Female Officer Ch. 03

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Happy ending.
5k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/11/2022
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Sarah is feeling nervous, which is an unusual occurrence for the normally unflappable young army officer. She is with Alan outside his house right now. He's going to introduce her to his mom and dad today. This is a very important part of their relationship. She hopes that they won't frown upon her due to the age difference. He assured her that they are going to be fine with it since he already told them how much she means to him, but she is still concerned. Alan just gives her a warm smile and tell her to relax, and let him handle most of the talking. He knows them very well, since he is their son.

"Trust me, baby. They will warm up to you once they can see how much we mean to each other," Alan promises her with a little smile. "And even if they do not approve, I already belong to you. I will follow you wherever you go." He leans up on his tip toe to kiss his taller girlfriend's cheek reassuringly. "If this goes well I'll do anything you want in the bedroom today." Of course, Alan already pretty much lets his girlfriend do anything she wants to do to him, but his words provide the extra incentive she needs and she regains control of herself.

When they get inside the room, Sarah finds herself face to face with her young boyfriend's parents. She sees that they are looking at her a bit sternly, turning red for how nervous she is. "So," Alan's mother begins. "I assume that you are Sarah, the girlfriend Alan mentioned." Sarah nods. "Well, I must say that he wasn't exaggerating when he told us all about how beautiful you are. But you are older than him, aren't you? Why are you not with a guy your own age?" The woman's husband shoots her a swift look, warning her to take things slowly.

Sarah doesn't blame her for feeling so protective of Alan. He is the kind of boy that gets taken advantage of by women, being so cute and submissive. But he can also rise to the occasion and defend someone he cares about. "Mom, I want you and dad to know that she is only five years older than me. We met after I already turned 18 so there's nothing wrong about our relationship. We are both consenting adults and that is that. There is nothing else to discuss." Sarah feels so proud of him for standing up for her but she also knows that this is a battle she has to fight herself too.

Alan's mom sighs. "I wasn't asking you for your opinion, Alan, but thanks for offering it anyway," she tells him curtly. Then she turns back to face the pretty officer. "Go on. Tell me. Why should I approve of your relationship with my teenage son?" Alan is about to tell her that he would leave home if she won't accept the relationship, but decides to wait and listen to his girlfriend's reply first. He watches Sarah's face as she thinks of the best reply possible in this circumstance. It isn't as easy as Sarah thought it would be when she first set foot into his house.

Finally, she says "I do want you to like me and approve of us dating, but he is an adult now and I respect his decision making. He wants to be with me and I also love him, so I will hold his hand and never let go. I respect you but I can not and will not let you come between our love." Then she holds Alan's hand in hers, squeezing it in a reassuring way to let him know that she is going to stick by him and will never abandon him when things start to get difficult. He could feel his heart expand with the love that is inside.

Eventually, his mother sighs and nods, and everyone in the room exhale with relief. "Okay, you convinced me. I now believe that you really care about my son," she says to the appreciative Sarah who is smiling thankfully at her. "But don't you ever hurt my boy. I know you do boxing. My son told me. It won't save you from me though. If you ever hurt my son it will be the end of you. Got that?" Sarah has never been one to scare easily, and going through West Point made her feel near invincible, but even the army officer has to admit that the protective mom is intimidating her.

Now the boy speaks up again. "Mom, I can take care of myself now. I'm not a baby anymore. No need for you to be so overprotective." He sighs, before giving her a small smile. "But thanks for being okay with us. I promise, I wasn't lying when I told you that she is really good to me." He turns to kiss Sarah on the lips. His mother sighs, just accepting it like his father does. The two of them are watching the young lovebirds and thinking of themselves when they were younger and in their own whirlwind romance.

"Your mother is just looking out for you and so am I," Alan's dad speaks up for the first time since Sarah got there. He walks over to pat his son's shoulder in a kind way, before turning to look at the tall, muscular woman. "You take good care of my son, okay? He is yours now. Like my wife said, just don't hurt him and we will be fine." They sit down to eat together, enjoying the warm meal. It is rare for their family to have another person at the table, but since she is Alan's girlfriend, the parents now make an effort to get to know her.

