Finding Dates for My Wife Pt. 03

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Lisa's mother suggests Paul set up date for Lisa with another.
16.2k words

Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/03/2018
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IMPORTANT: The narrator of the chapter is the character whose name is in parentheses in the chapter title.

Attention: This part of the story does contain wife sharing, father/daughter and mother/daughter incest. All activity is consensual and fictional.


Very brief summary from parts 1 & 2:

If you have read parts 1 & 2 skip this summary and begin reading "The Story Continues..." If you have not read the previous parts of the story it is highly recommend you stop reading this continuation of the story and catch up from the beginning. The story will make more sense if you take the time to do so.

In Part 1 we learned Paul arranges dates for his hotwife Lisa. He tells her when to be ready for her date to pick her up, but she does not know who her date is with until he arrives to pick her up. On Lisa's date with Carl she was dancing in the hotel club when she happened to run into her father. This led to Lisa confessing everything to him and learning for herself that her parents had been Swingers for many years. She was not sure, but thought they might still be active in the lifestyle.

In Part 2 Lisa learned more about her parents and why her father was mysteriously at the club without her mother. The identity of Lisa's next date was the biggest surprise of all the dates her husband has ever arranged. This time he set her up with her father. The whole family gets involved by the end of Part 2.

In Part 3 At the suggestion of his mother-in-law, Paul arranges a date for his wife, Lisa, with another woman. Lisa learns her mother has an interest in her she had not previously been aware of.


Chapter 13 - Visiting Parents (Lisa)

After Mom and Dad left Paul admitted the date he had set up for me, with my father, turned out even better than he had expected. He was concerned I might be upset about what happened between he and my mother. I assured him I had absolutely no problem with him fucking my mother and told him I knew Mom enjoyed it. This seemed to relieve him of some guilt and he admitted while he had not planned for that to happen, he had enjoyed his time with her very much. I told him that Daddy and I heard some of what was going on and told him we heard what sounded like someone getting a spanking. He gave me a grin, so I asked if he had spanked Mom.

My question apparently embarrassed him as he looked down at the floor. He said Mom was spanking his ass and that he was surprised how much it turned him on having her spank him like a child.

We both agreed a huge bonus of this past weekend was learning my mother and father are very active sexually and appear to have a healthy open marriage. In my wildest dreams I never would have believed this of them.

This had been the first time Paul had become sexually involved in our outside sexual activities. He had always been very happy to set dates up for me and listen to the details of the date when I returned. I had told him I would understand if he wanted to take some women on dates, but he always told me he was happy with the setup we had.

After all, I was getting to experience several different men, granted they were all of his choosing, but still, I didn't want to deny him the same enjoyment. It took me a while, but I eventually understood his enjoyment came from sharing his wife with others. It was a little strange his first woman outside our marriage had been my mother, but that also made it very special to me.

Paul had always told me he thought mom was very attractive and said it was easy to see where I got my looks. Mom has always been active and full of life, but never did I imagine my husband and mother in bed together. As it turned out they had a great time and I was happy for them.

After Mom and Daddy had left, Paul and I both agreed, if they were open to it, we wanted to pursue a more intimate relationship with my parents. The date with my father had been so much fun, but I did confess to Paul that during the date, or at least at the beginning, I had been unsure what either of us wanted. Now that our first date was behind us I knew I needed to talk to Mom. If she is still okay with what had happened, I knew I definitely wanted more. Now that the nervousness of that first date is gone, I knew the next one would be more relaxed and much better.

I told Paul how the date with my father had opened up a whole new realm of sensual mental images. The one that aroused me the most was when Daddy's cock was in me that first time and I was thinking about how this same cock had been inside my mother when my life began. Thinking about my father's cock in me still blows my mind and makes me wet.

Normally after one of my dates Paul and I go wild in bed, but that night Paul and I were both worn out from all the excitement and activities of the day. We took a long shower together then climbed into bed. He held me close and we drifted off to sleep.

