Finding Dates for My Wife Pt. 07

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Paul shares wife with three generations.
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Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/03/2018
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Paul Scott -- Lisa's husband

Lisa Scott -- Paul's wife

Ben Scott -- Paul's father

Rita Williams -- Friend of Karen

Alan Williams -- Rita's Husband

Charles Hose -- CEO of Investment Business

Steve Hose -- Accountant -- Son of Charles

Nate Hose -- 18-year-old student -- Son of Steve

IMPORTANT: The narrator of the chapter is the character whose name is in parentheses in the chapter title.

If you have not read the previous parts of the story it is highly recommend you stop reading this continuation of the story and catch up from the beginning. The story will make much more sense if you take the time to start at the beginning.


Chapter 46 -- Already? (Lisa)

My date with Steve and Nate had been a lot of fun. It was quite an experience being in bed with father and son and having son in my ass while father was kissing me, and I had my fingers wrapped around his hard cock. I had forgotten just how much stamina an 18 year old man possesses. I had to grin as I thought about Nate as he would forever remember the night he lost his virginity fucking the wife of another man who had shared his wife. Nate had left a load of cum in each of my three holes a cock could enter.

We ended the date with Nate and his father standing side by side while I gave them both blow jobs swallowing both of their loads of cum.

I couldn't help but to feel a little bad for Steve, but he seemed to have enjoyed himself. He fucked my pussy once and received the final blow job. I don't think it bothered him much that he didn't get much of me. He appeared to be more excited watching his son's excitement. I made a mental note to tell my husband if he wanted to share me with Nate or Steve that would be good, but I really wanted to make it up to Steve for the way I felt he had been neglected.

Riding home in the limo with a man on each side of me and each with his hand under my skirt I was thinking how having multiple men had been fun and how I would certainly enjoy doing it again, but my preference was to have just one man on whom to concentrate my attention. Before we left the hotel room I gave my thong to Nate. I wanted to give it to Steve, but felt Nate would like to have it as a memento of the night he became a man.

I saw Steve grinning as I gave Nate the thong I had been wearing the previous evening. Nate was speechless, and I was sure he very likely would have several more he would add to the collection as he demonstrated to other women how well he could use his cock.

As usual Paul was excited to see me when we arrived back home. I normally tell him all about my dates and he fucks the shit out of me as I tell him all the details. This time he could see how tired I was and somehow knew I had been up most of the previous night. I told him to please limit the number of 18 year old virgins he shares me with. I told him how Nate's stamina had been amazing and exhausting. Nate had been a lot of fun, but he totally wore me out.

I had no more than gotten home and told Paul how much fun I had when he informed me I had another date the following weekend. He said it would be different in that it would not be an overnight date and rather than being picked up Friday evening - as was the usual practice - this time I would be picked up at noon on Saturday. He said it would be a late night for me, but I would not be spending the night.

This was quite a departure from our normal routine, but I didn't question it. Paul had never before shared me with other men on three consecutive weekends. I wondered why this weekend was going to be different and he offered no explanation for the increased frequency of sharing me.

Paul is always horny after each of my dates. He knew I was tired, but I was well aware of the fact he had been home all night by himself. I put my arms around his neck and hugged him tight. As we kissed I rubbed my inner thigh against his leg. Lowering one hand I squeezed his hard cock. "Honey you want to hear about my date?"

"You know I do, but maybe you should take a nap. We have a big evening tonight. Rita invited us over for a cookout. I already told her we would be there. I know those guys probably kept you up most of the night and you should get some rest."

"Yes, but they were a lot of fun. Did Rita say what the plans are for tonight?"

Paul grinned then said, "You mean other than the obvious?"

Nodding my head, I smiled and said, "Yes - other than the obvious."

I could see the excitement in his expression when he said, "Last night I put the video of your birthday together and it's ready for us to watch. I told Rita I'd bring it along."

Even though I had already seen most of it, I was excited to see it after Paul had edited it. I knew it would be much better than the raw video Rita and I had watched. I said, "Honey I'm so excited. I want to watch it now."

Shaking his head he said, "Sorry Baby, but you have to wait until tonight and I'm serious, you need to get some rest."

