Fetish Library: Feet

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Guys lust for feet takes him to a strange yet familiar place.
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Toeing the Line

This series is dedicated to the peculiar, the weird, the not-so-missionary of it all. It's the curious little quirks in our sex lives that show up in the oddest of places. Some volumes may seem pretty basic by now as we've expanded our sexual tastes- but nonetheless, we spend the time deliciously celebrating each individual kink as we peruse - the Fetish Library. Please do keep in mind though that these stories aren't meant to be detailed explainers for the how and why of things, that all participants are 18 and over, and situations where consent isn't explicitly given are strictly fantasy.

"Hi Kevin, nice day to have friends over,"

Kevin Stevens turned as he waved the girls into the house. Mrs. Whitfield, his longtime neighbour stood watering her peonies smiling from across the decorative fence between the two properties. He'd had a feeling that his parents had asked her to watch over him while they were up north, but from what he remembered as a kid- she was typically just nosey on her own.

"Yes it is Mrs. Whitfield, just enjoying the pool today. I promise we won't make too much noise,"

"Oh Kevin, I think you can call me Iris now that you've graduated college. You kids just go on and enjoy yourselves, don't give a second thought about me," Kevin was slow to turn around, returning a tight smile to Mrs. Whitfield's practised grin. Better not do anything that'll get her to complain to the parents he thought.

Walking through the house Kevin couldn't find a trace of the girls, he figured they must have found their way out back. Jill and Tawny were a couple of college pals he'd promised an afternoon swim to. He'd actually just asked Jill, but Tawny was nearby and invited herself along. He wasn't sure how it was going to effect his agenda having previously had a one night stand with Jill and remaining on good -if not incredibly flirtatious terms- his intent was to reconnect. He wasn't sure if Tawny would peel out at some point and leave the two of them alone but it didn't hurt to have two beautiful women spend the afternoon with him.

Case in point, as soon as Kevin stepped out onto the back deck he was treated to a pair of glorious asses in thong bikinis. The women had bent over almost in unison to strip out of their sweats, producing the jaw dropping view for Kevin to stumble upon. Tawny cannonballed into the pool as Jill struggled out of a pant leg, turning to acknowledge the host for the afternoon.

"Its really amazing back here, your parents have a great place Kev, you're so lucky,"

"Bitch get in here already!"

Free from her clothes, Jill shrugged and jumped in the pool. Kevin took in every jiggling bounce of her body and remembered that crazy night back in the dorms. He couldn't get the shit-eating grin off his face as he rolled up his shorts and sat on the edge of the pool with his feet in the water. For the next 45 minutes or so he shot the shit with the two girls, watching them frolic and splash about, glancing over at Mrs. Whitfield's kitchen window that overlooked his yard. The blind was down, which meant they weren't being observed- something Kevin learned back in his teen years. He relaxed, figuring Mrs. Whitfield probably did respect him as a college graduate now, and returned his attention to his buxom guests.

"Well are you gonna get in and join us Kev?" Jill swam over and laid her arms against his knees. She was so fucking cute.

"Yeah ya perv, did you just invite us over to watch?" Tawny backstroked away her fulsome breasts breaking the surface and taunting him.

"Yeah, I mean shit- I was just having such a good time catching up. Lemme go get changed,"

"Why don't you just go naked Mr. Stevens?" Tawny swam up beside the two of them, raising her eyebrow in a suggestive fashion. The three of them shared an awkward laugh, but Tawny seemed to carry the bit by tugging on the hem of his shorts. "We're all grown ups here, we're all friends,"

Kevin shot a glance over at Jill, his primary love interest, as if to show he wasn't sure what Tawny was on about and wasn't comfortable with her come ons. But for her part, Jill had silently begun to untie her bikini top. Kevin was gobsmacked at this turn of events. Tawny simply pulled a string and released her tanned breasts, letting them bob along the waters edge. Kevin's eyes darted from each set of tits, speechless at the riches before him. Nonetheless, was he actually going to skinny dip in the middle of the afternoon?

"Um, wow. I had not expected this...uh, all of this, I..." He glanced up at Mrs. Whitfield's window just to make sure the blind was still down. "Okay, you both have to go to the other side and turn around, I'm shy," The girls laughed and did what they were told, with Tawny pretending to peek. Kevin stood up and stripped down to his white boxer briefs before slipping into the water.

"okay, you can turn around," The girls swam over with giant grins on their face, but started splashing him when they realized he'd kept his undies on.

