Field of Blooms: The Beginning Ch. 05


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The storm had crippled the state and it took days for the plows to clear all the roads. The electric company worked around the clock to restore power to everyone. It had been a rough couple of days for both Austin and Tyler. Austin was devastated and struggling to behave as if he were fine; meanwhile, Tyler continued to anguish over what Eric had done to Austin.

With power restored and his parents back, Austin was finally able to return home. When he walked into his room, he was greeted with the mess that had been caused from the fight. His parents must not have seen it since they didn't say anything about it. Austin quickly put his room back together so his parents wouldn't become suspicious about what had happened.

Unfortunately, the winter formal had to be cancelled and classes didn't resume until the following week. No matter, Austin thought, it wasn't like he and Eric would have still been going. He did feel bad for Becka though.

While at school Austin made sure to stay as far away from Eric as he could. He knew Eric's schedule and was able to keep their paths from crossing. Since they had been off from school for so long his bruises were able to heal and no one could tell anything. When Becka asked what happened to his phone, he stuck to the slipping story. No need to sit there and stir the pot. He was at his locker getting his books out for fifth period when Tyler came up behind him.

"Hey, I was just wondering how you're doing?" Tyler asked, leaning on the locker next to Austin's.

"I'm fine." Austin responded quietly, not wanting to make eye contact.

"That's it, just fine?" Tyler questioned.

"Yes, I am fine." Austin said closing his locker and walking away.

Little did they know that Eric had walked around the corner and saw the two of them talking. He knew something wasn't right; given Tyler had never given much attention to Austin in all the years they'd been in school together, and now there he was chatting him up. Eric's brain started to fire up and he wanted to figure out what was going on but it was time for him to get to the gym; however, he knew he'd find out later.

The football field was still covered with snow so Coach Davis decided they would just work out in the weight room after school. The Thanksgiving Day game was still on and fast approaching so they needed to make sure they were on point to take on their rivals, Buena Regional High School. The typical locker room banter could be heard as the clanging of weights rang throughout the room.

"So, Eric, I haven't seen you and your boy toy around much. Trouble in gay paradise?" Tyler laughed.

"I don't know Tyler, it looked like the two of you were pretty chummy earlier in the hallway, so why don't you tell me?" Eric snapped back.

"What are you talking about?" Tyler put his palms out and tilted his head as if he had no idea what Eric was talking about.

"I saw you talking to him by his locker. You guys looked like you were sure hitting it off."

"Fuck off Mason! I'm not some cock sucking fag like you!" He had to keep his image up for now.

Eric was just about to charge across the room and go after Tyler when the coach walked in. "Okay, that's enough! Everyone hit the showers and go home for the day. You two need to knock it off! This feud has gone on long enough. If you guys can't work as a team then I'll bench the both of you, you understand me? The two of you hang back and clean up the equipment before you leave."

Once they had finished cleaning up, they headed to get changed. While Eric was changing, he noticed the color of Tyler's boxers, the same exact color and style as the ones Austin had been wearing. Remembering the Polo emblem stitched on the bottom of the left leg, Eric had not doubt. Everything started to come together, the boxers, the two of them chatting by the locker, it all made sense now. Eric quietly closed his locker, turned around and pounced on Tyler like some sort of stealthy cat.

Catching him by surprise as he pinned Tyler to the locker, "You fucked my boyfriend?!" Eric whispered in a harsh tone as he gripped Tyler's throat.

"You mean your EX-boyfriend." Tyler grinned.

"Excuse me?!" Eric squeezed harder.

"You left him in the woods to fend for himself. Then left him in a house with no power and little food for days." Tyler gripped Eric's wrist.

"Answer my fucking question!"

"I didn't fuck him, but he does have a very talented mouth." Tyler grinned harder, "And he has one hell of a silky-smooth cock."

Eric pulled Tyler forward before slamming him back into the lockers, "I'll fucking kill you!"

Suddenly, Tyler kneed him right in the family jewels sending Eric to the floor, "I am not some sissy that you can push around and beat up!"

Tyler jumped on top of Eric and landed a few good blows to his face, "I'll fight you back! You think that you can just bully everyone around? Well, you just picked the wrong guy!"

Eric pushed Tyler off and swung a few times making contact with his face, "I know you fucked Austin!"

Tyler lunged at Eric and they both fell over a wood bench, "I didn't, but if I did, I would never force him to do it like you did!"

"I never forced him to do anything!" Eric tried to take a swing at Tyler again but Tyler dodged it and landed his own punch to the side of Eric's head.

