Final Exams

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Does he have the balls to convince his fiancee he’ll change?
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Many thanks to Literotica storyteller HMAuthor for first editing and improving this story.

Heartfelt thanks to the gracious Madelynn94, who hated this story but couldn't help being an amazing editor anyway, spinning gold -- or a least copper -- out of straw.

And for a clean-up edit and catching more mistakes, thanks to the appreciative Mommylovesgirls.


"Are you almost done, Mr. Slye?"

He looked up in surprise at one of his hottest former students, accompanied by four others. His doors and windows were wide open for maximum air flow, and the ambient noise had concealed their quiet entrance.

Arrayed around Heather in front of his desk, like the court of a beauty queen, were Summer, Celia, Andi and Samantha. All of them were pretty, had fully developed bodies and had been in his senior drama classes a few months ago.

"What are you girls doing here?" he asked.

"We knew you'd be preparing for the start of school, Mr. Slye. So we came by to see if there was anything we could do to help."

He didn't believe Heather. That wasn't the reason for their visit. But he played along.

"Thank you for offering, girls. That won't be necessary. I'm finished and just about to lock up. Don't you have better things to do than hang around here anymore?"

"You were our favorite teacher, Mr. Slye," Summer said. "We wanted to surprise you and see you one more time."

"You succeeded. This is a surprise."

He closed the open folders on his desk, put them into drawers, locked the desk and stood up. They watched him close the windows and lock one of the two classroom doors.

As he stepped away from the door, the fivefour girls moved to him. They were so close he could feel their body heat enveloping him like a blanket. All of them were wearing strong perfume, and the smell was overpowering. He felt dizzy.

"What are you doing?" he asked and lifted his arms to push them away. He hesitated, because the only place his hands could go was on their breasts that were barely contained by skimpy halter tops.

He felt hands grab his wrists, and as he looked down, he saw Summer hold his wrists together while Celia quickly wrapped a strap of fabric around them a few times and tucked the end in under them. When his wrists were bound together, they dropped them.

As his wrists fell, he felt his feet being pulled out from under him. He yelled because there was no way to break his fall. He waited for his head to hit the floor.

But two girls were behind him and caught him. They lowered his body slowly, and his head ended up in the lap of one of the girls who was now sitting on the floor.

The rest of his body was pulled until it was stretched out. Another girl sat down hard on his belly. She stood up and dropped down even harder. All the air went out of him, and he felt as though he was going to pass out.

He barely felt the hands that unbuckled his belt and pull off his pants and boxers. When he felt warm hands playing with his testicles, his body jumped. He instinctively tried to push the hands away. He could move his arms from side to side, but his wrists were bound together, so his efforts were in vain.

He heard a snap and felt something around his ball sack. His head was slowly lowered from the girl's lap to the floor. He looked up and saw the girls gathered around him.

"Relax, Mr. Slye," Heather said. "We're done for now. Please listen carefully. We'll explain what's going on in a few minutes. Until then, all you need to do is listen and follow my instructions."

She held up a leather dog leash as she spoke.

"We just attached a metal ring around your balls, and the leash is connected to it. You're going to crawl by my side obediently, right at my heels. If you don't, the leash will pull your balls until you do and it will hurt.

"Do you see the heavy wooden paddles the other girls are holding out? If you don't heel, they will also swat you as hard as they can. You can tell us which hurts worse, the paddles on your ass or your balls being pulled away from your body.

"We're going to lock your office up and take you for a walk."

It was the second week in August, and the air conditioning wasn't turned on, so the dark halls were just starting to cool from the heat of the day. Slye knew other teachers wouldn't start coming in until next week, when he'd be in the mountains, so the only adult around was the security guard who lived in a trailer on the baseball field.

The guard spent most of his time in front of his TV with the air conditioning on and grudgingly made his rounds every four hours. He could yell as loud as he wanted, and no one would hear him. He decided to save his breath. He felt a tug on his testicles.

"Time to start our walk, Mr. Slye," Heather said as she pulled the leash slowly. Slye scrambled onto his hands and knees. As he began following her, he saw the other girls with their paddles begin walking behind him.

