Field of Blooms: The Beginning Ch. 02


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"Well, I am not happy with that, but I will support you. I feel that you are old enough to realize who you are and it wouldn't do anyone any good to try and fight you on it."

"So you are saying you are fine with the fact that your son is a queer?" Eric raised an eyebrow.

"One, I don't like that word, it's just as bad as calling someone a fag or faggot. Second, I am not completely fine with it but, if you can give me some time to understand it better, I would greatly appreciate it."

"And what about mom?"

"Your mother is a different story. I am not sure she will ever be okay with it but I will try and work with her. You know, of course, I can't guarantee anything."

"I will take that. Thanks dad." Eric said as he reached over and squeezed his dad's arm.

"You're welcome. I brought you over some more clothes since I had a feeling you didn't want to leave Austin alone."

"I don't mind leaving when his parents are here but I don't want to deal with mom's crap."

"Like I said, give me some time to work on her."

"Okay, I will. I hate to cut this short but I really should be getting back to work." Eric said as he stood up. "We are grilling out tonight for the 4th of July if you want to stop by."

"I will let you know if you can expect me."

After his father left Eric resumed his chores. Later that day, when the Montgomery's came home from work, Eric offered to run out to the store and pick up some last minute items. As he was putting the last bag in the trunk of his car, he heard an all too familiar voice.

"Hi, Eric."

Oh Lord Jesus, he thought to himself as he turned around. "What do you want Jennifer?"

"I was just saying hi to you."

"I assumed from our last conversation you got the hint I don't want anything to do with you." He said as he closed the trunk hard.

"So what? We can't even be friends?"

"After the hateful and nasty things you said about my boyfriend, no I don't fucking think so!" Eric turned his back on her and walked towards the driver's door.

Ignoring the boyfriend reference, "I'm sorry for what I said to him. It was totally wrong of me and I should have been nicer. Please let me make it up to you and him. I'd like to stop by and maybe bring him some flowers."

"Jennifer, you really think that flowers are going to make it all better?"

"No, but I would at least like to try."

Eric thought for a moment, "If you wanted to make amends then why didn't you stop by the hospital and see him?"

"That was not the right time. That time was for you and him, not some crazy ex-girlfriend." Jennifer said, ever so innocently.

"Okay fine, you can swing by the BBQ and see him. Just don't do anything to upset him." Eric said as a stern warning and then he turned and walked back to his car.

"I won't. I promise." She responded with an evil grin behind his back.

When Eric arrived back at the house he helped with the setting up. Austin tired to help, even though most of his injuries had healed, the cast on his left arm limited him.

"Are you sure you didn't want to invite any of your friends? I'm sure my parents wouldn't have minded." Austin offered as he sat at a picnic table.

"Nah, my friends are too stuck up to enjoy a party like this. Besides I want to spend this time celebrating the holiday with you, not them." He kissed Austin tenderly on the lips.

"You know, I'm almost completely healed and it's been a while since we really had some fun." Austin grinned back.

"Your ribs are still going to take a little longer to heal, so don't even think about it."

Austin leaned in a little closer. "I want you to fuck me. I'm ready to give you my virginity."

Eric was torn and heartbroken. Austin was healing but his memory still hadn't returned. Eric wasn't sure if he should tell Austin that he had already done that. Even though he didn't want too, he lied to Austin.

"I will, but I want it to be really romantic." He smiled.

"I figured you could just bend me over the table and do it." Austin laughed.

Eric shushed him, "Jesus Austin, your mom is right over there."

"What? You think she doesn't know we fool around. She's not dumb."

"Still, I don't like talking about that around her, okay?"

"Ugh, fine. You take the fun out of everything." Austin pouted.

Ever since Austin had come out of his coma he had changed. It might have been in small ways and Eric wasn't sure if anyone else had noticed but he did. Austin wasn't as reserved as he used to be and would say whatever came to his mind. It was as if he no longer had a filter.

Soon it was time for the guests to arrive. This was Eric's first time attending a family BBQ, and he was having a really good time. It was like night and day compared to the parties his family had. The music was the kind that you could really dance too, the food tasted absolutely amazing and the people were wonderful.

