Field of Blooms: The Beginning Ch. 06


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"Hey, Austin, right?"

"Yes, that is me."

"I thought so. I remember you from last night. I cannot thank you enough for playing last minute like this. You really have saved this wedding." Riley pulled him into a big hug.

"You are most welcome." Austin smiled.

"Do you need anything before the guests start arriving?"

"I just need some fresh air. Honestly, I am a little nervous. I'm sure not as nervous as you are though."

Riley brought Austin to where the rest of the groom's party was relaxing on one of the private balconies and smiled when he saw Tyler. It was warm out, so he took of his tux jacket and sat on one of the sofas.

"How are you doing?" Tyler asked as he sat next to him.

"So far so good. We will see once people start showing up." Austin chuckled nervously.

"You will be amazing."

Austin sat and talked with the rest of them for a little while before he was called back in. He did an amazing job. None of the guests knew he was not the hired piano player. Austin harmonized with the organ so perfectly it felt almost magical, the wedding was a huge success. Even though Austin had a good time playing the wedding, he was glad when it was over. Being in front of all those people like that did work his nerves a little.

As he was making his way down the ship towards the reception hall, he was stopped by the bride.

"I never got to introduce myself, I am Samantha, and I want to thank you so much for saving my wedding." She said with tears in her eyes.

"You're welcome, but all I did was play the piano." Austin smiled at her.

"It's was more than that. The piano was the focal point for the music since it is my favorite instrument. You did a magnificent job, honestly better than the pianist who was supposed to do it."

"I am happy and honored that you feel that way, thank you." Austin responded.

"No, thank you. Okay now, I must go freshen up before I make the grand entrance so, if you'll pardon me." She smiled as she turned and walked away.

That compliment genuinely warmed Austin's heart. He really did not think that he did a magnificent job but if the bride was happy then it was all worth it.

Once he got into the dining hall, he made his way to the piano in the corner and started to play while everyone else waited for the new Mr. and Mrs. Stetser to enter. While he was playing Tyler came over and made sure that he was okay. Austin thanked him and told him that he was good. Soon Tyler walked over picked up the microphone and announced the new couple. Everyone cheered and clapped as they made their way to the head table.

"I want to thank each one of you who came out and made our day special. My wife and I would like to express our deepest gratitude to Mr. Austin Montgomery for stepping in at the last minute to play the piano for us. The day would not have been perfect if it weren't for you." Riley said as he started a round of applause.

Austin blushed red but stood and took a bow. After all the toasts had been made and the first dance had finished, he was finally able to take his seat with Tyler and his family.

The food was delicious, and the music just made you want to get up and dance. After Austin had finished eating, Tyler insisted that they go out onto the dancefloor. They danced to a few fast songs but when a slow song came on Austin was surprised when Tyler grabbed his arm and pulled him in close. Surprised at himself feeling so comfortable dancing close to Tyler, he had to admit to himself that he honestly liked it. He could smell the sweat aroma of the cologne Tyler was wearing and the scent and soothed his fears. Just as the song was coming to an end, Tyler pulled back, looked deep into Austin's eyes and place a deep passionate kiss on Austin's lips.

"I love you Austin." Tyler said as he broke the kiss and looked deep into Austin's eyes.

Austin was too surprised to say anything, he just looked at Tyler.

"I don't know when it happened, but I really do love you." He leaned in for another kiss.

This time Austin broke the kiss before he turned and walked hastily out of the room. Tyler stood there, slightly shocked, and looked over at his mother who motioned for him to go after Austin. Confused and concerned by Austin's reaction Tyler didn't want to lose him knowing how big this ship was. Thankfully, he was able to catch up to him on the aft section of the ship where a few people were smoking.

"I am sorry to bother you, but can I please bum a smoke." Austin asked a well-dressed lady.

"Of course dear, wonderful piano playing too." She smiled as she handed him two smokes.