Heather led him to the school auditorium and then backstage. He was allowed to stand up to go down the stairs to the rehearsal room. The room was locked, but one of them had managed to get a key to the thick iron door. He saw that she locked it behind them once they were inside.

Slye looked around. The light was dimmed, so he saw only outlines, enough to tell him the girls had been busy down there. The room usually had only some chairs and a piano. He was still standing when Heather pulled him to the middle of the room and then pushed his chest hard. He wasn't expecting that, and he fell back, but not on the floor.

He was surprised to find himself sitting on a bed.

"Relax, Mr. Slye," Heather said. "This is a production we put together just for you. It's only one act, and there aren't many props, so it won't take long. Even though there's no air conditioning, it's cool down here under the theater. We also have some fans ready if it heats up to keep us all comfortable.

"I'm the narrator, so I'll set the scene. It's our high school, and it's senior year for the young students we're playing. There's one teacher we all like, and he seems to like us. He doesn't touch us, and he doesn't try to seduce us, but all the same, certain things he says and does are clearly beyond the teacher-student relationship.

"He's into sports and camping. He's fit and good looking, and he knows it. His students like him because he gets them excited about theater. All the girls fantasize about him.

"A few of them -- the smartest and best-looking ones -- get the impression that he thinks about them. As they turn eighteen and start exploring with their fumbling, clueless boyfriends, they imagine they're with the teacher. Each of them thinks she's getting signals from the teacher that tell her he'd like that, too, if he wasn't her teacher.

"All of them are dying for him to approach them, but they wait in vain. Then they graduate, and a couple of weeks later, he chooses one of them. The others are disappointed. When they talk to other former students of his, they find out he's been doing the same thing for at least ten years.

"Each year, he courts his hottest students in his special way throughout the year, without ever making a false move that could get him in trouble. When they graduate and are no longer his students, he makes one his lover for the summer.

"The chosen one is flattered, and she's so naïve that she doesn't question some of the things he does with her, things that are extreme, demeaning and sometimes even painful.

"By the end of the summer she may be feeling disgusted with herself and humiliated. But once she starts college, she's too busy to think much about what she and the teacher did.

Years later, she realizes how he used her. But she has to admit to herself that she was ready to be used and was even using him in her own naïve way. The summer memory is sugarcoated with nostalgia and the painful, degrading parts are mostly forgotten.

"This works for him until one year he makes a mistake. One of his drama students is unlike anyone he has ever known. He and everyone else realize she is a future star. She is incredibly beautiful and talented, and so warm and genuine that everyone loves her.

"Even though he courts other seniors that year, he knows she is the one he must have. She adores him as a teacher. The school year comes to a close, and he approaches her, but she doesn't jump into his bed willingly like the chosen ones in previous years.

"He has to trick her into giving in. His conquest of her consumes him so completely that he doesn't see her coming apart as he manipulates her into his demeaning sex scenarios.

"All this has happened before today's action begins. By the way, today's production is dedicated to our friend Emmiline. We usually do everything together with her, but she can't be here today.

As Heather spoke, Slye's eyes grew wider, and he began trembling with fear. He wanted to speak, but his words stuck in his mouth.

Heather stopped and looked at him inquiringly. He saw that she was waiting for him to say something.

He looked down at his lap and started when he saw the shiny metal band around his testicles.

"How is Emmeline?," he asked in a subdued voice.

"What did you say, Mr. Slye?" asked Heather. "We didn't hear you."

He raised his head and looked at them. Their angry faces made him stutter.

"I-I-I hope she's all right now."

"Do you have any idea why she'd try to commit suicide, Mr. Slye?"

He didn't answer, and after a moment, she continued.

"Don't worry. It took a lot of effort for us to pull it out of her. Nobody else knows -- not even her family -- so you're safe. Well, there is one other person.

"When we found out, we were in a frenzy. We went over to your house to tear you apart. Thank goodness, you weren't home. Tawny answered the door. You never told us you had a fiancee. She's beautiful and really nice, too. Talking to her a few minutes calmed us down.