"You cheat! We gave you titties and give us nothing!" Tawny leapt up to dunk Kevin, her boobs crashing down on his head. Jill joined in and the three wrestled about in the water, with the girls trying to strip Kev for about a half an hour. Kev tried to turn the tables, chasing the girls to grab their bikini bottoms but found himself thwarted in a unique way. Every time he got close, they would plant their foot on his groin and gently push off. If the horseplay wasn't already having an effect on him this was a surefire way to get Kevin hard. At one point he managed to get Jill in a rear bearhug, coming face to breasts when she wiggled around to escape. Slowly she slid down his body, her ass resting atop his swollen prick and nearing for a kiss when Tawny swam through his legs and yanked his underwear down. Kevin tossed Jill up in the air and twisted in midair, inadvertently helping Tawny yank off his last bit of clothing. Laughingly, the girls climbed out of the pool and sat on the edge. They played hot potato with Kevin's underwear before blindly throwing them to the bushes.

"Oh how the turntables have turned!" Tawny crowed, much to Jill's enjoyment. For all the peril he found himself in, Kevin at least enjoyed seeing their breasts full on display. He remembered Jill's bubblegum pink nipples but equally enjoyed Tawny's large brown areola. He may have lost the upper hand here, but if there was a threesome being suggested he would do anything to make that a reality.

"If only he had done what had been promised, things could have gone so much smoother," Tawny looked down on their host with a glint in her eyes.

"I think we should have him do a punishment for the betrayal," Jill's suggestion caught him off guard, Kevin figured that Tawny was the instigator of all these events. He wondered what she had in mind for him. "Maybe we should have him do jumping jacks for us, or run laps around the pool," She stuck out her tongue and wrinkled up her nose at him.

"Nah, I have something better in mind..." Tawny lifted her leg out of the water and tilted her ankle. "I think he should have to kiss our feet,"

Time seemed to stop for a moment, and Kevin noted how Jill shot her friend a slightly alarmed looking glance. In the cool water he could feel his body blush as he recalled that night with Jill. It had been an incredible night of sex that they never found the time to repeat, but now he wondered if he'd been a little too honest with her. Tawny pulled her foot back to rest on the edge of the pool, the neatly manicured nails painted in red glinting in the sun. Her toes looked a bit rough but the pedicure was immaculate and she had a single prominent vein running down up the top of her foot leading to a delicate ankle. Kevin turned to look at Jill, noticing a moment of hesitation before she offered him her foot.

These toes, that heel- they were intimately familiar to him from that one night, the only difference being the cute peach nail polish she now wore. It suddenly dawned on him that this was a setup. Two lovely ladies show up in bikinis, strip off their tops and offer him their recently pedicured toes? Jill must have shared everything with her friend. It was a humiliating realization that didn't do much to shrink Kevin's engorged penis.

With measured resignation, Kevin took Jill's delicate sole in hand and brought his lips to the top tendon. He kissed it while never breaking eye contact. Going one step further, he hugged the little arch with his hands and laid two sweet nibbles across Jill's ankle, making her giggle and pull her leg back.

"Sorry," Kevin quietly mumbled. "I forgot you were ticklish," He turned to Tawny who was copying her friend and pushing her leg in his direction, as if she was offering him her hand for a dance. When he moved in the water to be closer, he spied Tawny's thick public hair sticking out from her bottoms and felt emboldened. He would do anything to fuck them both now, his hormones were off the chart. So when Tawny tilted her foot back, sticking her sole in his face- Kevin said fuck it. He gently gripped its sides, planted a kiss in the middle then drew back to lick her from heel to toe. Jill yelped while Tawny moaned and Kevin felt like he had won some power back now. The girls were giggling as he pulled himself up out of the water and sat dripping on the pool edge, his 7" hard on jutting out prominently between his legs. The laughs turned into impressed noises as he leaned back waiting to see who would be the first to touch it. He looked up to make sure Mrs. Whitfield's blind was still down then looked at each girl, as if to dare them to make a move.

Instead of a mouth or a hand, it was Jill's foot that found its way into his lap. Her peach coloured toes pushed against his hard on, roughly smushing it against his inner thigh. Her tiny size meant she could tickle his cockhead with her big toe while grinding her heel into his balls. Tawny pulled his face into a kiss while Jill worked his dick. This was something he'd give into.

Kevin threw back his head while Tawny kissed his neck and tweaked his nipple. In his wildest imagination, he had never considered that Jill would supply him a threesome never mind so quickly recall their first night together and double down on his favourite kink. It had been a few years since he realized how much he loved the crude mechanics of a foot job, the feel of grit from a dirty floor rubbed across his shaft, the idea that his cock was so lowly that it wasn't worthy of a girl's hand. Tawny licked her way up Kevin's neck and started dirty talking in his ear. He could feel Jill speeding things up down below.

