Feuer Frei

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Wife's friend is no friend.
11k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 02/14/2014
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"My turn"

I looked at her as the PC was booting up.

"C'mon, let me have it Lucy told me about this story website, we might get some ideas from it." She said, an excited smile on her face.

"What?" I asked as I moved from the desk.

"Lucy told me about this website, she told me it had really spiced up their love life."

Without answering I headed out to the kitchen. "Coffee?" I called through.

"Yes please hun."

I made us both a cup of instant and carried them back through to the study.

"Now what are you on about? What website and why are you bothering, is there anything wrong with our love life?"

"Nothing is wrong with our love life, but you never know we are not too old to learn something new." she said as she took her cup from me.

"Learn something new, fuck me love I know damn well we have pushed the boat out further than most and I would guess more than anyone we know, and certainly more than I would ever admit to doing. To anyone else we would seem like a couple of perverts. Not only that, I don't think I would like to try anything I could think of, that we haven't already done.

"Yes hun, but it wouldn't hurt to look."

I nodded in agreement. "Ok lets have a look." I scanned through the categories. "look at this shit, Incest, non consent, that's just fucking sick. I have no reason to read anything under those titles, in fact I can't see me interested in reading anything here."

"How about this one." she said clicking on a link. A list of new stories filled the screen, she clicked on the first one. We read it together. It was about some bloke whose wife was having an affair and was rubbing his nose in it, literally. "Fuck this shit, who would stand for something like that?" I said with disgust "It's just fucked up." She didn't comment. She clicked on another link, this one same premise but this one the husband stood up for himself, kicked fuck out of the guy and kicked the cheating bitch out. "That's more like it." I said. "That is what would really happen."

"Don't you think if he loved her enough he could get over a little fling?" She asked

"Don't you think if she loved him enough, she wouldn't have a fling. " I countered. "No, when you marry someone you give yourselves to each other, you belong to each other."

"Are you saying you own me?"

"Yes, as much as you own me, as I see it we own each other."

"What about if I wanted to share you."

"With sharing the implication is there would be another person with us, which would mean I was sharing you."

"But you had threesomes and more before we got together, I know you did."

"Yes, before we got together, and if you had wanted to when we got together I would have had them with you, before we were married."

"Why then and not now?"

"We're married now, why is that difficult to understand."

"Well yes, but I thought it might be fun."

"Fun, maybe, but once you cross that line as far as I am concerned we are no longer married."

"Not if it was by consent."

"Yes, even with consent, as I see it we would no longer be espoused, not a couple, we would just be fuck buddies."

"That's ridiculous, nothing would have to change."

"Nothing apart from commitment for a start, then the gradual effect that even a one time experience would have on some very important foundations of a relationship."

"Such as?"

"Honesty and trust come immediately to mind, but I could probably come up with more in time."

"You're being silly."

"Am I? Let us look at honesty in a hypothetical swing situation. We pair up with another couple and spend the night with each others partner. Would either of us be happy telling the other it was truly incredible, better than they had ever had, especially if the first to speak had said it was a poor experience. There is your honesty gone. Would either of us really believe the other if they said it was so so, especially if they down played it. That's trust out of the window, and as soon as they are damaged, jealousy will rear it's ugly head and just compound it. On top of that could either of us be as secure in believing that their partner wasn't having a replay behind their backs.

"Okay okay, maybe you have a point, just maybe, but I thought we had a strong enough relationship to last."

"Until tonight, so did I."

The look on her face told me I had finally got through to her, time to change tack,I stood up and said curtly. "Forget it, I have had enough of this conversation and if you think I would go along with it you are out of your fucking mind."


"No, you're mine and mine only, the second you are not mine only, then you are not mine."

"But, it ....."

"I said fucking no, and I had better not find out you have been up to something."

That was it as far as I was concerned, she was obviously upset at what I had said and things were definitely cool in the bedroom for a week or so.

Over the next few weeks our sex life had slowly returned to almost to normal, then one night she wanted to play the dominant role again, which I had always enjoyed but we hadn't done it for a couple of months, The last time I had let her tie me up had been a few days before that conversation. It hadn't gone so well, it had taken a sinister turn and I hadn't liked the result.

