Female Masturbation Addiction Ch. 05


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"That feels nice," I though as I rubbed my pussy, not to start another fix, but to make sure that my pussy was clean. I even fingered myself to make sure that I cleaned the inside of me to try to release any cum that was reluctant to leave my body.

Suitably refreshed I looked around for the guy and wasn't disappointed when I couldn't see him so I went back to see what was happening at the 'stage'. To get there I had to pass the food and drinks tables and I saw Lizzy, Kori and Bree stuffing their faces.

"Hi ladies," I said, "good to see that you haven't chickened-out and put your bikinis back on."

"Are you joking," Bree replied, "I never thought that being naked with all these people around us could feel so good."

"Yeah," Lizzy added, "all we have to do now is find some guys to fuck us."

"That shouldn't be too difficult," I said as I grabbed some food. "there's plenty here, just go up to a guy who you fancy and ask them if they like your outfits. I'm surprised that you haven't been hit on already."

"We have, we just didn't fancy the guys." Kori replied.

After finishing eating and drinking I decided that I wanted to put on a bit of a show, similar to what I do when I'm in camgirl mode, so I went to see what these 'small' tarpaulins were like. They were only a couple of metres square and 3 of them had girls in just bikini bottoms dancing on them. Two of the girls looked to be quite 'happy' and were trying to dance sexily.

I didn't think much of the music track that was playing so I stood near one of the empty tarpaulins that was near a group of guys.

"Are you going to have a go." One of the guys asked.

"Depends on the music." I replied.

"I like seeing naked girls dancing." Another of the guys said.

"You should look at some of the camgirl websites, there's lots of naked girls dancing on those."

"I know," the guy replied. "I watch them all the time back home but it's better seeing girls in the flesh. Hey, you look a bit familiar."

I think that he was going to continue but I interrupted him by saying,"

"I was just in that Naked Attraction game."

"Yeah, I saw you but there's something else ....."

Just then the music changed to a track that I liked so I went onto the tarpaulin and started dancing, twerking and hip gyrating and thrusting to the beat of the music; and sliding my hands ALL over my body.

The music changed to a track that I liked even more, one that I often played at home when I was showing myself on my webcam. I sort of got carried away with myself and I did what I often do at home, fall back on my bed, put my legs up in the air, spread them very wide and frig myself to a very satisfying orgasm. The only real differences were that the tarpaulin was harder than my bed and in my bedroom and I don't have a bunch of real guys staring at me.

The orgasm hit me just as the track was ending but I finger fucked myself until all the waves of pleasure had gone.

"Girl, that was so fucking hot." I heard one of the guys say.

I was still flat on my back with my legs spread wide when the MC interrupted the music and announced that the games were about to start again and that the first game was called 'Kiss My Ass' and he needed 5 girl volunteers, ones that thought that they had great butts.

Well, I was up onto my feet and right in front of the MC in seconds and as I was getting there I saw that some helpers were rigging up what looked like a big sheet with 5 holes in it, all about butt height and around 30 to 40 centimetres in diameter.

"Wow ladies," the MC announced, "I didn't think that there would be so many of you that wanted to show your bare butt, but don't worry ladies, we can have 2 rounds of this game.

Now, can I have 5 male volunteers please, and don't worry guys, I'm not going to ask you to get naked."

Once 5 guys were selected, us 5 girls were given a big card with a number on it and told to go and stand in front of the big sheet.

"Right guys, take a good look at the girls and remember their numbers."

Thirty seconds later us girls were told to go round the back of the big sheet and the girls who were still wearing their bikini bottoms were told to take them off then we we told to pick any hole in the sheet at random and when the MC shouted NOW, stick our butt in the holes in the sheet.

"Okay guys," the MC announced, "pick an ass and you have 30 seconds to kiss that ass and then decided which number girl the ass belongs to, starting from NOW."

