Field of Blooms: The Beginning Ch. 08


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"Hi Alex, it's nice to meet you. Becka has told us a lot about you," Austin smiled as he shook Alex's hand.

"Nice to finally meet you too. She has been talking nonstop about how wonderful her best friend is," Alex smiled warmly as he took a seat.

They ordered two large pizzas, one with extra cheese, and one with bacon. They sat talking and laughing for over an hour as they got to know each other. After dinner was finished, and Tyler paid the bill, they headed out to the local bowling alley in Vineland. Since it was a Friday night, Loyle Lanes hosted a disco-style night with bright neon lights, upbeat music, and iridescent-colored disco balls spinning from the ceiling. When they walked in, the familiar sound of bowling balls rolling down the lanes and hitting pins could be heard. The place had a faint smell of old stale cigarette smoke from the days when smoking in businesses was allowed.

Once everyone had on their rental shoes and picked out balls, they started the game. Deciding to mix things up, Austin and Becka were on one team with Tyler and Alex on the other. To everyone's surprise, Austin was a great bowler.

"Okay, next round Austin is on my team, I suck at this!" Tyler laughed as his ball went right into the gutter.

"Sorry Darlin,' but I'm not giving him up that easily!" Becka laughed.

After Becka and Austin creamed the guys, Alex went over to the concession stand to order some snacks for all of them. He came back carrying a large order of nachos, mozzarella sticks, hot dogs, and a pitcher of soda. Having worked up an appetite, they all enjoyed the refreshments.

"So, is everyone having a good time?" Alex asked as he dipped a mozzarella stick in the side dish of marinara sauce.

"I am having a great time!" Austin replied as he took a sip of soda.

Tyler smiled as he could see that Austin was genuinely enjoying himself.

"I know it is still a month away but I am so excited about prom!" Becka smiled as she took a drink of soda.

"Speaking of that, are you guys going to go?" Alex asked as he pointed to Austin and Tyler.

Austin almost spat out his soda at the thought. Up till that point it never even crossed his mind. Part of him wanted to go with Tyler, but the other feared what could happen.

"Honestly, we have never talked about it. I'm sure we will though," Tyler offered Austin a warm smile.

"Well, it is only a month away. So, if y'all are going to go, you better get on it," Becka laughed.

It was approaching eleven o'clock when everyone decided to head home, after what turned out to be the best night anyone had in a long time. Austin was a little quiet on the ride home, thinking about prom. He had ruined homecoming for Tyler and did not want the same thing to happen again.

"Since prom is a month away, shouldn't we go and get fitted for tuxes?" Austin asked hesitantly breaking the silence.

Tyler paused and thought for a moment, "Are you sure you want to go with me?"

Austin was a little taken aback by that statement but he didn't think Tyler meant it in a negative way, "Yes, I would love to go with you. Are you sure you want to go with me?"

Tyler looked over at Austin, "More than anything. I just want to make sure you will be okay with our being there together."

"I can't hide from life forever. I have to force myself to get out there and live."

"Okay, just make sure if you feel it is getting overwhelming, please tell me and we can leave," Tyler smiled his signature smile.

"I promise I will say something if it starts getting bad," Austin placed his hand on Tyler's.


Early the next morning Tyler was woken up by his phone ringing. When he looked, he saw Jennifer's name on the display. He rolled his eyes as he answered, "Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Yes, it ten-thirty. Most people have already been up and are doing things. I'm sure your date last night was exhausting."

Tyler could hear the sarcasm dripping out of the phone, "Is there a reason you called, or did you just want to annoy me?"

"Okay since you want to be fucking snotty, I will get to the point. When are you going to kill that faggot? This has been going on long enough!"

"Lord, you are impatient." Tyler pulled himself up in bed, "How many times do I have to say this takes time?"

"How much time, Tyler? After graduation? Your wedding? Or after you two adopted a few kids and move into your house in the fucking suburbs?!"

"I kind of like the sound of that," Tyler smirked.

"What the fuck, Tyler?! I think you really do love him, and that you are buying time to figure something out."

"Perfect! If you believe that, then so does everyone else. See how well my plan is working?"

"Wait, so going to California, the mountains, posting sweet messages on MySpace and everything else is fake?"

"Duh, Jennifer. If this is going to work then I have to make sure everyone believes it is real. When the time comes, no one will ever think the loving and caring boyfriend would be his killer."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, "I guess you learned from the last time."

"You said you would never bring that up!" Tyler responded angrily.