"Mmmm, Kevvy is a dirty bitch isn't he," Tawny mewed in my ear. I uh-huh'd in agreement. "Kevvy doesn't just like to suck a toe does he?"

"Tawny!" Jill hissed, obviously feeling a little self conscious from her friend talking about our hook up.

"Little foot freak won't be happy until you've got the whole thing in your mouth won't you ya little bitch?"

Suddenly Jill pulled back and I was snapped out of my trance moments before I could cum. The girls stood up and started arguing with one another, with Tawny accusing Jill of being a prude and Jill yelling at her for making things nasty. Jill started to get dressed and grabbed her bag. Tawny started to shove things in her kit as she watched her friend bolt into the house.

"Sorry dude, she's my ride," Leaving Kevin scrambling to his feet with a semi trying to figure out a way to save the afternoon. He looked around for his underwear but couldn't find them, then realized one of the two girls must have grabbed his shorts and T-shirt. By the time he got into the house he heard the front door slam and felt immediately depressed by the turn of the events. He stood naked in the kitchen and took a couple deep breaths to calm himself before contemplating the whereabouts of his phone. Perhaps there was an apology text from Jill and and a promise to return. It wasn't his fault after all, it was Tawny's. She had to understand. Grabbing his phone he scrolled to messages and waited. There was a small gentle knock at the door, and Kevin sprung up; maybe she had come back. He padded out into the main hallway just in time to see Mrs. Whitfield letting herself in and closing the door behind her.

Shocked, Kevin stumbled to get words of apology out while covering his penis with his hands. It was stupid, she was the intruder here- but it was Mrs. Whitfield. Oh god, what would she tell his parents now?

"Kevin Stevens, whatever happened to your clothes?

"I um, was swimming ma'am, I-"

"Well yes but typically with respectful visitors we grown ups tend to keep our clothes on, don't we,"

"Um, yes Mrs Whitfield, I should, I was just going looking for-"

"Move your hands son, it's nothing I haven't seen before. I think it necessary I assess the situation at hand in order to figure out if its something your mother needs to know about.

Even in slow state of shock, my brain felt this suspect. There was nothing about my cock that was relevant to housesitting at my parents. And yet I felt compelled to comply. I moved my hands and even spread the out to shoulder height. My neighbour could now look closely at my body and even tough it if she wanted to. Which is what she did. Mrs. Whitfield circled me, gave my ass a pinch and stopped right in front softening cock. Right at that moment a drop of precm had begun to droop from the tip of my penis. Kneeling down Mrs. Whitifiled drew across the tip of her finger and began to rub it into my sensitive glans. As she stood up, her personality went back to that of cheery older neighbour, but one who was currently unbuttoning her blouse. If we're being hones, there are many sexual situations we're all confronted with in our lives, and while we have our preferences, and our dislikes- there is no quite an equalizer such as immediate opportunity. Jill and Tawny had set the table, and even without the threat of parental punishment- Mrs. Whitifield was beginning to look good. At that moment, She reached up to grip my chin in her hand and smile.

"Those two girls really are clueless twits aren't they? Such a fine young man with peculiar tastes at their disposal and they fight amongst themselves over such trivial manners wouldn't you agree? My body was in her hands now, and I could feel her working her fingers across my shoulders, smoothing her palms across my back and squeezing two big handfuls of ass.

"Good thing about technology these days is you can hide a security camera anywhere, No peaking out the blinds whenever I hear a raccoon. I can be having a cup of tea in the the laundry and keep an eye out." I winced, while simultaneously wanting a copy of the tape. "And Kevin, there is absolutely nothing weird about your little kink fetish thing. You'd actually be surprised who else enjoys it." The two of us locked eyes long enough for me to see her downward glance as an instruction, so I looked at the floor and finally noticed she had walked over here in bare feet.

And that's when Kevin's resolve began to break down. The asses, the bikinis all the beautiful bare breasts, the kisses and hugs, the freedom of being exposed and the few brief moments in our kinky little trio- now combined with hinted blackmail scheme and this power imbalance- it was too much to bear. So it came as no surprise to Kevin when he felt himself lowering to the ground on all fours and plant a kiss on the top of Mrs. Whitfield's foot.