As I pushed my butt up to the nearest hole I bent over, spread my legs wide and pushed my butt through the hole knowing that my pussy would be on show as well as my butt.

Within a couple of seconds I felt a guy kissing my butt, but it wasn't just my butt, his tongue quickly found my wet pussy and and was working its magic. The guy really knew how to use his tongue.

I looked to the girls at both my sides and saw that all the other 4 girls were stood upright, either not wanting or not realising that being up straight their pussies wouldn't be available to the guys.

As my arousal started to increase the MC announced that the time was up and the tongue disappeared from my butt.

"Okay guys," the MC announced, "tell me the number of the girl whose butt you just kissed."

All 5, in turn, said a number and us girls were then told to come round the front of the big sheet and stand in the same order then hold up our numbers. Only the guy who had kissed my butt got it right and the MC thanked everyone who had taken part. As we all started walking towards the audience the MC announced,

"Not you number 1, you get to go into round 2, stay where you are."

The 4 waiting girls joined me, the MC recruited 5 more guys and round 2 got under way. That process didn't take long and by the time I was sticking my butt through the hole in the big sheet I just knew that there was 90% chance that if the guy was any good I'd get the fix that I desperately needed.

He was, and I did, the guys holding the big sheet up staring at me, one of them smiling. Out the front the guy licking my pussy had to back-off early because my body was jerking about.

When the guys were guessing which girl's butt they had been kissing I heard 1 guy say,

"That's definitely number 1, that pussy, sorry, butt was sticking out just like she did in the last round."

"Okay girls," the MC announced, come on round the front and let's see which guy was right."

We did and this time 2 of the guys got it right, me being one of them. The MC told all the contestants that they could leave, and again he held me back. With the microphone behind his back he said to me,

"I'm pretty sure that you'll like this next game, hang around here." Then he announced,

"Well guys and girls, we only have one more game to go and this one gets VERY personal. I'm looking for 5 girls who are prepared to get naked and lay spread eagle on the 'stage'. But before all you girls run up here stripping all your clothes off, I need to tell you that this is a pussy eating competition.

I watched as a 7 girls stepped forward and joined me I saw that Bree and Lizzy were 2 of them.

"Hmm, 8 girls," the MC said, "I guess that we can play the game with all 8 of you. Get naked girls, you are going to heaven and you're not gonna know who took you there."

Everyone watched as the 3 girls who weren't naked took their bikinis off then the MC told all 8 of us to go over to the stage and spread out in a straight line facing the audience. As we did so I saw 8 local guys move in and we were all blindfolded and given a big cards with a number on it. Finally we were all told to lay on our backs with our feet nearest the audience.

I didn't know what the other girls were doing but I remembered that the MC had said that we were to lay spread eagle so I spread my legs quite wide. As I lay there with my pussy on full display to around a hundred young people I heard the MC ask for 8 guy volunteers.

"Woah there guys," The MC announced, this game could go on for a while so there's a good chance that all the guys here will get the chance to eat some pussy."

I suddenly had a vision of 50 guys lining up to eat my pussy and the tingling in my pussy and nipples suddenly go a lot stronger and my pussy felt like a river was flowing out of it.

"Okay guys, the first 8 of you go and stand between one of the girl's feet."

I felt the tarpaulin near my feet move a little and I guessed that an unknown guy was now standing between my feet looking down at my spread and very wet pussy.

"Right guys, the rules are simple," the MC announced. "When the bell rings you start eating the pussy in front of you. When the bell rings again 1 minute later you stop eating, stand up then move to the girl on your right. The guy at the end on the right has 5 seconds to get to the girl at the other end of the line. When the bell rings again the process starts again. Now just one important rule guys, you can nibble but please, no biting, we don't want to have to send a girl to hospital to get her clit sown back on.

Girls, there's a guy stood by your head and he will count the number of times that you cum, and be warned, all those guys are good at telling if a girl is faking it. When I stop the game the girl who has cum the most times is the winner. Are you ready guys?"