"We were going to say something to her, but we were worried that she wouldn't believe us and would warn you about us. She said she's been with you two years, so we were sure she had had no idea about what you were doing every summer.

"We decided to sleep on it. The next day we were just as angry, but we channeled our anger. The first thing we did was find some of your previous victims and talk to them. We videotaped the interviews.

"Then we paid Tawny a visit when you weren't home, played her the videos and told her about Emmiline. Her first impulse to move out, break off your engagement and report you to the school administration. She was even angrier than we were.

"After that, all of us tossed around ideas and then worked on them until we came up with the first version of the production that's starting in a few minutes.

"Tawny was really wonderful. You're lucky to have her. She helped us a lot. She never took your acting classes, but I think she's a great actress. You never noticed that she knew your secret. We've talked to her a lot, and we think she might still love you and give you a second chance.

"Today's show is scripted but will feature a lot of improvisation, especially by you. Yes, you are the star of the production. You'll play the teacher, and we'll play the students who wanted the teacher to fuck them before they found out what he did to their friend and began hating him at the same time as they loved him for being their favorite teacher."

"Just sit quietly a couple of minutes while we turn on all the lights and the cameras on the tripods. The first act takes place on this bed. We're not going to gag you because this rehearsal room is so soundproofed that no one upstairs can hear anything. The security guard never comes here because he knows it's locked up for the summer. So you can talk or yell or do anything you want now."

Summer held onto his leash as the other girls moved equipment around. Then they took off his T-shirt and pulled him around the bed until he was lying in the middle. They attached new restraints onto his wrists and connected them to long straps. As Andi released the material holding his wrists together, Celia and Samantha pulled the straps back and attached them to the bedframe behind him. His arms were now spread wide on the bed behind his head.

"It's getting warm in here, Mr. Slye," Heather said, "but I've got some beer in the ice chest."

"I'm really sorry about Emmeline," Slye began as he watched Heather bring a plastic cup of beer to the bed. She stopped his speech by pushing the edge of the cup into his mouth and lifting it so it poured quickly into his mouth. He had to gulp fast to keep the beer from going down the wrong pipe and choking him.

When the cup was finished, Heather took it away, and Summer began talking.

"I get to go first. I've wanted to do this the whole year, and I can't wait."

She got next to him on the bed,beg and put one hand around his penis and began pumping it. Her other hand began fondling his testicles. He got hard almost immediately.

"Wow!" Summer said. "You're much bigger than my boyfriend. I hope you don't make me sore. I'm already wet, so let's go."

With that, she mounted him and began riding him. She was squatting on him and raising herself and coming down hard on his pelvis. His body started responding and moving with her. As soon as she saw him getting into it, she stopped and slapped him hard on the face. He screamed in pain and bewilderment. She leaned over so her face was inches from his.

"That's for Emmy,' she spat out, spraying his face.

She began moving on him again. He tried to lie still, but as he got more excited, he lost control. Once again, she stopped and slapped him hard on the other cheek and again leaned down and said, "That's for Emmy."

The pattern continued. He tried to close his eyes so he didn't see her pink, puffy nipples waving in front of his eyes. He tried to focus on how he could escape. But his body kept betraying him, and then came another slap. His cheeks turned red, and then blotches of violet began to appear from the deep bruises they were sustaining.

After one of the slaps, she rested for a moment and said, "The blue pills I put into your beer are doing a good job, aren't they, Mr. Slye?"

Then she was off again.

Finally, she leaned forward, pressed her breasts against his chest and began pounding him with her butt. She came down so hard on his thighs that she bruised them, too, before he spurted into her and she screamed and collapsed on him.

Samantha walked over to Slye's head. He was still in a daze from his orgasm and was moving his head back and forth trying to shake off the burning feeling from the bruises on his cheeks. She leaned over and spoke quietly, but her voice seethed with anger.

"I think you are starting to understand what our video production is about. We are all playing out our fantasies about having sex with you, but because of Emmiline, we're trying to mix our pleasure with your pain and humiliation. Sometimes we can't avoid giving you pleasure, too, like just now."