"Austin! Wait up please." Tyler yelled as he got closer. "What happened?"

Austin lit the cigarette and took a deep drag, "What was that back there Tyler? Why did you say that to me?"

"Because that is how I have been feeling for a while now."

"So, you are in love with me? I don't get it. I mean all these years in school you have treated me like I was some virus that you didn't want to get near. Now suddenly you love me?"

"Austin, I am sorry for the way I treated you in school. I know that no amount of apologies will ever change that but I want to try and show you, if you will let me." Tyler looked pleadingly as he looked into Austin's eyes and moved closer.

"Tyler, I don't know. Eric really fucked me up and I am still dealing with that shit storm from the summer. You don't want to get involved with someone like me. I am a train wreck."

"Train wreck or not, I want to be with you. I understand though if you don't have feelings for me."

Austin took a long pause, "I never said I don't have feelings for you."

A small smile came across Tyler's face as he felt the fear and tension begin to leave his body.

"To be honest, I do have feelings for you, and I don't understand them."

"I don't understand them myself. I have never been attracted to a guy before, this is new and kind of scary for me. If you are willing to give it a chance, then I will do my best to be the kind of guy you truly deserve."

Austin thought for a moment before he finally answered, "Just promise me that you will take things very slow. I just, just don't want to be hurt again."

Tyler moved in closer to Austin, "I promise you with all my heart and soul that I will take it as slow as you need it to go."

With the sound of waves quietly lapping at the sides of the ship, he leaned in, placed his hand on the back of Austin's neck and pulled him in for a romantic first kiss as boyfriends, under a blanket of stars........

Thanks for reading this chapter of New Beginnings: Secrets Revealed. I hope that you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have writing it. Keep an eye out for the next chapter coming soon, Vengeance. Feel free to follow me on Instagram: Legacywriter85 where you can see the next chapter I am working and can ask me questions.

Much Love,


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dnsontndnsontnalmost 2 years ago

There’s just no way this ends well! A very compelling and complicated story. Well done CE300.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This is so confusing and the various stories aren’t hanging well together for me as a reader. In prior stories (which happened in Austin’s future) when Austin recounts his past with Eric to Ryan, there was no mentions of the key elements at the core of this story. No mention of Austin’s near-death attack by Jen, Tyler, etc. No mention of PTSD and it’s debilitating effects in Austin’s senior year. No mention of his awesome friend Becka. No mention of Eric’s violence which led to time for him in a mental institution. No mention of a romance with Tyler or that Tyler told him he loved him…. It was just “oh Eric and I were boyfriends in HS and everything was great until the accident that killed my parents and changed everything.” Uh no, everything wasn’t great as evidenced by all the shit, drama, and terrible injuries in this story. Oh and there is no mention of Beth yet who seemed to love HS Austin but has not even met him yet in this story as far as we know. A few other head-scratchers. Austin indicated he remembered his attackers but was too afraid to be honest with the detectives - but then gets close to Tyler?! How can Tyler be such a violent psychopath, nearly killing Austin, leaving him for dead, planning his subsequent murder with Jen and then framing Eric for it, but then spend some time to get into his good graces and boom the previously straight bully and attacker is now a gay man in love with Austin?!? And how can Austin be so clueless about Tyler - they trade blowjobs and kisses, he gives him his letter jacket, Spends all his time with him, attends lavish holiday parties and snuggly nights in bed together, kisses at New Years, trips to NYC and CA, gives him his SUV, yet Austin tells his mom “no Tyler is straight and it’s not like that” and he’s surprised when Tyler expresses his romantic feelings and love for him. How does all of this make sense as a cohesive story of Austin’s life? It doesn’t make sense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I must say it was a great surprise to see the new chapter posted when i got home from the Christmas break. I have loved this story from the beginning and i keep falling in love with it again and again! Tyler was a surprise but thats how you write! Always with the surprises. :) cant wait to read the next chapter.

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