"I'm making sure you remember that I know what you did," Jennifer snapped. "Remember, I still have that letter you wrote confessing everything you did to that guy at summer camp."

"Yes, I remember. You don't have to keep reminding me."

"Okay, so when are you doing this?"

Tyler thought for a moment, "After prom. I can play off that with my emotions and look like the devastated boyfriend."

"How are you going to do it?" Jennifer pushed.

Tyler quickly thought of something, "Well, okay this is what will happen, after prom I will take him on a romantic drive down to the lake. We will be in the car together talking when someone will try to rob us. The attacker will notice we are two guys and fly into a fit of rage dragging Austin out of the car. He will proceed to stab Austin; I will try and stop him but then he stabs and pushes me to the ground."

"Okay, then what happens??" She sounded a little too excited.

"Geez, calm down. You sound like you are getting off on this. Did you miss the part where I get stabbed too?! I will try one more time to stop the attack, but he will hit me again knocking me out. Then, the rest will play out on its own."

"Who will you find to do this?"

"I'm rich, money buys everything."

"You really have thought this out. You are fucking sick, and I love it!" She laughed.

"I'm going to be mad I will lose the deposit on the Tuxes, but at least he will be gone and everyone can get on with their lives."

"I'm impressed Tyler, I didn't think you had it in you."

"Yeah, I'm just full of surprises. Is there anything else? I want to go back to sleep," Tyler yawned.

"No, I'm good now. I believe you are doing this."

"One more thing, I'm tired of having to clean up your messes. It was not easy taking care of David and his rouge behavior."

"Just think of it as practice," She laughed as she hung up the phone.

The week leading up to prom was very busy. Everyone was taking care of last-minute appointments, picking up their outfits, and planning after-parties.

It was the night of the prom and Austin was in his room putting his tux on when his parents knocked on the door.

"Come in," Austin said as he fumbled with his bow tie.

"How are you doing?" His mother asked as she walked through the door.

"I can't get this stupid thing tied," Austin was getting frustrated.

"Here son, let me help you with that," His father walked over and helped tie his bow tie. He then patted his son on the shoulder and smiled, "There you go."

"Austin, you look amazing," his mother smiled with a tear in her eye.

"Mom, why do you look like you're about to cry?"

"I never thought I would see the day my handsome son would be going to his prom with his boyfriend," She walked over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Son, your mother and I are very proud of the man you have become. You have overcome a lot of adversities and you deserve to enjoy this night," His father hugged him.

"Thank you," Austin said as he smiled at his parents.

"What time is Tyler picking you up?" His mother asked.

"He should be here soon."

"Okay, we'll let you finish up here."

While Austin finished getting ready, his parents went downstairs and greeted the Stetsers who had only moments before arrived. Everyone waited for Austin to come down the stairs. When Austin walked into the living room, he was surprised to see Tyler already waiting for him. Tyler looked amazing; he was wearing a beautiful dark maroon tux with a white shirt. In his hand, a small plastic container holding a boutonniere made of a green color rose with baby's breath. Austin's mom walked in and handed Austin the boutonniere he had gotten for Tyler, a simple red rose also with baby's breath. They each took turns pinning the boutonnieres on each other's tuxes. Then it was time for the parents to take pictures. It seemed like it went on forever before the camera flashes stopped going off. Soon it was time for them to head to the prom. Everyone gave kisses and hugs as the boys got in Tyler's rented 1975 Mercedes 450SL Convertible and pulled out of the driveway.

Suddenly, besieged by nerves, Austin's heart was beating out of his chest as they walked through the doors of the gym, hand in hand. Tyler squeezed Austin a little tighter as people started to notice the newly official couple in school. To Austin's surprise, no one said anything negative to them. Soon, he started to relax and enjoy the night. He and Tyler danced to a few songs but when the first slow dance started Austin tried to leave the dance floor. Tyler gently grabbed his arm and pulled Austin close to him.

"Where are you going, Mr. Montgomery?" Tyler whispered in his ear.

"I was going to sit down for a little."

Tyler pulled him closer, "I don't want to miss the first slow dance of the night. Don't worry if people look, I'm here and no one is going to hurt you."

Austin leaned in closer as they moved to the flow of the soft music. He closed his eyes and let the melody carry him away. For a few moments, he was at complete peace as if it were only Tyler and him in the world. The night was perfect and everyone enjoyed their time.

"You two looked amazing out there!" Becka said as they all sat at a table.

"Thank you. You and Alex made quite the couple too," Tyler smiled. "I'm going to grab some drinks; I'll be right back."