The following morning Paul told me he was going to mow the yard. I said I was going over the my parent's house to talk to Mom. Paul told me to give Mom a kiss, then headed out the door into the garage. This was the first time he had said something like that. I had to grin as I thought about this subtle, but obvious transformation.

I wasn't sure Mom would be home, but decided to head over without calling ahead. I remembered I needed to fill up with gas and stopped at a station close to my parent's house. As I was filling the tank a pick-up truck pulled up at the pump closest to me. I wasn't paying much attention to the truck until I heard a man's voice ask, "Lisa, is that you?"

Looking up and toward the voice I saw a guy Paul had set me up on a date with. Running into one of my dates like this had only happened a couple of times and one of those was a guy I had asked Paul to not schedule any future dates with. This guy, I remembered, was one I hoped Paul would arrange to have him take me out again.

I gave him my best smile and said, "Hi Simon, you are looking good."

"You too Honey. I have been thinking about you a lot. Am I going to get to take you out again?"

"I hope so. You know it is up to Paul, but I told him I would sure like to see you again."

"How about you and me slipping away to that little motel out on the highway?"

"Sorry Baby, but you know that is not how it works. Paul has to set it up. I will not cheat on him."

"But it really isn't..."

"No, Simon, I don't do that. I will tell Paul I saw you, but I can't date you without him setting it up."

"Okay, but make sure he knows I do want to see you."

"I will. I promise."

Thinking to myself, I knew I would tell Paul to change Simon from the YES list to the NOT AGAIN list. He knew how this worked and trying to get me to cheat put him on the naughty list. It was up to Paul, but as far as I was concerned he was no longer a considered possibility. How date him try to get me to do something being Paul's back, especially after what Paul had done for him.

After finishing pumping the gas I got back in my car and drove the short distance to the house where I had grown up. Daddy was in the yard working and said Mom was in the house. He hugged me and gave me a kiss unlike any he had given me before our date. It was not filled with the passion we had shared when we were naked and in bed together, but it was still not the kind of kiss a father normally gives his daughter.

When he released me I said, "Wow Daddy. You certainly know how to take a girl's breath away. Does Mom know you are kissing the women who drive up to the house like that?"

"Yea she knows, but she says I'm harmless."

"I will have to tell her you are anything but harmless. You have my panties wet."

Daddy just grinned and said, "Baby, your mother is in the kitchen."

"Thanks Daddy. Before I go, did she say anything about our date? Do you think she is still okay with it?"

"Yes Honey she has been talking about it constantly. I want to schedule some more time when you have a free weekend."

"I would like that a lot. Also, I talked to Paul and he wanted me to tell you that since it is you, you are always welcome to take me on a date, but if you just wanted to stop by when we don't have anything planned we could spend some time together. It would be nice to have some time to ourselves. It is okay with Paul, so if it is okay with Mom..."

I let my sentence trail off and watched as his face lit up in a smile and he said, "Honey that sounds fantastic. I will tell your mother then touch base with Paul and discuss it."

I wanted to make sure before I went into the house and asked, "You are sure Mom is still okay with what happened between us?"

"Yes Baby, she is, but a lot has happened and you probably should talk to her."

I headed into the house and saw Mom working in the kitchen. "Hi Mom."

"Oh Honey, it is so good to see you. I didn't know you were coming over."

"It was just a last minute thing. Are you aware there is a dirty old man in your garage kissing women?"

She grinned then said, "Baby you are the one who got his libido cranked up into high gear.. I have to tell you, I haven't seen him this happy in years."

"That makes me feel really good. Mom, the reason I came over was I wanted to see you and talk to you about Daddy, Paul and this whole last few days."

"Sure Honey. Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing wrong, I just wanted to make sure you don't have any regrets or second thoughts about what has happened. I also wanted to tell you how much Paul enjoyed the time the two of you spent together yesterday." I grinned and said, "Daddy and I thought Paul was spanking you when we heard the spanking. I found out it was your hand on his ass we were hearing. Mom he really liked that."

"Honey that is quite a stud you have there. It has been a long time since I have been with a young man who had the stamina to fuck me like that, and it felt really good."