I started to argue, but knew when it came to stuff like this there was no way I would change his mind. I said, "Okay, but that is not fair. You got to see it and I haven't."

Looking at me as if I was lying, he said, "Excuse me, my darling wife, but I don't believe that's 100% true. Seems you forgot to put the data card from the camera back in the camera. My guess is you and Rita already watched it."

Knowing I had been caught I said, "But Honey, it's always better after you edit it. I only got to see the unedited video."

"Sorry Sweetie, but you have to wait. Now I believe you were about to take a nap. When you wake up I want to hear all about you taking that boy's virginity."


I only slept a couple hours but when I woke up I did feel much better. Paul was eager to hear all the kinky details of my date. By the time I had finished telling him the story I had another load of cum in my pussy. If Paul was the only man whose cock ever entered me, I would be perfectly content, but the fact he found pleasure in sharing me with others was perfectly okay with me. I enjoyed the variety and seeing how aroused it made my man. I enjoy being my husband's Hotwife, and I love him with my whole heart. I cherish each and every time we lock the door on the world and surrender ourselves into each other's arms.

After I had cleaned my husband's cock of the evidence of our lovemaking, we were lying there caressing each other when I said, "Honey the strangest thing happened last night. All evening I had the feeling I had met Steve and his son before. They looked very familiar, but I never was able to figure out where I had seen them."

"Did you ask?"

"Yes, but Steve kept assuring me we had never met and while that's probably true, I still can't figure out why I kept getting such a strong feeling I had seen him before."

Call it intuition or something else, but I swear I saw something in my husband's expression that told me he knew more about Steve than he was willing to admit. My guess was he either knew or had a good idea why I felt the way I did. How could I be mad at a man who loved me as much as my husband and I was well aware of the fact his little harmless secrets usually ended up providing both of us with a lot of fun, not to mention the arousal I experienced trying to figure out what it was he enjoyed hiding from me so much.

Later when he went outside I began a search of the house for the DVD he had prepared. I simply could not wait another hour before I got to see what he had put together. I knew I couldn't let him catch me searching for it and kept an ear open to hear the door opening so I would know he had come back in the house. I was on my hands and knees looking under our bed when I heard Paul clearing his throat then ask, "Looking for something Honey?"

I turned to see him standing in the doorway of our bedroom. "No, just cleaning under the bed," was all I could think to say on such short notice.

He said, "Cleaning? Did you forget the duster or mop? I can go get it for you if that's really what you were doing. Isn't it a little heard to clean with just your bare hands?"

I was happy he could not see my embarrassment shown by my red face when I said, "No Honey that's okay. I've got everything under control."

He said, "Okay, if you say so. See you later."

I was pretty sure he knew I had not been cleaning, but I didn't know if he knew what I had really been doing. I saw him out by the pool testing the water and making adjustments by adding some chemicals to the water. Once again I resumed my search. This time I was in his office when I heard him. I was concentrating on what I was searching for and had not heard him when he caught me this second time. This time I didn't realize he was there until I happened to look up. He was leaning against the door jamb slowly shaking his head with a grin on his face as he said, "Nope, I didn't hide it there either."

Immediately upon saying that he turned and walked back outside with that stupid grin still on his face. There was no doubt now that he knew what I'd been looking for and if he had anticipated me doing a search I knew he would have selected a place to put the DVD where I would never find it. Giving up I realized as hard as it was going to be, I had no choice but to wait until later that night.


Rita told Paul we were to wear pool clothes. I knew both she and Alan liked my yellow bikini, so I put it on and grabbed a wrap-around cover-up. Paul slipped on a pair of baggy swim trunks. I told him it wasn't fair that men could wear something like he had on but women were expected to look sexy. I had bought him a tight fitting stretch fabric bikini swim suit for men. It was almost exactly like those the Olympic swimmers wear. He looked hot in it and it left absolutely nothing to the imagination. The stretch material conformed to every curve of my husband's very manly body. He looked hot in it, but he only wore it on special occasions.