"How are you doing?" Becka asked Austin once Tyler was out of earshot.

"Honestly, I'm having a good time. I thought I was going to be nervous but with Tyler by my side I feel relaxed," Austin smiled. "You know Becka, he always makes me feel completely safe."

"I'm happy to hear that. You deserve good things, Austin," Becka said as she squeezed his shoulder. "You two are going to get your picture taken, right?" She grinned.

"I don't think the school could handle that," Austin laughed as he tried to hide his sadness and disappointment.

"Oh, horse shit! Wait here," she said as she got up.

"Becka, no!"

"Dude, just let her go. You know once she's made her mind up there is nothing you can do to change it," Alex laughed.

"I know, you're right," Austin just shook his head.

When Tyler returned to the table he asked where Becka had gone. Austin explained what she was up to, and to Austin's surprise, Tyler was thrilled at the idea of taking a prom photo.

"Okay, you two are next. Go get that picture taken!" Becka ushered Austin from his seat.

The photographer was very polite and helped Austin and Tyler get into the perfect pose. With Tyler being slightly taller, he stood behind Austin and placed his right hand on Austin's. Right before the picture was taken Austin turned to Tyler and pulled out his necklace then took his out. The photographer counted to three then in a flash their picture had been taken and they were the first gay couple to have a prom photo at their school.

As the night was coming to an end, Jennifer walked over to Austin and tapped him on the shoulder, "Austin, I want to say something to you."

Becka spun around in a flash and was ready to pounce, but was completely stunned when Jennifer started speaking, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the way I treated you and for all the nasty things I did to you."

Becka mouthed, "What the Fuck?!"

Both Tyler and Austin had looks of confusion on their faces. No one could believe what she was saying. Tyler though knew she was up to no good and scowled at her.

Jennifer continued, "I would like to invite all of you to my house for a party afterward."

Everyone looked at each other in amazement. They could not believe that Jennifer McCloud was inviting them to a party at her house.

"Thank you for the invite, but I have plans for Austin tonight. I mean I have plans with Austin."

"I understand. If you change your minds the offer is there," With a glint in her eye, Jennifer turned and walked away.

Before they left, Tyler tried to find her and ask why she was putting on the act of being so nice. Unfortunately, he had no luck so turned and walked back to the table where Austin was sitting with Becka.

"Austin, you ready to go?" Tyler asked as he looked at his watch.

"Yeah, I'm getting tired," Austin said as he hugged Becka goodbye.

The car ride was unusually quiet. Then, Tyler reached over and took Austin's hand into his.

"I had a great time with you, Austin," He smiled.

Austin squeezed Tyler's hand a little harder, "Me too. Thank you for making this night so special."

"I would do anything for you," Tyler kissed his hand.

"I love you, Tyler." That was the first time Austin had spoken those words and it took Tyler by surprise.

Tyler quickly pulled over to the side of the road and put the car in park. Austin was waiting for Tyler to lean over and kiss him but Tyler did not. He sat there and looked out the windshield staring into the darkness.

"Austin, I have to tell you something."

Austin started to get that uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach and responded hesitantly, "Uh, okay."

"I, I need to confess something to you. Please let me say everything before you do anything."

"Tyler, you are starting to worry me," Austin said as he pulled his hand back.

"That night you got attacked in the woods..." There was a moment of silence before the words began to fall from Tyler's lips, in a desperate, rushing stream, "I was there, and so were David, James, and Jennifer. It was never meant to go that far. We were only supposed to scare you. It was Jennifer's idea. You were never meant to get hurt. I'm sorry for everything that happened." Tears welled as he babbled.

Austin sat for a moment in stunned silence, his stomach knotted and a cold shiver ran up his spine, "You? You attacked me that night?" His voice trailed off.

"I was there, but I never touched you. I promise."

"You were still there?! Oh my god! Let me out of the car!" Austin yelled as he pulled the door handle, but it was locked.

"Unlock the damn door, Tyler!" Austin yelled as he frantically tried repeatedly to open the door.

Tyler hit the unlock button, and Austin bolted from the car. Tyler quickly got out and ran after Austin.

"Austin, please stop!"

"Go away, Tyler! Get the fuck away from me!"

Tyler reached forward, took Austin's arm, and turned him around, "Please Austin, let me explain!"

"Explain what?! How you were there the night I was attacked, and nearly killed, and how you did nothing to stop it? You have no idea the issues I have because of that night. You don't understand how it feels not to know what happened on the worst night of my life, what other memories I have forgotten, or if I will ever remember!"