As the MC was saying all that I imagined the game going on for hours and me cumming hundreds of times. I was a very happy little bunny.

The bell rang and I felt movement between my legs then a tongue licking up the length of my slit. I moaned, then moaned again when the tongue found my clit.

That first minute felt to me like 10 seconds that certainly wasn't enough to make me cum, and the 5 second interval was an eternity and enough to lower my arousal level.

The second tongue was just as good, or bad, as the first one, and again it didn't make me cum. When the bell rang again I started to wonder if that 1 minute then the 5 second interval was designed to make the girls as horny as hell but not to make them cum, to edge them.

Then I had an idea. Just before the bell rang to start the third round of teasing I swung my legs up and over. Catching them with my hands I locked them behind my shoulders leaving my pussy looking up at the sky and still spread quite a lot.

"Nice one." I heard the third guy say just before his mouth attacked my pussy.

That was better, the guy obviously found it easier to get at my pussy and in that 1 minute, not only was his tongue doing a pretty good job, but I also felt one of his fingers sink into my hole. I hoped that the subsequent guys did the same.

Most of them did and as the sixth guys tongue and teeth attacked my pussy I started to cum.

That damned 5 second break was a real pain as it allowed my orgasm to just about fade away and when the next guy started to attack my pussy the next orgasm had to start almost from scratch.

During one of the change-over intervals I heard the MC organising the next 8 guys ready to move in to replace the first 8. By that time I'd cum twice and a third one was building.

On and on it went with me having orgasms as every 3 or 4 different guys attacked my pussy. I would have loved to see the faces of all the guys that ate my pussy, but as a consolation I had lots of orgasms.

I have no idea how long it went on for, nor how many different guys tasted my pussy but I was starting to get a little tired. As soon as the MC announced that the game had ended I dropped my legs and pushed the blindfold up. Quickly getting up on my elbows I saw that 1 girl was missing. I guessed that she couldn't cope and had withdrawn somewhere along the line. I wondered if she had had any orgasms.

The MC then announced the scores and I was pleased that I had cum 8 times, the nearest being Bree who had cum 6 times.

It was a knackered me that collected my bottle of champagne and headed to where I had last seen Kori. Bree and Lizzy caught up with me and Bree told me that I looked knackered.

"I am, but you don't look much better."

We found Kori and we all went to the water's edge, sat in a row with the water lapping up our legs and over our bare pussies because we'd all spread our legs a bit, and we drank the champagne.

Champagne gone, I got to my feet saying that I was going to get some beers. As I walked I looked around and saw people everywhere. Some were talking in groups, others dancing. Just about all the guys were topless and a large percentage of the girls were as well. Around a quarter of the girls were naked. Some couples were all over each other and I saw one girl with her legs up around a guy's waist and he had his hands under her bare butt and was raising and lowering her.

A couple of guys tried to hit on me with stupid questions but one group of 4 guys put an idea in my head. As I walked back passed those 4 guys I said,

"There's 4 of us girls at the water's edge if you fancy joining us."

I watched the guys look at each other then start following me.

"Look what I've found." I said as I sat down next to Lizzy and handed the beers out.

There was no space between each of us girls so the guys went round to the front of us, and because we all still had our legs open the guys could stand between our feet. After introductions, all 4 guys squat between our legs and I noticed that the guy between my legs spent most of the time looking well below my eyes.

As the small talk continued I could feel myself getting more and more horny. In the end I got to my feet, grabbed the guy's hand and walked into the sea saying,

"Come on, there's something I need you to do."

Less than a minute later we were cock deep in the sea and I was floating on my back with my legs around the guy's hips. As I'd walked into the sea I looked around and saw other couples that looked as if they were doing what I was about to do. It was another first for me.

"You know what to do now don't you? I asked.

The guy didn't need to be asked more explicitly, and soon I was sighing as his cock penetrated me and a few minutes later I was cumming for the, I have no idea how many times that day.