"Just gentle restraint hun, like when we first started tying each other up."

I don't know whether it was her powers of persuasion, or my eagerness to get our lives back on track but I let her.

So there I am tied, arms and legs stretched out, with an erection she was teasing with her fingers, nails, lips and tongue, taking me to the verge of coming again and again, but stopping the stimulation just before I shot my load.

"please" I begged for the umpteenth time.

She lifted her head up to mine, lightly scratching around the head of my cock with her fingernails, enjoying the power, savouring my helplessness then she hit me with it. "Why not bring someone else into the mix?" and dove her head down and engulfed my now rapidly deflating penis.

I said nothing at first, the shock of her actually asking again really pissed me off.

"We've had this conversation. Now untie me."

She stopped trying to revive the dead and looking me in the eye stated "Not until we have had this conversation, the last time you would not listen to what I had to say and I was so nervous it didn't come out properly."

"We have had that discussion, there is no fucking way it will happen and we will stay together. Now let me go and if you are serious about us fucking other people you can start packing after you release me."

"Oh yeah, what are you going to do if I called someone over and fucked him in front of you."

I looked at her, I don't ever think I had been so angry. Through clenched teeth I said. "You had better make sure it is some cunt you don't like, because you will never see him again after I get hold of him."

She left me alone, I heard her going downstairs, I think I could hear her talking on the phone.

Then I felt helpless and frightened, what if someone was about to arrive when I could do nothing about it. "Right free me now." I demanded when she returned. She reached over and started to play with my cock and balls. "Fucking stop, stop now and let me the fuck up. Jesus Debra fucking Aberystwyth." She carried on, ignoring our safe word. "For fucks sake Debra let me the fuck up, I am not fucking around, Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth."

"You don't really mean it."

"Yes I fucking do, let me up now." by now I was angry, really angry. I thought she would obey the safe word quicker, she was meant to obey the safe word immediately, not just if she felt like it. I was past thinking, I was just angry and scared, that was until I heard the doorbell ring. I fell silent, now I was terrified. She left me and headed out of the bedroom. I struggled against my bonds, but she had tied me too well. I could not move, all I managed was to tire myself out and give myself a few rope burns. I did not hear her return, it was only when she appeared in front of me. I looked to see if anyone was with her, thankfully she was alone.

"Get these fucking ropes off now bitch, this has gone too fucking far."

"Sorry, sorry, I thought it would be fun." she whimpered as she started to untie me.

"It might have been a couple of months ago, but now, since you've had these stupid fantasies. Now I am not sure if I can trust you enough. Especially now that you have ignored the safe word. Fucking hell what was that all about, and who the fuck was that at the fucking door?"

Now she looked frightened. "Uh, er it was er Lucy."

"So you wanted to let her fuck me so you could fuck some man, was that the plan?"

She stared at me then nodded. "Right that's enough. We had one hell of a sex life until you got us looking at that crap. Now we are just going through the motions. Fuck me I haven't had a proper orgasm since this all started." I glared at her. "I thought I was going to have one just now but you fuckin' ruined that didn't you."

"You've come five times last week."

"I ejaculated, it's not the same as an orgasm." I retorted. "I don't think you have had as many, if any at all for just as long." She said nothing.

We looked at each other for a while , eventually I broke the silence.

Do you remember all those years ago, when we first started to experiment, to stray from what we are taught as normal? We had two rules. We would not tell anybody else and we would not involve anyone else. I can't help but wonder what you and Lucy have been talking about, as I see it, you listening to her has involved someone else, never mind your ridiculous plan. So c'mon time to spill the beans. How much of our kinky side have you told her?" She blushed, " I thought it would be ok, she told me so much about the games that she played with Brian." Taking a moment to gather herself she continued. "She's told me much more about her experiences, and she has done more extreme things than us."

I stared at her.

"Her and Brian, they make us look vanilla."

"For one, I don't care what they do, only what we do. I notice you haven't answered my question."

She pursed her lips and looked down.

"What have you told her?"

"E, everything."

"And has she done everything we have?"