As Eric went down, he knocked Tyler's feet out from underneath him bringing him down on top. With Tyler also being on the wrestling team he was easily able to out maneuver Eric. Quickly spinning Eric around, Tyler got him in a choke hold. He slowly started squeezing until Eric stopped fighting.

Tyler leaned down and whispered, "I told you I would fight back. I've been waiting years to do this!" Releasing his grip, he stood up, "Get up! Get the fuck up and fight back!"

Eric gasped for air as he tried to stand but fell back down.

"Oh my god, really Eric? You are all fucking talk!" Tyler laughed, "When someone actually challenges you, you fold like a complete bitch!"

"Fuck you." Eric spit blood at Tyler and a small amount hit him right in the face.

Tyler calmly wiped the blood from his face, "Such a bitch move, you pussy!"

Tyler walked over, picked up his stuff and before he walked out of the locker room he turned back to Eric, "Stay the fuck away from Austin, he is no longer your boyfriend!" Then heturned and walked out the door, leaving Eric bloody and beaten.

This was the first time anyone had ever challenged Eric and won. Defeated and utterly humiliated Eric collected his belongings and limped to his car.

When Tyler got in his car, he looked at his cell phone and noticed he missed a call from Jennifer McCloud. What did that bitch want? He thought to himself as he dialed her number.

"Hey, you called me?" He asked as he started his SUV.

"What is going on with Austin? I thought it would have been taken care of by now?!" She demanded.

"Look, I hit a snag when I went to his house that day."

"I can see that since he is still BREATHING!" She yelled into the phone. "How much longer am I going to keep seeing him?!"

"Look, I have an idea." He offered.

"Oh god, I have to hear this!" She said, almost laughing.

"I'm going to befriend him, you know, act like I'm his best friend and everything. Then, once I've gotten his trust, I'll find a way for Eric to attack him, either verbally or physically, in front of the school. So that way when Austin comes up dead the police and everyone else will be looking at Eric and not the one who was his friend." Tyler suggested to her.

He was met with silence for a moment, "I must admit, for a dumb jock, that's a really good plan. Are you sure you can fake being his friend?"

"I've faked other things in my life so this won't be a challenge."

"Fine, we will go with your plan." Jennifer agreed.

"Okay, then let me get going, I have some things to take care of."

"Oh Tyler, if you fuck this up, I will tell everyone the secret I've been keeping for you that will ruin your life. Understand me?"

"Trust me, I won't fuck this up." He hung up the phone and headed out of the parking lot.

The week leading up to the Thanksgiving Day game, Tyler really worked his magic on Austin. Austin's car had gone in the shop for repairs and Tyler was more than happy to give Austin rides to and from school. Even though Austin protested, Tyler just wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Are you sure I can't give you money for gas?" Austin asked as they pulled up his driveway.

Tyler put his Mercedes G Wagon in park, "No Austin, I told you I don't mind giving you rides."

"I just feel like I'm taking advantage of you."

A little smile came across Tyler's face, "Austin, I offered so, you're not taking advantage."

Austin smiled back, "Okay, I better get inside; I know mom is going to have dinner ready."

Tyler turned off the car and started getting out.

"What are you doing?" Austin questioned

"I am going to say hi to your parents. I'm not just going to drop you off and leave, that's rude." He laughed.

Austin was a little nervous since his parents hadn't been home the other days Tyler had dropped him off, this would be their first time meeting him. As the two of them walked in the door, Austin's mom was busy cooking dinner.

"Hi mom, this is Tyler. He wanted to come in and meet you guys." Austin said as he closed the door.

"Well hello Tyler, it is very nice to finally meet you. Austin has been talking a lot about you." She gave Tyler a warm smile as she continued adding some potatoes to the stew.

Tyler looked over at Austin and gave him a huge grin, "I hope it has been all good things."

Austin blushed with embarrassment.

"Would you like to stay for dinner? It's just a simple stew but it is a family favorite and we are also having a salad and rolls, we have plenty." She offered smiling.

"I would love to, as long as Austin doesn't mind." Tyler turned and looked at Austin.

But his mother answered for him, "Of course he doesn't! He's just been talking about you almost every day for the past week now."

Austin shot his mom a look but she didn't notice it. She just kept going on about how much Austin talked about Tyler giving him rides and how he was treating him in school. Austin was so embarrassed that he just wanted to shrivel up and blow away. As the night went on, Austin became more relaxed. Tyler got along with his parents very well. Eric had as well but there was something about Tyler that just felt natural.