The boys were really enjoying themselves, even though Austin was a little pissed that he couldn't go in the pool. Eric was more than attentive whenever Austin needed something. Every time Austin would try to get up to get something, Eric would insist on doing it.

"Damn, maybe I should get attacked more often if this is how you are going to be." Austin joked.

"That is not funny, Austin!" Eric glared as he handed Austin a soda.

"Oh come on, it's a little funny."

"No, it's not! You could have been killed, don't you get that?!"

Austin, seeing the hurt in Eric's eyes, kissed him. "I'm sorry Eric. It just came out of my mouth before I thought about it."

Eric wrapped his arms around him pulling him into a deep hug. "I was so scared that I was going to lose you. I love you so much."

"I love you too Eric, and thank you for being here with me."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Eric smiled as he nuzzled his face against Austin's.

Both Austin and Eric were cherishing their time together and finally being able to relax. Being so unlike the stiff collard parties at his parent's house, Eric especially enjoyed the casual atmosphere. Most of the guests were friends from the factory but they still made him feel welcome and comfortable. Thankfully, Becka showed up and was able to keep the boys better entertained.

"I am so glad you are here. I like my parent's friends but it was starting to get a little boring." Austin said as he hugged her.

"Well thank you for inviting me." She smiled. "I am glad to see you are getting around more, and I see things with you and Eric are going well?"

"Yes, he has been right by my side the entire time. I honestly don't know what I would have done without him."

"Hey Becka, can I get you something to eat or drink?" Eric offered as he handed Austin a plate.

Becka was shocked by this new and improved Eric. "No thank you. I'm good for now."

"Okay, well if you need anything just let me know. I'm going to go and see if they need any help on the grill."

Becka turned to Austin and gave him a surprised look.

"I told you he changed." Austin smiled as he took a bite.

Just then a sleek blue Mercedes convertible pulled up the driveway. When Becka saw the car she walked over to Eric and pulled him off to the side.

"What the fuck is she doing here?!" She pointed.

"I ran into her in the grocery store parking lot and she wanted to come over to apologize to Austin for embarrassing him at my party."

"And you believed that load of horseshit?"

"Look, I would like to try and give her a chance to redeem herself. Is that really such a bad thing?"

"You might be willing to but I don't trust her. If she says anything, even the slightest rude remark to Austin or about him I will knock her out."

"She promised to be on her best behavior."

Becka just flipped her hand up in the air as she walked over to Austin. She watched as Jennifer got out of her car and pulled out a bouquet of flowers, obviously bought from the grocery store. She didn't like the feeling that she was getting and was going keep an eye on that fake ass, cheap, bitch.

Jennifer walked across the driveway and through the gate. It seemed like the party came to a stop as people started to look at her, but being of such lower class than herself, she paid them no mind and headed over towards Austin.

"Hi Austin, these are for you." She handed him the flowers.

"Um, thanks?" Austin gave her a quizzical look as he took them.

"I wanted to say how sorry I was for embarrassing you that night at Eric's party. That was not very ladylike of me. I hope you can forgive me?" She said taking a seat.

"I would but I don't remember that party, so I guess you are in the clear." He smiled.

Becka rolled her eyes, "She made a nasty comment about the scar you have on your chest and basically called you white trash."

"Oh, I didn't know it was like that." Austin responded giving Becka a quizzical look.

Jennifer waved her hand as to shoo off Becka and dismissively said, "That's in the past now. I'm no longer upset that Eric dumped me and is dating you."

"Really? So you're not mad at Austin for stealing your boyfriend?" Becka questioned, smirking incredulously.

Jennifer glared at her, "No, I was at first, but if Eric is gay then what is getting mad going to solve?"

"Becka, it's okay. It takes a big person to swallow their pride and apologize like she did."

Clearly pissed, Becka sneered at Jennifer and said, "I'm going to get a drink."

Once Becka was out of ear shot, Jennifer turned to Austin, "How are you healing?"

"I should be getting this cast off in about six days but they say my ribs will take a few more weeks."

"That's good. I'm sure you are ready to get back to your normal life."

"I don't know how normal it is going to be since I can't remember a month before the attack."

Jennifer perked up when she heard that, "Oh, so you don't remember anything at all from that night?"