Alan is grateful for them caring about him and he lets them know this. He and Sarah tell the two everything about how they met and got together, except for the spicy details. Both agree that it wouldn't be right to tell his mom and dad about those parts about how easily she got into his pants, despite how he told them both that he is still waiting for marriage. Everything seems to be going great. It's all perfect. They can accept the age difference and all that. And then something incredibly crazy happens right before their eyes.

Andrea enters through the front door that was locked. "I made a copy of the key you gave me before returning it," she says to Alan. "That way I can come by whenever I want to." Then she sees Sarah sitting there with Alan and his parents. "Who the hell is this bitch? Is she like your relative or something?" Oh this is going to be really good, Alan thinks to himself, feeling sweat forming on his forehead. No, it isn't going to be too bad or anything. He is sure that he can fix this, before it becomes a total clusterfuck.

"This is Sarah, my girlfriend that I told you about before, several times in fact. You never believed me because you did not think anyone would be interested in me, but you were wrong," Alan says. He then faces his older girlfriend. "She is the cheating ex-girlfriend that I told you about." Andrea is shocked and also pissed off to see that Alan didn't make his new girlfriend up. She could see that Sarah is hotter than she is, being taller with a prettier face, longer hair and much bigger boobs. Andrea can't hold a candle to her at all.

Sarah smirks at her in an infuriatingly superior way. "I actually must thank you for cheating on him, because that allowed me and Alan to get together. If you are still with him then I wouldn't have gotten my chance, and heavens know what I'd be doing right now." She then pauses before continuing "He might not be the biggest but he is willing to go down on me and told me that my pussy tastes a lot better than his ex girlfriend's did." Alan blushes slightly when she says this, completely ignoring the enraged look on his ex's face.

Andrea couldn't take it anymore. She lunges at Sarah. The girl swings her fist at her head, but Sarah easily blocks the punch and counters with a left hook to Andrea's cheek. The impact knocks her to the side and she spits out blood and a few teeth that's been knocked loose. Andrea staggers and tries to kick but Sarah unleashes another blow on her, punching her in the stomach. Andrea attempts one more strike to Sarah's head, only for the older woman finishes her off with an uppercut to the chin. Andrea falls to the ground in shock. Andrea has been in many fights before but had never been defeated so easily.

She gets up and stumbles out the door in humiliation, with a bruise forming on her swollen cheek and blood pouring out of her mouth, clutching the teeth that fell out. Alan is watching his tall girlfriend in shock, before hugging her tightly. "Seeing you deal with that bitch was so hot, baby," he tells her, as his parents gape. "I knew you're good but I didn't realize you could hit that hard. That was really impressive." He almost told her that he got hard seeing her wipe the floor with the cheating bitch but then recalls that his parents are still in the living room.

"Thanks a lot, baby. I will do anything to protect you. You know that right? she asks him with a smile. He nods and the two of them embrace. She smirks as she can feel his hard pecker against her muscular thigh, but keeps silent about it, not wanting to embarrass him in front of his parents. They sit back down together to finish the meal, all while his parents get to know her better, and come to understand how she charmed her younger boyfriend so damn easily. Her charisma is superb, almost as exceptional as her excellent physical prowess.

She sits with them for the next twenty minutes before having to leave. "It was really nice meeting you today," she tells her boyfriend's parents as she is about to leave. "I promise I will drop by again later." Sarah turns to Alan and kisses him on the tip of his nose. "See you later, darling." With that said, she leaves the house to get back to work and Alan watches her retreating back happily, before turning back to his mom and dad. They are both watching him smile like an idiot, so happy that the people he cares about the most are getting along well.

"I told you. She is amazing, isn't she?" Alan gushes to them once she is gone, and they nod. "She is the one I've always been waiting for. The right person for me." He knows that they have only been dating for just over a month but it really feels that way for him and Sarah as well. He knows that she is as committed to him as he is to her. "Thank you so much again for being cool with this now." He wishes they never threatened her but begrudging acceptance is the most that he could hope for at this state.