It was the day before Thanksgiving and everyone was so excited for the big game and having the holiday off. No one really cared about their classes, especially since it was a half day. Finally, the last class let out and everyone was racing for the doors. Austin stopped off at his locker to drop off his books when Tyler walked up behind him.

"Hey Austin," Tyler leaned on the adjoining locker, "You going to the game tomorrow?"

"I was thinking about it, I just don't know with how things are between me and Eric." He shrugged. "He might not want me there."

"I'd like for you to come." He held out his letterman jacket.

"What's this?" Austin questioned, even though he knew what it was he had no clue why Tyler would be handing it to him.

"I want you to have it. Think of it as a token of my friendship."

"Wow, thank you." Austin beamed as he took it.

"I'm going to go get the truck warmed up. I'll see you in a little bit?"

"Yeah, I'll be there shortly." Austin turned and tossed the jacket in his locker.

Before he could close it Becka came waltzing up, "Darlin, what in the hell are you doing?"

"Getting ready to leave, why?"

"No, I mean with his letterman jacket." She reached in and pulled it out, "You just don't toss these around. Where I come from this means a lot when someone gives this to someone else."

"I get that but don't you think it's weird that he gave it to me, of all people, me?"

"I must admit, Tyler Stetser isn't one of my most favorite people but he has been really nice to you. Maybe he really is trying to be your friend."

"I would just feel weird wearing it, you know with Eric seeing it."

"Fuck him! He dumped you Austin, and then left you alone in your house during that horrible storm."

"So, you think I should wear it?"

"Yes. I don't see why Tyler would try to be a fake friend to you. If he honestly wanted to bully you, he would just do it."

"I guess you're right. Okay, then I'll wear it."

Austin took the jacket from Becka and put it on. It was a little big on him but it was warm and comfortable. Austin closed his eyes as he breathed in and could smell the signature cologne Tyler would always wear.

The next morning was bright and cold, the perfect day for a football game. People bundled up as they filled the bleachers anticipating the rival game between Buena Regional and Cumberland Regional. Austin and his parents took a seat on the bleachers a few rows back from the field line. As Austin was getting comfortable a man reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hello, Austin. How are you doing?" It was detective Sanchez.

"Oh, hi detective. I'm doing well. What are you doing here?" Austin asked.

"I've always loved coming to these special games. It reminds me of my days of playing high school football. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and hope you guys enjoy the game."

"Thank you, you too." Austin offered as he turned back to the field.

While the crowed was getting ready for the game, the team was in the locker room getting hyped up.

"All right men this is it, the big rivalry game. Now as we all know the Buena has won the past three years and it's time to win and bring that trophy back home! Let's go out there and win this!" Coach Davis said as he turned and walked out of the locker room.

Everyone started filing out to take their places on the field when Eric noticed David looking at him with a smirk.

"What's that smirk for?" Eric stopped in front of David.

"Nothing. I'm just shocked at how calm you're being."

"I'm getting ready for the game." Eric gave him a look.

"I guess you didn't see Austin wearing Tyler's letterman jacket?" David turned and started to walk away.

Eric grabbed his arm and spun him around, "What are you talking about?!"

"Tyler gave Austin his jacket yesterday after school. I'm just surprised that you're taking it so well, especially after what Tyler had done."

"What the fuck are you talking about David?!"

"You really haven't been able to figure it out? Don't you find it weird that Tyler treated Austin like shit for years? Then all of a sudden, soon after Austin is attacked, he does a total 180 and now he is acting like his friend?"

Eric rubbed his forehead feeling bewildered. David's words kept replaying in his mind as memories of Tyler's behavior towards Austin flashed before him. Those puzzle pieces, was there a connection there? "Get to the point!"

David looked incredulous at Eric's inability to figure things out. Although the rest of the team was already on the way to the field, he lowered his voice as if not to be overheard, "Tyler was the one who attacked him."

Eric pushed David into one of the lockers, "Bull Shit! You're just making shit up to piss me off."

"If I'm making it up then how do I know that Austin was riding his bike home from your house that night and that he was wearing a white tank top and grey basketball shorts?"

Eric released his grip on David, "Thank you for telling me."

Eric turned around and without saying another word walked out. His blood was boiling by the time he made it out on the field. The sight of Tyler only enraged him more, but he knew he couldn't do anything right then.

It was the beginning of the second quarter and the home team was up by ten points. The whistle blew and the play began. Out of the corner of Eric's eye he saw Austin sitting in the stands wearing Tyler's jacket. That was it, absolutely the last straw and it broke in that exact instant. Eric, in a fit of pure, all-consuming rage, charged down the field grabbed Tyler by the waist and slammed him down on the ground. The crowed watched in horror as Eric jumped on top of Tyler, grabbed him hard by the throat, and then began to viciously beat him while screaming obscenities.

