Fiction - An Eye Opening Breakfast

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Neil learns more about his daughter than he bargained for.
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Neil was roused that Saturday morning by an unexpected sound. Immediately, Neil rolled towards Amy to see if she was snoring. Amy snored sometimes, especially when her allergies were acting up. Alas, this morning, she was sleeping quietly and consequently eliminated as a suspect.

Neil rolled back over again, trying to replay the sound in his mind. Neil had been asleep at the time, so his recollection was so vague as to be almost completely useless. Luckily for him, the sound recurred and he could tell that it was coming from somewhere out in the rest of the house.

Neil got out of bed as quietly and as carefully as he could so that he did not wake Amy. As he stood, his right knee made it's customary clicking sound. Neil looked quickly to see if that had disturbed Amy, however, she seemed not to have noticed.

Neil tiptoed carefully across their bedroom and over to the doorway, deftly managing to sidestep the pile of shoes and discarded clothing that Amy had considerately left in his path the previous evening. He took hold the door handle as he passed through and skilfully pulled it closed behind him without making a sound.

As Neil entered the hallway, he heard the sound again. The acoustical properties of the upstairs hallway were such that he could not be one hundred percent certain, however, the chances were good that the sound had arisen from downstairs in the kitchen. Neil turned and headed for the stairs.

As Neil approached the kitchen, he heard the sound once again and he was now confident that he was heading in the right direction. As he entered the kitchen, Neil could see that the pantry door was open, and hear that the sound was coming from that direction. His view of the lower half of the pantry was blocked by the island bench, however, Neil was relieved when he saw the top of a blonde head.

Polly had been his daughter Carol's best friend since they were both about fifteen. Neil's late wife Sophie, Carol's mother, had died unexpectedly when Carol was not quite fourteen. Needless to say that Neil and Carol were somewhat distraught at the time and it was a big disruption to their family.

Carol's school work had begun to suffer noticeably too, and her teachers had started to raise some concerns. That's when the bright and effervescent Polly transferred to Carol's school with her older brother due to their father having to relocate due to work.

Once she met Polly, Carol's mood picked up enormously and the two became instantly inseparable. Being quite the astute student herself, Polly's influence on Carol's academic performance was remarkable and within a few months, Carol was successfully back on track.

After earning their degrees, Carol and Polly set off for a trip abroad. A few years previously, Polly's brother had done the very same thing, so they had some temporary accommodation ready and waiting for them upon arrival.

Polly and Carol lived, worked and travelled for several years abroad. As twenty-somethings in their prime, they had their whole lives ahead of them. They took advantage of this time in their lives to seek out and experience the broadest range of new things that they could. That was until the pandemic hit.

Carol and Polly had flown in only a few days ago, eager to get back home before the world shut down. They were lucky to get on the same flight and to land just a few days before international travel came with weeks of mandatory quarantine and testing upon arrival.

As Polly stood and turned to face Neil, the first thing that he noticed was that she had the most perky and firm set of breasts that he had seen in real life since he was quite a few decades younger. Her breasts were full, without the slightest hint of sagging. Her areolas were slightly raised and a deep brown colour with the daintiest nipples protruding ever so slightly.

"Um, Polly." Neil said.

"Oh hi mister Williams!" Polly responded cheerfully.

"We have a washing machine, you know, if you've run out of clean clothes already or something." Neil replied.

"O-K." Polly replied slowly with bewilderment in her voice before adding, "um, thanks mister Williams." before returning her attention to the pantry.

Polly continued to rummage around in the pantry for several more moments. Neil did not even think to ask what she was looking for. It was early, so he assumed that she was looking for something to eat for breakfast. However, was she after cereal, bread, jam, juice? Whatever the case, Neil just stood and watched her perk buttocks, not quite sure what to do next.

"Um, Polly" Neil said once more.

"Yes mister Williams?" Polly asked as she turned to face him again.

"Why are you naked?" Neil asked deciding that the direct approach may be better this time.

"Because I don't sleep in pyjamas." Polly responded as if he'd just asked the stupidest question that she'd ever heard.

As Neil scanned down her body, he noticed that her skin was the same uniformed tone as her face. Her shoulders, arms, breasts, chest, torso, legs, all tanned immaculately and uniformly, without a tan line in sight. Polly's waist was thin and her hips were shapely, but not awkwardly prominent.

As Neil scanned back up, he noticed something odd about her groin region. Instead of neat tufts of curly hair that one would traditionally expect in the aforementioned region, he encountered two perfectly smooth and hairless labia. Above her perfectly smooth hairless body continued up from her labia across her incredibly trim and toned abdomen back up to her breasts.

"Morning Dad!" Neil heard from behind him as Carol entered the kitchen.

Neil's attention was still on Polly's naked body so he just replied, "Morning." as Carol went to his side, gave him a sideways hug and then a kiss on the cheek.

"What ya lookin' for?" Carol asked as she crossed the kitchen towards Polly.

Polly turned back to the pantry and said, "Corn Flakes."