"No. The only details I know are from what other people have told me. These two detectives have been hounding me for answers but I can't give them any."

"I'm sorry to hear that. What kinds of questions have they asked?" She responded syrupy sweet. "Do they know if you'll ever get your memory back?"

"Possibly but they don't know when it could happen."

"Well, I'm just glad that you are doing at lot better. I better get going; I have a family function to head too." Jennifer said as she stood up to leave.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay? We have plenty of food and drinks." Austin offered as he walked her to the gate.

"Oh no, thank you." She smiled, turned her head and made a gagging face as and headed towards her car.

Jennifer had parked her car facing the gate and when she started the engine the HID lights flashed in Austin's face causing pieces of his memory, about the night of the attack, to come flooding back. As is typical for that type of memory loss, not every detail, but enough so that he saw images of being dragged off into the woods and beaten and then, he heard his own screams for help. He started to tremble as he gripped onto the fence. Clearly agitated and upset by the flashes of memories, what was worse was that he could not recall the faces of his attackers. Eric looked over from the grill area and saw that something was wrong. He hurriedly made his way through the crowd and tried to talk to Austin.

Eric shook Austin's arm, "Austin? Austin what's going on?"

"I remember the attack......" His voice trailed off.

As Eric quickly ushered Austin inside, he motioned for his parents. He sat him down on the bed and kneeled between his legs; then, looked at Austin's parents and said, "He's beginning to remember."

"How much do you recall?" Joan asked as he sat on the bed next to him.

"Not all of it, not yet. It's still foggy but I remember being dragged off into the woods. There were two, maybe three people."

"Do you know who they were?" Mark interrupted.

"I just cannot remember, I believe I never got to see their faces; it was too dark in the woods. Do you mind if I lay down for a little while, my head is throbbing." Austin stated looking worn, exhausted, frustrated and unnerved by the revelation.

"You rest. We will check on you in a little bit." Joan said as she kissed his forehead.

"Stay with me," Austin pleaded as he grabbed Eric's arm.

"You think I was going to leave you?" Eric asked as he lied down next to him.

They laid in the darkness with only the hum of the air conditioner breaking the silence. Eric could hear Austin softly crying and his heart broke for him. Everyone else had already lived through the horror of the attack but now, for the first time, Austin was. Wrapped in each other's arms, they both fell into a deep slumber.

Two hours later, Eric slowly woke and with his head on Austin's back, listened to his boyfriend's heartbeat as his eyes welled. "I love you Austin Montgomery. I'm so happy you fought to come back to me." As Austin began to stir, Eric covered the back of his neck with delicate butterfly kisses. "Hey there superman, did you have a good nap?"

"Mmm-hmmm and man did I need it! Those memories really kicked my butt! Thank you for cuddling with me."

"Anytime babe," Eric responded as he pulled Austin in closer.

"I'd like to get up and go back to the party, if you don't mind. Besides, I feel awful about just leaving Becka alone out there."

"Oh, she came in right after you feel asleep and said she needed to get home to help with her grandmother but said she'd give you a call later."

"She wasn't mad was she?"

"No superman, just concerned about you. She's a really good friend Austin. Don't worry, she only wants the best for you."

"Thank you, you always know how to lift my spirits."

Austin's mother saw them come out the back door and hurried over to check on them. "Hi Hun, you feeling better? And Eric, are you okay?" she asked, giving them both a hug.

"We're great mom, thanks. How's the party going?"

"Just as good as always. Why don't you boys come get something to drink?"

"Thanks Mrs. Montgomery," Eric said. "My throat is parched!"

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Joan, young man?" She laughed. "After all, you are part of the family now!"

Just as the sun was starting to set Mark figured it was the right time to give Austin his big surprise. He turned down the music and hushed the crowd.

"Austin your mother and I have been so proud of you for how well you did this year in school and for the fine young man you have become, we wanted to give you just a little surprise. We actually hoped to try and give it to you for your eighteenth birthday but we had to find just the right one. So why don't you boys follow me?"

Eric took Austin's drink and sat it down before helping him up and everyone followed Mark out back, past a row of pine trees. Austin's eyes grew wide when he saw his "little" surprise. Parked just behind the row of trees sat a sleek black Ford Crown Victoria police interceptor.