His mother sighs. "Well, I suppose I might have too early in judging her," she concedes. "She did seem like a wonderful young woman who can protect you. As long as you are happy then I am happy." She hugs her son tightly, recognising just how much he's grown. He is now an adult who can look out for himself and make his own decisions without her having to guide him anymore. "Just be careful and don't get her pregnant okay? Me and your father aren't prepared to be grandparents just yet."

He chuckles and hugs her and his dad also joins, making it a group hug. Alan now knows that it is all going to be alright.


It's been a day since Andrea was thrashed. Andrea was extremely pissed after losing her teeth. She went immediately to Henderson to tell him that Alan's new girlfriend beat her up. Incensed, Henderson is now staking outside the nerd's house, waiting to see Sarah show up. Andrea described her as a brunette who is around five years older than then and muscular, but Henderson still believes he can beat her. Soon, he can see the woman enter the house and quickly rushes after her when she is inside. He knocks the door hard several times. "Who are you?" she asks after looking through the peephole and seeing someone she doesn't recognise.

Henderson waits for a second before telling her "I'm Alan's friend. Can I come in please? I left something inside when we were studying here together." Sarah immediately gets suspicious since Alan once told her that he doesn't have any friends. "Hey, lady. Are you going to let me in or what? Cause I'm really getting tired of standing around and waiting like this!" He pounds the door again several times, and now she knows. He definitely isn't the sort of person her boyfriend would ever be friends with, let alone invite over to his place where his family is. There is not a chance in hell this punk is telling the truth.

"I don't believe you, so go away now before I call the police," Sarah tells him. Henderson seethes. He continues to knock loudly, refusing to go. "I am calling the police right now." She then gets out her phone. Truthfully, she could kick his ass herself but doesn't see any reason in making things more complicated than they have to be. Eventually, the asshole stops pounding on the door, realising that he could never get Sarah to open it. Instead, he kicks it below the handle. Using his considerable strength, he manages to break it after a few goes and crashes through the door, a sneer on his face. At first he just wanted to rough the woman up, but after seeing the woman's large boobs, he decides he will cuckold Alan again by raping her.

"I'm the one who's going to to fuck you and Alan up!" he shouts and then rushes towards her, grabbing her shoulders. "Why is a hot piece of ass like you going out with that pathetic loser? I'll show you what a real man is like." He attempts to kiss her, pushing Sarah back towards the wall. Caught off-guard, Sarah is momentarily overpowered by the athletic boy. The bastard presses his lips into her neck and then palms her tits, molesting the older woman. His anger and lust merge together as he attempts to take advantage of the tall brunette, sexually assaulting her.

Soon, she recovers her senses and smashes his jaw with a powerful straight right, knocking him down to the floor. Henderson is stunned but quickly gets to his feet, enraged. "Now you're asking for it!" he yells before flipping out a pocketknife. "I'm gonna gut you and rip your intestines out you fucking bitch." He attempts to stab her but she sidesteps him effortlessly, drawing her pistol from the holster. Henderson tries to kill her one more time but she has already taken aim and squeezed the trigger, firing one bullet into his chest, stopping him in his tracks.

The jackass falls to the ground in shock, clutching his rapidly bleeding chest. The round penetrated his lung and he is coughing up blood. Sarah calmly dials 911. "Someone broke into my boyfriend's house and attempted to rape me. He brandished a knife and attempted to stab me after I resisted, so I shot him in self defence. I am going to give you the address and perform first aid on him now, before going over to the police station." She kicks his knife away and cleans the wound before giving him a clean piece of cloth to apply pressure on it.

It turns out that the bullet wound was too severe and the doctors couldn't save him. The next day, many people at school are shocked to be informed that Henderson is dead. Even more shocking is the news that it was Alan's new girlfriend who shot the player dead. They are all looking at him differently now. He shrugs off the attention, ignoring them all. Now he is the one to shun other people, acting like they don't exist. No longer do they dare to mock him for having his girlfriend stolen from him.