"You should definitely call me Iris now, son,"

Everything about this felt so dirty and wrong, but the giving in felt so natural it acquitted him of his guilt. Mrs. Whitfield, er- Iris had amazing feet. They were larger than Jill's or Tawny's but well maintained, with a clear finish decorating her nails.

"The good thing about me Kevin, is that I've done plenty in my life so nothing surprises me. You can be a little piggy down there I won't get turned off I promise,"

Kevin looked up at her smiling face as he continued to kiss and suckle her ankle. There was something about Iris' voice that felt huskier now, giving her an air of authority instead of sounding like the scold he grew up with. It felt easy for him to give in now. Even though he was a grown man, Mrs. Whitfield would always see him as a petulant little boy.

"Get in there young man," Iris wiggled her toes and Simon dove in tongue first, spending his time slobbering between each digit. He could taste the dirt and the grass along with the funk from her shoes, happily lapping it up as he moved to the other foot. For her part, Iris loved seeing this virile young man on all fours with his hairy ass stuck in the air. Even more sordid thoughts filled her head before she shook free of Kevin's mouth and beckoned him to sit up. Like an eager puppy he sat back on his haunches, his face a glistening wet mess. Iris balanced on one leg, planting her right foot onto Kevin's chest and pushing him onto his back. With the cold tile against his back, Kevin waited for his neighbour's next move. Iris had taken off her shorts and blouse, shimmying out of her panties to reveal an expertly trimmed bush and wide, sexy hips. He'd never really considered his neighbour a sexual being but here she was, somewhere in her fifties looking fit and viable. Iris moved overtop of him and measured her foot against his erection.

Kevin closed his eyes and savoured the sensation of his cockhead gliding across the bottom of Iris' arch. He could feel the coarse skin and imagined how much better it would feel with some oil or lube. Before he could get lost in thoughts of a return engagement, Iris tickled his balls with her big toe causing his mouth to fly open. Kevin fought the urge to reach for his cock while Iris broke off for a moment and returned having grabbed a bottle of sunscreen. She gingerly knelt between his legs and squirted a glob of lotion onto his groin. It smelled of summer and coconuts. With two hands Iris covered his cock in the goo and gave him a brief but encouraging hand job. Slowly she moved over his body until she could brush his mouth with her furry labia. The smell of her cunt sent him into overdrive as he tried to swipe at it with his tongue, but Iris slid down to feed him her tanned breasts instead. Kevin ate greedily as Iris stretched out and found his lubed up cock with her toes. Overcome with joy he let out a groan and pulled Mrs. Whitfield into a crushing embrace, jamming his tongue into her mouth and engaging in a passionate kiss. The foot job stopped for a moment until Iris could regain a measure of composure, breaking off the kiss and giving her lover an accusatory look.

"Bad boy can't control himself can he, well well well," Iris paid Kevin back with a quick deep kiss before sitting up on his midsection and turning away from him. Tho it had a little sag, Iris's ass was still round and Lucious, but more importantly was that cleft of flesh between her legs that made Kevin draw in breath. The only thing more he loved than feet was eating pussy, and the fuzzy wet folds Mrs. Whitfield had presented to him had killed off any and all reasonable thought. Kevin went to lunge forward but was stopped by Iris's feet landing in his lap.

Without looking back, Iris sandwiched Kevin's sizeable cock between the sides of her feet, taking a moment to synchronize her movements. The lotion allowed her to easily slide up and down his shaft and milk the boy. Kevin sat up and took it all in, alternating between the fleshy balls of Iris' pads squishing his dick and the sopping pussy that lay before him. The thrill of the footie was becoming too much for Kevin and he needed some relief, so he got up on his knees and gripped Iris' ankles. His fingers splayed out as he took control, mashing everything up and speeding up the motion. Iris gave in and let him control the final moments, relishing in the frustrated grunts from over her shoulder. Kevin watched her crinkle the pads of her feet together and bit his lip watching the balls of her feet glisten. His eyes glazed over as he thought about jizzing and he was caught off guard when he finally shot off a volley of cum that landed just shy of Iris' ass. Two, three, four, five, six- the cum seemed to be endless and Kevin devolved into a whining, shaking mass. Iris cupped her feet around his cock as the white goo spilled down her legs and onto the floor. Kevin's heavily lidded eyes held the image of his seed filling every wrinkle and crevice of her wide arches. He loved seeing it drip from between her toes, and the strings of cum produced when she pulled her feet apart. With equal parts pride and shame he landed back down on his own heels as he panted and watched Iris turn over onto her back. She had a wide grin on her horny face, distracting Kevin by spreading her legs to show him how wet she was.