed up in their semen in high concentrations.

She found that the female rats could only absorb the synthesized CS4 three ways: by direction injection into the blood stream, vaginally, or anally.

So 90 days later, Praya and Mary Jo discussed their progress at the quarterly review meeting with their boss, Michael Spray. After their presentation, Michael started in with his questions.

"First, let me say that you've made extraordinarily good progress. It seems that we've learned that CS4 increases sexual appetite and facilitates orgasms. And the lab testing on rats is very promising. What do you propose next?"

Mary Jo and Praya looked at each other. Praya nodded to her partner, letting her respond to the question. "We think we should undertake trials with our test subjects and see if they respond as we expect. There have been no major side effects that we can see, and the drug seems to be very effective."

"How are you going to administer the CS4? By injection?"

"There are two possible ways. We could inject the women, or we could give pills to the men, and let them inject the women through sexual intercourse. We don't know which would be more effective." replied Praya.

"Hmm... Well if you get all of the normal legal releases signed, I don't see why you don't try doing both, and see what happens." offered Michael.

Mary Jo looked back at Praya. "Ok -- we'll try it both ways, and keep you in the loop."

So Praya and Mary Jo invited back the 43 frigid women from the initial testing. If they chose to participate in the next phase, they would receive $25,000. The women were to be divided into 3 groups: the first group would get injections of the synthesized CS4 and have sex with men taking a placebo. The second group would receive injections of a placebo, but would have sex with men that were taking the drug. The third group of women, the control group, would receive injections of a placebo, and have sex with men taking a placebo. The trial would take 1 year, and the meetings would take place weekly.

To the men, they promised that half would get a placebo, and half would get the drug. They told the men that they had not noticed any material side effects from the drug among the male rats, but would be monitored closely during the trial. Like the women, they would receive $25,000 for participating.

Four women dropped out; all of the men chose to continue. They started giving the drugs to the men right away, and waited a month to start the trials -- they wanted the CS4 levels to build up in the blood stream of the men taking the drug, and tested their semen to make sure the drug had reached therapeutic concentrations.

Chapter 4

For the first 6 weeks, there seemed to be very little effect. Very few of the women would cum, but their levels of CS4 continued to build. It didn't seem to matter who they fucked or how. They could suck their guy off, take it up the ass, or go missionary style -- it made no difference. There were an average of 3 orgasms a week -- less than 10% of the frigid women were able to cum.

But there were 9 orgasms out of 39 encounters in week 7, three times more than the week before. The blood tests showed normal levels of CS4 in the orgasmic women, while CS4 was still below normal in the non-orgasmic women. They also noticed changes in the men -- their cocks were growing, and their body fat was declining, increasing muscle definition. The body builders in the group said that they were finding it easier to lift when they went to the gym. And a few of the other men mentioned that they had joined a health club. All of the men receiving the drug reported that they felt hornier.

By week 16, the changes were dramatic. All of the women receiving the drug were having multiple orgasms every week. Their breasts were larger, their weight was down an average of 15 lbs. All of them felt a need for sex at least once a day. They dressed like sluts, and several said that they were always looking for a cock. For the women in the control group, they continued to be frustrated, unable to cum. And they knew that they were in the control group too -- some had started demanding that they be given access to the drugs that the other women were getting.

A similar story was heard from the men. Their cocks had grown an average of 2 inches; they had lost 15 lbs and all of it was fat. It was hard for the men to think of anything but sex. They also reporting having much more sex outside the study, and that their partners were also experiencing the same changes as the women receiving the drug: larger breasts, moderate weight loss, and increased sexual appetite.

Though they didn't realize it at the time, Enozyme had lost control of the study. After 16 weeks on the drugs, the men no longer needed any more pills; their balls had taken over, and they were making prodigious quantities of the synthesized version of CS4. They had become living pharmaceutical factories, and there was nothing that could be done to stop it. Every time they fucked a woman, they injected her with high concentrations of CS4, making her horny and increasing her need for yet another injection. The CS4 also increased the men's production of pheromones. So they could walk into a room, and the women would start to get turned on. A kiss, and they'd get wet.

Praya had done her job too well. When she modified the molecule, she also made it impossible for the liver to filter it out of the blood. When CS4 levels reached saturation, additional injections would no longer be absorbed. And short of a complete blood transfusion, there was no way to get the drug out of the system.

Enozyme stopped the study after 6 months. The women in the control group had started fucking the guys with the big cocks, and found, after a few sessions, that they too could cum continuously and were constantly horny. The men in the control group were jealous too. But all they needed to do was to drop their pride and take one of the big cocks up their ass a few times -- then their balls would start making the drug too.

As you might imagine, synthesized CS4 started working its way into the water supply. Just trace amounts, but it was enough. Young boys and men, not involved in the study in any way, slowly built synthesized CS4 levels in their blood stream. After about 10 years, they reached a tipping point, and their balls started producing the CS4 on their own.

Enozyme was sold to a larger pharmaceutical company. But following normal practice, they bought the company's patents and other assets, leaving the liabilities behind. So when the government started an investigation, there was no remedy -- no one to sue, no one to blame. CS4 was in the water, the men were squirting it into every hole they could find, and there was little to be done. So they buried the findings, and hoped no one would notice.

The men that had participated in the study moved on -- and moved away. Being always horny and very sexy, they had no lack of partners. The chemical spread around the world, but no one cared. Everyone was too busy fucking to notice.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I don't agree with the other comments. I found the story to be well written, humorous, and intellegent. I admit I would very much like to get my hands on the chemical, and even though it would be my first homosexual experience, I have no doubt the reward would make the gay sex worth the effort.

Fly_paraFly_paraover 10 years ago

sounds like a dream )

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

story line was pretty good, but need some sex

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

didn't really like it. No real sexy stuff going on. The story is pretty wierd and there is too much sciencey stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

On 05/29/11 Anonymous said:

"It's nice, but could have been longer."

Michael Scott replied "That's what she said!"

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