"Austin, I'm sorry just please let me explain everything, please!"

"No Tyler! I can't believe anything you say to me. Everything has been a fucking lie!" Austin screamed through the tears and jerked back around, "I said, take your fucking hands off of me or so help me..."

"No, everything is not a lie! Austin, when I found out it was David who attacked you that night in the field, I took care of him. I made sure he would never hurt you again!"

Austin's eyes widened, "You, you did that to David? That is fucking sick! Do you honestly think that makes me believe you? If you could do that to him then you could have done it to me that night!"

"I'm telling the truth; I would never hurt you. Never Austin, you have to believe me!" Tyler moved towards Austin.

Austin stepped back almost tripping on the loose gravel, "Get away from me you fucking psycho!"

"Austin, please believe me. I love you." Tyler reached out for Austin's hand. "I only did what I did to David to protect you!"

Just then a feeling that Austin had never felt before came over him, rage. But it wasn't simply rage but pure, unadulterated, almost uncontrollable rage. Before he knew what happened, he balled his fist and punched Tyler square in the nose, breaking it with a horrible crunch. Tyler cried out as he grabbed his face and went crashing to the ground, stunned by the blow.

"Stay away from me! If you come near me, I will call the police and tell them everything!" Austin yelled with tears flowing from his eyes, he yanked his necklace off and threw it at Tyler, "Go fuck yourself, you bastard!"

Tyler, stunned more by the fury with which Austin punched him than the hit itself, lay on the ground helpless, watching Austin storm off into the night. He wanted to chase after Austin to try and reason with him, but he knew it would be a bad idea. Tyler picked himself up off the ground, grabbed the discarded necklace and slid it into his pocket, got back into his car, and headed home.

When he arrived, the house was completely dark. His parents had gone to the mountains for the weekend and his brother was asleep. He went to the kitchen to get something to drink and clean the blood from his nose. As he closed the refrigerator door, Tyler saw a car pulling up the driveway. Sighing aloud, he hoped it was Austin coming to talk, but he was surprised when he saw Jennifer step out.

Angry and dejected, the last person he wanted to deal with was her, the girl who helped to ruin everything. "What are you doing here?" He asked through clenched teeth as he opened the door, "I thought you had a party!"

"I do, but I wanted to see if you did what you said," She responded sarcastically as she pushed her way through the door.

"Look Jennifer, things did not work out like planned," Tyler rolled his eyes as he closed the door and walked back to the kitchen.

"I know. You are home instead of laying on the ground bleeding."

"What?" Tyler, so disconsolate forgot the plan and was now confused.

"Ugh! Your plan dumb-ass, remember?"

Tyler had completely forgotten he'd made it all up, and snapped, "You know what? It was all a lie, I never intended to kill him!"

Having lost her patients, "What?! Are you fucking serious right now?"

"Yes, I'm serious! He has done nothing to deserve anything that happened to him. You are just fucking pissed because Eric left you for him! Stop being a bitch and get the fuck over it! Oh yeah, and by the way, I told him the truth. I told him that it was US that attacked him that night and that it was YOUR idea from the beginning!"

"Why the fuck would you tell him that?!" She screamed.

"You know what Jennifer, I love him, and he needed to know the truth. I'm going to confess everything to the police. I cannot live with myself knowing what we did to him!"

"Fuck you! You are not going to ruin my life for your faggot boyfriend!"

"To hell with you and your life. I'm going to do what is right!" Tyler turned around and started to walk away.

Jennifer, consumed with mad fury, grabbed a kitchen knife and lunged forward slashing Tyler in the back. Surprised by the attack, he spun around and took a step back as she plunged the knife deep into his chest. He gripped the knife and tried to pull it out. It was stuck so deep it would not move. As blood gushed onto the floor Tyler cussed her, "You cunt!" Tyler looked at Jennifer and tried to reach for her but as she stepped back, she slipped in the red pool under her feet. Grabbing the counter to right herself, she turned and ran from the room as Tyler collapsed to the floor. Coughing blood, he tried to pull himself up to get to the phone sitting on the counter. He was getting weaker as his body poured blood from all the wounds in his back, chest and oozed from his mouth as he sputtered. The phone slipped in his blood-covered hands as he tried to grasp it. The searing pain in his chest made it hard to focus. He tried crying for help, but the shock was starting to set in. Fading in and out, Tyler remembered his cell phone in his pocket. He reached in and pulled it out, and Austin's half of the broken necklace was tangled around his phone...