She nodded.

"How can you be sure?"

"She told me."

"Yeah, I'll bet she told you she wouldn't tell anyone else too."

"She won't say anything she has told me too much, she wouldn't dare."

"And what my dear has she told you that is such a big fucking secret."

She looked down and shook her head. "I can't tell you, I promised."

I looked at her with disgust and went downstairs. I poured myself a large rum, I noticed the time, it was gone twelve. When I returned I asked. "So why should you keep promises to her when you can't keep them to me? Fuck me you have broken the first two fucking rules with her. Do you remember what I said about honesty and trust. Do You," I was shouting now. "How the fuck am I going to trust you enough to do that ever again."

"S' sorry but it's B' Brian; he is a submissive."

I looked at her. "What the fuck does it have to do with me, us?"

"It's not like us, he is completely submissive, when they are alone he dresses differently, they, he , she does whatever she likes to him."

"Is that why you ignored everything tonight, destroyed my trust in you? What do you mean?"

I don't think she even heard what I said, she just continued telling me about Brian.

"He wears plastic clothes, he drinks her piss, he calls her mistress and he eats her.......Eats her afterwards."

"Afterwards, why's that so, bad?"

"A'after she has been with someone else, she has lovers."

I looked at her with disbelief. "What? You want....? You expect....? I was shouting I was so angry I had difficulty finishing a sentence. I told you there was no fucking way I would share you and you want me to do that shit. Don't you remember? The first time you suggested it I said no fucking way, and I think it's time you stopped fucking thinking about it. I don't even know why you would entertain the idea that I would even think about it."

"L'Lucy. It's just she said it was so much fun, and even Brian said he really enjoyed it. Lucy said that as you were already so submissive that you would love it, she said she thought that you wanted it. She told me that you were just embarrassed and couldn't admit it to me."

It took a while before I answered her, a while before I had gotten my anger under control.

"Well, perhaps, just perhaps, Brian's mistress told him to say that, or perhaps he just wants someone else that he knows doing it as well, possibly so he doesn't think his life is as fucked up as it is. Have you been reading these stories about twats that try this." I reached over and turned the PC on. "Divorce, murder, prison or suicide is how most of them end up, often two or more of them, now shift your arse and I'll find some examples."

I went to get another rum and another pack of fags, when I returned she had the site up and had moved from the chair. It didn't take me long to get a few tabs up with different stories on.

"I've noticed a few with this theme, for varying reasons wife drugs her husband and he wakes up strapped to a chair or a bed and she fucks someone in front of him, then her lover sticks his cock in his mouth and; or, she makes him go down on her." I paused, my anger was riding. " Well if anyone tried that with me I would bite and bite hard and wouldn't stop till my teeth met. Whoevers genitals were stuffed near my mouth. Or how about this one, he says no and she turns up with a lover and they bully him into putting up with it. I will tell you now if you tried that with me, he would not get to the bedroom and he would leave in an ambulance."

She smiled at me, the fucking bitch smiled at me. "Darling you are five foot six and only weigh eleven stone what about if he was a really big blond adonis."

I looked her in the eyes and realised that there was already someone she had lined up or already doing. I said quietly with as much menace as I could muster. "I am now wondering whether you are fucking someone else already, and now I know all this bollocks tonight was just some harebrained scheme either to get me interested in whatever you and your slag mate have cooked up or to ease your guilt. If that is the case then you are fucking a dead man and when you get out of hospital you can divorce me."

"Nooooo, darling I'm not, I'm not shagging anyone. I was just curious because of what Lucy said." I looked in her eyes as she spoke, her eyes said she was speaking the truth so I believed her, but she wasn't going to get off that easy.

"You sure? You seem to be trying hard enough to push me into something I have already said no to." I threw my glass against the wall, it shattered leaving a dent in the wall. "Perhaps it would be best if you fucked off to him now? Get a few shags in while you can, before I find out who the cunt is."

"I am not sleeping with anyone but you."

"In that case you must have someone lined up, you just described him fairly well."

"No there isn't anyone, there isn't." This time I could see she wasn't telling the truth.