While she was speaking, Summer raised herself and moved up Slye's body. She moved her knees over his arms and next to his ears. Samantha lifted his head up and put a cushion under it. Summer moved forward a little more until her pussy was a couple of inches from Slye's mouth. He saw her closed puffy lips surrounded by spiky brown pubic hair. There was a drop of white come on her slit, and that provoked a violent reaction.

"Quick!" Samantha yelled. "Get that bucket here."

Summer moved back just in time for Andi to lift Slye's head so he could heave into the plastic bucket. They waited until his convulsions stopped and then took the bucket away and cleaned his face with some damp wipes.

"Tawny was right, Mr. Slye," said Samantha. "You are a bit squeamish about comecome. This scene will be difficult, but we know you can play any role."

Summer began sliding up his body again. She stopped as he shook his head wildly from side to side.

"Wait until his neck get tired," Celia said.

As soon as Slye's head began slowing down, Summer slid forward until her vulva was over his mouth again. Her pubic hair scratched his sore cheeks as the smell of his come began making him ill again.

When she was settled, her thighs kept his head from moving, but not his eyes, which frantically darted in all directions.

His body jumped as he felt something cool touch his genitals. It was a rough cloth that was soon rubbing them hard.

"Andi is scrubbing your cock and balls with alcohol to clean off the come," explained Samantha.

He felt the cool alcohol evaporate, and then warm hands enclosed his testicles and began fondling them

"Andi will play with your balls and make you feel good while you eat Summer out," said Heather. "Let's start the scene."

Slye kept his mouth tightly shut and tried in vain to move his head.

He felt Andi's hands stop playing with him and begin closing around his testicles. He began moving his lower body around on the bed and kicking his legs. But she avoided his kicks, and whenever he moved, her hands moved with him. They kept squeezing tighter.

"We're waiting, Mr. Slye," said Heather. "Your signal for the cameras to start is to stick your tongue out. Are you ready?"

Slye didn't answer. He was grimacing as Andi's hands squeezed tighter.

"Are you ready?" Heather repeated.

He screamed and then stuck his tongue out. Andi's hands relaxed and she began gently manipulating him again.

"We're filming, Mr. Slye," Heather said, "so please start moving your tongue. You can just lick around her hair to start."

She continued giving him instructions. Whenever he didn't follow one immediately, Andi's hands stopped fondling him and tightened around his testicles. As soon as he obeyed, she relaxed them.

Heather told him to move from Summer's hair to her slit. When his tongue touched the drop of his come, he almost lost it again, but a squeeze from Andi's hands helped him control himself.

Heather told him to lick up and down Summer's labia. After a few licks, her lips opened and his tongue began stimulating her clitoris. Her juices, mixed with some of his comecome, began to flow from the bright red folds inside her onto his tongue.

She squirmed, opened her legs wide and moved against his tongue. His tongue went deeper inside her, and her vagina opened more. The come started pouring into his mouth. He began gagging, choking and coughing.

"Swallow fast, Mr. Slye," Heather advised, "so the come doesn't get into your windpipe. And keep licking."

Summer's orgasm made her lose control, and she ground herself into Slye's face and shook for nearly a minute before she relaxed and moved back. He gasped for air.

She got off the bed and leaned over him.

"Thank you, Mr. Slye," she said. "I'd kiss you, except I can't find a spot on your face that isn't slimy."

"Tawny is going to love that scene," Heather said. "She's preparing for your trip to the mountains and we're giving her the video when we bring you home. You'll be able to watch it up there together."

The room was starting to get warm, and Slye was sweating. Celia brought him another beer and he gulped it down without prompting. It quenched his thirst but made him woozy.

"You're still nice and hard," Celia said as she mounted him. "You probably didn't need another blue pill, but I put a couple in that beer just in case. You'll probably be like a rock until tomorrow morning."

She began riding him. Although he was exhausted, after a while, he started responding. When she noticed, she got up and turned around and continued in reverse as Heather talked.

"Tawny was surprised to hear you liked anal. She said you never asked her for it. You must have seen how it hurt Emmeline physically and emotionally, but that didn't stop you. Celia's spreading her ass for you to look at while she takes you in her pussy.