Paul headed out into the garage and was back inside a few seconds later. In his hand was the DVD case I had been searching for most of the day. He held it up and was grinning like a Cheshire cat when he said, "Look what I found. Baby is this what you were looking for earlier?"

Grinning back I said, "You bastard, you know it is." Then with a fake pouting face I said, "It isn't fair you've seen it and I haven't."

"Sorry Baby, I truly am sorry. I guess I should have let you see it."

He was still grinning as I said, "Yea, right. That's what you say now."

He took hold of my chin with his thumb and forefinger and lifted my face to look at me before saying, "You are so damn cute when you're pouting. Maybe if you're upset, maybe I shouldn't share you with Alan tonight."

Looking at him I said, "You wouldn't dare." Pointing at the DVD I said, "If we're going to watch that tonight there better be a hard cock there for me to play with."

He kissed me then said, "Baby tonight is going to be fun." He then hugged me and had a handful of my ass as he squeezed it as hard as he could.

I yelped at his hard squeeze then looking at him I said, "Baby, I love you so much. What would I ever do without you?"

He simply smiled then gave me a passionate kiss. We headed out the front door walking over to Alan and Rita's home. It was a nice warm evening and living this close to our dear friends was very nice. Even living this close we only saw Alan and Rita maybe once or twice a week. We still shared intimate time together, but not so much that it became routine. Alan never stopped by unless Paul invited him over and even then we seldom ended up in bed. He always gave me some wonderful kisses enjoyed teasing and flirting with him, but full on fucking was rare, and that was good. It made those times when we did get naked together that much better.

Chapter 47 -- Lisa's Video (Rita)

Alan and I were looking forward to having Paul and Lisa over for a cookout. When I called Paul earlier he told me he had finished the video and asked me if I had enjoyed watching the raw video with Lisa. I told him I had and was looking forward to seeing the finished video. Lisa had told me Paul enjoyed editing videos and that he does a really good job.

Alan had the steaks and was getting the grill fired up, ready to go, when I heard the door chime. I yelled out to Alan, "They're here." He gave me a thumbs-up hand gesture as I went to answer the door. Opening it I saw Lisa looking as sexy as ever. I gave her a hug as she entered our home. Paul hugged me and gave me a very nice kiss. I said, "Alan is out back with a full cooler of beer." Paul gave me a grin then headed in that direction.

Turning toward Lisa I said, "I hear you just got home form a date this morning. How did it go?"

"It was a really fun date with a man and his 18 year old son. I had forgotten how much energy an 18 year old has."

I laughed and said, "Not only energy, but they can get so incredibly hard. Paul said the son might have been a virgin. Is that true?"

"He was when they picked me up last night, but by midnight his virginity was just a memory."

Laughing I said, "Come on into the kitchen and tell me all about it. Don't you dare leave out even one single orgasm."

Lisa was a chatterbox as she told me all about her date. The part I thought was the hottest was when the three of them were in the bed with her looking at the father while his son's cock was in her ass. I could feel the moisture forming between my own legs just thinking about how hot that must have been.

When she finished she said, "Paul figured out we watched the video. Evidently I forgot to put the data card back in the camera."

It dawned on me Paul had tricked me earlier by getting me to confirm we had watched the video. I told her about Paul calling and how I he tricked me into admitting what we had done. She grinned and said, "He's very sneaky. Just once I would like to be one step ahead of him. One of these days I will beat him at his own game."

We both got a good laugh out of it and I told her I would help her come up with some sort of a fun payback for tricking us. Seeing that she looked exhausted I said, "Sweetie I wasn't even thinking when I called Paul. I had forgotten about your date last night. I'm sure the last thing you want tonight is another cock banging away at your poor abused pussy."

"It's okay. I took a nap this afternoon and it has been a while since Paul has shared me with Alan. I want to see the video and I'm sure we won't be able to finish it all tonight before the guys need some attention."

I said, "I'm sure you're right. I just wish we had picked a different night."

"Don't worry about it, I will be just fine."

I said, "Honey, Alan put an all-weather big screen TV outside by the bar. He had it put so we can see it when we are in the hot tub. Maybe we can talk him into setting it up so we can watch the video from the hot tub."