After we'd both cum I told the guy that I was going to have a bit of a swim to get refreshed. What I didn't tell him was that I needed a piss as well and I didn't know how yellow it would be.

As I got out of the sea I noticed that Bree and Lizzy were missing and when I looked around I saw them in the water with the guys who had been chatting to. I sat next to Kori and it wasn't long before the guy gave up and left.

I asked Kori why she hadn't joined the game earlier and gone into the sea with the guy that had been trying to hit on her.

"Wrong time of the month but I'm going to make up for it over the rest of the holiday."

"Are you coming to the Beach Party next week?" I asked.

"Hell yeah, wouldn't miss it for the world. You Emma?"

"Too right I am." I replied.

Shortly after that we heard the MC announcing that the party was ending and it was time to start heading back and he asked people to make their way to the boats. When Lizzy and Bree got back we went and collected our belongings and headed to the boats. None of the 4 of us put any clothes on and I saw that quite a few other girls were getting on the boats either topless or naked.

On the boat there was more music but it wasn't too loud to stop some guys trying to hit on us but the boat trip wasn't that long and the guys got nowhere.

As the boats approached the little port I noticed other girls putting clothes on. When Bree asked me if I was going to put my T-shirt on I said that I couldn't be bothered and that if anyone saw me and wasn't happy then it was just tough for them.

Lizzy and Bree put their clothes back in their bags and the 4 of us walked together to the coach still totally naked, but we weren't the only girls still naked, I saw a couple of them heading to one of the other coaches. As no one complained I assumed that it really was okay for girls to be naked in public.

The coach driver just stared at us and I guessed that he'd had naked girl passengers before and it wasn't long before us 4 naked girls were walking into the hotel in amongst the rest of the people who had been on that excursion.

The holiday Rep came into the hotel as well and before we went up to our rooms, Lizzy, Kori, Bree and myself joined a few others who wanted to book our places on the Beach Party excursion the following week.

Back in my room I had a shower then went and sat on my balcony, only to find Ben and Theo sat on their balcony. We talked about the Beach Party and they told me that they'd both eaten my pussy. After a while they climbed over the balcony divider and took it in turns at either end of a spit roast until we were all too tired to continue.

I had another shower then a nap before going out and getting some food.


The next day was another day at the beach on my own. I needed a quiet day after the Beach Party.

That day also marked the end of my first week there and I vowed to do every thing that I'd done the first week, on the second week as well. Well not everything, I didn't book the Historic Tour again but for a few minutes whilst laying spread eagle on the beach I did wonder how easy it would be to get to that monument using public transport.

I also got a bit braver walking around the resort both wearing next to nothing and nothing at all.


I was really did have mixed feelings when it came time to come back to England. None of them being the desire to get back to normality at home. I really did want to repeat those 2 week over and over. I was also very proud of myself for the way I had got over my shyness with guys and I wondered if it was because I'd finally got laid.

I'd also discovered how easy it is to tease guys and to get them to do what I want just by flashing a lot of skin, the parts of a girl's body that guys lust after. Up until that holiday I'd always had a little bit of guilt when I'd rubbed one out with guys watching me. Guilt that I was using them to feed my addiction, but that holiday knocked that out of me. My pleasure was my priority.


It took a couple of days for that middle-aged man to discover that I hadn't moved out of my house permanently, then it was back to him standing outside my front window watching me exercise and feeding my addiction on my sofa.


The following Saturday I went back to Bethany's shop to tell her all about my holiday and to let her know that I really wanted to model her clothes for her shop website and also make some videos for her porn website. Bethany told me that her boyfriend and some other male friends of theirs would be more than happy to help me.

We also talked about my addiction and Bethany told me that she knew plenty of guys who would help me with that as well.

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mporn595mporn59510 months ago

Great story, hopefully it's not the final chapter.

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