"Is it one of Lucy's sperm donors?"

"There isn't anyone."

I said nothing and went to bed.

I lay deep in thought when she came to bed some ten minutes later.

"Are you asleep?" she asked I lay saying nothing. "I haven't cheated on you." she whispered. " I haven't."

"Yet" I thought to myself. It was hours before I got to sleep, by the the time I dropped off I knew what I had to do.

She looked as though she had not slept much in the morning. She was apologetic and kept telling me she had not been unfaithful, that it was just a stupid idea. I said one sentence to her before I left. The same as I had asked her last night. "Is it one of Lucy's sperm donors?"

I headed out for work picking up Jack my labourer on the way, when we got to the job the scaffolders hadn't quite finished so we sat in the van and had an early breakfast. We sat watching the scaffold going up for about a half an hour before Jack said to me. "You're quiet today boss." Yeah just watching those clouds coming over, It might not be worth us starting." Not five minutes later spots of rain started hitting my windscreen five minutes after that I could only just make out the scaffolders running for cover. That made up my mind there was no way we could start stripping the roof off today. "Fuck it Jack, lets call it a day." I ran Jack home and then headed to mine.

I had thought about going over to see Brian but thought fuck it, he wouldn't tell me anything without his mistresses permission. I don't care who it was they were lining Debbie up with but whoever it was, he was going down and she would learn not to be so fucking stupid in future, and hopefully Lucy would also learn that if she sends her studs my way they won't be the same afterwards.

I got home and picked up the post, all mailshots except one. It was hand addressed to me, after reading it I made a call. Then popped out for a while.

I felt a lot happier when I again returned. Debbie wouldn't be home till after five so I had a little time to make sure of any preparations I will need for when I force the issue, and force it I will. I felt a little sorry for what was about to happen, but if she had spoken to me about it before, when her slag of a friend started filling her with bollocks, we wouldn't be here now.

My preparations consisted of buying a bottle of a high proof Russian vodka, and filling my hip flask with my rum. I poured a little rum into a glass and wiped some more around my face and neck then put the now just ¼ full bottle beside the computer. I booted up the site and opened many tabs of story after story of cuckold crap.

Debbie was nearly an hour late home but the information I had gotten earlier assured my not to worry. I was sat at the computer when she got through the door.

"I thought you would be here when I saw the weather." No explanation or apology for being late.

"Sho." I slurred. "Ish it one of Looshy's Shperm Donors that you want to Fuck"

"Why do you keep asking me that."

"Cush you havenent told me the troof yet."

"I told yo.."

"You fuckin' lied" I growled. "I shoulda got out weeks ago.

"You're drunk"

"an you're a sheetin' shlut, tomorrow I'll be shober an you'll shtill be a sheeting shlut." A play on something I have heard attributed to both W C Fields and Winston Churchill.

I drained my glass, the first I had actually drank, my movements exaggerated and pronounced.

"I am not." she screamed at me.

I poured myself a proper glass and took a sip.

"Well it won't be long, you and your friend Lucy, Loose Lucy ha ha ha ha , why is she looshe? you'll be looshe too. Loosh Debbie nah tha's no got the same ring Ah I know Cum dump Debbie, yeah thash it Looshe Looshy an her Friend Cum Dump Debbie pulling trainsh while you wait. Oh and their sad hubbies Joe, Joe homo and Brain the Drain will fluff them and clean their cocks afterwards.

"No no thats not what I want."

"Thash wha' you tole me you want, you want me to suck out, whatsisname I forgot who you said, that blonde adonish of yours.."

"Shaun" She realised her mistake as soon as the word left her mouth.

That had been easier than I thought it would be.

"Sho is Shaun one of Looshe Looshy's shperm donors?"

"Yes." she sobbed.

"Big boy ish he?"

"Yes." I raised an eyebrow "Er I mean he is tall, a good six foot four."

Ish he jusht big becaush he's tall or.."

"No, Yes Lucy said he was big."

"Have you had any contact with him?"

The colour had drained from her face. "We have kissed."

"Is shat all?"

She said nothing.

"I shaid ish that all" louder this time

She looked down Y'yes."