"Oh, they're usually on the bottom shelf if I remember correctly. It's been a while." Carol said as she turned and stood next to Polly.

It was then that it dawned on Neil that his daughter was also completely naked. Both Carol and Polly squatted down in front of the pantry taking turns at reaching in and pulling out boxes from the bottom shelf. Carol even got down on all fours with her arse up in the air as she continued her search muttering to herself.

Neil was simply transfixed and he knew that it was wrong to keep looking. He knew this was his daughter, but it was hard for him to look away. By what Neil could tell from his current vantage point, his daughter's labia were also completely smooth and hairless, just like Polly's. Neil just found it difficult to look away at that moment.

Luckily, and not a moment too soon, Neil managed to avert his gaze from his daughter's arse just as she turned around, stood and said, "Do we have any corn flakes in the house dad?" perfectly normally as if being naked in front of your father in the kitchen was an every day event.

Neil had seen his daughter naked many times before in her life. Changing her after she'd done a big number ones or a number twos when she was a baby. Bath time, of course. Trying to get her dressed for bed, or going out, or any number of other reasons. The common theme of these occasions was that they all occurred within the context of providing parental care to and individual who was not yet proficient at providing themselves said care.

Over the years, since the onset of puberty, Neil had recognised that his daughter and her mother shared a number of similarities when it came to their figures. He never examined her closely or ogled her body inappropriately. However, seeing the way that her clothes fit and contoured certain parts of her body was enough to give him a general overview. Standing, unashamed just a metre or so in front of him was proof that she was indeed just like her mother.

The first thing that Neil noticed was that his daughter's breasts were large. Probably slightly bigger than her mother's were at the same age in fact. Consequently, as it had done with her mother's, gravity had already started to slowly win the battle for control over Carol's breasts. In contrast to Polly, Carol's areolas were fairly large and greatly textured with crinkly bits encircling her prominent nipples that were slightly off centre.

Carol's skin was just as uniformly brown as Polly's and it was clear that she had spent a lot of time in the sun. Carol's hips and waist were very pronounced, as her mother's were. However, Carol was a good head higher than her mother, thanks Neil was sure to his genetic contribution, so she didn't appear to be as short and round as her mother did.

As Neil lowered his gaze from his daughter's navel towards her vulva, he saw that her outer lips were perfectly tanned as well as being perfectly smooth and hairless. Neil wasn't sure if this was something that Polly and Carol had decided to do together, or if it was part of a faze that her generation was going through.

"Dad! Do we have any corn flakes?" Carol said repeating her question.

"No. Amy and I stopped buying them once you went abroad." Neil replied quickly bringing his eyes up to look at her face.

"Did I hear my name mentioned?" Neil heard from behind him immediately followed by, "Oh! Nudie breakfast. I'll be back."

By the time Neil looked behind him, Amy was gone. All he could hear was her foot steps as she raced up the stairs. Neil looked back at Carol in amazement, but she had already turned back to face Polly.

"What do you think about cooking a full breakfast?" Carol asked.

"Sounds good as long as we have everything." Polly responded.

"Dad? Have we got bacon, eggs, bread, etcetera?" Carol said as she looked over her shoulder.

"Yea, most of that stuff'll be in the fridge." Neil replied as he heard Amy come thundering down the stairs.

"Here, take our photo!" Amy instructed placing her phone on the counter as she zipped by.

When Amy came into view a fraction of a second later, Neil saw that she too was completely naked, tan lines clearly visible.

Amy and Neil got together just after Carol had finished High School and had already moved out into student accommodation closer to the university. They'd met at a party thrown by a friend of a friend and things just took off from there. Amy's husband was long gone and her son was a few years older than Carol and had already moved out of home. After a while, it just seemed sensible that she move in with Neil and then lease her place out for a little extra income.

"What?" Neil asked looking at the three naked women now occupying his kitchen.

"Take a photo of the three of us." Amy clarified.

"Naked?" He asked.

"Well duh!" Amy replied.

"Why do you want a photo together naked?" Neil shot back somewhat puzzled.

"So that we can post it online dad." Carol answered on behalf of Amy.

"Darling, if you had joined that social media site like I told you, you'd know what we're up to." Amy added.

Reluctantly, Neil reached for Amy's phone. He activated it, entered her PIN and then selected the camera app. As he held the phone up to his face, Neil noticed something unusual so he lowered the phone.

"Amy?" He said.

"Yes darling." she replied.

"Um, what happened to your pubic hair?" Neil enquired trying to sound nonchalant and completely unflustered.

"Oh, the girls gave me a waxing yesterday when they tidied-up their regrowth." Amy replied casually.

There was a few awkward seconds of silence in the room as Neil stared at Amy's smooth hairless labia, then Carols, then Polly's and then back to Amy's.

"Surprise!" Amy said holding her hands out in front of her hips, finger tips pointed to her now hairless vulva.

"Is it wise to be posting naked photos of yourselves online?" Neil asked.