Only one person confronts Alan that day, and it is the person he wants to deal with the least right now. "How does it feel to be alone?" Andrea asks him. "Sarah is a murderer and you two are no longer together. You have go no one else now, except me. But that's fine. I'll make up for all the lost time you wasted by being with that bitch." Alan almost smacks her across the face but he somehow manages to resist the impulse, instead giving her a cold sneer, one that has never been seen on his face before.

"I'm staying with Sarah. She did the right thing shooting him," he says. shocking Andrea into silence. Did she hear that right? Did Alan actually say he is fine going out with a murderer? "He tried to rape her and when she punched him, he went for his knife, thinking he could kill her with it. But my girlfriend is the better fighter. She shot him when he tried to kill her. It was self defence and the cops know that. She explained it all to them already. Henderson was a pussy who died for nothing."

"You bastard! You're still dating her? How could you?" she screeches at him and he laughs in her face before walking off to his first class of the day. It was so very amusing seeing her going red in the face. Other people in the hallway are staring at him, aghast at the way he seems to actually be celebrating the death of one of their sport heroes. Not that their disapproval means anything to him. Alan couldn't care less what other people think. They can all disappear from the surface of the Earth for all he cares.

The rest of the day goes on very well and at the end of it he goes over to Sarah's house. It has become a habit of his now to go to the place as often as he could, with school work being the only obstacle to him spending the entire day with her. That and the fact that he still wants to spend time with his parents too. Once he arrives, he finds her talking to a couple of police officers. "I'm so sorry, officers. I can leave now and come back later," he tells them politely before turning around and preparing to leave the house.

"No, don't leave," one of the cops say. He fixes Alan with a hard stare. "You are the boy whose girlfriend cheated with Henderson, right?" Alan nods slowly, deciding not to lie. "Did you hate him? Want to have him killed? I bet you did. Enough to ask your girlfriend who possesses and is proficient with a gun to shoot him dead?" He shakes his head to answer in the negative. He thought that it would be over by now after his girlfriend already gave her testimony but it seems that a little bit more work has to be done.

"At first I was angry at Henderson. He did steal my first girlfriend, just like you said," Alan begins. "But then the hatred disappeared. I let go of it. There was no point hanging on to anger. I did not want to take any revenge on him." He looks at Sarah who is sitting on a couch, looking back at him intently with her beautiful eyes. Alan gives her a reassuring smile, before looking directly back at the policeman's face, showing no fear whatsoever.

"That's funny. He stole your girlfriend from you and you didn't want any revenge at all? I don't believe it." The police officer gets in his face and his partner yanks him back, apologising to Alan for the rudeness. "What did you feel then? And what do you feel now? Go on. Tell me all about it." Alan is starting to get fed up but he contains his anger, being good enough at suppressing his emotions. He should have known that things could be a little bit problematic, given that his girlfriend shot someone. But he could clear it all up now.

"He took away Andrea but I got someone much better than her. Sarah is kind to me, understanding and makes me feel happier than I ever felt before. Not to mention her breasts and ass are larger than Andrea's." The cops' eyes go wide at this part, not thinking he would say this. "Most importantly, I love Sarah now. I no longer love Andrea. As for Henderson, I didn't really think about him after getting together with Sarah. He attempted to rape her but she punched him so he tried to stab her. That's when she shot him. The knife was in his hand and had his fingerprints all over it. He kicked down my house's front door, committing breaking and entering, attempted rape and attempted murder. My girlfriend shot him in self defence and he is dead, and that's that."

In the end, the police concluded that Sarah killed Henderson in self-defence and she couldn't be happier to celebrate of this episode in their lives by having Alan eat her ass out. Some of his classmates called him to tell him to attend the funeral but he told all of them that he'd rather stick his tongue up his girlfriend's asshole, saying that they should go greet the priest for him. Then he goes back to French-kissing Sarah's nasty ass, tasting her delicious bootyhole for over half an hour before finally having had enough of it.

"I'm so proud of you for the way you stood up today," she tells him. "It was so wonderful to see how you didn't back down when that cop was getting all aggressive. You were so brave." She then mounts him on the bed and the two of them make love passionately, kissing each other like it's their last day alive. He fills her with his cum again, like he already did countless times before. "My cute, sweet little cum dispenser. I love you so much, baby."