"Mom, you are embarrassing me. The main reason I came over was to make sure you are still okay with Daddy and me dating."

"You mean, you want to go on another date with that old fart?"

"Mother, he is not an old fart. He is my Daddy, and yes I would love for him to take me on another date."

"Yes he is your father, but he still is an old fart. All joking aside, every time I think of that cock of his in you I get all wet between my legs. Honey trust me, I have no problem with the two of you dating whenever or as much as you want, but there is one condition."


"When the two of you are together I get to have Paul."

Laughing I said, "Mom that is a deal and I can tell you Paul will like that. That brings up something else. Paul suggested if Daddy just wanted to drop by the house either by himself or the two of you, he and I could have some fun. He said we didn't have to wait for an actual date."

"Did you tell your father about this?" I nodded my head causing her to grin and say, "I bet you made the old fart's day. He will probably be over tonight."

Mom and I spent the rest of the morning and until mid-afternoon talking. She told me lots about the swingers club they belong to and some of the more memorable things that have happened.

"Mom, I wish you had told me these stories years ago. Here I thought you and Daddy were pretty straight laced and boring, but now I learn you are two of the sexiest and sexually active people I believe I have eve met."

"I wish we had talked about this long before now, but the important thing is we now know and we should make the most of it. Honey we are going to have so much fun together."

I put my arms around my mother and gave her a hug, but something was different, or at least I felt like her hug was different than it had always been. Somehow it seemed to be sexually charged. I realized how stupid this was and shook it off. I told her I needed to get home to Paul and asked if she and Daddy had any hot dates coming up. She just grinned and said, "I have some plans, but we can talk about those later."

Wondering what that was all about, but not pressing the issue, I sad my good-byes and headed out to tell Daddy bye.

"Daddy I have to go, but wanted to tell you again how much fun I had this weekend. Please remember to stop by anytime you are in the area."

"I will honey."

He gave me a hug and a kiss. When out lips parted I said, "Daddy! You are going to make me all wet." He laughed as I headed toward my car and drove back home to Paul.

Chapter 14 - Mom's Proposal (Paul)

The following Wednesday I was in the office when I got a call from my mother-in-law. I saw her name on the caller ID and answered the phone, "Hi Mom."

"Hi Paul, is this a bad time?"

"No, not at all. You can call me anytime."

"Paul I don't know how to say this without sounding blunt, but I called to make sure everything is okay and you have no regrets about what happened this past weekend."

"Are you kidding, I always thought you are a beautiful woman and I even thought if you weren't Lisa's mother... Well you know."

"Yes I think I do. I am very happy to hear that. I hope the four of us can continue to build on what we have started. I know you are busy, but do you have a couple minutes to chat?"

"Sure, what is on your mind?"

"I know how you set up dates with men for Lisa and I know you both have a lot of fun with that lifestyle. I have been thinking and wondered if you would consider arranging a date for her with another woman. Have you ever considered doing that?"

I never had considered something like what Lisa's mother was proposing, but it did sound like fun. "Do you know something I don't?" I asked.

"You mean do I know if she likes women? If that is the question then no I don't, but I can't think of a better way to see if she does. After all I know she has to go on the date with whoever you set her up with and can't refuse."

"That is true and I have to admit I like the idea. The question now is who would I get. Do you happen to know someone you think would be good?"

"As a matter of fact I do. I actually know two or three, but there are two that really stand out. One is a woman I have had experience with, but I am pretty sure Lisa has never met her. She is about ten years younger than me, married and bi-sexual. I really don't know any true lesbians, but this gal is not only very attractive she is also very good at knowing how to make a woman feel good."

"Sounds to me like you are speaking from personal experience," I said.

I could heard the smile in her voice when she said, "You might say she and I are very good friends."

I said, "You said you have two in mind. Tell me about the other one."

"She is my age and she is also bi-sexual. She loves intimate time with a woman, but this one Lisa does know."

I had a feeling I knew who she was talking about and asked, "Does she happen to live very close to where my father-in-law lives?"

"Well Honey you might say they live so close he and this woman share the same bedroom."