"Relax dad, It's just for a few friends to see. That's all." Carol said.

"Friends? What kind of friends need to see you naked?" He replied.

"Dad, you know where we were working while we were away? Right?" Carol asked.

"Yes, you both worked at a resort, um, TNR, if I'm not mistaken. You were a lifeguard and Polly was a personal trainer. See, I pay attention." Neil replied proudly.

"You did know that T-N-R stands for 'The Naturist Refuge' didn't you?" Carol asked.

"A nudist colony? You worked in a nudist colony for two years?" Neil asked raising his voice slightly.

"Dad! It's not a 'colony', it's a 'resort'. And the 'naturists' that visit are our guests, we take care of them." Carol replied.

"Tell me you weren't working as prostitutes?" Neil said becoming suddenly alarmed.

"Mister Williams, there's nothing wrong with being a sex worker, but no, we're not prostitutes. We don't have sex with our guests. Your daughter supervised the pool and provided swimming lessons to some of the younger kids whilst I help our guests get in shape. You know? Exercise, weight lifting, jogging, push-ups, that sort of thing." Polly interjected.

"But naked right? You did all of this naked?" Neil asked.

"Yes dad. It's a naturist resort, of course we were naked. Everyone was naked." Carol explained calmly.

"All the time?" He asked.

"Most of the time. When it got cool, we put on a jacket." Carol replied.

"So you don't have sex with the guests then?" Neil asked.

"Nobody said anything about not having sex with guests. It's just not part of our job." Polly said.

"What?" Neil asked.

"Management's official policy is that they do not mind if we fraternise with the guests, as long as we do it when we're off duty." Carol replied.

"Fraternise?' Neil asked.

"Yes, fraternise." Polly replied.

"Well did you 'fraternise' often?" He asked using air quotes.

"I'm not a virgin dad! I'm a grown woman! I can 'fraternise' with whomever I want whenever I want." Carol responded mocking Neil's air quotes.

"And do you parade around naked during, you know,...... that time of the month too?" Neil inquired.

"Of course we do." Carol replied adding, "And nobody's 'parading' either, we are just going about our normal day."

"So everyone can tell?" He asked.

"Tell? Tell what? That I'm menstruating?" Carol said.

"Well yes." Neil responded.

"Get with the times dad! I'm a woman, women menstruate! It's not a big deal, I just stick in a tampon and get on with my day like every other women does." Carol explained seeming somewhat perplexed.

"But people will be able to see, you know, the string, won't they?" He shot back.

"So what dad! Nobody's sitting around staring at vulva looking for telltale signs of tampon strings all day." Carol replied.

"Did you know about this?" Neil asked looking at Amy.

"What about menstruation or tampon strings?" Amy asked grinning.

"You know what I mean, the rampant nudity." He replied.

"Of course, they posted updates weekly to their naturist forum. I told you how they were getting on." Amy replied.

"I agree, you told me how things were going. You just never once mentioned that they were always naked." Neil replied.

"I'm sorry mister Williams, but I just don't see what the big deal is all about." Polly said chiming in.

"Did your parent know that you were working in the nude all day?" Neil asked.

"Of course they did. They're naturists too. I've been to that resort with my family several times, that's how Carol and I got the jobs there." Polly explained.

"Darling, please just take our photo." Amy pleaded.

Resigned to the fact that he had been outnumbered, Neil exhaled a deep sigh and raised Amy's phone once more. He was still confused, but the three naked women standing in front of him did not seem to share or even understand his concern. Neil held the phone so that he could get a wide shot to encompass the three of them.

"Not like that Darling." Amy said interrupting him.

"What, you want it upright?" He asked.

"Yes, so that I can make it my phone wallpaper." Amy replied smiling.

"OK then, move in a bit closer." Neil replied.

Shaking his head, he reoriented the phone and took a few photos. The three women seemed perfectly happy and relaxed being photographed naked.


As the lockdown and the pandemic dragged on, Neil gradually came to adopt a somewhat more relaxed attitude to the flagrant displays of female nudity that he was assailed with on a daily basis. He quite enjoyed seeing Amy naked, and once he had realised that Carol and Polly weren't being sexual, they were just comfortable in their own skin, Neil's attitude began to mellow and may even have lead to a little introspection on his part.

By the end of the pandemic, Amy's tan lines were long gone and Neil was perfectly comfortable having three naked women around the house all of the time. A few times, when Carol and Polly had gone out for a jog, Amy managed to convince Neil to be naked at breakfast with her. It was an interesting experience, but he always made sure to be dressed before the girls got home again.

Neil was still a work-in-progress, but Amy saw potential.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

@NudeInMaine - It was less about the flesh that was revealed and more about the disrespect that was revealed. Naturally, finding out that people who claim to love you are disrespectful bitches can be unsettling.

NudeInMaineNudeInMaineover 1 year ago

The girls worked in a naturist resort and saw others naked all day long. Nudism is a very relaxing and comfortable lifestyle. I just can’t understand why Neil just didn’t go nude with them.

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