"I'll fucking murder you!" Yanking the helmet off and slammed it against Tyler's head. "I'll fucking end your worthless life!"

Tyler's head throbbed. He was stunned by the attack and it took him a few seconds to realize what was going on. He tried to kick Eric off of him but there was no use, Eric had become a wild, uncontrollable beast, there was no stopping him. Eric kept punching and slamming Tyler's head into the ground as blood flew everywhere.

As Austin watched in horror, he started having flash backs to that frightful night. His body started trembling as his mind sent him back in time. He could feel the air leaving his lungs. Just then his father moved to his other side so he had a parent on each side. It had taken time but they had worked closely with Austin and his therapist so they could help him through his episodes. "Breath son, breath." His dad told him.

"I'm trying dad," Austin gasped.

"It's okay son, we've got you." Austin's father said as he saw the lost gaze in his son's face, a horrific thought suddenly came to Austin's father who continued, "Austin, you remember the snow storm? Did Eric attack you? Is that why your room was such a mess?"

"Oh dad," Austin said as he hung his head, feeling shame wash over him.

His mother looked on with tears in her eyes seeing their son returning to a time they thought was in the past.

Meanwhile, staff and teammates rushed over to try and pull Eric off of Tyler but the damage was already done. It took four teammates and two referees to finally pry Eric off and he was still out of his mind, screaming obscenities.

Although still shaking, his father's firm grip and reassuring voice thankfully brought Austin back to the present. He sat in stunned silence not sure he really witnessed what had just happened. Did he really have to sit by helplessly and watch Eric brutally beat the shit out of Tyler?

His mind began to wonder if maybe Eric had assaulted him on that summer night. He was overcome with a complete vast array of emotions.It was only a few weeks ago that Eric had attacked him in his own bedroom and on that night before the violent incident, Eric did snap and shove him into the wall. So, was it possible that Eric could have been the attacker? Austin's thoughts were interrupted by the screaming of sirens as the ambulance came rushing onto the field. He looked over and saw that Tyler wasn't getting up; his heart began to race as the paramedics began working on Tyler. Everyone was silent as they lifted him onto the stretcher and put him in the back of the ambulance.

No one knew what to do or say. Once Tyler was secured in the ambulance and it had left the field, the coach turned his attention to Eric who was escorted off the field moments later. Finally, the announcer came across the PA system and informed everyone that the game would continue.

"Is he dead?" Austin's voice was shaky.

"I don't know son. I really don't know." Mr. Montgomery put his arm around his son.

Austin's heart was still racing as the screams from the ambulance faded away into the distance. He knew that after what he just witnessed, there was no way he could ever be with Eric again. The love he once had for him was now tarnished with the bloody image of him attacking Tyler...


Thanks for reading Chapter 4 of Field of Bloom's: Revelation! I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have writing it. Keep an eye out for the next chapter of Field of Bloom's: Secrets Reveled.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I’m so confused by how it can be perceived that Eric and Austin were ever in a truly good place. This has always been a very unhealthy relationship. Eric shows early signs of control, disrespect, and abuse. He was a good boyfriend and support for Austin for a few months once Becka kicked his ass to the hospital. That really wasn’t Eric doing that on his own. But he was also playing the white knight role which fed his ego. Even in this time there were instances of a blazing temper, hateful words, and violent actions. Then the first attacks by Eric including rape. Exactly how and when was Eric a truly great boyfriend?! Granted, Austin did him dirty by fucking around with Tyler during the storm but at that point Eric had already dumped him and abandoned him in the snow.

CE300CE300over 3 years agoAuthor

Hello ScrtCumSlut99,

Thank you very much for your comments and questions! I am glad you are hooked on the series. I know the story has taken a odd turn but i promise it will all make sense in the end. Feel free to send me a private message if you have certain questions you’d like to ask. Again, thank you so much for being a faithful reader.

Much love,


ScrtCumSlut99ScrtCumSlut99over 3 years ago

So I’ve actually read all the chapters, and came back to this turning point in the story because I wanted to see what other readers had to say. I will say I’m definitely hooked and want to see how this plays out, but I’m also super conflicted because I really liked Eric, and there are still so many questions to be answered by the end of the most recent chapter. Hopefully the next one is out soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Hey, really enjoying this story,is there going to be an update or is this story anywhere else? Thanx

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