"Your mother and I knew how much you liked these cars so we wanted to get one for you." Mark said as he held up the keys.

Austin burst into tears as he hugged the both of them. "Is this why you've been working all of that overtime?"

"Yes, we wanted to find the perfect one. It has everything you've talked about plus a few extras. We had the dealership tint out the back windows, replace the hub caps with the chrome trim rings and we had them put on a better exhaust system." Mark smiled as Austin happily took the keys.

Austin was completely speechless as he looked at the black beauty. Tears fell as he tried to find the right words to thank his parents.

"I'm just so stunned! I can't thank you enough. This is the greatest gift I could ever have gotten and I will cherish this car for the rest of my life!!!" Austin exclaimed, bouncing with joy as he held his aching ribs.

"Hey calm down there superman, you don't want to hurt yourself," Eric smiled and gave him a concerned look.

"We were going to wait until you got your cast off but Eric thought tonight would be a good night to give it to you." Joan smiled.

"You knew?!" Austin turned around and gave Eric a playful punch.

"Yeah, I did, and damn was it hard keeping this from you." Eric laughed.

"Why don't you boys go out for a spin? She's all tagged up and full of gas." Joan offered.

"Mom, I don't want to be rude to the guests." Austin said not taking his eyes off of his new toy.

"These are a bunch of our friends. You boys go and have a good time. Just be careful and don't stay out too late."

"We will." Still healing and wanting to share the full excitement of the moment with Eric, Austin smiled as he got in the passenger seat.

Austin reached over, turned the key and brought the burly 4.6L V-8 to life. The exhaust system his parents put on made the engine purr. As they turned out of the driveway, Austin told Eric to punch it. When he did the V-8 roared up and threw them back into their seats and left Austin laughing as he grabbed his ribs. He was really going to enjoy driving this baby when he got cleared. They drove around the back roads for awhile before deciding to head into town and get some ice cream. When they got there, they saw everyone else must have had the same idea as the line was around the block. Eric already knew what Austin wanted so he waited in line while Austin sat in the car playing with the radio. Once Eric had gotten their order they lounged together under a maple tree and ate. The night was warm and the ice cream was a delightful treat. They talked and laughed while they enjoyed each other's company. Austin hoped that this is how their life would always be.

Once back in the car Eric asked where Austin wanted to go next. He told him he wanted to see a good fireworks show. Eric knew that Wildwood always put on a great display; he was just worried it might be too long of a ride for Austin. Once Eric told him about Wildwood, Austin insisted that they go. They got there in just enough time to find a parking spot and make their way through the crowd to the observation area. They sat and talked while waiting for the show to begin. Soon the fireworks starting soaring through the night sky and the bursting colors were amazing. Eric reached over and put his arm around Austin but every time a firework would go off he felt Austin jump. Finally Eric pulled him away from the show and they walked back to the car. Sitting in the car Austin started to cry.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" He sobbed. "I love fireworks but I don't know why I'm so jumpy all of a sudden. I never used to be this way."

"Come on, let's go home and get some rest." Eric turned the key and pulled out of the parking lot.

The next six days where anything but peaceful. It seemed like any loud sound or sudden movement startled Austin. One night they tried to watch a movie but the loud special affects had Austin shaking uncontrollably. The nights were no better as he was plagued with nightmares. Most nights, Eric would sit up waiting for Austin to start screaming.

Around three o'clock in the morning on the sixth day, Eric was woken up by Austin's gut wrenching cries, he was screaming for them to stop. Eric tried to shake Austin awake but that only made matters worse. Austin fell out of bed landing hard on the floor. Austin fell silent as Eric jumped out of the bed and knelt down next to him. Eric's heart was about to beat out of his chest when the lights came on.

"What's going on?! We heard yelling!" Joan said as she rushed over to Austin.

"I don't know! He just started screaming to make them stop." Eric was starting to get really worried.

"Austin? Austin can you hear me?" Joan said as she gently placed her hand on his side.

Austin started to stir, "What am I doing on the floor? Why is everyone in here?"

"We heard you screaming and came running downstairs. Did you have a nightmare?"