I knew it was a good idea when Lisa grinned then said, "That sounds like fun."

"Why don't you go suggest it to Alan while I finish up in here? He's much more likely to be willing to do it if a girl as sexy as you asks him to do it."

The grin she gave me was priceless. She had already taken off her cover-up when she said, "Maybe I can give him a little extra incentive." I watched as she removed her bikini top placing her adorable firm breasts on display. She was now wearing only the bikini bottom. With a sexy grin she asked, "Want to get my nipples hard for the men?"

I didn't need to be asked twice. I could never get enough of this sexy little thing. I took her in my arms and kissed her then dropped to her tits and sucked them into my mouth, one at a time, getting them hard as little stones before giving each a nip with my teeth making her squeal before I slapped her ass and said, "Get out there before I carry you up to the bedroom and none of us gets to eat dinner."

She gave me a grin then slapped her own bare ass cheek before opening the door and heading over where Paul and Alan were standing. I could not help but watch the reaction of the men as she approached. Their conversation came to an end as they both watched Lisa give them an exaggerated sexy walk.

I couldn't hear what they were saying, but saw Alan pull her into his arms when she got within reach. After giving her several kisses I could see her pointing in the direction of our new outdoor TV and the hot tub as she made her case. There was no doubt in my mind we would be watching the video from the hot tub, Alan was incapable of saying NO to anything Lisa wanted. I had to smile when I saw Alan nod his head. Lisa gave him a kiss and hug before heading back toward the house. I even saw Paul give her ass a swat before she got out of his reach. She squealed and looked back over her shoulder at him. He blew her a kiss and she grinned.

Once back inside she said, "He said he would have to hook up the DVD player to the TV, but that he and Paul would be happy to do that."

"I told you he would do it if YOU asked."

Giving me a devilish little grin she said, "It's so easy to get men to do what we want. Sometimes I almost feel guilty how easy it is."

I said, "I bet when you were little you always went to Daddy to get what you wanted."

"Absolutely! The rule was if Mom said NO then I couldn't go ask Daddy. Mom ALWAYS said no so it didn't take me long to start with Daddy. He told me no a few times, but nothing like what Mom did."

"You must have been quite the little Daddy's girl growing up. Did it surprise you when you found out he wanted Paul to share you with him?"

"It did a little. After that night he saw me on one of my dates and I explained what I was doing I got a feeling he might be interested. Before that night I'm almost certain he never would have even thought about it."

"You and Paul have a very special marriage. I've known several couples who've tried swinging and I'm well aware of the fact swinging is different than what you and Paul do, but it's common for problems to develop when introducing someone else into the intimacy of a marriage. It's very refreshing to see the two of you have been able to avoid those issues."

"Yea, and I think it works so well for us because we love and trust each other so much. We've also been successful separating love from sex. Paul knows I love him and sex with the men he shares me with is just sex. Alan, Daddy and Paul's father are the exceptions. I love each of them too, but even that is a different kind of love than what Paul and I share."

I marveled at her insight. I said, "Sweetie you are truly a unique woman. I'm so happy fate brought us together." I could not resist pulling her into my arms and giving her a big hug. There was nothing sexual about our embrace; I just had an uncontrollable urge to give her a tight hug.


We were finishing up eating when Alan told us Paul had successfully hooked up the DVR. We were all still in our swim suits with the exception of Lisa who had never put her top back on. Just before standing up I asked, "Everyone ready for dessert? I know I am." I then stood and stepped over to Lisa and took her hand. She grinned and stood to follow me to the hot tub. The table was between the pool and hot tub. The guys remained seated while they watched us.

I took hold of the strings tied in bows at Lisa's hips then tugged on them to untie the bow knots. After pulling the tiny piece of fabric from her pussy and from between her ass cheeks I knelt to the ground as she spread her legs in anticipation. Holding her lips open with my thumbs I flicked the tip of my tongue rapidly over her sensitive little clit. Her hands were on the top of my head to help her maintain her balance. After I brought her to a quick orgasm I stood and led her up the steps and into the tub. Once in the tub I removed my swim suit and sat in the tub next to Lisa.