I found myself sitting there grinning and nodding my head. My suspicions had been spot on. "So Mom, since you know both of these ladies, which one do you suggest for Lisa's first date of this kind?"

"As much as I hate to say this, I think the first one, the one she has never met, would be the best."

This was not what Paul expected, but said, "Do you want to set the date up or should I talk to this lady?"

"Since this is your thing, I think it best if you set up the date. Obviously, I am willing to make first contact and talk to her. If she is interested I could let you know and then you could set up a time to meet her."

"I like that idea. Why don't you do that and then let me know. If she is not interested maybe the second lady might be available."

"I am pretty sure she would be, but I am also fairly certain once my friend hears what is up she will jump at the chance to meet Lisa."

"Mom you are the greatest. Let me know what you learn."

"I will Hon and I love you."

"Love you too."

Hanging up the phone I sat there thinking about what had just happened. What would Lisa say when a woman showed up at the door instead of a handsome man with a big cock? Would she follow the rules and go with the woman? Would she be intimate with a woman? She very well might do it, but the big question is whether or not she would actually enjoy being intimate with another woman.

I was very anxious to hear back from my mother-in-law and hear what the woman said. Even the thought of Lisa going on a date with her own mother sort of got my cock hard. One thing was for sure, I was going to set up more dates for Lisa with her father. It had gone very well and I knew both were interested in a repeat performance.

As was always the case Lisa and I had mind blowing fuck-a-thons every night for about a week following all of her dates. After that we fucked every two or three nights. I was even more excited now than normal as I thought about my mother-in-law's proposal.

I had just filled Lisa with another load of cum and we were laying there in bed when she asked, "Have you been looking for a new date for me?"

"As a matter of fact I have and I believe I may have one that you are going to enjoy a lot."

"Really, when will you know for sure. That sounds exciting."

I said, "I am not sure. This one might take some extra planning. I promise to let you know as soon as I am sure."

She gave me a kiss then said, "Baby I love you so much."

"I love you too Babe."


The following morning the phone rang and I saw it was Karen. "Hello Mom, what's up? Have you talked to your friend?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact that is why I am calling. I talked to her last night. I told her most of the story, but she doesn't know Lisa is my daughter. I told her how you set up dates and how Lisa has to go with whomever you select. I told her she would be Lisa's first woman and she thought the whole idea was incredibly hot. She is expecting a call from you. I told her I didn't know when or even if you would call, but she assured me she is very interested."

"Thanks Mom, that is fantastic. Do you have her name and phone number?"

"Yes I will text it to you along with her address in case you want to meet her face to face."

"Great, yes I always like to meet her dates beforehand. Send me the information and I will give her a call. I will be sure to let you know what she says."

"Thanks Paul. Good Luck!"

I hung up the phone and about five minutes later my phone announced I had a text message. I saw the woman's name was Rita and the address was in a very nice part of the city. My nice I mean expensive.

Dialing the number a woman with a very sexy voice answered, "Hello?"

"Yes Rita, this is Paul. I am friends with Karen."

"Oh yes Paul. Karen spoke very highly of you and told me all about what you and your wife are into. It sounds like you are a couple who has a lot of fun."

"We try. I guess Karen told you all about us and what we do. Is there a time you and I could meet?"

"Sure Honey, are you free this evening?"

"I can be. Will 5:30 work for you?"

"Yes, I will leave your name at the gate. See you at 5:30."

As I hung up the phone I now realized just where this woman lived. She was in a gated community and there were some extremely expensive homes in that area.

Five o'clock finally came. I wasted no time getting to my car and heading out in the direction of where Rita lived. As she promised the guard at the gate said I was on the list and that I was expected.

When I found her address I was very impressed and wondered what she and/or her husband did to be able to afford a place such as this. I rang the bell and a woman in her mid 40's answered the door. She was nicely dressed and very attractive. Thinking to myself I wondered what I was doing setting my wife up with this woman. I should be setting myself up with her. I had visions dancing in my head of my mother-in-law and this women naked and in bed together.